This work is part of the Seven Shades of Sin anthology, the first in a series of planned collaborative projects within the Seven Shades of Drarry collective. Each Sin has been written by a different author. Please see this account's Author Profile for more information on the anthology, the collective, and each individual author.

Summary: Harry's boyfriend cheats on him, his magic and temper go kablooie, mood clouds abound throughout the Ministry, the Magical Maintenance staff are morons, Harry has a secret file, and ends up trapped in a lift with Malfoy for hours. What could possibly go wrong?

Tags/Warnings: EWE, HP/DM, Auror Harry, Unspeakable Draco, Bashing, Obsession, Infidelity (not Drarry), Angry Sex

Wrath — the desire for grave harm, or sufferings of misfortune or evil, upon someone else.

Wrath | I Am Pain, Hear Me Roar!

by DrarryMadhatter

Chapter 1 - Welcome Home

Harry closed the case file with a heavy sigh and leaned back in his chair, rubbing his eyes. Merlin, but he was exhausted. He'd been away on a special op to intercept a Muggle slavery ring and had just managed to wrap up the case. Long days and headaches — it had been a hell of a week. He forced himself out of his chair and stretched his arms above his head. The case was done, the reports were finished, and he could finally go home.

The thought brought an instant smile to his face as he thought of his boyfriend waiting for him. He'd only been with Jay for a couple of months but things were moving fast. Jay had already practically moved into Harry's flat on Oxford street, easily spending at least five days a week there. Chances were, Jay would already be in the flat, waiting for an owl with Harry's return time. Last time, Jay had laid out the perfect surprise for him — champagne on ice, rose petals on the bed — and suddenly Harry was itching to get back to him. On impulse, he grabbed his travelling cloak and overnight bag and made his way out of his office and down to the main Apparition point. He would grab food and wine from Waitrose and make Jay a lovely dinner. Sort of a 'thanks for putting up with my crazy work hours' gesture. As he vanished with a pop, he was grinning widely as he mentally planned the perfect evening.

Just over an hour later, Harry popped into the living area of his flat, laden with Waitrose bags. Grinning expectantly, he put his many bags down and scanned the room for Jay. It was empty. A quick glance around the rest of downstairs confirmed Jay wasn't there. Strange. Harry quickly took off his boots and travelling cloak and headed up the stairs, easily taking two at a time as his feeling of unease grew.

Harry paused at the top of the stairs and glanced around, noting there was music coming from the master suite. Blowing out a relieved breath, Harry relaxed and smiled to himself as he pictured Jay waiting for him in bed. He licked his lips in anticipation and slowly walked towards the closed door, hand resting for a second on the handle. Lust was already pooling in his stomach and he shivered, aching for a release from the stress of the last week. Running his tongue over his lips again, he pushed open the door, only to suddenly freeze in the doorway, all traces of happiness on his face melting into horror and disbelief.

Jay was lying on top of the bed completely naked, grunting loudly as he ground his hips up into the completely naked woman who was straddled across his straining thighs. The woman's wails filled the room as she threw her head back in pleasure, her long brown waves brushing Jay's fingers where they bit into the creamy flesh of her buttocks. Jay's eyes were on the woman's breasts as they bobbed and bounced with each pump of his hips, as if mesmerised with each movement they made. The slap of skin on skin punctuated the gasps and moans coming from the wanton couple. Neither of them had noticed they had an audience.

Harry closed his eyes and ears against the scene, hoping against all reason that he was hallucinating. This couldn't be real. There had to be a reasonable explanation for it all. There just had to be! Harry opened his eyes slowly, watching as the scene in front of him threatened to overwhelm his senses. He forced himself to look, really look, at the man he'd been falling in love with, as if seeing him for the first time. Slowly, the feeling of disbelief was being replaced with fury, boiling up from the very tips of his toes and vibrating throughout his entire body, awakening his magic. It was almost as if he could feel sparks zinging the tips of his fingers. Breathe, he thought to himself, just breathe and count. Breathe in…one…two…three…breathe out…one…two…three…breathe in…one…two…until Harry was suddenly helpless as the tight coil of rage inside him boiled over.

A fearsome crash rent the room as the windows and balcony doors shattered, sending thousands of glass shards flying through the air. The curtains whipped and whirled as a fierce wind tore around, causing chairs to topple and trinkets to smash against the oak floor. Jay and the woman had broken apart at the first sound of the glass breaking and were now huddled together on the bed, trying to protect their heads from the flying debris. Jay was screaming something, but Harry couldn't make sense of it. He couldn't focus over the relentless sound of blood pounding in his ears. His heart thundered dangerously against his chest, struggling to pump the sheer volume of fire and magic around his body.

He looked at the woman, cowering in a ball as Jay tried to cover her with as much of his body as he could. An act of protection. The sort of thing one does for someone they love. Something Harry would have done for Jay. Harry let out a feral growl and surged forward, slamming Jay away from the woman and into the wall with a flick of his wrist. He lunged towards the woman and wrapped his fingers in her hair, dragging her backwards off the bed and pinning her face-first against the opposite wall to Jay. The woman was screaming, her fingers scraping frantically at the wall in a bid to escape. Why bother? Thought Harry dimly. His vision shimmered as he pinned her, everything was so removed like watching television with bad reception.

Hazily, Harry registered a hand on his arm. Jay was standing beside him, saying something, trying to pull Harry's arm away from the woman. He struggled to focus on anything except the anger inside him. Breathe Harry. Breathe in…one…two…three…and breathe out…one…two…three…and the sounds of the room suddenly assaulted his ears, as if someone had just pressed unmute. Gusts of wind were still howling around the room in short angry bursts. The woman's sobs were echoing pitifully around them as Jay tried to talk Harry down out of his rage, as though he was trying to soothe some kind of wild animal.

"Harry. Harry, please. Just let her go and we can talk. Harry? It's not what you think. Please. You don't want to do this."

At those words, Harry looked Jay in the eye. "Who is she? How long?"

Jay let out a sigh of relief that Harry had calmed enough to talk to him and took a step closer. "She's no one, Harry, I swear. Please, let her go so we can talk."

"I asked how long this has been going on. How long, Jay?" Harry shouted the last words, startling Jay into a small jump and causing the woman to sob louder into the wall.

"I've never met her before. Honestly, it was a one-off. I'm so sorry Harry, so sorry. Please, let her go and we'll talk. I'll make this up to you. I promise, please."

Harry narrowed his eyes as he watched Jay babble at him, how he kept patting Harry's arm and flicking his eyes frantically between Harry and the woman. Jay was lying, that much was obvious, and Harry resolved to get to the truth himself. Jay was so distracted by the situation that entering his mind was effortless. Harry focused on what he was looking for, sifting through memories of Jay and the woman meeting up countless times. Drinks at a local pub. Fancy dinners in a restaurant Harry didn't recognise. Entire days wrapped around each other in bed. Harry pushed even further and saw their first meeting in a coffee shop. The woman had accidentally spilt her coffee onto Jay, and as they both cleared up the mess, Jay had asked her out. There were many memories of the same coffee shop. Laughing over hot drinks, nibbling pastries. And kissing. Lots of kissing and holding hands and declarations of love.

Harry left Jay's mind and shook his head, as if trying to erase what he had just seen. He flicked his eyes between Jay and the woman, registering the fear that was rolling off them both in waves so thick Harry could taste it. He took a step back and removed his hand from the woman's hair, watching detachedly as she slid to her knees and sobbed relieved tears at being let go.

He turned to look at Jay, who looked torn between talking to Harry and comforting the woman on the floor.

"I'm going to ask you one more time. Who is she and how long has this been going on?"

The cold anger in Harry's voice seemed to register with Jay, as he sagged his shoulders in defeat and replied, "A-Amy. T-This is Amy. I've been s-seeing her for a few m-months." He looked Harry in the eye and continued, "Please Harry, w-we can g-get rid of her and t-talk. We c-can s-sort this o-out."

Harry looked at the woman cowering on the floor and wandlessly summoned her clothes, throwing them onto the floor next to her. "Get dressed and get out." The woman scooped her clothes into her arms and rose shakily to her feet, as if waiting for Harry to change his mind. When neither man moved, she began to hurry into her dress and shoes, clutching her bag and underwear to her chest before making a dash for the door, her heels clunking rapidly as she flew down the stairs and out of the flat.

Several minutes had passed and, still, Harry was standing silent and statuesque in front of Jay, pinning him to the spot with a look on his face promising pure, unadulterated, cold fury in every contour. It was obvious Jay was utterly terrified of what might happen — it was in how he trembled on the spot, and in the pallid, wide-eyed stare he was sporting. The longer the silence stretched, the more pale and frightened Jay became. Harry fancied he could almost see the usually confident man regress back in years, giving him the look of a lost, scared child. The sight almost sparked a speck of…something of what he used to feel inside him. Almost, but not quite.

"I want you to get dressed and meet me downstairs in two minutes. You are going to sit and explain this entire thing to me, because, honestly, I'm struggling to understand it. If I think for a second that you're lying to me, I'll use Legilimency to get the truth. Do you understand?"

Harry's voice was cold and flat and sounded entirely alien. The effect seemed to frighten Jay all the more, causing him to gasp and recoil, as if leaning back would save him.

"H-Harry…w-we should t-take some t-t-time to calm d-down—"

"If you try and leave, Jay, I will find you and drag you back. You are going to tell me everything. It's the least you owe me. Two minutes, Jay."

Jay nodded frantically, as if trying to assure Harry he would, indeed, be downstairs as asked. Harry had no doubt he would do as he was told. He was an arsehole, but he wasn't stupid. With one last withering stare aimed at his 'boyfriend', Harry spun on his heel and stalked out of the room and down the stairs, glancing at his watch as he headed into the kitchen. One minute, forty seconds. Tick tock.

Harry was facing the door with his back against the black marble island when Jay finally appeared, dressed, and looking positively sick with nerves. The fact that Harry seemed to be more in control of himself seemed to make Jay more, not less, scared. Interesting.

"Sit," commanded Harry, vaguely waving a hand in the direction of the stools at the breakfast bar.

"Harry, look—"

"I said sit! Now!" Harry snapped. "I'm sure you don't want me to repeat myself again, given the circumstances."

The words seemed to cause Jay to shrink into himself a little more, before he walked to the nearest stool and perched nervously on the edge, resting his hands on top of the counter, as if the cold marble would lend him some courage.

"Would you like some tea?" asked Harry, leaning over to flick the kettle on.

"Tea?" enquired a very surprised and wrong-footed Jay, "I'm not sure if tea is what—"

"This is my kitchen and my home where I have just come home to find my boyfriend shagging some fucking woman in my fucking bed. So if I decided to make some fucking tea before having to listen to him spout his shite, then that's what I'm fucking going to do!"

By the time Harry reached the end of his speech, he was yelling, some colour finally returning to his cheeks, his chest heaving with the force of his outburst. The cupboard doors were vibrating on their hinges and the cups on the rack were clattering against each other. The overhead light was dimming and brightening dangerously, as if in warning. He closed his eyes for a second before taking a steadying breath and continued.

"So, I will ask you again. Would. You. Like. Some. Tea?"

Jay simply nodded mutely in response. Fingers sparking with errant power, Harry busied himself with the tea, finally slamming a mugfull in front of Jay several minutes later.

"Now, tell me everything," demanded Harry, and Jay, sensing he had no choice in the matter, took a deep breath and began to speak.