My bed felt hard and my blanket was too thin. I had no clue where my pillow was. I moved my arm around to search for it and BAM! I sat upright cradling my poor hand only to hit my head on something. I opened my eyes in pain, tears swimming in my eyes and realized something. This was not my bedroom. To be fair it was not a room at all. I would call it a wooden cabin if I'm being generous. But at that moment both my head and hand heart so I was now not a very happy camper when I realized something else. I was not panicking properly. I mean I was somewhere not my home. It stank of musty wood and rotten meat with barrels all around. I seemed to have been sleeping in a corner surrounded by barrels. Certainly not wine barrels, given the smell.

Kidnapping was the only answer to my situation. But, there was no one around and I wasn't bound or gagged. So I decided to leave. I mean really, those kidnappers were not even trying! Seeing a wooden staircase made of planks and thick sticks I took my shot and tried to sneak out. I climbed up the stairs and saw a trap door above. Ah! They must have locked that. But no harm in trying, is there? So I pushed the door up. The first thing I saw were the people, loads of people, walking on the wooden floor which was serving as my roof until a few moments ago. A plump man in very weird clothes was giving orders to equally weird clothed men. The second thing? Definitely not a wooden cabin.

This was an honest-to-god wooden ship. And I seemed to be on it's... main floor? Well, you know the part where everyone can see the sky? And all the rooms are below it? Where everyone enters and exits? Deck! Yes! This was just that and my very basic knowledge of ships told me that there must be an exit to the ship nearby. Probably where everyone seemed to be going with sacks hauled on their shoulders. How the hell anyone managed to take me away from my home and to a ship is beyond me. A ship that definitely belonged in antique museums or Jack Sparrow movies.

I grabbed one of the sacks lying near the trapdoor and climbed out while hauling the sack on my shoulders trying to act that belong wherever this place is. I hefted the too heavy to be true sack towards the exit and realized this might not be that easy. I had to go down from the deck to the floor. On two wooden planks! I took a deep breath to calm myself and started to go down, and fell! With the sack landing smack on my back! I groaned aloud and heard people laugh around, if a bit above, me.

"Looks like someone had too much ale last night, eh?"

"Don't waddle here laughing you idiot! Go check on him! If he's carrying wheat, I ain't paying that twat!"

I would have gotten up, I really would have but here's the thing. First, the sand was really, really wet and I wasn't sure if the people around me were not involved in my sudden change of locations. What if they realize and this time, gag me up. They are probably a group of human traffickers who disguised themselves as potato merchants. I felt a hand on my shoulder roughly shake me. Why didn't I hear him? Right, the sand.

"What's in the sack lad? I'm hoping it's not the wheat. Don't go together with sand and water, am I right?" This guy had an accent. Great! I'm for certain very far away! He even laughed with a tilt to his voice. What tilt? Wouldn't that be great to know?

"Ah! Potatoes they are. Good thing the sand won't bruise them! Come now, lift that mug of yours out of the sand. Can't be good for the eyes." He lifted me like a sack of potatoes and looked at me with narrow eyes.

"I don't remember ya. New are ya?" I nodded my head.

"Welcome to the Harbor then! Don't know if the Wheatman will pay ya now or not. Very picky he is. I'd say leave the sand on when ya pass him and then come back in payment line with a fresh face." I nodded again. I was afraid to speak in case my accent ticked him off. I did as h told me and passed the 'Wheatman' with a sand mask while my helper roughly thumped him laughing loudly. I couldn't help but smile a little. He really was a happy jolly sailor personified. I washed my face near a barrel of water and the properly looked around.

People were still dressed weirdly. The floor below me was made of wood. I turned around to look where I was. It was a harbor alright. Attached to a very white city. Guessing by the only tall structure which seemed to be a castle this place must definitely get a few tourists. But I still didn't know where I was and asking around might not go so well. I walked at the end of the line that seemed to be forming for payment. Why was I taking the money you might ask. Well, apart from the fact that I had nothing with me and was also dressed in the same weird clothes as everyone else, I surely did not want to be known as the sailor who ran from money. I knew that would have been extremely odd. So I took the money that came with a pouch. It jingled and that shocked me the most out of all the things. No country still used only coins as payment surely? I stood there frozen for a bit too long because the 'Wheatman' cleared his throat and glared at me. I hurriedly walked away not seeing my helper from before.

Coins? Wooden Ships? Weird accents? Strange clothes? I nervously walked towards the gates of the harbor that led to the town(city?). There were two blue flags with Poseidon holding his trident. He had green hair though. And a green fishtail instead of legs. It's a freaking green merman, my brain supplied helpfully. It was not a flag I knew. But here's the thing. I do know my flags. Why? I was bored. I have seen no country with that flag that's for sure. And then I saw another flag above these two. Bigger and more intimidating. Well, anything can be more intimidating than a merman. And a big grey wolf on white background definitely qualified.

Wait, WHAT?

I looked up again and yup! There it was! A flag that I had seen about a hundred times. Not on the news or educational channels. Nope. Unless HBO was somehow that. What the heck was the flag of Starks doing here at a harbor? A harbor. Swallowing I reached into my coin pouch and took out a coin. A copper coin with a seven-pointed star on one side. Flipping it I saw the face of a bearded man with written around him in thankfully English letters 'ROBERT BARATHEON'.

A/N: This is my first try at fanfiction. I hope you guys enjoy it. :) Do tell me what you think about this in the reviews and for suggestions as well.