Hello there! I've been lurking around for a couple of years now but I've finally decided to start writing my own little Fan Fiction! I hope you enjoy!

The 76th Hunger Games

Name: Aspin Woods

Gender: Male

Distric: 7

Age: 14

Kills: 4


Breathe, breathe Aspin!

With my breath finally slowing down and my eyes slowly becoming accustomed to the bright light of the Sun, I take a look around. There's a circle of rocky ground that has the twenty-four spokes around the very edge and the bronze Cornucopia in the middle.

With all of the supplies piled up in the mouth of it, it seems the Capitol are eager for a big Bloodbath. It also seems the Cornucopia has changed from the silver it was before the failed Rebellion, to this glaring bronze.

The rocky ground than just slopes away into something I didn't think I would see in my life, a mountain! Then beyond the slope of rocky mountain is something I had wished for as the arena itself, trees.

It seems I have an advantage over some of my competitors, or at least I've heard that Eight doesn't have trees. But I know that Two has mountains, a lot of mountains and One has some. Other than Eight most Districts have trees so not much of an advantage but I've spent my childhood holding an axe and cutting trees down, so still some sort of advantage.

The countdown hits twenty and I have a surge of panic, where are my allies as I search I berate myself for looking at the scenery and not the main problem, the other tributes.

Relief flows though me when I find my allies, Tomson and Glower from Five a few spokes to my left, and then for my last ally, my District partner, Meadow Fog, after a few seconds of panic and some desperate theories that they killed her already before the Games even begin I find her at the opposite end of the Cornucopia.

She gestures at me to stay as the countdown hits fifteen. I growl a curse but if Meadow is saying something than that means she means business. When Tomson and Glower also gesture at me to stay I feel a scowl form on my face, they're all treating me like I'm a child, I prefer myself "teen" but most older people tend to disagree with me.

When the gong goes unlike most of the tributes around me I stand stock still and wait to be picked up by my older allies. Nothing,nothing can prepare me for the Bloodbath, kids are slashing and hacking at other kids, blood leaks onto the ground and I shudder when I see the monster from Four tower over the girl from Eight, with an axe in both hands. I stare, unable to turn my eyes away as he brings it down, just before the axe enters her body I'm shoved onto the ground by the girl from Two.

My head hits a rock and ringing in my head ensues, as I look up I can just make out her face a red sword in her hands. This is it I guess. Then an arrow protrudes from her head. She falls to the side and someone picks me up with a grunt.

I manage the words, "Mummy?" I ask, as the person hoists me onto their back with another grunt.

"Nah kiddo it's me, Tomas. Come on mate, you'll be fine. Glower and Meadow are right behind us."

"Thanks Tomas." I slur.

"It's all good man, it's all good." Says Tomas, the cries from the Bloodbath beginning to cease behind us and as I ride piggyback on Tomas's back I groan as the world continues to wobble, how hard did that girl from Two shove me? How hard was that damn rock?

"Tomas! Tomas is he alright." Says a girls voice, full of worry and concern.

The last thing I hear before the blackness consumes me is, "Yeah, he'll be oka-"

Final Three:

As Meadow and I wait for the girl from Two to show at the Cornucopia I tend to Meadows wounds. She had fought off the most recent mutt the Capitol had sent at us, some sort of bear animal with extra sharp teeth and claws. The bear had landed a claw on her ribs and now she was having a difficult time breathing and to make matters worse the bear claws must've been poisoned, the wound was turning green.

I try not to let it show, but my fear must show because Meadow says everything was going to be fine and how I would win and everyone would be happy and she would watch from another place and cheer me on. She must think I'm an idiot. I know what happens in the Games when you get poisoned, if your from a Career District? Someone will probably spend some money and you'll get to be healthy again in a day or two, but an outer District? Not very often. The price for the poison antidote would have cost a fortune on day one, now it would be more like five fortunes.

Even though we where popular with the crowd, food, supplies and weapons had been sent to us, I knew that the price was to high. Meadow stops her stream of enthusasim and gives me a long stare. She cups my cheek and says that she won't let me die. We both stare at each other as we go through the past few days of this nightmare, the kills we'd both made. The Careers hunting us down and killing Tomas and Glower, no mercy. So me and Meadow hadn't shown mercy when we'd killed the boys from One and Two.

And it had all come down too this, the final tribute standing between them. The tribute who had first attacked me, the one who had shown no mercy throughout the Games, sometimes taking hours with kills. I was sure that when she showed up me and Meadow would kill her and then... Well then I didn't want to think about anything after that.

As we both try to comfort and not scare each other with what awaits us, as I make sure that I'm still keeping watch I see a head peek over the edge of the rocks over on the left. I grab my axe and stand as I look towards the head Meadow stands and grabs her own axe and begins to stumble over to the head, the posion wreaking her body and its endurance. She grasps the axe in her hand and I call for her to come back she ignores me and the head becomes attached to shoulders and then a chest and then finally the massive girl from District Two towers over Meadow, oblivious I run forwards and try to pull Meadow away but she pushes me back and says I need to win this for her family.

She run towards the girl, stumbling every few steps. The girl from Two hefts her bloodied sword in front of her. I run forward again, determined to stop Meadow from sacrificing herself. Meadow seems to find some deep unknown energy and runs faster her axe trailing in her hand. When there weapons meet I'm still to far to help, I push myself faster as Meadow leaps at the girl from Two. The girl cuts her in half but not before Meadow lands her axe straight in her chest. The girl howls and as the light fades from Meadows eyes I see hope and then its all gone. Boom.

I run faster my axe at the ready to kill this monster who thinks the Games are just a game, not children being killed. With a cry I sink my axe into her neck and she cries out and then collapses. I wipe the tears out of my eyes as I collapse next to the girls body and I let my axe clatter to the floor as I crawl to Meadow and cluch her arm, my cries are lost in the wind of the hovercraft coming to pick me up, the first Victor of the "New Hunger Games".

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter/page? Welcome to my little Fan Fiction of the Victors if the Rebellion failed! First up we have Aspin Woods District 7 Male! Which District will get their victors next? We will see!


District 1:

District 2:

District 3:

District 4:

District 5:

District 6:

District 7: Aspin Woods (76th Games)

District 8:

District 9:

District 10:

District 11:

District 12: