Fire. Burning. Death. Four red eyes. Smoke. Demonic laughter. A raven. Azar sat up, covering her mouth with her hand. This dream/vision had been much clearer. She rushed from her room to Arella's. She needed to make sure the girl was okay. Sure enough, the girl was fast asleep. Not a care in the world. She was due any day now, even though she had only been pregnant for 8 weeks. Azar stared at the pregnant teenager's stomach as four red marks appeared. That happened sometimes. More often than not. And, the glowing was no longer accompanied with excruciating pain. That was a plus. However, nobody knew what the glowing red spots know. Their healers didn't know. Their scholars didn't know. Four red spots, Azar kept repeating in her head as she stared at the teenager who was sleeping peacefully. Four red spots. She froze. Or…four red eyes. Azar covered her mouth in horror. What. Had. She. Done.