Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story, they belong to Blizzard Entertainment

Howdy everyone! Thank you for taking the time to check out my story I really appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it and if you have any advice of ways to improve my story feel free to let me know!

Hana Song was awoken by the sound of her phone ringing. She looked at the digital clock next to her bed and saw that it read 4:47 PM…she had been laying in bed for over 16 hours. She slapped around for her phone only to groan when she heard a thunk, letting her know she just knocked her phone onto the desk.

"Fuck it, I didn't want to answer that call anyway" Hana said to herself, as she let the phone go to voicemail.

The quiet after the ringing ended didn't last long, as soon the ringing began again, resulting in Hana cussing in Korean at the device as she got out of bed to grab her phone and answer it.

"What do you want? Incase you didn't get the message from the first voicemail, I am not in the mood to talk to anyone" Hana said to the caller.

"Actually, I got that you needed a pick me up from that voicemail, along with the fact that I'm sure you haven't left your bed today" The caller responded, who she immediately recognized as her best friend Lúcio.

Hana puffed her cheeks out, annoyed that her best friend was spot on with his analysis.

"What's the point? Leaving my bed is not going to make me feel any better, just more uncomfortable. I'd rather be depressed in my comfy bed than depressed anywhere else" Hana responded.

"What about being depressed at my house, with two boxes of pizza, and the remastered Spongebob Squarepants Battle for Bikini Bottom game?" Lúcio asked?

"One, I am not hungry, and two, you know I was more of a Cartoon Network kid growing up so hard pass" Hana said as she laid down again on her bed.

"Awe well too bad, my mom was able to get Patbingsu from a friend of hers, and I was going to share it with you." Lúcio responded.

"I don't believe you." Hana responded.

At that point her phone buzzed, and she saw it was a text from Lúcio with an image of what was most certainly Patbingsu. At that, Hana sighed in defeat.

"I'll be there in 15" Hana told Lúcio, who whooped in victory.

Hana got up and looked in her closet for more decent clothes to wear, because although her and Lúcio had been friends for close to 8 years, she still didn't want to show up to his house in an old school WWE t-shirt. She scanned her closet and decided to wear her long sleeve purple sweat shirt that was a size too big, and gray joggers. She didn't bother with putting in earrings or even doing her make up, she just walked downstairs and out the front door, ignoring her parents who were watching a movie on the TV. 13 minutes later she knocked on Lúcios' door and was greeted by her Brazilian friend.

"Early as usual! You need to start mentoring Lena on being early" Lúcio joked.

"Oh please, I'm a pro gamer not a miracle worker." Hana joked back.

This got Lúcio to laugh heartedly and welcome his friend inside and led her to where he was set up, which was the basement.

Lúcios' basement was probably the most high tech room in the entire house. In one corner he had his gaming set up, which included a sofa, mounted TV with an Xbox, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and an N64 under it. There was also his computer, which him and Hana custom built only a few months ago. In another corner was an old fashion Dance Dance Revolution machine that he was able to salvage at a junkyard near the local mall, he hadn't been able to get it work but everyday he was getting a little closer. However, in the middle of the room was his prized possession, his DJ equipment. Since Lúcio and Hana met, becoming a famous DJ had always been his life long dream, and whenever he got a chance to DJ he would take it, and absolutely kill it at any event; whether it be birthday parties, little get togethers, house parties, he always did amazing, and was slowly starting to build a fan base. Hana had been trying to set up a stream where he could showcase his DJing ability, but Hana had only ever streamed games, not anything else so she was struggling with ways to sneak the DJing in.

Hana followed Lúcio to the sofa and flopped down next to him, immediately reaching for the pizza box.

"I thought you said you weren't hungry?" Lúcio teased.

"It's like a cardinal sin to go to a friends house who has pizza, and not even take a bite of one." Hana responded as she grabbed a meat lovers pizza slice.

Lúcio laughed and sat back, and then there was an awkward silence. A silence that Hana would have accepted if it was with anyone else. With Lúcio she knew that he was about to head straight to the source of her depression.

"So, Angela." Lúcio started.

"And with that I have lost my appetite and will to be here thank you very much" Hana responded as she tried to get up, only to be gently pulled down into a hug from Lúcio.

"Hana you're my best friend and you know I love you, that's why I'm not going to let you go back home without talking to me about it, even if its only a little." Lúcio responded.

"I'm fine! I don't want to talk about and I don't need to talk about it. All I need is a few games and a weeks' worth of soda and chips" Hana responded back, while trying to struggle out of his hug (although half-heartedly).

"Hana I'm not one of your fans online who only know about D'va, I know the real Hana Song" Lúcio responded while tightening his hug.

Hana stopped struggling and just sat in his hug for a few minutes, before the tears started flowing and she buried her face in his shirt. Lúcio soothed Hana and was repeating words like "it's alright, I'm here for you, it's okay let it all out." And let it out Hana did, 16 hours worth of pent up emotions all coming out at this moment. She hated it, she hated crying, she hated looking weak, she hated everything about this moment, yet couldn't get the tears to stop. They both sat there for what felt like an hour before Hana finally sat up and was able to get herself to stop crying.

"I'm such an idiot" Hana finally says.

"Hey no you're not, don't say that about yourself. You did nothing wrong except dating the wrong person. Don't blame yourself for her choices" Lúcio says firmly.

"But I could have done more! I mean I could have hung out at her house more instead of streaming, I could have been more adventurous in bed, I could have taken her to more dates, I could of…"

"You could have done all that, and she still would have slept with Fareeha" Lúcio interrupts. "I'm sorry to be blunt Hana, but I know how much effort you put into that relationship, hell everyone that knew you two saw just how much you put in. Sometimes you can do all the right things for someone and they'll still make those decisions" Lúcio tells Hana.

Hana lowers her head and leans into the couch, and she can feel the tears starting to form again.

"I just wish I could go back to two days ago, when I thought her and I were good." Hana finally admits.

Lúcio nods in agreement silently before getting up to the mini fridge next to his computer to pull out the Patbingsu he showed to Hana earlier and hands it to her.

"Here, how about we take a break from the dramatics and instead focus on destroying robots that are trying to destroy Bikini Bottom?" Lúcio suggests.

Hana nods in silent agreement, and before she takes a bite of her dessert she looks to Lúcio.

"Hey, thank you." Hana tells him.

Lúcio smiles and responds, "Of course, anything for my best friend."