and the love of my father wouldn't let me go

Full summary: "Everyone leaves me eventually, All Might. I-I'm used to it. It's my fault for being a failure, after all. My father left because I was quirkless, and Kacchan grew to hate me because I was too weak. I don't blame them; nobody wants to be around someone this useless." Izuku said, sounding far too jaded for a sixteen-year-old. Toshinori's heart hurt for his protégé.

Don't you know, my boy? The retired hero wanted so badly to scream, because how could Izuku not see? Your teachers are proud of you. I am proud of you.

Or: Yagi Toshinori deals with his protégé post-Kamino Ward, and gains a son in the process. Warnings: Non-sexual spanking, talks of self-esteem & abandonment issues.

"Thank you so much, Chiyo-san! I'll be making a move now."

Yagi Toshinori said, waving at the Youthful Heroine before leaving the infirmary. He flexed his arm experimentally, pleased at the lack of pain from the previously-injured limb.

A month has passed since Kamino Ward, and Toshinori just had the last of his bandages removed from the devastating battle with All for One. He had spent the past few weeks recuperating, while getting familiar with the idea of no longer being the Symbol of Peace.

Toshinori thought he was handling it pretty well, all things considered. Sure, it will take a while to get used to being protected instead of doing the protecting, and having lots of free time. But he would finally be able to take things slow, continue his teaching career at UA, and guide his protégé to become a worthy successor.

His protégé. Midoriya Izuku was an unassuming young man, and Toshinori would be lying if he said he did not have qualms choosing the then-middle schooler to wield One for All. However, his past resonated with the retired Hero, and Toshinori grew to admire the boy for his selflessness and sense of heroism. He had grown increasingly fond of the kid and Toshinori dared admit that he now regards Young Midoriya like a son.

Which was why he was beyond horrified seeing his students on one of the greatest battlegrounds in the history of quirks, flying through the air with zero regard of their own safety. It was only through Mt. Lady's quick intervention that prevented them from getting killed by the League. Back then, he could only direct his attention on defeating All for One. But the past month had enabled him to look back at his successor's actions, finding them to be absolutely unacceptable.

Toshinori knew that UA had let the offenders get off lightly due to the extenuating circumstances, only giving them detentions and chores in the dorms. He also knew that Aizawa was not satisfied at the punishments served, and that he would had dealt with his students himself if not for Principal Nezu.

The retired Hero was of the mind that his younger colleague was incredibly harsh, sometimes unnecessary so. This time however, Toshinori agreed wholeheartedly with the homeroom teacher. He knew that they had to curb the teenagers' penchants for disobeying orders. While he could not do much about the other students, he was set on ensuring that his own protégé would think thrice about reoffending in the future. Toshinori would not allow Midoriya Izuku to end up in a body bag due to his own foolishness.

He had already informed Young Midoriya of their meeting, which is why the teenager was already sitting nervously in the staff dorms when the teacher walked in. Toshinori had explained the situation to the other teachers, and they were glad to vacate the rooms for the evening. Aizawa had even given a look of grudging respect. You are taking this surprisingly seriously, he commented.

Of course, Toshinori remembered saying. I owe it to the boy, as his mentor and someone who wants the best for him.

His protégé's face brightened upon seeing his mentor, and Toshinori felt a stab of guilt at the unpleasant conversation to come.

"It went really well, my boy. Chiyo-san just cleared me; all my injuries are finally healed!"

Young Midoriya beamed, relief and happiness evident in his smile. "I'm so glad. We were all so worried, you looked like you were in so much pain. I'm sorry I haven't been visiting you, All Might, Aizawa-Sensei has been giving us a lot of extra work, and homework was starting to pile up, and –"

"It's alright, my boy." Toshinori said, halting his successor's rambling, "Speaking of which, young Midoriya, we need to talk."

"A-About what, All Might?" The boy asked, looking puzzled.

"About Kamino Ward. What you and your classmates did… Not only was it against orders, but you all were in unnecessary danger."

"I'm sorry… We just wanted to save gKacchan!" The boy said. "I was the one who let the League take him… I could not just sit there and do nothing to help him!"

"I know that you and Young Bakugou are childhood friends, and that you and your classmates wanted to rescue him. However, have you considered that there were Pros that were already planning an operation? Pros that were actually trained for such rescue work?" He asked. His successor looked suitably chastised; eyes trained on his lap.

"What if you were in the way, and got caught in the crossfire? How would your classmates feel, knowing they could have stopped you? How would Young Bakugou react if he knew you lost your life on a misguided attempt to save him? And your mother? She only has you, young man!" Toshinori continued talking, the fear left over from the incident fuelling his ire.

What about me, my boy? He did not say. What would I have done if you did not survive?

Suppressing his feelings, Toshinori continued, "Your loss would hurt your loved ones so badly, and I hope you are at least aware of that. You are not expendable, Midoriya Izuku!"

His student was blinking away tears, and Toshinori knows that his words are sinking in. However, this is no longer enough. The boy's teachers had lectured him about his self-sacrificing tendencies before, but he still continued to pull such reckless stunts. Not anymore, the man thought grimly. He would need to step up to become the mentor and parental figure that Nana had been to him. His protégé deserved someone that has his best interests at heart, and Toshinori would be damned if he did not become that person.

"All Might?" The boy in question looks concerned at the sudden silence.

Toshinori coughed. "My apologises, my boy. I got a little lost in my thoughts."

"As I have been saying," The man continued, "Hosu, and now Kamino Ward. You cannot go on disregarding orders and your life like this, my boy. And I'm going to start making sure of that."

The teenager looked worried. "What do you mean, All Might?"

"I'm going to spank you."

"W-What? No!" Young Midoriya squawked, waving his hands frantically at his teacher. "I-I'm too old for a s-s-spanking, All Might!"

"My mentor, Shimura Nana, spanked me well into my third year." Toshinori said, chuckling. "You're definitely not too old for a good smacking, my boy! Plus," The man continued, mirth gone, "Don't you feel that you deserve to be disciplined for your actions? UA had let you off easy, but I can't let this harmful behaviour go on. Not just as your mentor, but as an adult that genuinely cares for your well-being. I believe that I am making sense, right young man?" He added more sternly.

"But… Aizawa-Sensei and Principal Nezu has already punished us…?" The teenager asked weakly.

"You know that you and your friends have gotten off lightly, my boy. Principal Nezu felt that my retirement and the subsequent move to the dorms were already huge shocks, and did not want to overwhelm you all by punishing you guys too harshly. Did you really think that Aizawa would simply let you off with just a few detentions?"

Young Midoriya shivered. "N-No! He would have killed us! Or placed us on house arrest until graduation… Maybe we wouldn't even reach graduation."

"I don't think he would go that far, but yes. You do need to be held accountable for your actions."

"O-Okay, All Might. I know I deserve to be punished properly… I really feel bad for causing so much trouble and worry. I-I'll do it." The boy is nervous, but his eyes shone with the same conviction that captured Toshinori's attention all those months ago. He could not help but feel so much pride. "D-Do I bend over the desk?""

"I'll also need you to take your trousers off, young man." Toshinori said.

"Do I have to?" His student gave an almost-whine, face reddening. "I can also take it off for you, if you like." Toshinori replied, only half-jokingly.

"Nonono, I'll do it!" Young Midoriya bit his lip before closing his eyes, hurriedly pulling his pants off and folding them neatly. Ah. Toshinori had realised the source of his protégé's embarrassment. Young Midoriya's face is beet red, refusing to make eye contact with his mentor. "I'm… sorry?" The boy ventured.

"Don't worry about it, my boy. It's honestly flattering to have you look up to me this much!" Toshinori chuckled. The source of his mirth was the All Might-themed underwear the teenager was wearing.

"Let's not prolong this, shall we? Young Midoriya, you already know what to do."

The slight relief on Young Midoriya's face faded, but his protégé did not argue. Gritting his teeth, he rested his torso on the desk, gripping the edges. Not that Toshinori expected his student to be difficult, but the retired hero was still relieved that he did not have to add to the list of infractions.

There's just another thing. "I'm taking your underwear down, young man."

"W-What? Noooo-" Toshinori ignored the teen's protests, tugging the briefs down so that they were rested around his knees. "You know you deserve this, my boy." He lightly scolded.

"Yes, All Might." Young Midoriya muttered, his head down.

"I'll be spanking you with my hand first, and we will finish up with ten with the belt." Toshinori intoned, resting a hand on his student's back. "But," He added in a kinder tone, "I promise that everything will be alright between us after your punishment. Do you understand, Young Midoriya?"

His protégé hesitated before nodding. I never thought I'd ever do this, but here we go. The teacher took a deep breath before bringing his hand down. A loud smack! echoed through the room. "Ahhhh!" Young Midoriya yelped, caught off guard.

Toshinori gave a few more experimental swats, becoming more confident with every smack given. "Young Midoriya, you already know that what you and your classmates did at Kamino Ward was incredibly foolish." He began lecturing after a few hefty smacks. "Aizawa and Vlad specifically told you all to stay put, but you still chose to disobey a direct order. And not just any order, but one that puts your lives in danger!"

"I get it now, All Might! We just did what we thought was right-" An extra sharp swat cut him off with a shriek.

"Listen to me, young man. You, who aren't even a full-fledged Hero, ran straight into enemy grounds while still injured. You did not even have your Hero equipment, for goodness' sake! What would you have done if your plans fell through?" Toshinori was getting himself worked up again thinking about it. He remembered the horror when he saw the group cruising through the air, the terror of his protégé not surviving the battle due to his inability to listen to the adults in his life.

He's just like you, Gran Torino had once mentioned, referring to his successor's inability to follow orders. Not anymore, Toshinori thought grimly. He is putting a stop to his protégé's impulsiveness today.

"I-I'm sorry, All Might! We screwed up."

"You will be." He replied grimly. He shifted his attention to the teen's lower thighs, eliciting a shocked cry. Smack, smack, smack! The sting seemed to be building up, judging from the boy's squirming. "Stay still, my boy." He scolded.

"I-I'm trying!"

"Remember how I asked you about how your loved ones would feel if we lost you? Did you know how terrified I was when I saw you and your group flying through the air, Young Midoriya? I could barely keep All for One contained, and I thought you were done for when he attacked."

He added more softly, "I thought that I might not see you in one piece again, my boy. You were lucky to have gotten off scot-free." The teacher was slightly concerned when he heard some muffled sound, but rolled his eyes when he realised what was happening.

"Young Midoriya, stop biting your lip! You are going to make it bleed at this rate, you foolish boy." Toshinori intoned sternly, giving two particularly harsh swats on his student's thighs. What was with young people and their pride? He thought exasperatedly.

The freckled boy gave a loud shriek, instinctively trying to pull away but was thwarted by Toshinori's grip. "I mean it, my boy."

"Y-Yes, All Might!"

His protégé's voice was wobbly, as if he was fighting to hold back his tears. Time to put a stop to this stubbornness, Toshinori thought. It was time to move on to the next part of the spanking, anyhow. He raised a hand to undo his belt, sliding it out from his belt loops. The jingle from the buckle made the boy stiffen. Toshinori patted his back in comfort.

"As I was saying, you will be getting ten smacks from the belt. I intend to make them memorable, so that I'll never have to do this again. But I promise you, my boy, everything will be forgiven after this."

A sniffle. "O-Okay, All Might."

Toshinori mentally counted to three before bringing the belt down, hard. Young Midoriya gasped, his body almost bucking off the desk in shock. The retired Hero had to grasp the back of his protégé's shirt to keep the teenager still.

The next couple of swats fell hard, but Young Midoriya stayed stubbornly silent. However, Toshinori could feel the tremors beneath his palm. The boy was still fighting his reactions. The older man knew that Young Midoriya was prone to tears, and the only reason Toshinori could think of for this show of restraint was that he did not want to appear weak in front of the person he admired the most.

"You do not need to hide your feelings from me, Young Midoriya. Let it all out." The retired hero said softly, bringing the belt down with another loud smack! "I will not think any less of you, on the contrary I'm impressed by how willing you are in taking responsibility for your mistakes. You are doing so well, Izuku."

He was not sure whether it was his little speech that did it, or the next few smacks, but his protégé stiffened before finally beginning to cry. "That's better, Young Midoriya. There is no shame in tears, my boy."

"I-I'm sorry, All Might! I'm so sorry for disobeying the teachers' orders!" Young Midoriya warbled. "I-I'll n-never do it againnnnn!" He yelped as the belt fell again, bursting into louder sobs. "Please forgive me!"

"Just two more, my boy." Toshinori soothed, trying to ignore the pitiful cries. He brought the belt down on each upper thigh, the teenager howling before collapsing in another wave of tears. The teacher dropped the cursed implement, guiding the boy to standing by his shoulders.

"It's over, my dear boy. You handled it really well." The teacher soothed.

His protégé looked pitiful, tears and snot streaming down his face and hands frantically rubbing at his very red bottom. His briefs had fallen to his ankles, his nudity fortunately conserved by his t-shirt. Another sob, and Toshinori could no longer control himself, pulling the boy into a hug.

"There, there, let it all out. You're okay, Young Mido-Izuku." His protégé's first name had accidentally slipped out during the belting, but in hindsight it felt appropriate. After all, they were so much more than student and teacher.

It took nearly twenty minutes, but Izuku seemed to be finally calming down. The boy pulled away, and the retired Hero tried not to miss the contact. "Thank you…" His student murmured, wiping his face with the offered handkerchief. He looked absolutely exhausted, although there was something else on his face that concerned Toshinori.

"Not a problem, my boy. Would you like to… ahem, redress now?"

Izuku yelped, obviously forgotten about his state of undress. He quickly pulled on his underwear, although the boy seemed to have regretted his haste, judging by the pained gasp. He was a lot more cautious with his trousers, gingerly sliding them over his sore bottom.

"How are you feeling, Izuku?" He asked.

"I'm okay, All Might, just a little sore… I'll get over it, though! Is it alright if I go back to my dorm now?" Izuku said, sounding choked. The boy's eyes were red-rimmed from crying earlier, his posture poised to run, but it was the resignation and pain in his gaze that alarmed Toshinori. His kid was definitely not 'okay'.

"My boy, you do know that you're forgiven, right? Everything is good between us." Toshinori asked gently.

He did not expect his protégé to suddenly look so hurt. "That's not true, All Might. You do not need to be so nice about it, I already know." He seemed seconds away from bursting into tears again, but Toshinori was just confused. Already know what?

"I do not believe that I know what you mean, Izuku. What isn't true?"

"I screwed up really bad, All Might. I-I mean, I already knew from Aizawa-sensei's lectures, but the message really sank in just now. W-What if things did not go as well as they did? What if Mt. Lady did not get to us in time, or you had to risk your battle to come get us? I was the one who came up with the idea, I could have gotten all of us killed!"

"And I know that after this, you wouldn't want to have anything to do with m-me anymore."

At those words, Izuku finally started crying, his body wrecked with deep, heaving sobs.

Toshinori no longer wanting anything to do with Izuku? The thought of that was preposterous. What in the world was the boy talking about?

"You've already apologised and paid for your mistakes, my dear boy. Even if you were still in trouble, I care about you way too much to ever push you away." The man said, lost. "How did you even come up with such a foolish thought, Izuku?"

"It's not foolish, All Might!" His protégé snapped, tears running down his face, before covering his mouth in horror. "S-Sorry. I mean, it's what people do after I mess up badly."

"What do you mean, my boy?"

"Everyone leaves eventually, All Might. I-I'm used to it. It's my fault for being a failure, after all. My father left because I was quirkless, and Kacchan grew to hate me because I was too weak. I don't blame them; Nobody wants to be around someone this useless." Izuku said, sounding far too jaded for a sixteen-year-old. Toshinori's heart hurt for his protégé.

Don't you know, my boy? The retired hero wanted so badly to scream, because how could Izuku not see? Your teachers are proud of you. I am proud of you.

The boy sniffled, scrubbing at his face, "A-After today, I don't think you would want to talk to me anymore. Y-You would probably regret passing on your quirk to me as well, given how bad I am –"

Toshinori could no longer listen to his amazing protégé abase himself, pulling his successor into a tight embrace, his head tucked under the teacher's chin. This time, Izuku clung on tightly, almost desperately, as if afraid that the retired Hero would push him away.

"My boy, I am going to tell you something very important. Can you hear me out for a moment?" Toshinori asked.

Izuku paused before shrugging, earning a soft pat on his head.

"You have made mistakes, yes. But that is what your teachers and parents are meant for, to guide you towards becoming a better person. Your father," Toshinori paused, containing his anger at one Midoriya Hisashi, "-was so wrong for leaving the way he did."

"He should have been there to support you and your mother, and teach you how to live life without a quirk. He left because he was a weak-minded, miserable excuse of a father who prioritised his reputation instead of his family, and that was not on you. And Young Bakugou was a child, but that does not excuse his actions. No matter how he viewed you, you did not deserve to be bullied and shunned; That was also not your fault."

While Izuku remained silent, the wide eyes and tense posture showed that he was listening. Good, Toshinori thought grimly. This is important, his kid is important. He needed to make Izuku understand just how much he meant to the man, and if that includes breaking through all those barriers crafted by the former's low self-esteem and abandonment issues, then so be it. Toshinori would do anything for this boy.

"And Izuku, you truly do not know how much you mean to me. Not just as a student, or even my successor. I… I see you like my child. When I was fighting All for One, all I could think of was to win and come back alive, because I wanted so badly to watch you grow up and become the amazing hero I know you will become. You are so important to me, my boy." He said gently.

He tilted Izuku's head up, and Toshinori could see the fragile hope contained within his eyes, "Y-You really mean it?" The boy asked.

"All of it." Toshinori promised.

"Even the part about being your k-kid?" He asked shyly.

"Especially that part. I love you so much, Izuku. I would be overjoyed to call you my son."

Knowing how expressive his successor is, Toshinori had expected an emotional reaction. He however did not expect Izuku's expression to crumble, before hiding his face.

"I-It's okay if you think it's weird, my boy. I apologise, I shouldn't have made you uncomfortable-"

Toshinori babbled, flailing his arms.

"N-No! I-I…I'm really happy, All Might. You are the closest thing I have to a dad, so…" Izuku said, blush evident in his voice, "I-I'm just scared."

"What about, my boy?"

"What if I fail at being your son?" The boy asked, sniffling again, "W-What if, even after I try my hardest, I'm still not good enough?"

Oh, this boy.

"Izuku, my silly child," Toshinori said, overcome with love and affection, "You'll always be good enough for me."

That did it.

His boy broke down crying for the third time today, but this time, his happiness was evident. The man guided his kid to the huge, plush couch, pulling him close. After a few minutes of cuddling, Izuku looked up, sleepiness in his gaze.

"Yes, my boy?" Toshinori asked.

"Uhm... I-I'm not used to the idea of anyone wanting me," He mumbled, yawning. "So, it might take a while longer for me to get used to having you as a dad… Is that okay?"

"Of course, Izuku. We can definitely do this at your pace; I only want for you to be comfortable."

"Okay… Thanks, All Might. Y-You know, for believing in me and for c-caring about me-. I promise, I'm not taking you for granted."

This sweet, precious child. "I know that, kiddo. You're so capable, and easy to love, and I hope that one day, you will be able to see yourself the way your loved ones do." He ruffled Izuku's hair, smiling when the boy leaned into his touch.

"Why not you try to nap for a bit?" Toshinori suggested. "I'll wake you up and take you back to the dorms later."

"That sounds nice…" The boy shifted to a more comfortable position before shutting his eyes, never once breaking contact with Toshinori.

To the retired Hero's relief, the boy had quickly fallen asleep, his head resting against Toshinori's uninjured side. His words must have sunk in, given the peaceful expression on the teenager's face.

Even if this was only the starting point to undoing a lifetime's worth of insecurities, Toshinori was ready. He has all the time in the world now, after all.

The teacher pulled his son, his son, close and whispered, "I am here, my boy. And I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon."


"Aww, they are so adorable! Quick, Nemuri, take a picture!"

"Already done and sent to the faculty group chat, Mic. Look at how tightly Midoriya is clinging to Yagi, they really are close huh?"

"Haven't you heard? All Might-san has been privately training Midoriya, they have this mentor-mentee thing going on for quite a while now. Kind of like you and Shinsou Hitoshi, Shouta-senpai."

"Keep it down, you idiots. See, he's awake."

Toshinori opened his eyes, blinking blearily at his colleagues. Thirteen, Midnight, and Present Mic all looked to be in varying levels of panic, with Aizawa seemingly unperturbed. "It's almost curfew," The homeroom teacher said dryly, "I suppose that he should be getting back?"

He glanced pointedly at his side, and Toshinori looked down to see Izuku in deep sleep, the man's sleeve in the boy's tight grip. "Oh, right. I'll wake him up."

Before he could shake Izuku awake, Aizawa asked, "I supposed that your 'talk' went well?"

"It was rather rough at first, but yes, things did turn out wonderful." Toshinori replied.

"Good," The Erasure Hero said, "The Problem Child needs a trusted adult to hold him accountable, and I am glad that you are stepping up."

"However, if you ever need help or whatever," He hesitated, "Just know that we UA teachers are here to support you. At least, these idiots and I."

Oh. Aizawa was sincere, despite his gruff tone, and Toshinori felt warmed. Before he could thank the other man, they were interrupted by Mic.

"So sweet, Shouta!" The Voice Hero mocked-sobbed, wiping away a fake tear. "Sniff, Yagi-san, he is actually such a softie! Look at how much he cares!"

"Yamada, I'm going to kill you."

With that, Aizawa started chasing Mic around, the latter screaming for mercy. Toshinori looked at their other colleagues, grinning widely. "Truly, thank you."

He was prepared to guide Izuku on his own, both as his mentor and father. But with this open show of support, from people that genuinely cared for the both of them…

Toshinori was certain.

They'll definitely figure things out.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading this fic! There were several elements that were inspired from events that happened in my personal life, particularly the bits about unconditional support from a treasured mentor-turned-parental figure. Izuku & Toshinori's relationship has always been one of my favourite things in MHA, and I am so stoked to finally get to write them.

Writing from a solo POV was a new experience, but I like to think that I did a decent job, haha.

Please review if you have liked it, or have some constructive feedback to give! I love to chat :D