Sabine Skywalker

Chapter 4

Disclaimer: For better or worse, I only owe the story and Disney owns the rest of Star Wars.

Hello there! This is the final chapter of this small story. In this, we see Vader's plan in motion and we find out how the rebellion reacts to having Vader as their new ally. Enjoy the chapter you guys and don't forget to leave a review with your thoughts or your idea for a story, if you have one. Now, without further ado, let's just jump into it!

Vader's TIE Advanced, Vader's point of view:

I was flying towards the rebel fleet in my TIE Fighter. Soon, my days in the Empire would be over and the final phase of my plan would begin. The fact that this will prove that I'm not evil anymore is an added bonus. As soon as I got near the main ship their fighters swarmed out of the hangars and started shooting at me, desperately trying to take me down. It may have been a futile effort but I had to show otherwise. I pretended to have trouble avoiding so many opponents, a task which, under normal circumstances, would be easier than choking someone with the force. I reached out to the force trying to find Sabine and I did, in one of the Ghost's turrets. I felt her warm, relaxing presence enter my head and I accepted it, allowing her to speak with me.

Sabine-So, you are really doing this huh?

Vader-Yes. When I say shoot you will shoot the turret, despite your current position, okay?

Sabine-So I can shoot you down?

Vader-Yes. Unless you have a problem with that.

Sabine-No, I don't. Just say when.

Vader-… … …Now!

Sabine started firing and I made the light speed jump at the last possible moment, so to any outsider, it seemed like my ship exploded in a million little pieces. I immediately blocked my force presence from Palpatine, to make him believe I was dead. After landing the ship in a hangar I rushed towards the command center of the ship. The rebels were discussing something inside and I just waited for the right moment.

Hera-Sabine was the one that took him down, Senator.

Mon Mothma-Congratulations, Specter 5. Amazing work out there.

Kanan-I still can't believe he is gone. It feels like a dream. I mean, he can't really be dead?

Zeb-Well I don't know about you but I'm glad that idiot is finally dead.

Vader-Do I seem dead to you?


Kanan-How are you still alive? Sabine blew you up!

Vader-The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities, some considered to be…unnatural.

Mon Mothma-Why are you here lord Vader?

Vader-Because I wish to join you. Officially, I mean.


Vader-Yes. I've been proving information to the Alliance for years.

Mon Mothma-Forgive me, but I don't believe that.

Vader-*Sigh*Alliance code AS1P6.

Sabine-Well this is unexpected.

Mon Mothma-Phoenix?

Vader-In the flesh, and metal I guess.

Hera-You are the Phoenix?

Kanan-Hold on. Who is this "Phoenix" person?

Mon Mothma-The greatest supported of the rebellion. He is the reason we have a fleet in the first place and without his information and funding we'd still be ambushing Imperial convoys.

Sabine-Consider me impressed.

Kanan-Vader, who were you before you were a Sith?

Ezra-I don't think we should dwell on that…

Vader-My name, the one I used before I became a Sith is…

Sabine-Something we don't care about.

Hera-Well I want to know.

Ahsoka-Sabine is right. It's in the past. All that matters now is stopping the Empire.

Vader-I agree. It was my mistake, something I intend to make up for.

Mon Mothma-How do we know if you really are on our side?

Vader-During encrypted transmissions agents use voice changing effects so no one recognizes any of them by their voices. Simply remove this effect in an old one of your choice and listen for yourself.

Ahsoka-That's a great idea. I'll get a log down here.

Transmission log, entry 327 out of 1089, alert of Imperial presence on Mustafar:

Ahsoka-Phoenix, what news do you have for us?

Vader-A disk with valuable information on the movements of the Imperial fleet has come to my possession. Records inside suggest a large portion of the fleet will be headed to Mustafar on Lord Vader's orders. They will take additional Star Destroyers from the blockade on Kashyyyk.

Ahsoka-So we have an opportunity to send help to the freedom fighters there?

Vader-Yes. Additionally, rumor has it a Jedi has been spotted in a settlement on the planet Zeffo.

Ahsoka-I thought the Jedi were dead.

Vader-Not all. This one has been disrupting Imperial excavations there for a good month or so. In fact, the Empire sent two Inquisitors after the kid.

Ahsoka-What happened to them?

Vader-Word has it one met her end on Kashyyyk and the other has been confirmed dead but no one knows what happened to her.

Ahsoka-Do you think we can recruit this Jedi?

Vader-I don't know. I spoke with Saw and he said he was a big help in freeing Wookie prisoners on a mission.

Ahsoka-Are they still fighting down there?

Vader-Yes. From what I've gathered he's been there plenty of times and survived anything from Purge Troopers to giant spiders.

Ahsoka-Thanks for the tip. I'll go look for him.

Vader-Just don't get yourself killed. I'll transmit a holo of his ship to you, as well as the location of the prison camp he raided with Saw.


Vader-I have to go. Phoenix out.

The rebels were left speechless. If I was in their place I would be speechless too I guess. After some moments, in which they collected themselves, Mon Mothma spoke.

Mon Mothma-I am surprised Lord Vader.

Vader-I suppose I would be surprised too. Now, do you allow me to work with you or not?

Mon Mothma-Of course! I'm sorry for not trusting you Phoenix.

Vader-I would appreciate it if you called me by my name Senator.

Mon Mothma-What is your name?

I subtly glanced at Sabine, who shook her head "yes".

Vader-Anakin Skywalker.

At that moment I saw everyone react differently. Kanan fainted, Hera took Zeb and her droid and run out of the door, with the excuse that she needed some air, Ezra was just staring at me, with the look of surprise on his face and Mon Mothma was trying to say something but couldn't. Ahsoka on the other hand hugged me and I took of my helmet.

Sabine-I'm sorry I did not believe you…father.

At that moment Kanan, who had just woken up, fainted again and the look of utter shock spread across the Senator's face.

Vader-I'm sorry I couldn't give you the future you deserve.

Sabine-It's never too late to start over right?

Vader-No. Never.

Sabine then hugged me and I retired to my newly assigned quarters to get rid of my suit, knowing that my life was finally starting to go the way I wanted. The next morning Palpatine received a package from me.

Emperor's office, Narrator's point of view:

The Galactic Emperor received his unexpected package early in the morning. After he had it checked again, for good measure, he opened it and found Darth Vader's full suit inside, along with a message. It said:

"I'm free now you old fool, prepare to die because your days are numbered.

Anakin Skywalker"

That was the last thing the Emperor ever saw, because of the heart attack he had moments later.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter guys. Also, I know having Palpatine die because of heart attack seems silly, just like the reactions of the rebels after Vader revealed his true identity, but I wanted to end this short story with a humorous approach, after all the tension between Sabine and her father. In addition, I hope you guys caught the Jedi Fallen Order reference in this chapter. Well, I have another one for you. Anakin's rebel code (AS1P6) means: Anakin Skywalker and Padme forever. AS and P are the names, and 1 and 6 are the numbers for the first letters of the other two words.

Before you go, don't forget to review this because I would like to hear your opinion about this, as well as any ideas you may have for future stories. In the meantime Yolowriter out!