Prompt from sapphicsrlit after discussing the tragedy that is Harvey's hair is S1: Donna and Harvey end up making out one afternoon and she messes up his hair in the heat of the moment but he has a meeting after so she fixes it before he leaves. I took inspiration from how much shorter Harvey's hair is in Season 2.

(This one isn't technically part of the Plane Chronicles as I didn't write this while flying, and it's not in chronological order, but this seems as good a place as any to keep these little ficlets that aren't quite worth their own individual post).

Eventually, he has to cut his hair, because Donna hates it and she can't quite fix it just so afterwards, probably because she hates it.

It happens enough that he has to come up with excuses more often than he finds comfortable. There's no real trigger - sometimes it's because everything is going to shit, sometimes it's because everything is going well, sometimes it's just because. Just because he's tired, or happy, or angry, or because it's just been another day.

He doesn't know what sets her off either, there's no reason that sticks out other than the fact she sometimes says that she fucking hates his hair and maybe it's because she hates it that she does it.


Maybe she loves him.

Maybe she's just horny and he's there, he doesn't know. He just knows that every now and then he'll be walking past the file room with his head buried in a folder or his phone and she'll reach out and grab his arm and pull him in, and then before he has a chance to register the clicking of the door locking behind him she has him pushed up against it with the handle jammed into his back but he doesn't give a fuck because she's also got her mouth over his and her tongue against his teeth and her hands in his hair.

She has her rule and she sticks to it, mostly. But there's an invisible line she crosses every now and then, and Harvey doesn't know what the reason is that makes it okay sometimes but he wishes he did because it always ends like this, with her unhooking every button on his waistcoat so she can push her palms against his torso and grab handfuls of his shirt and pull him hard against her, and he leans back into her with his hands around her waist and his tongue against hers, and down her neck, and along her collarbone.

They've never quite crossed all the way in these moments, there's something too dangerous and they're both too old and too smart to fuck in a file room like first year associates do, but they've come close, and every now and then she'll lose herself enough that she pulls his hand to her and guides it up between her thighs and lets him run his thumb and finger against her until she pushes her hands through his hair for balance and gasps his name into his mouth in a hushed shudder of a whisper that arrests his bones.

And when they're done, whether it's because one of them was smart enough to murmur 'stop' early enough or because Harvey loses all time in watching her fall around him, she'll smile, and run her hand over his jaw, and say 'you're a mess'.

And then she'll fix his tie and his waistcoat, and then she'll smooth his hair back, and it's the most intimate thing in his world, and he thinks he loves it but he also doesn't know if he knows what love feels like so he doesn't trust it.

And then she'll say, "I fucking hate your hair," and he'll go to the meeting he's late for, and Jessica will raise an eyebrow at him and ask what's happened, and he'll blush and say nothing happened.

After Clifford Danner, he cuts it, so Jessica will stop asking.
