A/N: Hi, my loyal readers! Hi, people who just discovered my story! Hi,
people who don't wanna read my Author's Note!! (haha! Now you won't even
know I said hi to you... ah well!) Now I know what you're all thinking
'GEEZ!! ITS ABOUT TIME!!' yah... I'm really terrible... really... Oh yah, I
figured some people might want to know what my other account is on ff.net
cause I know I've mentioned having written other stories but never actually
gave you the username... ^^ Well its Frodos-QT if NEone really wants to
know... the stories are really stupid though so yah..
Dslguy14: I have been loyally following this story 4 a bit and I have yet another error to point out - well, it could be an error if you do not put something about it in the next chapter.rnrnYou mentioned that Holly had "hair... coming to the middle of her long neck..."rnrnIn the 2nd book, when Chix Verbil is trying to flirt w/ Holly near the Paris, France shaft entrance, it mentions that she had an auburn "crew-cut".rnrnThis could contradict the description that you already have in this chapter, if you do not mention it in the next. Such as "Holly had decided to let her hair grow..."rnrnAlso, loved the way you fixed my "key" suggestion. :)
... ok, everyone pay attention to this alright? In reply to any questions about the length of Holly's hair: key words right here -- TWO YEARS LATER. Anyway, Glad you like the key deal so far... although I didn't actually fix it... this is how I had intended to write it and I'm not quite done with this idea. I really appreciate somebody being so loyally attentive to my story though^-^ That's cool:) Thankee!
HellFenix: aaw... that's sweet.rnsoo... looks like Holly and Artemis are getting together soon huh?rnand I don't wanna know some of the places that Foaly has hidden cameras. lets hope he's not a hentai...lolrnspeaking of which, did he just see the last scene on camera? Holly is so gonna kill him.
Ha.. ha.. ha.. no, no, no... nothing like that... Foaly only has cameras monitoring the main rooms of buildings- just security. I'm still trying to decide whether or not I'm gonna have Foaly know what Holly did...
LiRA: hey, love your story. I'm not normally into slashy stories of any kind, but this one's alright.rnJust one problem, please try and make the notes and stuff at the beginning of each chapter shorter. There's more notes than story in most cases. By the time I get through those, there's only about half as much actual story to read.rnOtherwise, it's a really good fic, hope you update again soonrnrnPeace ,out
Well, I'm glad that you like the story:) I've had a few people tell me now that I make the notes too long and thus I don't have as much story... but the truth is that I only have a certain amount of the story thought out at one time so whether the notes are there or not, you'll still have the same length of actual story. And besides, some people like the notes so... yah. Personally, I'm not a note person either. But the length of notes is not gonna change the length of the story.
Kalariah: I'm glad Holly's decided to give him another change. They are good for each other, even if they don't realize it at this point in time. I hope Artemis doesn't go all cold and brutal when she tries to apologize or be nice to him.
Hmmm... ::taps chin thoughtfully as an evil glint enters her eyes:: lol, j/k... I won't do that to you guys.. hahaha.... ::sigh:: .. maybe.
Ice Raider: The Fowl family motto is Aurum Potestas Est, by the way. not Aurum Est Potestas.
Well, I copied it straight out of the book, so you might wanna check that again. And besides, Aurum=Gold, Est=is, Potestas=Power. So it wouldn't make sense to say Aurum Postestas Est cuz that would mean Gold Power Is (Which, if you translated it from Yoda-ish, it would mean that Power is gold and it STILL wouldn't make sense...lol). Don't worry bout it tho- you saw how confused I got w/ the Time Stop thing!! Heh..heh... ^-^
flamaria13: you have 148 reviews, and, no offense, but some people have written better stories than you and have less reviews.so dont use the excuse that you dont have enough!its been over a week since you last posted. so get busy writing!
Well gee ^^'' *scratches back of head* I've never said anything about how many reviews I hav but thanx for telling me anyway.... I guess?
katie janeway: Very nice. When's the next update?
Uh....... right about now!
Artemis tossed fretfully in his sleep; having a nightmare which took place in his own home, Fowl Manor. He found himself in the kitchen with Juliet who was talking to him while mixing the contents of a pan on the stove. However, what she was saying or what she was cooking Artemis didn't know. Then Butler came into the room, walked over to Juliet, whispered something to her and gestured for Artemis to join them. Obediently, he found himself walking over to learn what his life-long friend had to tell him. Once he came close, however, Butler's face contorted into an evil snarl as he grabbed his principle around the throat and began to shake him. Artemis tried to call to Juliet but she simply laughed, picked up a knife and walked towards him; twirling the deadly blade menacingly between her long slender fingers.
Somewhere behind the seven foot bodyguard a fire flickered to life and began making its way towards Artemis' two attackers. He tried to warn them but no air could escape through his throat Butler held in a death grip. And so the fire engulfed both of the Butler siblings and Artemis was dropped to the floor. Unable to think of anything but his own life, the 16 year old prodigy scrambled backwards from the bright red flames that licked the air inches in front of his face. He watched as his friends were swallowed in the dancing red and yellow flames, and tears ran down his face as hot as the fire that sucked the life from the two figures in front of him.
Both of his friends were gone but the fire did not cease. It had developed a taste for human life from the two souls it had devoured and the white-hot flames were hungry for more. It crawled towards the terrified teenager, searing the tiled marble floor, until Artemis' whole body was pressed up against the kitchen wall; pushing, pushing- trying to get just a little further away from the bloodthirsty flames. Just then the wall ignited behind him and he was a victim to the fire.
Holly was sleeping quietly when what felt like a fist hit her in the middle of her back. She was awake in an instant, instinctively going into defensive mode. The startled elf noticed the tossing figure next to her and lowered her guard. The sleeping teenager seemed to be troubled by a dream. Beads of sweat had formed on his furrowed brow and he was shaking and moaning something about fire. Desperately, she grabbed his shoulders and began shaking him.
Artemis' eyes snapped open only to find darkness once more but it did not concern him- the most prominent uncomfortable element of the room was the sweltering heat. The delirious Irish boy struggled fitfully to remove the piles of blankets that covered his body. Holly Short noticed his intentions and helped peel the blankets off of him. Once they were away, Artemis lay sweat-drenched and panting. New tears rolled down his face as he mumbled bits of meaningless phrases in his heat-inflicted delusion.
Captain Short watched, feeling helpless, as Artemis suffered from the remnants of whatever dream had been causing him such distress. Wide eyed and frantic, Captain Holly Short felt frustrated just sitting there and doing nothing to improve the situation. Hesitantly she reached out and smoothed his sweat-slicked brow. Slowly and carefully she pulled the trembling body close to hers and began to rock him, whispering soothing words against his tousled raven hair.
The LEP Captain opened her eyes and wondered what had caused her to wake this time. A soft sigh drifted to her ears and she looked down to find Artemis nestled up against her, sleeping. If this discovery wasn't shocking enough for the drowsy elf, she still had her arms wrapped loosely around the sleeping form as well. Absently she began running her fingers through the Irish boy's jet black locks as she settled back down next to him and inhaled the scent of his hair. She sighed contentedly; he smelled nice and he was so warm. She could feel herself drifting off to sleep once again when she caught herself and stiffened. What was she doing? Opening her eyes once more, she looked at the teenager, still sleeping peacefully. She pulled away, feeling dizzy and rather confused.
"I'm just tired." She sighed as she sat up. The front of her pajama top was sticking to her and her hair was matted. Holly swung her legs over the side of her bed slowly and stood up. The elf's legs felt stiff and her eyes were still heavy but she didn't feel like sleeping anymore.
"I'm going for a walk." She said quietly but firmly to herself and walked out into the hallway, pulling an overcoat from a closet and wrapping it around her body.
Artemis was beginning to feel restless again as some form of security seemed to slip away from him in an instant. He then endured something around ten minutes of fitful half-sleep before he finally gave into wakefulness. Lifting heavy eyelids and blinking sleep from his bleary eyes, Artemis tried to focus the haziness in the room before him. The teenager sat up in bed and subconsciously took stock of the room. For the most part it was the same as the night before except that the bed now looked slept-in as the sheets were all twisted and lay in a messy pile at the foot of the mattress. Holly's coat was still gone so it was probably safe to guess she had not returned, unless she came and left again. To be honest, the Irish boy could not have cared less either way at the moment. His mind was still permeated with the intense emotions he had experienced throughout the previous evening, made worse only by his own dreams in which he could still not escape the guilt and loss he felt for his lost companions.
The notion of climbing from his position on the ancient mattress on which he had slept had only began to crawl into the corners of his thoughts when the creaking of an opening door could be heard from the entrance way. Looking up Artemis found himself staring across the room at a motionless Holly Short who seemed to have frozen in the midst of hanging her coat and was simply gazing at him benignly. Artemis frowned slightly, wondering what it was she wanted; she stared as though she expected him to say something to her. He was about to when, upon closer examination, he noted thoughtfulness in her eyes. His expression softened some and in that moment the feeling that had been in her gaze vanished and she went about hanging her coat again.
"Still in bed, master Fowl?" She asked casually.
Artemis let out an exasperated sigh, swung his legs out of bed and onto the cool surface of the floor. Upon trying to take a step forward the Irish boy found his feet to be entangled in a mass of blankets that had managed to slip from the top of the mattress during the night. Artemis barely managed to catch himself before crashing to the hard floor but with a bit of hopping and much stumbling, he was standing on two feet once again. Holly shook her head disapprovingly.
"You still haven't got your feet about you, have you Fowl?" She asked.
When Artemis raised his head to look at her she noticed his eyes were a bit swollen from crying.
Artemis feigned a smile, "Congratulations, Captain Short. You seem to have succeeded in discovering yet another one of my faults. Though I tend to wonder how very difficult that is as I seem to consist solely of said flaws." He retorted, shooting her an angry look.
Holly didn't answer, instead she continued to stare at his eyes- the blood- shot sclera and puffy lids surrounding his deep icy gaze made the color stand out like a blue flame among the red.
Artemis' insolent glare modified itself into a confused stare.
"What?" He demanded.
Holly blinked.
"What? Oh. No, Nothing." Holly shook her head and turned away.
Artemis sighed disdainfully and commenced buttoning up the front of his shirt that had fallen open during the night.
"You know, Holly, I-" He began but broke off when he noticed Holly was no longer there. Artemis looked around the small room, wondering where she could have gone when a tap on his shoulder startled him. He turned to face Holly once more, feeling rather discomposed. The elf held a small compact in her left hand, about the size of his palm.
"What is that for?" He asked, staring skeptically at the little white container.
Holly looked at her hands and turned the compact over a few times.
"It's redness remover." She stated plainly, looking back up at Artemis. The Irish boy nodded slowly and dubiously.
Holly opened the lid of the compact, revealing a small, green screen with multicolored flashing lights and dials around the perimeter. She expertly flicked a few switches and tapped several buttons to turn the screen into a reflective surface. Smugly, she held the compact up so Artemis could see his reflection.
The chagrined teenager exhaled and closed his eyes gently. When they opened again they were downcast, looking at the floor about 3 feet from Holly's sock feet. The elf's face softened and that familiar feeling of guilt began nagging at her heart once more.
"Listen, Artemis..." She said tenderly but he shook his head listlessly and looked at her through hurt eyes that seemed to cry 'how could you do this to me?' from their glacial blue depths.
Holly's nose stung and she felt as though she might begin to cry as well.
"I..... I stunned them. They weren't conscious." She said numbly. Artemis raised his head a fraction of an inch.
"They wouldn't have felt anything... their deaths would be painless." She looked up at the 16 year old prodigy uncertainly.
Artemis' mouth hung open, dry and wordless.
"Artemis?" Holly asked hesitantly as she took a step towards him. "What's wrong?"
The Irish prodigy grabbed her arms firmly and looked at her with deadly seriousness.
"Is that true Holly?" he asked pleadingly and shaking her slightly after each sentence. "You stunned them? Is it true?!"
"Yes, I-I did!" She said, tears forming in her eyes, "I'm so sorry!"
Artemis let out a choked laugh as he released Holly and ran a hand through his raven black hair. He turned in a slow, aimless circle, as though he intended to go somewhere but decided against it. He laughed again; a relieved, nervous smile spreading on his tear-stained face. The confused Elf just stared equivocally at the teenager as he paced the room, seemingly happy about something.
"Artemis?" She asked uneasily, "What's going on?"
Artemis laughed again, realizing how confused Holly must be feeling.
"They're alive, Holly," he explained, hardly able to believe his own words. "Don't you see? To escape a Time Stop you must fall asleep. You didn't kill them, you saved them."
A/N: this was kinda corny beyond belief... but wutever... did you kno that i've had this story written for like 4 months? Heh heh heh... *ducks flying heavy pointed objects* sorry people ive jus been... preoccupied.. well anyways, umm... I don't kno if ill be able to finish this story cuz like.. im really busy and ive sorta lost interest in AF for now seeing as I don't have a lot of time to devote to my little fanfiction endeavors.. would anybody be interested in becoming the new author of this? And writing the story from here? Adunno... just an idea. Well thanks for reading. This is for u guys ^^
Dslguy14: I have been loyally following this story 4 a bit and I have yet another error to point out - well, it could be an error if you do not put something about it in the next chapter.rnrnYou mentioned that Holly had "hair... coming to the middle of her long neck..."rnrnIn the 2nd book, when Chix Verbil is trying to flirt w/ Holly near the Paris, France shaft entrance, it mentions that she had an auburn "crew-cut".rnrnThis could contradict the description that you already have in this chapter, if you do not mention it in the next. Such as "Holly had decided to let her hair grow..."rnrnAlso, loved the way you fixed my "key" suggestion. :)
... ok, everyone pay attention to this alright? In reply to any questions about the length of Holly's hair: key words right here -- TWO YEARS LATER. Anyway, Glad you like the key deal so far... although I didn't actually fix it... this is how I had intended to write it and I'm not quite done with this idea. I really appreciate somebody being so loyally attentive to my story though^-^ That's cool:) Thankee!
HellFenix: aaw... that's sweet.rnsoo... looks like Holly and Artemis are getting together soon huh?rnand I don't wanna know some of the places that Foaly has hidden cameras. lets hope he's not a hentai...lolrnspeaking of which, did he just see the last scene on camera? Holly is so gonna kill him.
Ha.. ha.. ha.. no, no, no... nothing like that... Foaly only has cameras monitoring the main rooms of buildings- just security. I'm still trying to decide whether or not I'm gonna have Foaly know what Holly did...
LiRA: hey, love your story. I'm not normally into slashy stories of any kind, but this one's alright.rnJust one problem, please try and make the notes and stuff at the beginning of each chapter shorter. There's more notes than story in most cases. By the time I get through those, there's only about half as much actual story to read.rnOtherwise, it's a really good fic, hope you update again soonrnrnPeace ,out
Well, I'm glad that you like the story:) I've had a few people tell me now that I make the notes too long and thus I don't have as much story... but the truth is that I only have a certain amount of the story thought out at one time so whether the notes are there or not, you'll still have the same length of actual story. And besides, some people like the notes so... yah. Personally, I'm not a note person either. But the length of notes is not gonna change the length of the story.
Kalariah: I'm glad Holly's decided to give him another change. They are good for each other, even if they don't realize it at this point in time. I hope Artemis doesn't go all cold and brutal when she tries to apologize or be nice to him.
Hmmm... ::taps chin thoughtfully as an evil glint enters her eyes:: lol, j/k... I won't do that to you guys.. hahaha.... ::sigh:: .. maybe.
Ice Raider: The Fowl family motto is Aurum Potestas Est, by the way. not Aurum Est Potestas.
Well, I copied it straight out of the book, so you might wanna check that again. And besides, Aurum=Gold, Est=is, Potestas=Power. So it wouldn't make sense to say Aurum Postestas Est cuz that would mean Gold Power Is (Which, if you translated it from Yoda-ish, it would mean that Power is gold and it STILL wouldn't make sense...lol). Don't worry bout it tho- you saw how confused I got w/ the Time Stop thing!! Heh..heh... ^-^
flamaria13: you have 148 reviews, and, no offense, but some people have written better stories than you and have less reviews.so dont use the excuse that you dont have enough!its been over a week since you last posted. so get busy writing!
Well gee ^^'' *scratches back of head* I've never said anything about how many reviews I hav but thanx for telling me anyway.... I guess?
katie janeway: Very nice. When's the next update?
Uh....... right about now!
Artemis tossed fretfully in his sleep; having a nightmare which took place in his own home, Fowl Manor. He found himself in the kitchen with Juliet who was talking to him while mixing the contents of a pan on the stove. However, what she was saying or what she was cooking Artemis didn't know. Then Butler came into the room, walked over to Juliet, whispered something to her and gestured for Artemis to join them. Obediently, he found himself walking over to learn what his life-long friend had to tell him. Once he came close, however, Butler's face contorted into an evil snarl as he grabbed his principle around the throat and began to shake him. Artemis tried to call to Juliet but she simply laughed, picked up a knife and walked towards him; twirling the deadly blade menacingly between her long slender fingers.
Somewhere behind the seven foot bodyguard a fire flickered to life and began making its way towards Artemis' two attackers. He tried to warn them but no air could escape through his throat Butler held in a death grip. And so the fire engulfed both of the Butler siblings and Artemis was dropped to the floor. Unable to think of anything but his own life, the 16 year old prodigy scrambled backwards from the bright red flames that licked the air inches in front of his face. He watched as his friends were swallowed in the dancing red and yellow flames, and tears ran down his face as hot as the fire that sucked the life from the two figures in front of him.
Both of his friends were gone but the fire did not cease. It had developed a taste for human life from the two souls it had devoured and the white-hot flames were hungry for more. It crawled towards the terrified teenager, searing the tiled marble floor, until Artemis' whole body was pressed up against the kitchen wall; pushing, pushing- trying to get just a little further away from the bloodthirsty flames. Just then the wall ignited behind him and he was a victim to the fire.
Holly was sleeping quietly when what felt like a fist hit her in the middle of her back. She was awake in an instant, instinctively going into defensive mode. The startled elf noticed the tossing figure next to her and lowered her guard. The sleeping teenager seemed to be troubled by a dream. Beads of sweat had formed on his furrowed brow and he was shaking and moaning something about fire. Desperately, she grabbed his shoulders and began shaking him.
Artemis' eyes snapped open only to find darkness once more but it did not concern him- the most prominent uncomfortable element of the room was the sweltering heat. The delirious Irish boy struggled fitfully to remove the piles of blankets that covered his body. Holly Short noticed his intentions and helped peel the blankets off of him. Once they were away, Artemis lay sweat-drenched and panting. New tears rolled down his face as he mumbled bits of meaningless phrases in his heat-inflicted delusion.
Captain Short watched, feeling helpless, as Artemis suffered from the remnants of whatever dream had been causing him such distress. Wide eyed and frantic, Captain Holly Short felt frustrated just sitting there and doing nothing to improve the situation. Hesitantly she reached out and smoothed his sweat-slicked brow. Slowly and carefully she pulled the trembling body close to hers and began to rock him, whispering soothing words against his tousled raven hair.
The LEP Captain opened her eyes and wondered what had caused her to wake this time. A soft sigh drifted to her ears and she looked down to find Artemis nestled up against her, sleeping. If this discovery wasn't shocking enough for the drowsy elf, she still had her arms wrapped loosely around the sleeping form as well. Absently she began running her fingers through the Irish boy's jet black locks as she settled back down next to him and inhaled the scent of his hair. She sighed contentedly; he smelled nice and he was so warm. She could feel herself drifting off to sleep once again when she caught herself and stiffened. What was she doing? Opening her eyes once more, she looked at the teenager, still sleeping peacefully. She pulled away, feeling dizzy and rather confused.
"I'm just tired." She sighed as she sat up. The front of her pajama top was sticking to her and her hair was matted. Holly swung her legs over the side of her bed slowly and stood up. The elf's legs felt stiff and her eyes were still heavy but she didn't feel like sleeping anymore.
"I'm going for a walk." She said quietly but firmly to herself and walked out into the hallway, pulling an overcoat from a closet and wrapping it around her body.
Artemis was beginning to feel restless again as some form of security seemed to slip away from him in an instant. He then endured something around ten minutes of fitful half-sleep before he finally gave into wakefulness. Lifting heavy eyelids and blinking sleep from his bleary eyes, Artemis tried to focus the haziness in the room before him. The teenager sat up in bed and subconsciously took stock of the room. For the most part it was the same as the night before except that the bed now looked slept-in as the sheets were all twisted and lay in a messy pile at the foot of the mattress. Holly's coat was still gone so it was probably safe to guess she had not returned, unless she came and left again. To be honest, the Irish boy could not have cared less either way at the moment. His mind was still permeated with the intense emotions he had experienced throughout the previous evening, made worse only by his own dreams in which he could still not escape the guilt and loss he felt for his lost companions.
The notion of climbing from his position on the ancient mattress on which he had slept had only began to crawl into the corners of his thoughts when the creaking of an opening door could be heard from the entrance way. Looking up Artemis found himself staring across the room at a motionless Holly Short who seemed to have frozen in the midst of hanging her coat and was simply gazing at him benignly. Artemis frowned slightly, wondering what it was she wanted; she stared as though she expected him to say something to her. He was about to when, upon closer examination, he noted thoughtfulness in her eyes. His expression softened some and in that moment the feeling that had been in her gaze vanished and she went about hanging her coat again.
"Still in bed, master Fowl?" She asked casually.
Artemis let out an exasperated sigh, swung his legs out of bed and onto the cool surface of the floor. Upon trying to take a step forward the Irish boy found his feet to be entangled in a mass of blankets that had managed to slip from the top of the mattress during the night. Artemis barely managed to catch himself before crashing to the hard floor but with a bit of hopping and much stumbling, he was standing on two feet once again. Holly shook her head disapprovingly.
"You still haven't got your feet about you, have you Fowl?" She asked.
When Artemis raised his head to look at her she noticed his eyes were a bit swollen from crying.
Artemis feigned a smile, "Congratulations, Captain Short. You seem to have succeeded in discovering yet another one of my faults. Though I tend to wonder how very difficult that is as I seem to consist solely of said flaws." He retorted, shooting her an angry look.
Holly didn't answer, instead she continued to stare at his eyes- the blood- shot sclera and puffy lids surrounding his deep icy gaze made the color stand out like a blue flame among the red.
Artemis' insolent glare modified itself into a confused stare.
"What?" He demanded.
Holly blinked.
"What? Oh. No, Nothing." Holly shook her head and turned away.
Artemis sighed disdainfully and commenced buttoning up the front of his shirt that had fallen open during the night.
"You know, Holly, I-" He began but broke off when he noticed Holly was no longer there. Artemis looked around the small room, wondering where she could have gone when a tap on his shoulder startled him. He turned to face Holly once more, feeling rather discomposed. The elf held a small compact in her left hand, about the size of his palm.
"What is that for?" He asked, staring skeptically at the little white container.
Holly looked at her hands and turned the compact over a few times.
"It's redness remover." She stated plainly, looking back up at Artemis. The Irish boy nodded slowly and dubiously.
Holly opened the lid of the compact, revealing a small, green screen with multicolored flashing lights and dials around the perimeter. She expertly flicked a few switches and tapped several buttons to turn the screen into a reflective surface. Smugly, she held the compact up so Artemis could see his reflection.
The chagrined teenager exhaled and closed his eyes gently. When they opened again they were downcast, looking at the floor about 3 feet from Holly's sock feet. The elf's face softened and that familiar feeling of guilt began nagging at her heart once more.
"Listen, Artemis..." She said tenderly but he shook his head listlessly and looked at her through hurt eyes that seemed to cry 'how could you do this to me?' from their glacial blue depths.
Holly's nose stung and she felt as though she might begin to cry as well.
"I..... I stunned them. They weren't conscious." She said numbly. Artemis raised his head a fraction of an inch.
"They wouldn't have felt anything... their deaths would be painless." She looked up at the 16 year old prodigy uncertainly.
Artemis' mouth hung open, dry and wordless.
"Artemis?" Holly asked hesitantly as she took a step towards him. "What's wrong?"
The Irish prodigy grabbed her arms firmly and looked at her with deadly seriousness.
"Is that true Holly?" he asked pleadingly and shaking her slightly after each sentence. "You stunned them? Is it true?!"
"Yes, I-I did!" She said, tears forming in her eyes, "I'm so sorry!"
Artemis let out a choked laugh as he released Holly and ran a hand through his raven black hair. He turned in a slow, aimless circle, as though he intended to go somewhere but decided against it. He laughed again; a relieved, nervous smile spreading on his tear-stained face. The confused Elf just stared equivocally at the teenager as he paced the room, seemingly happy about something.
"Artemis?" She asked uneasily, "What's going on?"
Artemis laughed again, realizing how confused Holly must be feeling.
"They're alive, Holly," he explained, hardly able to believe his own words. "Don't you see? To escape a Time Stop you must fall asleep. You didn't kill them, you saved them."
A/N: this was kinda corny beyond belief... but wutever... did you kno that i've had this story written for like 4 months? Heh heh heh... *ducks flying heavy pointed objects* sorry people ive jus been... preoccupied.. well anyways, umm... I don't kno if ill be able to finish this story cuz like.. im really busy and ive sorta lost interest in AF for now seeing as I don't have a lot of time to devote to my little fanfiction endeavors.. would anybody be interested in becoming the new author of this? And writing the story from here? Adunno... just an idea. Well thanks for reading. This is for u guys ^^