Wicked Game

"Are you going tomorrow?" he asks.

"Of course. Are you?" she whispers.

"I don't have a choice," he mutters but is soon distracted by the way her hand snakes around his head and tugs him down towards her so she can close the distance between them.

"It won't be so bad, I'll be there," she whispers, this time in his ear.

The feeling of her breath on his neck shoots straight to his groin and he steals another kiss before speaking.

"I thought you wanted to keep this quiet?"

"I do, but that doesn't mean you have to go home alone tomorrow," she smirks against his lips.

"You're such a tease," he whines, hands winding through her hair as he tugs on her lower lip.

"I don't think I've been a tease today," she smirks, kissing him one more time before reaching around him for her discarded top and untangling her limbs from his.

"You started as one, you said we couldn't do this here," he grins, following her lead and beginning to button up his top.

"And we shouldn't do this here," she wags a finger at him as she resumes making herself look workplace presentable.

"If I recall correctly, you dragged me in here," he boasts as he fixes his belt into place.

"It was a one-time deal, Specter. I meant what I said about keeping things quiet, at least for a bit while we get used to…"

"Dating," he finishes for her.

"Fine, we can keep this between us but if I have to go to that horrible party, I at least get to take you home afterwards."

"Hmm, I don't know, you're going to have to try harder than that if you want to take me home," she teases, stepping into her heels and leaning in for a quick kiss before she wanders over to the file room door and unlocks it.

"See you later?"

"I'll pick up some food after work and see you at 7," he smiles.



This morning, Donna Paulsen woke up curled into Harvey Specter's side, because she was dating Harvey Specter. After years of wondering if he would ever feel the same way about her, they'd finally gotten to a place where she'd never dreamed that they'd get. After finding out about his relationship with Paula, she was certain whatever shot they had at a romantic relationship was long gone. But then she kissed him in her office, a spur of the moment decision caused by emotions running high and everything changed when he kissed her back. She was uncertain in the beginning, but then his lips gently tugged against hers and she knew he must feel it too. That thing that had always bubbled just beneath the surface of their relationship. The way the simple kiss made her feel alive in ways she'd long forgotten she could feel.

After she walked out of her office that night, she was certain she'd doomed then. He surprised her by breaking up with Paula, something she heard about after the fact; after she found him leaning against the windowsill in her office waiting for her to return to her office, a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Harvey? What are you doing in here?" she asks as she absentmindedly strolls into her office.

"We left a few things unsaid the other night."

"We did?"

He takes two quick strides towards her and before she can say another word his lips come crashing down on hers as his hands come up to cup her cheeks.

She kisses him back and she has no doubt that this kiss was one she would never forget.

"I just had to know," he whispers when she pulls back and stares up at him quizzically, parroting her words from a few nights before.

"And do you know now?" she whispers, his thumbs gently brushing her pale cheeks.

"I think I've known for a long time," he whispers, placing a tender kiss to her forehead.

"What about Paula?" she asks, it finally dawning on her that he was still seeing someone else.

"We broke up. Turns out she wasn't the one for me."

"She wasn't?"

"She was nice. But she wasn't you."


"I'm in Donna. I'm all in if you are."

She nods, a few tears slipping down her cheek as he wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her in closer as he kisses her, leaving her breathless for the second time that evening.

It was a whirlwind after that. After falling into bed together and making up for years of lost time, they'd spent hours talking about their feelings and what this all meant. In the end, they decided they wanted to keep their new relationship quiet for a while to give them time to adjust without any interference or opinions from their coworkers.

That was nearly two weeks ago. In those two weeks she discovered that the only thing she loved more than dating Harvey Specter, was secretly dating him.

It added an element of suspense to their already hot and heavy relationship. Between the lingering glances across the firm hall and the stolen touches beneath the conference room table, she was living for the pent-up sexual tension that came home with them each night after leaving the firm. Sometimes, like the day before, they couldn't wait that long and would come up with an excuse to sneak off at work. It wasn't something she was proud of, her inability to keep her hands off her boyfriend for a mere 8-hour workday, but she couldn't help it. She was drawn to him. It was as though the secrecy only added to the desire they already had for each other.

Rolling over in his arms, she leans up and steals a kiss as he slowly begins to wake. This was her favourite Harvey, the sleepy unkempt version that slept in an old Harvard shirt and wasn't perfectly clean shaved.

He lazily stretches his arms above his head before wrapping them around her waist and pulling her against his chest with a mumbled, "Good morning beautiful."

"What do you say to spending the entire day," he pauses to place a kiss on the exposed piece of skin above her collarbone, "doing this."

"Nice try Mr. but Louis is expecting us this afternoon. Plus we have jobs."

"We could pretend we're busy. Put our phones on silent and just-"

"Harvey," she half warns and half purrs as he places another kiss to her neck.

"Fine, but we're at least going to be a little late," he grins before pulling her beneath him and peppering her face with kisses.



He strolls into his office a little after 9:30 and plops himself at his desk, a satisfied grin plastered across his face when he realizes what time it is.

"Nice of you to join us," Mike teases as he marches into the office.

"Sorry, I had a meeting," Harvey smirks.

"I don't need to know the details. Glad you're getting back on the horse after your breakup," Mike replies, tossing a stack of folders onto Harvey's desk.

"What are these?" he eyes the folders.

"A case. Louis brought in an external council on this one and he wants me to help out. I wanted your advice on a few things."

"Why did he feel the need to bring some stiff in a suit in when we're more than capable of handling this?" Harvey asks.

"Maybe he just missed me, maybe I'm hoping you did too," a brunette replies as she enters Harvey's office.

"Harvey," she greets him before turning to face Mike. "I don't believe we've met, Zoe," she extends her palm to shake Mike's as he introduces himself.

"You two know each other?" Mike stares between the pair. Zoe was noticeably pretty, her curly brown hair tossed over her shoulder and her cream coloured dress a perfect fit, but he can't help but notice Harvey looks like a deer in the headlights and he wonders who this woman could be.

"We're old friends," she answers, eyes still glued to Harvey.

"Mike, give us a minute," Harvey instructs rather than asks. Mike, not needing to be told twice sees himself out and wanders back towards his own office, confused.

He runs into Donna on his way and she stops him. "Everything alright Mike? You look frazzled."

"Oh yeah, just some lady Louis brought in to work on a case. She and Harvey had this weird charged energy. It's hard to explain. Guess that's what he meant by morning meeting," he wonders out loud as he continues walking.

"Mike," Donna calls after him, "What was her name again?"

"Zoe. Why do you know her too?"

"As a matter of fact, I do. Thanks Mike," she smiles before returning to her office, a knot in her stomach. It wasn't that she didn't trust Harvey, it was just that they were finally happy, and this was the exact opposite of what she wanted to happen. It didn't help that she'd been the one to insist they keep their relationship a secret while they found their footing, and now that Zoe was back and assumed Harvey was fair game, her head was spinning.

"What are you doing here Zoe?" he asks once Mike's out of ear shot.

"I just told you, Louis asked me. And I missed you," she says as she steps towards where he's seated.

"It's been too long," she adds, reaching to touch his arm but he backs up in his seat before jumping out of it and strolling towards the window.

"How are you?" she asks.

"I'm fine. You know, busy with… things."

"Good, Zoe there you are. I was thinking we could get started in the conference room in five? We've got this housewarming thing tonight, so I'd love to get out of here at a decent hour," Louis says as he bursts into the office.

"Sounds good Louis. Let's get this done so you can get out of here."

"You should join us? If you don't have any plans," Louis says and Harvey can feel himself pale.

"I wouldn't want to impose," she shrugs, studying Harvey's expression opposed to Louis'.

"Please, I'm sure Harvey would love to take you. Right Harvey?"

"I ummm… actually Louis," he stutters, racking his brain for any excuse not to take Zoe to the party.

"Got to jump back on the horse sometime buddy. I think it's time to saddle up," he beams before waving towards the conference room and leaving the office as abruptly as he had entered.

"You don't have to feel obligated, I just thought maybe if you weren't seeing anyone… it would be nice to catch up."

"Zoeeee," Donna's voice echoes through the office and Harvey swears no one in this firm knows how to knock but for the first time all morning he's overjoyed with the intrusion.

"I heard you were here, and I just had to say hello. I wasn't interrupting, was I?" she asks, cocking an eyebrow at Harvey before turning and forcing a smile in Zoe's direction.

"Actually, Zoe was just saying that if I wasn't seeing anyone it would be nice to catch up later. At the party Louis invited her too," he says, doing his best to spell out the situation for Donna.

She pauses for a moment, contemplating before she speaks. "I guess we'll be seeing you tonight then?"

Zoe looks to Harvey who bobs his head and replies with a soft "see you tonight," before she leaves Donna and Harvey alone in his office to go meet Louis.

"What did you do that for?" he asks, his panicked eyes meeting Donna's.

"What did you want me to do? Tell her?"

"Would that be so bad?"

"Harvey… we agreed we would wait."

"That was before Louis practically invited Zoe to be my date tonight," he whines.

"It'll be fine. We'll go, have a few drinks, you can pretend you're interested in whatever she says and before you know it, we'll be out of there."

"I don't understand why I can't just take you. I want to take you," his voice softens as he peers down the hall quickly and steps towards her.

A warning "Harvey," leaves her lips but he reassures her that no one's watching before he leans down and steals a quick kiss.

"Just know, I'm protesting this," he calls out to her before she can leave his office and she responds by shaking her head and chuckling.

She knew she shouldn't have gone to Harvey's office, but a nagging jealous feeling drove her to make an appearance and she was glad she had. If she hadn't, Harvey would have told Zoe they were together and she wasn't ready to tell the office, not yet. Right now she wanted them to stay in their little bubble and if that meant Harvey taking Zoe to this party, she was just going to have to deal with it.



She shows up ten minutes after him, despite them having left the office at the same time but she insisted it would be weird if they showed up together so here he was ringing the doorbell to some guy named Josh's apartment. He's standing in the kitchen with Louis and Zoe, talking about their case when he spots Donna enter and his gaze is immediately drawn to her. She'd changed since leaving the office and was now wearing a pair of white jeans and a black sweater, and she looked beautiful.

He watches as she makes her way around the room, stopping to mingle here and there while Zoe continues to tell him and Louis a story about the firm she was working for. He hears Louis laugh and clues in that she must have said something funny, so he forces himself to chuckle when in reality, the only thing he's focused on is Donna.

She settles down on the sofa, wine glass in hand and begins chatting with Rachel while watching Harvey and Zoe from the corner of her eye. Harvey is leaning against the island in the kitchen, the cardigan he'd changed into after leaving the office bunched at the elbows as he downs the contents of his glass and returns his attention to Zoe.

She watches as he begins to tell a story and Zoe laughs far too enthusiastically, her palm settling on his forearm and she feels a pang in her gut. Maybe she wasn't as alright with this as she thought she was.

"Donna, are you listening?" Rachel's voice calls her attention back to their conversation.

"Sorry Rach. I'm going to grab another drink," she mutters, excusing herself towards the kitchen with her still full wine glass.

She makes her way towards the drinks, downing the liquid in her glass in one swift gulp before pouring herself a second glass. From the other side of the island she can feel Harvey's eyes boring holes into her back, but she doesn't turn around; doesn't want to watch as Zoe flirts with him.

"Hey Donna, mind passing me one," he calls out to her and she has no choice but to grab him a glass and join him and Zoe.

"Donna, you look stunning," Zoe compliments, though Donna knows she wishes she would leave her and Harvey to themselves.

"Thank you. So do you," she forces a smile from her place between Harvey and Zoe.

Harvey's palm brushes against the back of hers and a chill rushes through her body. She's tempted to reach for his hand and slide her fingers between his but she resists, twitching her fingers at her side instead.

"Harvey was just telling the funniest story about Daniel and this one time he tried to pull one over on me but I beat him too it," she smiles, her hand once again settling on Harvey's arm as she steps towards him.

"Gosh Harvey, do you remember that one weekend we drank a little too much and spent the day in bed plotting how we would take Daniel down if we could?" The brunette smiles at him and Donna can no longer bear to hear another word.

"Well, I'll leave you two to it," Donna says, excusing herself and making a beeline for the restroom.



She sinks down to the floor, her back to the bathtub, wine glass resting next to her as she drops her head to her hands. She thought she could handle this but watching Zoe make Harvey laugh, it triggers something inside of her and she hates the jealousy she feels. She prides herself on not being a jealous person, but watching the two of them reminisce, she wonders what would have happened if Zoe pursued Harvey years ago and he hadn't let her go. She knows it's wrong to be angry with Harvey, but she is. She's jealous and angry with herself and him;, angry with him for making Zoe laugh, angry at herself for demanding they keep their relationship to themselves.

A faint knock at the door causes her to raise her head and she sniffles, whipping her tears on the back of her sleeve while Tanner pops his head into the bathroom.

"Sorry I was just leaving," she mumbles, scrambling to her feet.

"Donna, are you alright?" He asks.

"I'm fine. It's nothing," she waves, wiping at her tear-stained cheeks one more time before reaching for her wine glass and trying to push past Tanner.

"What are you even doing here?"

"I used to work with Josh. He invited me," he explains.

"Does this have something to do with the woman out there making a play for what's yours?"

"What?" She stops in her tracks, staring back at him confused.

"It's written all over your face Donna. You're in love with him."

"No... it's not…"

"Like that? Yes it is. I see the way he looks at you, the way you look at him. The way things between you two have…" he's about to say changed when she answers his unasked question.

"Yes," she confirms, staring at him with wide eyes. "How?"

She swore they were being subtle but if Tanner of all people can pick up on their dirty little secret, she's starting to second guess how subtle they've actually been.

"Well, if I was you, and if Harvey was dumb enough to not realize what was right in front of his face, I would leave him. Of course, since "I" love Harvey, I would resort to plan B, making him jealous."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, I'm not sure why the two of you felt the need to keep whatever is going on between you quiet, but if the man I was in love with was out there letting another woman flirt with him, I would show him exactly how it feels."

"I can't do that Travis. It's not right."

"What he's doing isn't right either."

"It was my idea," she blushes.

"Come on Donna. If I was him, even if the woman I loved suggested it I couldn't let another woman flirt with me like that in front of her. Harmless fun, Donna. He's having fun, you deserve to have some too."

She pauses, contemplating the proposition. He had a point. If Harvey could have a little bit of fun tonight, she should be entitled to do the same.

"Alright. I'm in. What do we do?"

"Well for starters I'm going to open that door and wrap my arm around your waist and you're going to laugh while we stumble out of here."

"Are we doing this Red?" he asks when she pauses.

"I guess so."

"Just say the word and we'll stop, deal?"

"Let's do it. Let's have fun," she forces a laugh and before she knows it he's tugging on the door handle and pulling her back into the party, hand placed firmly around her waist.

"Laugh," he whispers, "he's watching."

She does as he suggests and laughs, following Tanner's lead towards the couch and taking a seat next to him. She ignores the weird look Rachel is throwing her way, and focuses on Tanner, willing herself to relax and try to have some fun.


Harvey watches as Donna and Tanner tumble out of the washroom and his fists clench at his sides. Why the hell did she need to be in a bathroom with him? Of all people at this party to be in a bathroom with, Tanner?! He'd always suspected that Tanner had a crush on Donna, but he never thought the man would act on it. What the hell was Donna doing? What the hell was Tanner even doing at this party?!

He tries to give Zoe his undivided attention but his eyes keep wandering back to where Donna and Tanner are cuddled up on the couch. He tells himself she's just doing it to make them seem casual, after all he was here with Zoe. But it bothers him. The way Tanner's body is angled towards hers. The way her face lights up while she laughs at whatever he's saying. His entire body tenses when he thinks about Tanner touching her, the thought making him physically ill. His palm hits the granite countertop as Tanner's palm falls to a place on Donna's thigh.

"Harvey, are you even listening to me?"

"Yes, of course."

"Then what did I just say?" Zoe quizzes, folding her arms over her chest.

"Something about the office?" He guesses.

"You know, I really hoped that maybe you'd changed. But you're still the same Harvey Specter. Emotionally unavailable with an unhealthy attachment to his secretary."

He hears half of her speech but he's too focused on Donna and Tanner to care. He barely hears Zoe tell him she's leaving because he's too preoccupied watching Tanner whisper something in Donna's ear. He has half a mind to stride across the room and smack the smug grin off Tanner's face, but he can't. He won't.


"It's working," Tanner whispers into her ear.

"You really want to drive him crazy? Slide over a bit," he instructs and for reasons unbeknownst to her, she obliges. She lets her thigh brush against his and she can feel the intensity of Harvey's glare from across the room.

"Let's drive it home Red," Tanner smirks, reaching up and tucking a strand of Donna's hair behind her ear.

"Why are you helping me?" She finally asks.

"A chance to push Specter's buttons? It's like Christmas for me," he smirks as he leans forward and presses a kiss to her cheek.

She sees Harvey move across the room, and in a flash he's standing in front of her with pleading eyes.

"Hey Harv," Tanner grins, tossing an arm over Donna's shoulder, his casual demeanor impressive seeing as he'd just made Donna blush by placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Can I borrow Donna for a minute?" He asks, doing his best to force a smile.

Tanner looks to Donna who nods that it's alright and he concedes.

"Be my guest," he shrugs, removing his arm from Donna's shoulder.

She follows silently as he leads her towards what she assumes is a bedroom, a nervous excitement bubbly in her lower abdomen.

He moves to shut the door behind them and steps towards her, resisting the urge to kiss her he takes a step away from her once again. Pacing, he takes three steps to the left and then marches back, his face unreadable.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He cries, throwing his arms up in frustration. "Tanner, really Donna? Why the hell is he even here?!"

"What, you're allowed to pretend when I'm not?!"

"You were the one who suggested I come here and pretend!" He fires back.

"I didn't tell you to flirt with her!"

"I wasn't flirting with her!"

"Spare me! You were. So what, you're allowed to flirt but I'm not? Please tell me how that's fair Harvey? Why am I not allowed to have some fun too?" She challenges.

"Because you're mine!"

"Please, now we're playing this game," she huffs.

"What game?!"

"I'm not your property Harvey!"

"No but you are my girlfriend!"

She falters, caught off guard with the bluntness of his statement. She opens her mouth to respond when she realizes the door behind Harvey is wide open and they have an audience.

She and Louis make eye contact before she turns and runs, making a break for the hall. She's so embarrassed of the entire situation. Pretending she and Harvey weren't together. Making him come here with Zoe. Trying to make him jealous with Tanner. And now, getting into a screaming match with her boyfriend in front of the entire party filled with her coworkers. A screaming match that outed their relationship, at that.

She makes it to the elevator and repeatedly slams on the button, desperate to be anywhere but here. She needed to run.



He runs after her, ignoring the questioning stares of the partygoers as he moves. He just barely catches the elevator, sticking an arm out to hold the door just before it slams shut.

"Donna stop," he says as he steps into the metal box with her.

"What is it Harvey?"

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" She asks, folding her arms over her chest and leaning against the back wall.

"Because you're angry with me," he reasons.

"Harvey- I'm angry with me too."

"Why are we fighting?"

"I screwed up Harvey. I never should have suggested we keep us a secret. Or that you bring Zoe here. And I never should have listened to Tanner."

"You really shouldn't have listened to Tanner," he smirks, taking a step in her direction.

"I'm sorry too. For getting so jealous and raising my voice."

She nods and acknowledges his apology before allowing her lips to settle into a small smile. She knew how ridiculous this entire situation was and she had to admit, she was impressed with how Harvey handled it all.

"I guess this isn't a secret anymore, think you can live with that?" He asks.

"I think I can," she smiles as he takes another step towards her, his hands finding a place on the wall on either side of her head.

"Good, because I love you," he smiles, leaning down and capturing her lips in a searing kiss.

"Come back to the party with me?" He mutters between kisses, his hands still framing her face, her back pressed to the elevator wall.

"I can't go back there. I'm too embarrassed," she admits.

"Please. For me. I'd really like a chance to show my girlfriend off."

She presses her lips together before they settle into a smile and she beams up at him, "alright."

"Alright" He nods, stepping away from her just as the elevator doors open on the same floor.

"I love you too you know," she whispers as they step back into the hall.

"I was kind of hoping that you did," he smiles.

"You do realize that was our first sort-of fight, right?"

"What are you getting at?"

"Nothing, I've just heard that make up sex can be fun."

"You're an idiot."

"An idiot who's not wrong."

"It's a good thing you get to take me home tonight."

He takes her hand in his and leads her back to the party, and gives her palm a gentle squeeze as they re-enter.

A few dozen heads swivel their direction as they enter, all eyes glued to where their fingers are intertwined and he squeezes her palm reassuringly once again.

"Everything alright?" Mike asks and Donna nods in response.

"So you two are?" Louis begins to ask.

"Together," Harvey answers for him.