-Author's Note: I don't own Teen Titans.

Out of Control

Raven's four demonic eyes glowed red as she violently lifted a car full of civilians up off of the street below her using her dark energy. She then turned and threw the car and its passengers at her team. Starfire caught the car mid-flight and gently placed it on the ground, out of harms way.

Raven then growled and lifted an entire bus full of civilians in frustration, before throwing it at her teammates once again. Starfire and Beast Boy, transformed into a tyrannosaurus, struggled to catch the bus. After nearly dropping it and both of them getting wounded by the impact, they managed to safely return the bus to the road with Cyborg's help.

"Raven, this isn't you. Snap out of it!" Robin yelled. Raven turned to him and snarled in anger. She then shot a bolt of dark energy at her leader. Only one member of the team even had time to react. Moving faster than anyone could really comprehend, Beast Boy shifted into a cheetah and launched himself at Robin. Barely managing to knock the Boy Wonder out of harms way, he didn't have enough time to save himself.

The bolt of energy collided with his feline form, throwing him backwards more than 50 feet from where it hit him. When Cyborg finally made it over his shock and to Beast Boy, he saw that Beast Boy's entire body was covered in scratches and bruises and his breathing was shallow. He had since fallen unconscious and shifted back into his normal form. Robin and Starfire simple looked at Cyborg and Beast Boy in shock, completely forgetting about Raven.

Raven had since returned to normal and floated to the ground just in time to see Beast Boy's get hit by her attack. She was motionless for a few minutes as her world crashed down around her. Unable to handle reality, her entire body went slack as she passed out from shock.

Meanwhile, Mad Mod slunk away from the conflict, smiling to himself. He had finally done something that no other villain in Jump City had done. He had killed a titan. Not only that, he had made another titan do it.


Four Titans stood around a bed in their tower's medical bay looking intently at the broken form of their friend.

"Tell us, friend Cyborg, will friend be Beast Boy okay?!" Starfire wailed, standing at the edge of the bed closest to her mechanical friend and his machines, trying to determine how her hurt friend was doing.

"It's hard to say," Cyborg started as tears began to well up in the Tamaranian's eyes. Cyborg looked to Robin, an unspoken understanding between them.

"Hey Star, would you mind waiting for us in the common room?" He asked, gently. Starfire looked at him quizzically for a minute before she headed towards the door, looking back to glance at her hurt friend once more.

"He's bad, Rob. Broken collarbone, smashed sternum, collapsed lung, a broken arm, a broken leg, definitely a severe concussion, not to mention all the scratches, cuts, and bruises." Robin winced as Cyborg listed off the rest of his injuries.

"Will everything heal? How long do you think it'll take? What can I do?" Robin started rambling questions.

"Relax Rob, I'm doing all I can. I think he'll be fine, but he's in rough shape and will be for the next few weeks, at least." Cyborg finished, putting a hand on the boy wonder's shoulder, comfortingly.

"I should have moved!" Robin uncharacteristically yelled out, clenching his fists at his sides.

"Whoa. It wasn't your fault. He knew what he was doing, he knew that he could take the hit better than you could with his enhanced healing. The green bean can think on his feet, I'll give him that." Cyborg finished with a smile, trying to lighten the room.

"Affirmative," Robin said, embarrassed about his lapse in control. He awkwardly turned to leave the room before waiting at the door and adding, "Cyborg, I want hourly updates on his condition." Cyborg nodded and smiled at Robin's attempt to seem nonchalant. He was ripped from his thoughts however, as he heard someone move in the back of the room. He sighed.

"I know what you're going to say, Cyborg." Raven said, coming to stand next to him at Beast Boy's bedside. She looked down, hood up and somehow covering more of her face than normal.

"Rae, it's not your fault. Mad Mod controlled your mind. No one knew that he had found a way to do it without his hypno-screens." Cyborg said, carefully trying to judge Raven's reaction.

"I should have known. I should have realized when his emotions were calm even while he was loosing. I should have known when he was acting smug instead of his usual." She rambled, voice still monotone but only barely. Cyborg picked up on it.

"Don't do that, Rae. You couldn't have known. It was unexpected." Cyborg said, moving to put a hand on her shoulder. She didn't shrug off the contact for once. Cyborg knew she was hurting, he always did, even if he didn't act it all the time.

"No. No, it's my fault, he's...dying. I-" Raven said, nearly losing control over her sorrow for a split second, causing a chair to be encased in dark energy.

"He's not. He's stronger than we give him credit for. He'll be okay, Rae." Raven composed herself but was thrown off by uncertainty in Cyborg's voice. She focused on it.

"What aren't you telling us, Cyborg." She said, turning to him abruptly, looking up at him. Cyborg tensed, she could feel his emotions rage conflict within him. "Tell me." She demanded, sternly.

"He..." Cyborg swallowed hard and Raven eased up, worried, "He has a low level of brain damage from the concussion, nothing that's too much for his healing ability to fully heal, I swear, but there's a tiny chance that he won't be completely normal for a few weeks after he wakes up." Cyborg said quickly, wincing.

"Cyborg, what are you saying?" Raven said, shocked but not showing it.

"His head will be fuzzy and he'll need help with things he didn't before for a little bit before his brain fully heals once he wakes up," Cyborg replied.

"And that will take?" Raven asked, digesting what he said.

"To wake up? Maybe weeks, to be fully healed, at least a month or more." Cyborg said, "But that's just a guess." He added. Raven sighed, she had slipped, and Beast Boy nearly died because of it. Now his mental faculties were affected, too. She felt awful, on the surface though, she simply nodded and left. She needed to think.

After drinking a cup of tea, she went back to her room to meditate. Her thoughts began to drift as she did, so. She thought back to the fight and how her body was moving on its own. She remembered struggling hard against it to no avail. It was as if she was a backseat driver in her own body. Suddenly she understood how Beast Boy felt whenever The Beast was in control. Her thoughts then drifted to Beast Boy. He annoyed her constantly and relentlessly but she knew why. He simply wanted her to have as much fun as the rest of them. His intentions were in the right place but forcing her out from behind her mental walls would never end well. She then thought about the fight. She remembered mentally screaming as she saw herself throw a powerful manifestation of her powers themselves at Robin, something she didn't even know she could do. She remembered how Robi had moved at the last moment and remembered breathing a sigh of relief until she saw that very same attack smash into Beast Boy at full force. She remembered somehow regaining control from Mad Mod's grip and being too shocked and exhausted to do anything. Why hadn't she healed him? At this thought, her eyes flew open and she stopped meditating.

Moments later she entered the med bay and put her hands to Beast Boy's arm. Dark healing energy encased her hands as she slowly healed his arm. She grimaced as a fraction of the pain was absorbed by her body and her own arm hurt for a moment, as happened anytime she healed anyone. Once she was done healing his arm, she moved to his collarbone and healed that as well, realizing she was too drained to continue, she teleported back to her room.

Unable to meditate or focus on reading, she simply lay on her bed and contemplated the source of her troubled mind, Beast Boy.

The next week passed and the residents of the tower were worse off because of it. They were all dealing with the absence of Beast Boy in the tower in their own way. Robin had spent hours and hours in his evidence lair trying to determine where and how Mad Mod got his new ability. Cyborg spent nearly every hour not checking on Beast Boy or fighting crime in his garage, simply doing nothing or occasionally fixing his 'baby.' Starfire was spending more and more time with Silkie and trying out new recipes with various foods that didn't generally go together. Raven, however, was struggling more than most. She had healed every single physical wound Beast Boy had many days ago and simply locked herself in her room. She spent nearly all her time meditating and trying to be interested in reading.

She had since realized that as annoying as he was, she actually missed Beast Boy and his company. Which shocked her more than she cared to admit. Out of all her friends, Beast Boy was the only one who consistently tried to involve her in what he was doing. Although she rarely took his offers seriously and even rarer was she found to participate, he still tried. She had grown to subconsciously appreciate the fact that he thought of her. Most of her meditation was spent wondering why he affected her so much. Out of everyone in her life, Beast Boy managed to elicit the most reactions from her, generally hostile. She just couldn't figure out why.

Crime had continued but it was obvious that the team didn't fight the same without Beast Boy. They were still effective but definitely less than when he was along side them. Robin often found himself calling orders to Beast Boy mid-combat before catching himself and changing his strategy to compensate.

That particular morning, they had just put a few routine bank robbers in jail and made their way back to the tower, all unnerved to return to a quiet tower, but none of them showing it.

"Good job, team." Robin said, when they arrived at the tower. "Well executed and effective." Robin had been complimenting them a lot more lately, Raven noticed.

"Thanks Rob, but it was just a bank robbery, man." Cyborg replied, smirking.

"Hey, even the smallest missions deserve commendations." Robin replied, proud at his reply.

"Are you quoting General MacAurthur?" Raven asked, monotone but raising an eyebrow.

"Batman." Robin said, embarrassed. Cyborg laughed but it died down almost instantly.

"I miss him." Cyborg said, uncharacteristically quietly.

"Me too. I miss friend Beast Boy." Starfire said, looking down and unconsciously landing, not happy enough to hover.

"Yea, we all do." Robin said. Raven looked away, unwilling to let herself slip. Robin looked at Raven. Guilt rolled off her in waves so strong, he could feel it through their emotional bond. He shot her a reassuring glance when she turned back to the group and she looked back at him, thanking him wordlessly.

"Uhh, hey." A voice said, shakily from the doors to the common room. Raven had to suppress the urge to hug Beast Boy as he entered the room, clearly shaken.

"Friend Beast Boy!" Starfire yelled, flying to him and crushing him in a tight hug. He winced and patted her back, awkwardly.

"Hey, Star." He replied, trying to breathe. Starfire let go, hearing his pain before looking at him, apologetically.

"Hey B. How ya feeling?" Cyborg asked, smiling, but concerned.

"My head feels like...lead." He said, half smiling, his head fuzzy.

"Good to see ya, Beast Boy." Robin said, walking up to him. "I'd, uhh, like to thank you." He added, awkwardly. Beast Boy half-smiled harder and answered.

"Anytime, Rob. All in a day's-" He stopped as he felt suddenly dizzy. Seeing this, Raven used her energy to bring a chair up behind him. He sat down, gratefully.

"You alright?" Robin asked, concerned.

"Yea, yea. My head just feels like lead." He replied. Robin frowned, turning to Cyborg, who glanced at him, nervously.

"Cyborg?" Robin asked, pointedly.

"Beast Boy's brain has a little bit of damage that his body is still trying to heal. Sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't want you to worry." He said so quickly Beast Boy almost didn't catch it.

"Dude, that's why my head hurts." Beast Boy whined. Cyborg chuckled, nervously. Robin looked at him, arms crossed.

"He'll need help with some things. Like walking, probably, and anything exerting." Cyborg said, earning another glare from Robin.

"I would be delighted to help." Starfire said, yanking Beast Boy to a standing position, he winced and his knees wobbled as the blood rushed to his head.

"Perhaps that would be ill-advised, Star." She looked hurt for a moment before looking at Beast Boy and understanding.

"Ah, yes. Perhaps I am a bit too strong." She said, sadly.

"Thanks, anyway, Star." Beast Boy said, patting her shoulder, her face brightened.

"Well, I can't do it, I'm too big." Cyborg pointed out, obviously. Beast Boy and Raven both rolled their eyes at this.

"I'm, uhh. It's not that-" Robin began but Beast Boy sat back down and held up his hand, halting him.

"Guys, as much as I'm thankful, I feel like I'm gonna pass out so can we decide this quickly? I just wanna sleep." Beast Boy said, dangerously close to blacking out. Raven saw this and quickly realized how drained he was. She walked over to him and grabbed his arm, putting it over her shoulders before gently lifting him up, despite her reluctance to physical contact. He was surprised but too out of it to say anything, much to Raven's relief.

"He needs to go. Now." Raven answered her friend's unasked questions.

"You got him?" Cyborg asked. She knew he meant more than just at that moment. She had just assigned herself to be his caretaker until he was back to 100%. Sighing in irritation, she nodded her head. The rest of them left the two and went off to do whatever it was they had planned for the day.

"Are you alright?" Raven asked, pointedly. Beast Boy regarded her for a moment before nodding his head, wincing at the pain. "Don't nod your head." She commanded. He slightly nodded. A slight smile tried to break through at this, though Raven had no idea why. Slowly, the two made their way to Beast Boy's room. By the time they got there, Raven was supporting nearly all of Beast Boy's weight as he could barely put one foot in front of another.

Once they got there, Beast Boy tried to put in his code but failed four times before succeeding with Raven's help. She then helped him into his room and eased him onto the bottom bunk of his bed. She went to leave before his hand stopped her. She looked down at him in confusion and slight irritation.

"Thanks, Raven. You're awesome." Beast Boy slurred, mind fuzzy from exhaustion.

"You're welcome." She said. She considered leaving but her guilt took over. "Beast Boy?" She asked.

"Y...ya?" He slurred, struggling to stay awake, somewhere too far in the back of his mind for him to realize, he was surprised, and pleased, that Raven hadn't left already.

"I'm sorry. For, you know." She said, her usual monotone barely holding up as she struggled with her guilt. She saw his eyes close and assumed he hadn't heard her.

"Don't...ever...apologize to me, Rae. I don't deserve it." Beast Boy said, barely awake at this point, not fully aware of what he said. Raven was shocked at his words, she searched his emotions but found that he wasn't saying it, in anger. He genuinely felt he didn't deserve her apology, why? She considered asking him but stopped herself when she realized he wasn't in the best mental state to be answering questions like that, and she was also pretty sure he had fallen asleep moments after saying that. Still, the response was anything but expected.

She left his room, still confused about his response but pushing it to the back of her mind as she walked back to her own, assuming it was perhaps a symptom of his injury. She immediately felt guilt again, after thinking that. She had apologized and helped him but she still didn't feel right. She knew she would be helping him nearly daily for the few days at the very least, but she still felt guilty and responsible for his condition.

Raven woke up the next morning, early as usual. She went her day, getting dressed and heading to the common room to make herself some tea. She stopped at Beast Boy's door, however. Deciding to check in on him, she knocked on his door.

"Y...yea?" He replied, groggily.

"It's me. Everything alright?" Raven asked, monotone, feeling weird asking him that.

"Uh. Yea. Thanks." He said, clearly in pain. Raven sighed.

"Wait there, I'll be right back." She said, she assumed Beast Boy nodded because she herd a shard intake of air moments later and slightly smirked. She continued into the common room and made some tea, she made a little extra and finished hers before pouring a little bit into another cup and taking it to Beast Boy's room. She knocked again. Hearing no response she simply phased through the door and sighed in irritation as she found that he had fallen asleep.

She shook him awake, careful she didn't move his head at all. Surprised at herself with how gentle she was being.

"Hmmfh." He grunted, groggily. He swatted his arm in her general direction.

"Beast Boy. Wake up." Raven said, monotone, hiding a smile at his reaction. She scolded herself.

"M...mom?" Beast Boy stirred. Raven was shocked for the second time in twelve hours. Beast Boy had never even mentioned his mom. Not even in passing, as she had. He acted as though he didn't have parents whenever it came up. Puzzled but adamant, she shook him again. He woke up properly this time.

"Hey," he said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, brain still muddy. "What's up?" He slurred.

"Drink this." She commanded, bringing the tea to his hands as he slowly sat up. She noticed that he slept without his shirt and took a second to notice that he had matured quite a bit in the few years since their life or death battle against Trigon. His form was much leaner and more muscular than it once was. She quickly looked away, not willing to address any feelings related to their somewhat intimate position. Looking back at the tea, she noticed that he wore his gloves as he slept, taking note of the odd behavior.

"Is this, tea?" He asked as he lowered the cup from his mouth. Raven nodded. Beast Boy scrunched up his face but drank it nonetheless.

"Wow. Beast Boy drinking tea without complaining?" Raven remarked, smirking slightly.

"I know. I'm not myself." He replied, his emotions giving off waves of sadness although his voice portrayed otherwise.

"Sorry." Raven replied, realizing he wasn't able to handle her sarcasm in his state.

"Raven apologizing to me?" Beast Boy said, humorously although his eyes told a different story as Raven looked at him looking up at her. He looked saddened by something. Raven could feel the sadness. She realized it wasn't due to her sarcasm at all.

"Everything alright?" She asked for a second time that day, although she was referring to his emotions this time.

"Yea. Thanks for the tea." He gave her a genuine smile, ignoring the real meaning of the question. Raven held back a small smile of her own at this.

"Don't mention it." She replied, leaving his room. After she left, Beast Boy thought about the interaction, his brain clear from sleep but still fuzzy due to his injury. He hadn't realized Raven was capable of being nice. He knew she wasn't cold hearted, but he had never seen her be as nice as she was being to him. She wasn't being nicer than needed, he realized, she was just nice enough. He inwardly smiled at that, it was so like her. Suddenly his thoughts drifted to the nightmare he had the night before. Memory would be a more accurate word for it. He instinctually curled into a fetal position, unsure why he was such an emotional mess.

"Cyborg, what part of Beast Boy's brain was damaged, specifically?" Raven asked as she found Cyborg in the garage. Cyborg looked up at her from behind the T-Car.

"His amygdala." Cyborg responded. Raven looked at him blankly. "Basically, the emotional and memory part of his brain. Specifically, memories or emotions dealing with fear or sadness." Raven understood.

"Thanks." She replied. Cyborg shrugged and got back to working on his 'baby.' It all made sense to her, now. He was thinking up traumatic parts of his past. That was dangerous because he could easily fall into depression because of it and make the situation even worse. She grudgingly realized she'd have to keep him entertained. Knowing she had nothing to do, herself, she realized she had no choice but to help him, once again.

"Beast Boy?" Raven asked, knocking on his door for a third time, that day. She could barely believe it, herself.

"Yea?" He said, sadness evident in his voice.

"Can I come in? I think I know what's wrong with you." Raven said, kicking herself for the bluntness of her words.

"There's a lot wrong with me." He said, voice trembling.

"No. That's not what I meant." She said, sighing, quietly to herself. This would be harder than she thought. Although she knew his volatile emotions were due to his injury, everything he was feeling was indeed real.

"O...okay." He said, moments later. She opened the door and found him curled up tightly on the bottom bunk of his bed. His eyes were red and his pillow was clearly wet.

"What's wrong with me, Raven? I don't like this. It's not me." He asked her. His eyes pleading for an answer to his uncharacteristic sadness. Raven felt for him as she tried to be comforting

"I know. I know. Listen, the part of your brain that was injured is the part that deals with fear and sadness, specifically memories." She said, sitting next to him on his bed. He had gotten into a sitting position next to her. He thought about her words and sat in silence. For the first time since Raven met him, he hadn't had a response for her. She had seen it all. "Wanna talk about it?" She asked, slight concern sneaking int her monotone. Beast Boy was surprised at her concern that he could only pick out due to his animal hearing. He took a moment to think.

"I don't want to burden you, Raven. You've already done a lot for me in the last day." He responded. Raven noted his maturity and thoughtfulness. She couldn't shake her sense of guilt and duty as a friend, however.

"I'm the reason this happened. The least I can do is listen and help." She said, surprised at her own words. Beast Boy looked at her for a minute, she could nearly see the gears slowly turning in his head, she hated seeing it. Although Beast Boy may not have been the smartest person in the world, seeing him mentally lagged due to his injury was almost painful to watch.

"So. I've, uh..." he started, nervously, and uncharacteristically shyly. Raven watched him, interested by his behavior. Beast Boy was rarely shy. "I've been dreaming about my parents." He said, looking at her, unsure of whether to go on. She simply looked at him and nodded slightly. He took a deep breath and continued, trying to reign in his volatile emotions. Raven strangely related. "They, uhh, died. When I was six." He said, almost questioningly, his voice starting to falter. She was surprised by this. She had always thought his parents were still alive somewhere. She simply replied.

"Hey, you don't have to continue if you don't want to. I just thought talking about it might help." She replied. Sounding more caring than she thought she could. Beast Boy noticed.

"Thanks. Really, I mean it." He said, smiling at her, sadness still in his eyes. After a few minutes, he continued, "So, yea. They died and then nothing was ever the same and I keep having nightmares about that." He knew that wasn't all, but he was afraid of what else would come out. Already surprised at how easy it was for him to tell Raven what he had. Raven had a feeling that wasn't all, but she didn't push it. The things he had told her were emotionally draining as is.

"If you ever want to talk about it, again, I'm here." Raven said, as confused by this new side of her as Beast Boy was.

"Thanks. I...just thanks." He said, unsure of what to say, he felt tears come to his eyes and growled in frustration. He now knew what was wrong with him but he just couldn't seem to stop it. Raven picked up on his growl.

"It's okay, you'll get better." She said before getting up and leaving. Her own emotions threatening to wreak havoc due to his outpouring of emotion.

The rest of the day went about as normal. Robin, Cyborg, and Starfire all paid Beast Boy a visit. He had since gotten his condition in control, mostly. Starfire talked to him about make-up while he pondered his conversation with Raven. Robin talked to him about updates on Mad Mod and, of course, asked him if he felt well enough to train before Cyborg shut that down as he walked in. Cyborg and him simply talked about the stuff he missed and ended up playing a board game or two before the two decided to call it a night.

(Later that night...)

Raven awoke to mental screaming. Confused for a minute, she had felt her friend's emotions while sleeping, before, but had never been awoken by them. She reached out to each of them but didn't have to go very far before she realized where it was coming from. She rushed down the hall, not even bothering to put her cloak on.

She phased through Beast Boy's door to find him writhing on the ground. He was convulsing from some sort of mental trauma and the amount of fear coming off of him was staggering

"Beast Boy!" Raven said, shaking him awake, not worrying about his head for now. A nearby pillow was encased in dark energy. The convulsing seemed to slow at her touch. Uncomfortable with physical contact but realizing he couldn't hear her, Raven simply sat him up against his bunk bed and hugged him to her until he stopped convulsing.

When he finally stopped, she heard him pant as his breathing returned to normal and he stopped shaking in her arms. Realizing the position, Raven quickly let go of him, blushing. 'Am I blushing? Because of Beast Boy? I must be imagining it.' She thought, shaking herself out of her thoughts, she looked to Beast Boy. He looked haggard and hollow. His face was oddly serene and free from any sort of movement as he just stared forward, unblinking.

"Beast Boy?" Raven asked, question making its way into her monotone. He didn't reply or even seem to notice her presence, thankfully considering what just happened, she thought.

"You alright?" She asked, again. No response. She then lightly rested a hand on his bare shoulder. He reacted much like a scared animal and recoiled from her touch. He then regarded her with more fear in his eyes than she had seen in her entire life. "Hey, it's just me." She said. Holding her hands up. It took Beast Boy a full minute to come back down to earth and shake himself out of whatever had caused the episode. He then simply looked at the floor, clearly disappointed in himself.

"I...I'm sorry, Raven. I'm an idiot-" He began, guilt flowing from him in waves.

"No. You're not an idiot. What's wrong?" She interrupted, monotone, but gentle, not wanting him to go from fear to loathing. He looked at her, deep in thought. "What was the nightmare?" She asked, more specifically.

"I. It hurts." He said. She was surprised at this. She then returned her hand to his shoulder, slight blush making it's way to her cheeks. She ignored it and continued.

"You can tell me. It will help, I promise." She said. He nodded, barely registering her hand, but subconsciously thankful for it.

"I had a nightmare about my life after my parents died. In the government facility that I was in after that." He said. "Well. A memory. But the memory is a nightmare." He added, rambling. Realizing this, he took a deep breath and continued while Raven simply looked at him, patiently. "After my parents died, I was experimented on by the government. They'd prod me with electric poles, cut into me, force me to change on command...I...I." Raven's blood started to boil and she had to force herself to calm down as Beast Boy's desk was covered in black energy. She knew his past wasn't peachy but the idea that the very government they worked with had done that to him made her more angry than she knew she should be. Instead she calmly rubbed his shoulder. He shot her a thankful glance and continued. "I just wanted to die." He let that hang in the air as he tried to think of how to phrase the rest. Raven brought her other hand to hold his. She blushed hard at this, but the limited moonlight served to hide it. She knew he needed the support. Beast Boy noticed, but only barely due to his thoughts and his injury. He continued. "Something snapped when they were shocking me one day rage took over and I turned around and killed them. Every single person in that facility died because of me. And not only that, I killed them. My nightmare was that someone did to me what I did to them." He finished, taking a shuddering breath.

Raven simply forewent her own feelings and wrapped her arms around Beast Boy and hugged him close. She was too deep in thought to care about her actions. Raven saw it coming. She somehow knew he had killed them before he said it. It had clicked somewhere along his story. His comment the first day he woke up suddenly made sense. As did the reason why this was affecting hm so badly. The fear and sadness he was feeling didn't only feel real, it was real. His past was tortured, literally, and his injury was making him re-feel all of it. Her heart went out to him. He simply cried into her shoulder as she soothed him as best she could. Unsure of how she simply hugged him tighter and kept telling him it wasn't his fault.

After nearly half an hour like that, Beast Boy drew a shuddering breath.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I know strong emotions a-" Beast Boy started, struggling to compose himself. Angry at his injury and sad because of the memories it forced him to relive.

"No. I'm sorry. I caused your injury and now you're reliving the worst parts of your life." She said, still hugging him. "And for the record, you do deserve my apology. You deserve it more than anyone." Raven was shocked for a third time in 24 hours, but this time, with herself. She was amazed at how easily the words came from her mouth. She had no experience with comforting others, least of all Beast Boy. But somehow, she knew what to say and she meant every word. She had a feeling those two things were related. Her thoughts were interrupted when Beast Boy moved within her arms. She quickly let go of him, her blush returning, full force. She could not allow that to continue, she thought. A discussion with her emotions was overdue.

"Thanks Raven. I can't ever make up for this." He said, looking directly into her eyes, she could see that he was blushing, as well, his mind finally catching up to the situation for the first time since he'd been injured.

"I'm sure you'll find a way." Raven said, looking away as her blush deepened. The rational part of her brain screamed at her for saying that meanwhile her emotions all jumped for joy at being able to make themselves heard.

The two shared a knowing smile, a real smile from Raven causing Beast Boy's pillows to explode. The both of them knew things would never be the same from that night onward, and they were perfectly happy with that. It only took a small amount of brain damage for them to realize it.

-Author's Note: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed the story. Leave a review and let me know!