[Appendix 1/3] Worldbuilding

"Cobala is not a nation with an army. It is an army with a nation." - Goblin Scholar, 15th c. A.D.

The Magnam Auream (lit. "Grand Array"/"Golden Horde") is the army of the empire of Cobala. The citizens of Cobala are all virtually soldiers and are obligated to serve in the army. It is commanded by Magna Aurea Imperata Caecus.

Motto ; "Valeur et Discipline" / "Ira y Retribución"

Battle cry ; "Dios desata la retribución! Gloria a Dios!" (trans. "God unleash retribution! Glory to God!")

Colors ; Auream (Golden Standard), Black Standard, Auream Imperata (Imperial Standard)

The Magnam Auream is one, if not the most powerful fighting force ever assembled in the history of the Realm. It is only rivaled by the Aelfnir (army of the empire of Alfheim), the Holy Kingdom Legion (army of the Holy [human] Kingdom) and the Achaeron (army of the first Demon Legion).

It possessed an unparalleled communication and intelligence division, which is one of the key influences in the Magnam Auream's successes.

It also has an excellent logistical system, supported by flexible and reliable supply depots and lines. Its doctrines allowed it to sustain movements and operations in a way unlike contemporary armies.

The army structure is based on the Trozo system, as opposed to the other armies' legion/feudal systems. This was eventually copied by virtually every army in the realm, as the Corps system.

Cobalian 'muharib' Infantry units

Provocator (Grenadiers) were the elite of the Cobalian infantry and the veteran shock troops of the Magnam Auream. Provocateur were experienced muharibswho served in at least two campaigns and were almost exclusively 3'6 feet or more in height. These soldiers were stronger and more fearsome than the average goblin, but still smaller than the hobgoblin. They are distinguishable by their bright-red scarves and sleeves, and wear the color of their Trozo and rank on their outer tunics and sash respectively. Upon the introduction of gunpowder ceramic-grenades, they became known as 'Grenadiers', notorious for their destructive and skilled use of explosives. During campaigns, they would often be formed into Provocator battalions and occasionally, a regiment or brigade. These formations would then be used as the advanced guard of a larger formation or as the shock force during an assault.

Tiradores (lit. 'marksman') were the elite light infantry of the muharib regiments. It was constituted by the smallest and most agile muharibs. The Tiradores were only second to the Provocateurs in the battalion hierarchy and were well respected. They performed valuable tasks such as skirmishing, acting as scouts for each battalion and provided the light infantry component essential to the Cobalian art of war. Tiradormuharibsare skilled archers above all, and excelled in guerilla warfare. They wore deep-blue scarves and carried much lighter equipment than other units. In battle, they were often deployed in an advanced line to provoke the enemy with ranged weapons and hit-and-run tactics.

Muharib (lit. 'warrior') are the typical soldiers of the Magnam Auream. A muharib could use a pike, hurl javelins and wield a sword skillfully. Cobalian soldiers were trained to march with speed over long distances, and adopted infantry formations to match the thirteenth-fourteenth century armies of the realm; they are able to form aggressive pike squares that countered cavalry and infantry alike and could break up just as quickly to employ a feint retreat. However, Cobalians are smaller than most of their enemies, mainly humans and elves. Thus, they often avoided pitched battles. Instead, they formed loose, mobile formations and fought with javelins, slings and the recurve bow. The Cobalian strategy of war was very much comparable to the Fabian strategyand proved effective against the contemporary tactics of human armies, which emphasized on disciplined, massed infantry formations and the reliance on knights and men-at-arms. Every muharib soldier is able to ride a mount, and nearly all own riding-dogs. A muharib is easily recognized by the bright-yellow/khaki colored clothing they wear, common with the majority of the Magnam Auream. In ranking, they were equivalent to a foot soldier of a feudal army.

Cobalian Light Infantry units

Trucidator (lit. "killers") were the light infantry equivalent of Provocateurs. They were composed of the tallest, bravest Cazadores that fought in at least two campaigns. As light infantry, they were able to perform all the same manoeuvres of muharib infantry, including difference laid in their training, and the high esprit-de-corps present with these light infantry units. Trucidateurs are much more skilled and able to move faster than their muharib counterparts. Light infantry tended to see more action on the battlefield and were often used to screen large manoeuvres. Naturally, as commanders often turned to light infantry on missions more often than the muharibs, light infantry troops enjoyed a higher esprit-de-corps and were known for their bold attitude. However, Trucidateurs are generally shorter than the average soldier, but no smaller than the Tiradores. Their small size allowed them to move through bush and forests quickly and hide behind obstacles during skirmishes. Trucidateurs too could be formed into all-Trucidateur battalions for assault or other operations requiring assault troops. They are distinguished by their deep-orange garments, similar to their mounted counterpart.

"Guerrilla" Tiradores fulfilled the same missions in the light infantry battalion as the Tiradores did in the muharib battalions, only they were more nimble and better marksmen. They were often known as Guerrilleros and are masters of guerilla warfare. They could infiltrate enemy lines and sabotage their communications and supply, as well as causing trouble and chaos in villages and towns. They wore dark-blue scarves and sleeves identical to that of a muharib Tiradores, with the exception of red stripes decorating the cloth. As with the muharib infantry, they too could form larger formations if needed.

Cazadores (lit. "Hunters") were the muharib of the light infantry battalions. They made up the majority of the formation. Armed with javelins and powerful composite recurve bows, Cazadores fought primarily ranged engagements and refused to fight the opposing forces in a pitched battle. A Cazador archer is trained to fire three arrows in under three seconds at ranges of up to 50-100 yards, and with impressive accuracy. As with most soldiers in the Magnam Auream, they could ride wolves, dogs and horses. Light infantry units were often mounted on large dogs and wolves, making them nigh indistinguishable from the Montado Cazador. Cazadores wore dark-green uniforms that helped camouflage their positions.

Cobalian Heavy Cavalry units

Montado Trucidator were the elite of all heavy Cobalian wolf-rider formations, and had an appearance similar to a foot-Trucidator; deep-orange scarves and sleeves, with the addition of blue stripes and a decorative helmet plume. Montado Trucidateurs rode the largest and heaviest wolves, dressed in lamellar and chainmail armours and were well-equipped for heavy-combat. Wolf-riders were required to be no less than 3'6 in height, as size is crucial for matching the contemporary cavalries of the realm, primarily the Royal cavalry.Select trucidator wolves were prized for their ferocity and strength in battle, taking down enemy horses and attacking alongside with their riders.

Ferrocapites (lit. "Iron heads") are the equivalent of men-at-arms in the Cobalian cavalry. They are the most heavily-armoured of all wolf-rider formations and like medieval mounted knights, were used as mounted shock troops. Because of the weight of their armour and weapons, both the wolf and rider had to be big and strong, and could put a lot of force and momentum to their charge. Their armor shielded against arrow fire but most importantly, protected their heads from enemy lances and swords. Ferrocapites were often massed with the Montado Trucidator into a cavalry reserve, to be used at the decisive moment of the battle. In this manner, they proved to be a devastating and potent force on the battlefield, able to shatter enemy formations and press home victory. They are distinguishable by the bright-red plumes on their closed helmets and blue-red striped garments.

Dragoons are the medium-weight mainstays of the Cobalian wolf-rider cavalry. Although considered as heavy cavalry used for fighting, they were also deployed as scouts and skirmishers. They were highly versatile being armed not only with straight swords, shields and lances, but also with the powerful recurve bow, allowing them to fight mounted or on foot; although fighting on foot became increasingly uncommon among the cavalry of the 13th-14th century Realm. The versatility of a dual-purpose soldier came at the cost of their horsemanship and swordsmanship, which were often inferior to the standards of other cavalry. Finding enough large wolves was difficult, and Dragoon troopers often had to make do with dogs instead. Dogs eventually became popular among the Dragoons and the light cavalry for their intelligence and discipline, able to aid their riders and follow their commands. A Dragoon wore bright-red garments and often tied red pennons to their lances.

Cobalian Light Cavalry units

Montado Cazadores (mounted hunters) are fast, light wolf-riders. They are the eyes, ears and ego of the Magnam Auream. They regarded themselves as the finest archers and wolf-riders in the Cobalian army. Although this opinion was not entirely unjustified, their flamboyant red-green uniforms reflected their gusto, and in battle they were ruthless. Tactically, they were used for reconnaissance, skirmishing, and screening for the army to keep the commanders informed of enemy movements while denying the enemy the same information and to pursue fleeing enemy troops. Armed with a pair of bows and a sabre, they had reputations for viciousness, cunning and reckless bravery to the point of being almost suicidal. Montado Cazadores are known and feared as "flying archers" to most people and as "Faevendi" (fairy hunters) to the elves and dwarves.


Picadores (lit. "pokers") were light wolf-rider cavalry identical to the Montado Cazadores in arms and role, but with the addition of a 3-5 meter long poisonedlance that earned them the title "pokers".Unlike the latter however, they were considered much less prestigious or elite. Their uniforms were less colourful as well, consisting of dark-green garments without stripes and lances without pennons. Picadores were, however, the second most numerous type of cavalry, next to the Montado Cazadores. They are extremely destructive against unarmoured enemy cavalry or fleeing troops.

Lancers were some of the most feared cavalry in the Magnam Auream. Hailing from the provinces of Ponus-Alqon and Susa, theywere nicknamed "Verdemon" (green demons) by the Kingdom soldiers and were merciless. These lancers rode light, medium-sized wolves and had near equal speed to the Cazadores, shock power almost as great as the Trucidateur, and were nearly as versatile as the Dragoons. They were armed with, as their name indicates, lances along with sabres and bows. They are recognized from Picadores by the white-red/black-red pennons on their lances and rich, blue-red/blue-yellow striped scarves and sleeves. Cobalian commanders insisted that they all be armed with lances, but real battlefield experience dictated that the Ponus way of arming only the first two or three lines during a charge with lances while the rest drew their sabres and stabbing-swords was more practical, and thus was adopted. Lancers were the best cavalry for charging and attacking against infantry squares and shield walls, where their lances could outreach the enemies' spears and swords and also in hunting down a routed enemy. Their ability to scour and finish off the wounded and fleeing without ever stepping off their saddles created perfect scenes of horror for the enemy. Lancer wolves would maul and disembowel fallen soldiers while the rider himself impaled stragglers and even blinded soldiers with a jab to the eye rendering their shield wall vulnerable. Wolf-lancers could also be deadly against other types of cavalry, and like the Picadores, could easily poison the horses of mounted knights.

Cobalian Imperator Guard infantry units

Imperator Guard

Guardia Imperata Provocator were the elite counterparts of the Provocator muharibs, and are the most senior regiment in the infantry of the Imperial Guard. Guard Provocateurs were nicknamed the "savages"as they were one of the few who were allowed to voice out their antics and ribaldry. These soldiers were the bravest and most experienced infantrymen in the Imperial Guard, with all serving in no less than four campaigns. A Guard had to be over 175 cm tall, received a citation for bravery and is literate. Hobgoblins filled the majority of the ranks, but even common goblins could become a Guardia Provocateur. This unit was used as a hammer to land the killing blow on the enemy and force a decisive victory, as well as acting as a reserve and rear guard during a retreat. They have an appearance similar to the Provocator, albeit with better armor, white cross belts, a bright red plume and black turban covering their helmet. On parades, they would wear faciemes, decorative masks.

Guardia imperata Cazador were the second most senior regiment in the Guard. They had the same criterias for recruits, but they accepted hobgoblins who were 170 cm and taller, and exceptions of goblins. The Guardia Cazador often worked along with its sister formation, the Guardia Provocateur during a committed Guard deployment. Like the Guard Provocateur, they too had no more than two thousand soldiers at a time. They are recognized by their green uniform identical to the Cazadores, with the addition of a white cross belt and red plumes on their dark-green turbans. On parades, they too could wear faciemes.

Praeceptor Guard

Guardia Tiradores were a regiment in the Praeceptor Guard that was composed of veteran infantry. These soldiers fought on more than three campaigns and served as NCOs of lower infantry regiments. Arguably the best infantry of the entire Imperial Guard, the Guardia Tiradores often worked with its sister formation, the Guardia Trucidator. Guardia Tiradores wore the same garments as its regular counterpart, with the addition of a red-plumed, dark-blue turban and white crossbelts. They were armed with refined bows and weapons, wielding them with impressive skill. Additionally, they wore scarves that left only their eyes and nose exposed.

Guardia Trucidator were the grenadier equivalent in the Praeceptor regiment. They were organized in the same way as the Guardia Tiradores, except with larger formations. Dressed in stunning orange garments and the red plume of guards, they were the shock force of a Guardia battalion.

Black Guard were the elite, secretive section of the Magnam Auream specializing in reconnaissance, espionage, sabotage and assasination. The Black Guard, as their name implies, wore dark garments that concealed their movements in the dark. Though lightly armed, they are perhaps the deadliest unit in the guerilla-war battlefield. A Black Guard assassin is the finest hitman at the disposal of the Magnam Auream. They are famous for the fearsome silver faciemes they wear on their face, making them look like Reapers.

Young Guards are composed of the best picks from new recruits. A Guard ranked higher than a regular infantryman, and often served as an NCO for younger recruits. Time and again, they proved their worth on the battlefield.

Tirador-Trucidator were composed of the most intelligent and strongest recruits. Officers of the Young Guard regiments were drawn from the Imperator Guard. These soldiers wore fancier uniforms than their regular counterparts, and were better armed. Tirador-Trucidator were often used to support the impetus of an attack, or replace a battalion retiring from the field.

Tirador-Cazador were constituted by the shorter recruits and are the elite equivalent of the Tiradores. As with the Tirador-Trucidator, their officers are drawn from the Imperator Guard. They wore a mix of the dark-green colors of the Cazador and the dark-blue of the Tirador, and were highly skilled archers.

Guerrilla division

Troyes brigade

Susa brigade

Del Monte-Fer brigade

Velites of Sucidus-Prasinus

(in development...)

Cobalian Imperator Guard Cavalry units are the creme de la creme of the cavalry in the Magna Auream. It is an elite formation of Cobalian troops composed of the tallest and strongest goblins, hobgoblins and a handful of humans. They rode huge warhorses and swift ponies, in addition to wolves and dogs.

Montada Guardia Imperata Provocator (horse) nicknamed the "Gods" or the "Giants". Veteran Hobgoblins that are rigorously trained, drilled and whipped into one of the most powerful cavalry formations in the Realm. A Hobgoblin must be no less than 170cm in height to become a prospective recruit. Most of the Guard Provocateur are over 6 feet tall, but lean and fit, allowing them to mount the largest and heaviest horses. Hence, the nickname "Giants", for their strength and stature. They are virtually never defeated in any engagement above the battalion level.

Montada Guardia Imperata Cazador (horse) known as the El Cabron (the bastards or savages). They are one of the most notorious cavalry regiments in the Magnam Auream. Constituted by some of the tallest and strongest goblins and a handful of select hobgoblins, these are only second to the Guard Provocateurs in prestige and power.

Elite Praesidiers (wolf-horse) nicknamed the "criminals" or, most often the "Devils".The title 'Praesidier' actually means protector, but ironically, because of their reputation for brutality and strict discipline, they are also known as the 'devils'. Even as protectors, they are often the ones who turn a blind eye to crime or punish suspects without trial, hence their notorious nickname of 'criminals'. Dressed in all-black garments similar to the black guard, and wearing iron masks cast with the image of devils/goblins, they are the paramilitary force of the Magnam Auream that patrolled and controlled the villages and cities captured by the Cobalians.

Servercitus Squadron (horse) literally "Slave army", these are select human soldiers taken from human communities and raised to become Cobalian warriors. Often, these people were former slaves who were convinced to join the Magnam Auream in order to win their freedom. Fierce and loyal, they are one of the few permanent non-goblin forces in the army. A warrior in the Servercitus is called a 'Servile' and wore similar uniforms to the muharib, with a distinguishable white/brown plume on their helmets. Serviles are actually treated well and had nigh equal rights as a Cobalian citizen.

Guard Lancers are taken from the most seasoned soldiers of the Lancer regiments. The greatest lancers were arguably the Ponus, originally wolf-riding tribesmen hailing from the southern provinces of Cobala. The Ponus lancers, along with their former rival tribe the Alqons, would serve in many of the Magnam Auream campaigns. The Guard Lancers were fearsome and deadly on the battlefield, and unlike their non-Guard counterparts who mounted wolves, they rode on smaller, faster horses called 'ponies'.There had been a long-standing rivalry between the Ponus-Alqons and the Scipians not only on the dispute of who was the better unit, but on deep political differences as well. The latter were loyalists to the Magna Imperator and the former held fierce, independent-state sentiments. Such disputes between units were not unusual, and well illustrated in this case. Guard Lancers would go on to serve as instructors and NCOs of other Lancer regiments, thus greatly multiplying their fearsome effectiveness. They are one of the only cavalry never beaten in any battle, alongside the Mounted Guard Provocateur.

1st Lancer Horse Regiment (Ponus)

2nd Lancer Horse Regiment (Alqon-Scipian)

3rd Lancer Horse Regiment (Scipian)

Scipian Horse-Archers (horse) one of the first 'true' cavalry regiments to be formed at the advent of the Cobalian Wars of Retribution.The Scipian horse archers were a unit of the Imperial Guard Cavalry who, as their name implies, rode on horses. This unit stemmed from the former Scipian wolf-archer regiments, and rode small, swift ponies. Scipians were distinguishable by their bright-yellow scarves and sleeves, and were armed with two or more composite recurve bows at a time. One bow was for long ranges and often had heavier draw weights, and another was used for swift, close-range combat. They were equipped with three quivers holding broadheads, heavy bodkin or pile arrows and specialized fire or signal arrows. Scipians were known to be able to fire three arrows in under a second, and they were deployed against both enemy cavalry and infantry to great effect.

'Imperator' (lit. "Commander") is the highest title bestowed upon a victorious commander of an army. However, it is more of a title, than an actual rank. An Imperator is essentially a decorated Praetor. (not to be confused with "Magna Imperator", which is the title of the ruler of the Cobalians.)

A Trozo (lit. "portion") is composed of 2-4 divisions. Trozos are the largest subdivision next to an army group. They are commanded by a Praetor, the highest military rank and the equivalent of Marshals, General-of-Divisions and Dukes in the human armies.

Praetors command Trozos, as well as act as the Governors of provinces and territories.

Divisions are composed of 2-4 brigades. They are commanded by Praeceptors, and are the main tactical formation of a Cobalian army.

A brigade is composed of 2 regiments apiece. It is led by a brigadier general. A cavalry brigade often refers to a division-size force of wolf, dog, or horse mounted troopers.

Later on, the Magnam Auream would establish an Artillery Brigade, Reserve and Artillery Park to take advantage of the new weapon known as gunpowder. Artillery batteries then would be used to support brigades and regiments, to great effect.

One regiment is made up of 4-8 battalions. It can either be a Muharib or Light Infantry regiment.

Imperator Guard regiments are the most prestigious and elite formations of infantry and cavalry in the Magnam Auream. It is constituted by a majority of hobgoblins, and some of the larger, veteran goblins.

Muharibs (lit. "warrior") are the equivalent of foot soldiers in the Cobalian army. Light infantry are elite, swift troops.

A battalion is around 100-600 soldiers each.

A typical Muharib Infantry Battalion is constituted by 4 companies of muharibs(foot soldiers), one company each of Provocateurs and Tiradores.In total, 6 co. per battalion. This formation may vary, depending on the circumstances.

Types of muharib (regular infantry) companies ;

Provocator ; (see: provocator)

Tiradores ; (see: tiradores) light infantry equivalent of the regulars

Muharib ; (see: muharib)

Types of [Light Infantry] companies ;

Trucidator (see: trucidator) light infantry equivalent of provocators

Guerilla Tiradores (see: guerilla tiradores) elite, light infantry equivalent of tiradores

Cazadores (see: cazadores) light infantry equivalent of muharibs

A Light Infantry battalion has 3-4 Cazadores companies, one company each of Trucidateurs and Guerilla Tiradores. This too, can vary in formation sizes. In total, 6 co. per battalion.

The Company formation is the fundamental base for unit designation. A company is composed of specialized troops, and forms up a battalion; essentially a combination of troops.

Numbers of soldiers in a company can be as few as 30, to as many as 200. Generally, company size is between 50-100 man strong.

Majority of the infantry were mounted on dogs and wolves. In battle however, they would dismount and fight on foot. When on the march, vanguards, flank guards and rear guards would ride.

Example of a military formation ;

- Trozo IV, 43,000~ troops (Praetor Melas)

- - 1st Division(14,400 each)

- - 2nd Division

- - 3rd Division (Praeceptor Brabalyabsk)

- - - 1st Brigade(4,800 each)

- - - 2nd Brigade

- - - 3rd Brigade (brgd gen. Dolas)

- - - - 1st regiment (2,400 each)

- - - - 2nd regiment

- - - - 2nd regiment (Colonel)

- - - - - 1st battalion(600 each)

- - - - - 2nd battalion

- - - - - 3rd battalion

- - - - - 4th battalion

- - - - - - 4a co. muharibs(100 each)

- - - - - - 4b co. muharibs

- - - - - - 4c co. muharibs

- - - - - - 4d co. muharibs

- - - - - - 4a co. tiradores

- - - - - - 4a co. provocators

This is, however, the ideal size and organization of armed forces. In reality however, it is often smaller, with unequal troops distribution. Nevertheless, the superior flexibility and tactical efficiency of the Trozo system and the new military doctrines and reforms meant that the Magnam Auream of Cobala can match and even overpower Realm armies.

One on one, the Cobalians are always weaker and inferior to humans, elves and demons. But they have their superb discipline, organizations and leadership to compensate for that weakness.

At the advent of gunpowder weapons, the Cobalians used artillery with unparalleled skill and to devastating efficiency, dominating the 15th century battlefield of the Realm without the need for magic or heroes.

Cobala has an area roughly around 420,000-500,000 sq. kilometres, and a population of up to 2.3 million Cobalians. Climate; Cold in the north, temperate forests in the south(middle). In the southernmost provinces, it is almost tropical.

The Kingdom in comparison, encompasses 640,000 . no less, and more than 24 million subjects. Elves, Dwarves, and many other 'lesser' beings combined, at around 40 million.

Total populace of the Realm is largely obscure, not many are interested in counting people.

(my idea of Goblin Slayer's world is based on the "real world" fantasy map of Cardonia, by Ross Thorn. The cardinal directions in my version are different however; draw a line from the top-left corner to bottom-right corner, and that is South and North, respectively. Cobala is basically the leftmost(close to Dravina) portion of Cyrin on the map, and the Oblast peninsula is Dravina. Svarti peninsula of the Dwarves is Theanas. Fara-Elonia is the Kingdom, and the lands of Essear-Belros is Elven territory. Check it out, it's cool.)

Actually using ancient/medieval/pre-World war history to write these…

Trying to worldbuild and fill in the Goblin Slayer universe with other colors, aside from blood red and pitch black…