Done with The Sneak

Cho made her way to the Hospital Wing to confront her best friend Marietta who revealed the location of the Dumbledore's Army to Umbridge and her Inquisitorial Squad two hours ago. The result of the betrayal left her face marked with pimples that spell out Sneak. Cho couldn't believe s that own best friend would betray D.A like that, sure she didn't want to go at first but Cho pressured Marietta to go with her because Cho didn't want to go alone after all of her friends left her except for Marietta after Cedric's death. This situation leaves Cho with a difficult decision she can either stay by her friend's side or her boyfriend Harry Potter. The possibilities of these two choices where overwhelming for her but she must make the choice right here and right now.

Cho walks in the Hospital Wing and finds Marietta curled up in to a ball on her hospital bed trying to hide her face after she got branded for being a traitor to the D.A. The feelings of empathy, hate and confusion are conflicting Cho now however, she needs to get Marietta's side of the story to understand despite everyone hating her now.

"Hey" Cho said as she walked up to Marietta's hospital bed

"oh hey" Marietta replied looking up at Cho

" Mari tell me what happened and why did you tell Umbridge?" Cho asked calmly as she sat down next to Marietta

"Because Cho I can't do this to my mother anymore" Marietta said bursting into tears

"what to your mother exactly" Cho asked

"If I kept going to these meetings that Potter was having then Umbridge would fire my mother" Marietta said

"You told me about that when the D.A was made, and you didn't tell me you wanted out and all of a sudden you wait until the last minute to do all of this" Cho replied

"I was under the assumption that you didn't want to talk about it because you were wrapped up in Potter's delusions"

"Potter's delusions?" Cho Questioned "how can you say that Mary you're my best friend I would've listened and you would've given me your D.A coin to me and then I would've told Harry that you don't want to go to the meetings anymore and you wouldn't have told anyone about the Dumbledore's Army."

"But Cho I—"

"I'm still talking, why would you say that Harry is delusional?" "When he told me personally the truth on what happened to Cedric on day of the Third Task of the Triwizard Tournament and I was there when he told Rita Skeeter what happened, and she published the story." Cho continued

"Why I say that Potter is delusional is because You-Know-Who is not back okay, and the Ministry is trying keep us safe without causing any panic and Potter is lying to you just so that he can be with you and whatever he told you what happened that day is all lies. I'm your friend Cho and I have been nothing but loyal to you and I know what was best for you." Marietta said

"If you knew what was best for me you would support me, you would never go to Umbridge and betray everyone" Cho replied

"I was supporting you Cho until I went to Umbridge's office and she cut me a deal"

"A deal what deal?" Cho asked

"The deal was that I tell her about Potter's little army and in exchange she lets you go unpunished while everyone else is expelled and Potter, that glutton of a best friend of his, that fucking bitch Granger that jinx the paper and Dumbledore is sent to Azkaban" Marietta said coldly

Cho was shocked of her best friend's betrayal not only she wanted Harry, Hermione, Ron and Dumbledore to be incarcerated in the Wizard Prison but the expulsion of her and Cho's Ravenclaw brothers and sisters as well.

"How can you do that Mary? I know you hate Harry and Hermione but to sell out your own Housemates too" Cho said

"I had to Cho and who cares about our housemates I just don't want you to die in Potter's wars okay I did this for us" Marietta said "Do you even think that Cedric was murdered You-Know-Who?"

"I do Mary and Harry explained to me what happened that day and those were our Housemates our own Ravenclaw brothers and sisters and you want to betray them all to protect me really?" Cho questioned

"Yes Cho I did it okay, to get you away from that lying Potter because you don't need that loser in your life as well as that loony Lovegood and the other Ravenclaws fuck'em Cho you need me, your best friend in your life the one who knows what is best" Marietta said inching up closer to Cho

Cho gasped how far in denial her best friend is? How many times does she need to tell Marietta that all is not what it seems with her boyfriend Harry Potter? He is not an attention seeker he's just yearning for a simpler life in the Wizarding World despite him going on the adventures with his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Who he considers as his family along with Sirius Black who escaped even though he was wrongly convicted also Ron's big family of redheads and Marietta wants to keep Cho away from that? Not only that she betrayed the Dumbledore's Army where they practice their magical might for six months while Umbridge refused to teach them. With all of this, Cho is beginning to think that Marietta is not really a great friend.

"You know what Mary I don't think we should be friends anymore" Cho said as she gets up from the bed

"Why Cho?" Marietta asked as got up as well

"Because you wanting to sell out half of the student body of this school so that you can protect me, I can't go for that." Cho said leaving the Hospital Wing

"Cho wait please reconsider this" Marietta said following Cho

"Reconsider what?" Cho asked turning around "Second guess myself I don't think so" Cho said walking away

"Alright maybe you can tell them I made a mistake okay please Cho" Marietta Pleaded

"I thought you said fuck everybody that is loyal to Harry so that means fuck me, too right? Cho said turning around "So, in return Fuck you" Cho said angrily proceeds to walk away again Leaving Marietta to fester in her own frustration.

Running out of options to persuade her best friend in to believing her, Marietta had no other choice but to pull out her wand. If she can't have Cho neither Harry can, sensing this Cho pulls her wand out casts the Expelliarmus which sends Marietta's wand flying out of her hand. With the Sneak now disarmed Cho conjurers Petrificus Totalus on her former best friend causing Marietta's limbs to freeze up and made her fall to the ground. Cho picks up Marietta's wand that flew out of her hand and then walks over to the treacherous Ravenclaw and looks at her in disgust.

"I don't think you deserve this anymore what's the purpose of learning how to conjure magic when you refuse to learn it" Cho said in an icy tone

Cho heads to the Ravenclaw Common room once there she sat on the couch and began to cry after losing another one of her friends. As Cho continued to sulk, she felt the couch shifted from extra weight thinking that it would be Marietta again Cho instinctively pulled out her wand and grabbed the Ravenclaw student by the collar also pointing her wand at her Housemate.

"Cho it's me" the housemate said squirming from Cho's grasp

"Me who?" Cho snarled as she tightens the grip on the housemate's collar

"Me Luna Lovegood"

"Okay Luna I have a few questions for you to answer" Cho said venomously

"What's your Patronus?"

"A bunny" Luna answered

"Okay good what's mine then?" Cho demanded

"A swan Cho could you please let me go" Luna pleaed

"Okay then Luna" Cho replied as she let go of the willowy blonde

"Cho why did you do that to me?" Luna said

"I thought you were Edgecombe Luna I'm sorry" Cho said sitting back down on the couch

"Oh, it's okay Cho but what happened between you and Marietta" Luna asked as she sat next to Cho

"Nothing it's just that she made her choice and she—" Cho tries to speak up, but the pain of Marietta's betrayal was getting to her and leaving to cry again

"It's alright Cho I'm here let's talk about it" Luna said with comforting smile

"Sure Luna" Cho nodded "That fucking bitch is still in denial, she can't stop believing the Ministry of Magic lies just for once and she wants me to tell Harry she made a mistake" Cho said bursting in tears

"What do you expect Cho she never wanted to believe Harry ever even when he told the truth" Luna said rubbing Cho's back

"Yeah she never did and never will" Cho chuckled as she wiped the tears from her face realizing that she should have chosen her friends wisely.

"Yup she never wanted and also Marietta always make you second guess yourself remember you felt horrible when you rejected Harry's offer and she laughing at it hysterically " Luna said

"She definitely did but who cares about that I'm done with Marietta and I'm glad she exposed herself as what she truly is a SNEAK which written beautifully across her face" Cho said coldly

"Yeah it looks good on her doesn't it" Luna laughed

"Maybe add a few moles Edgecombe would look even more prettier than Eloise Midgen" Cho added in

"Oh yeah she would look perfect with that but anyway I'm getting tired and I'll see you in the morning Cho" Luna yawned

"It's getting late, I'm tired as well goodnight Luna and thank you for everything today" Cho replied

"Your welcome Cho if you want to talk, I'll be there to listen" Luna said as she went upstairs to her 4th year dormitory. Leaving Cho to wonder what would been like if Luna was her best friend instead of Marietta sure Luna is weird but at least she wouldn't care what people think about her and she is always happy when things are tough especially now. Cho walked up to her 6th year dormitory thinking about what could be like being friends with the willowy blonde. Morning came and Cho went downstairs to the Great Hall for breakfast before she went inside, she heard a familiar voice.

"Cho" Harry called out

"Harry" she replied as she walked up to him and hugged him

"How are you doing today" Harry asked breaking off from the hug

"I'm okay it's just that last night was"

"What was last night?" Harry asked

Cho tells Harry everything about what Marietta did to the Dumbledore's Army and why she did it all to "Protect Cho" also saying that "Knows what is best for her" like she claimed does.

"Wow she sounds like a control freak" Harry said

"I know right so goddamn clingy" Cho replied

"What happened after that?" Harry asked

"She tried to attack me, so I disarmed her, used Petrificus Totalus on her and took her wand as well, what's the purpose of having a wand when you are not going to use it"

"That's a way of putting it what a waste of space" Harry commented

"Tell me about it" Cho smirked "Anyway let's go eat"

Harry nodded in agreement and they head into the Great Hall where Harry went to the Gryffindor table next to his friends and Cho went to the Ravenclaw table where she is greeted by Luna and they talk about weird stuff but at least the raven haired girl is happy to be friend with somebody that doesn't make her second guess herself and it's safe to say that Cho Chang is done with the sneak.