Chapter 2

Theft in the skies

So, I'm really exited about continiuing this. So, lets get going with it. But before that. Let's get to the review.

SomeDude: Well, while Lincoln is shown in the Loud House itself that Lincoln surprisingly intelligent and athletic. But not to the point that he could get around Wayne Tech and Star Labs security and match someone trained by Batman hand to to hand without having that training.

Guest: Glad you liked it.

Legion of Robins: Oh you know it.

Batman-X: Well, maybe not a strait up fight. But some sparing matches for sure. I'll have to think on him dating one of the Louds.

And now, dear friends... Let's kick it up!


The morning had come to great lakes as Lincoln sat in his loft going over crime reports in and around Great Lakes.

"There were more than a few that I couldn't get to." Lincoln said with no small amount of regret in his voice.

"Batman wasn't made in one night, Lincoln. Once they know you're out there. They'll be running scared." A deep voice said over the phone as Lincoln smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. I know, Bruce. It just bugs me." Lincoln said as he picked up a Kooba cola that was next to him and took a sip. "So, how are things back home?" He asked.

"Damien's taken to uniform surprisingly well. He's a little more brutal in a fight than you. But he's been good on keeping civilians safe." Bruce said, Lincoln feeling good about the Robin name being in safe hands. "Helena's started to notice that you're gone. We'll have to make sure to do regular video chats to keep her from missing you too much." He said with a slight chuckle.

"And Harley?" Lincoln asked.

"Selena's keeping an eye on her and Ivy with help from Montoya. "Harley's actually talking about the four of them forming their own team once she's able to fight again." Bruce said as Lincoln raised an eyebrow.

"Can't say I'd mind seeing..." Lincoln began to say before noticing something in the reports he was looking through. "Huh." He noted.

"What is it?" Bruce asked.

"A series of robberies coming my way. All high rise. Entry on the level of the vaults. Camera's disabled. But a few people did report seeing a man on a hang glider." Lincoln noted, Bruce coming to the same conclusion he had.

"Sounds like Kite-Man is doing hits to smaller profile cities." Bruce said.

"Yeah. Well, heaven help him if he tries something in my city." Lincoln said with a smirk on his face. "Well, I have to get to work on my other job and a few personal matters. Take care of yourself, Bruce. I don't want to here that Gotham is going to shit without me." He said as the two shared a chuckle before Lincoln hung up.

The Hispanic girl that Red X had been watching was working inside of the Casagrande market with the Asian girl that Red X had saved came in to speak to her.

"Ronnie Anne! You will not believe what happened to me last night!" The Asian girl exclaimed as she ran up to the Hispanic girl.

"Hey, Sid. What's going on?" Ronnie Anne asked before her friend went on to explain to her what had happened to her the previous night. "Wait, seriously? There's a Batman style vigilante running around in Great Lakes?" She asked in amazement at the prospect.

"Yeah. I'm really lucky that he showed up when he did." Sid commented before the ringing of the bell of the market's door.

"Welcome to the..." Ronnie Anne began to say before she stopped in shock as tears began to well up in her eyes as they looked upon... "Lincoln?" She asked as she slowly approached the white haired boy.

"Hi, Ronnie Anne." Lincoln with a kind smile before being punched in the gut by Ronnie Anne. 'I guess I should have seem that coming.' He thought before being pulled in to a hug by the Hispanic girl.

"Where the hell have been?" Ronnie Anne asked as tears flowed down her face.

"It's kind of a long story." Lincoln said to her.


Lincoln woke up in a large bedroom in the heart of a mansion before walking down stairs to be met by an elderly man in a suit.

"Ah. Young Master Lincoln. I hope this morning finds you well." The Englishman said to Lincoln before the boy sat down at the table.

"Thank's, Alfred." Lincoln said before grabbing some pancakes. "So, where's Bruce? Is he getting in late from his 'night shift'?" He asked before Alfred shook his head.

"No, he had to leave early to do some personal business." Alfred said to him before a black haired man in a suit walked in to the room.

"And that business has been finished." The man said before putting a file on the table next to Lincoln's plate before he picked it up and read it.

"Bruce... Is this for real?" Lincoln asked as he looked over the file with tears welling up in his eyes.

"It is. I had a friend in the government speed up the process and go around you having to face them again." Bruce said before Lincoln leapt in to to his arms as the adoption paper fell to the ground.

(End flashback)

Ronnie Anne sat on the counter of mercado as Lincoln finished telling an abridged story of how he ran away and found himself in Gotham before being taken in by Bruce Wayne while being sure to leave out a certain few details of the story.

"Wow." Ronnie Anne said before looking over to "Sid, would you mind..." She led while gesturing to the register.

"Yeah. Go ahead. I'll cover for you." Sid said, gaining a thankful nod from Ronnie Anne as she and Lincoln walked out of the mercado and began walking.

After a short time of walking, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne found themselves the a park where Ronnie Anne decided to ask the same question that had been eating away at her since she had heard about Lincoln's departure. "Did you leave because of what they were doing to you?"

Lincoln stopped in his tracks and took a moment to think of how he would answer before he lifted up his bangs to reveal the scar left on his forehead from when Lori threw that glass at him.

"It was a big part of it. I made decision that this scar would be the last one they ever gave me." Lincoln said before Ronnie Anne ran her hand over Lincoln's back and along where one of his scars.

"Then why come here after so long? I figure you'd want to stay as far away from them as possible." Ronnie Anne wondered.

"Because abuse is all about power. By running away from those who abused me, I was just giving them more power over me and I refuse to allow that anymore." Lincoln said before Ronnie Anne wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Well, if things go south with that, just know that I'll be right here to sow your cuts up." Ronnie Anne told him as he took her hand.

"Thanks. You always were pretty good at it." Lincoln said with a smile before an alarm went off on his phone. "Sorry. I've got an appointment about a club I'm starting up." He said before turning around to Ronnie Anne. "Here, let me see your phone." He said before putting his name and number in her phone before leaving.

Several hours later as the sun was going down and after his meeting, Lincoln was sitting in his bunker while looking over the file of Kite-Man's robberies.

"Can't take the jet. He'll here me coming coming before I ever got close and I could cause a lot of damage to buildings if I got too close to them." Lincoln said to himself before looking over the boots of his suit. His mind then shifted to his days back in Gotham and the first time he had chased down an airborne enemy.


Robin was running, gliding, and grappling through the rooftops of Gotham in hot pursuit of a woman who had been mutated in to a giant Bat.

Robin quickly pulled out out his grapnel gun and activated the boosted to pick up speed when he launched off the corner of a roof. However as he approached her, the Bat creature made a sharp turn against a building that Robin couldn't match, forcing him to grapple to the roof of said building instead.

"Batman. She-Bat is heading southbound towards Eliot Memorial!" Robin exclaimed before looking down to see a sleek black car moving at high speeds and making nearly impossible maneuvers through the streets before eventually getting a close enough distance from She-Bat fore Batman to be shot out of the car like bullet out of a gun before grabbing on to She-Bat in mid air before injecting her with a trigger syringe, causing her to lose consciousness as Batman used his grapnel to get her safely to the ground.

Once on the ground, She-Bat's body morphed in to that of a blonde woman in tattered clothes. Robin then repelled down and took off his cape before putting it over the woman and getting in the car.

Batman then moved the woman in to the back of the car before getting in himself and raising a wall that separated the front and back.

"You okay?" Batman asked asked as Robin took off his mask and his black wig to reveal the wait hair underneath.

"Yeah. We caught Langstrom. That's the important part. I just think that we need to find a way to help with turns while gliding." Lincoln said while thinking back on that turn.

"We'll have to look in to it." Batman said.

(End flashback)

Lincoln finished his thoughts of the past as he finished putting on most of his suit on. Just then, an alarm went off before Lincoln walked over to his computer and saw that there was a robbery in progress.

"Looks like Kite-Man got here. "Lincoln said before putting his helmet on. "Time to go to work." Red X said before getting on the X-Cycle before driving out.

A short time later, a man in a green suit with a yellow visor had just finished loading up a large amount of money in to a pack which he then strapped on on to his chest. However, two of the X shurriken flew from the darkness and sliced the straps from the pack, causing it to fall to the ground. He then turned in shock to see Red X standing at the window.

"Oh come on! I left Gotham to get away from guys like you!" Kite-Man exclaimed in frustration.

"Well, you picked the wrong city to come to for an escape." Red X said before Kite-Man lifted his arm and fired a diamond shaped blade out of a launcher on his wrist only for Red X to spin around while using his cape to block before throwing another X shurriken to slice the device off his wrist.

"Damn." Kite-Man grumbled under his breath before throwing two small bombs. One to trip up Red X at the wall, creating a large hole in it that he then jumped out of to escape.

Red X quickly recovered and ran to the broken wall before diving out and unfolding his cape in mid air to begin gliding after Kite-Man. After Several minutes of following Kite-Man, the thief made his way to the side of a building and was able to make a turn almost as sharp as the one that had been made by She-Bat all that time ago. This time though, Red X was prepared as he approached the wall, letting his cape fold as he cut a flip to position as the palm of his glove touched the wall and he was pulled extremely quickly along it before launching off of the building and putting his cape back in the position to glide, the speed allowing him to get above Kite-Man and drop a small disk that froze his glider, causing it to break in midair as Red X dove down, catching Kite-Man as he fell before using his grapnel gun to allow them to land safely on the ground before knocking him out.

A short time later, Lincoln was sitting the X bunker on a video call with a black haired woman who was sitting with a black haired baby on her lap that was reaching for the screen.

"Heh heh. Looks like someone's been missing me quite a bit." Lincoln said as the baby giggled at him. "So, where are Bruce and Damien tonight?" He asked.

"Just Dent and his usual stuff. Nothing daddy can't handle." The woman said while tickling the baby. "Speaking of handling. You did great with Kite-Man tonight." She complemented.

"Thanks Selena. In more ways than one the tech from your Catclaws worked great in my gauntlets." Lincoln said as he held up his gauntlet.

"Always happy to lend a hand." Selena said with a joking bow. "By the way, how are your personal things going?" She asked.

"I met up with Ronnie Anne today and it went great. But I still haven't made contact with any of the Louds." Lincoln said.

"Well, good luck when you do and if you need any of us, we'll hop right in the Batwing and get to you in a heartbeat." Selena said in a caring tone.

"I know, Selena. Thanks." Lincoln said before letting out a yawn. "Well, I better get some sleep." He said before he and Selena bid goodnight to each other and cut the call. Lincoln then pressed in some keys on his computer before files on all ten of the Loud sisters before sighing at the prospect of the inevitable confrontations with them.


Well, there you go guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I would elude to what I plan for next time. But I really don't want to spoil this. Since I'm really exited about it. Anyway, until then and as always... Keep on keeping on.