I was in the hospital for a routine procedure when I saw two of my classmates rushed in.
It was Hiwatari Satoshi and Niwa Daisuke.
They looked as if they had been in a horrible fight.
I knew for a fact that Satoshi was weak in body, like me. Though I didn't know his condition, I'd seen him often in the hospital.
I was too nervous to approach his hospital room first, so I went to Daisuke's room.
There were two girls in there, twins—fast asleep. Daisuke was asleep too.
I leaned over him, and silver light blossomed from my fingertips, and Daisuke's body was healed from his many wounds. His eyelids flickered, and I'm not sure if he saw me or not.
In my hurry away from Daisuke, I ended up in Satoshi's room.
"Priestess Kurisuta Hikawa." Satoshi said. "Priestess of the Hikari."
The girl was frozen before him, a deer in the headlights.
Her blue eyes locked on his.
"Satoshi Hiwatari." Kuri said softly. "I have been most anxious to meet you. The progeny of the Hikari clan."
"Is that what you see when you look at me?" Satoshi asked. "I doubt that. Even you can see how ill I am."
Kuri shook her head. "Despite the illness in your body, you are strong in spirit and that is all that matters."
Before he could stop her, Kuri leaned over him and silver light poured into his body, more than needed for his surface wounds. She was attempting to heal the wounds from Krad.
No! Krad would awaken!
"Hikawa!" Satoshi tried to cry out a warning, but pain caught his voice.
His body broke and changed and Satoshi's final thought was fear for the fragile priestess.