I hope you all enjoyed the recent 10 year anniversary of Sherlock and in particular Mycroft's new clip about life in a pandemic (which I simply adored). It coincides nicely with the end of this fic...I can't believe that we're here already. I've so enjoyed writing and sharing this story with you and I wish it could go on and on but it can't.

On the upside I am so happy to be able to share with those of you on AO3 and tumblr the second photo manip from Cumbercougars. I am sure you will agree with me that it is quite simple adorable.

Anyway, enough from me, let's see how it all ends.

Chapter 28

Molly wasn't sure she'd ever really seen such a look on Sherlock's face before. She'd seen him angry, focussed, sad, frustrated but this...this was something different. She could see his love for her and his base desire for her all mixed into one look and it was simply overwhelming. She still couldn't believe that this gorgeous, handsome, frighteningly intelligent man was all hers...it was going to take some getting used to.

As he crawled slowly up her body the thumb of her left hand moved to the ring on her third finger; it was like touching a talisman...a reminder to her that this was real. That Sherlock had not only proposed but that he had told her that he loved her. When she'd been planning this whole night with Mary she hadn't actually believed it would work...she'd pictured herself leaving the restaurant alone and drinking a hot cup of cocoa at home in bed with just Toby for company. Hell, she even had a bottle of wine in the fridge in case she decided to drown her sorrows.

As he bent his head to kiss her Molly savoured the feel of him. Her hands roamed greedily from his neck down to his backside. His body was sublime...slim but muscular, hard but smooth. She could feel him pressing down onto her and she loved the weight of him. She brought her knees up so she could feel him against her core and she moaned as she felt him rocking his hips against hers. His cock wasn't yet hard but she knew it wouldn't take that long.

Slowly he started to explore her body. He kissed his way down her neck and along her collarbone until it met her shoulder. He leant to one side and picked up her arm and he brought the inside of her wrist to his nose, smelling her perfume and then placing an open mouthed kiss there as his eyes met with hers. It was such a beautiful, intimate gesture that her breath caught in her throat. She had to will herself not to cry tears of joy.

As he moved his mouth to her chest she arched her back and he took a moment to undo her bra. He knelt up so he could pull it from her and he sat back a little and looked down at her body. There had been a time, less than a year ago, when she would have been embarrassed. She would have been moving to cover herself, wondering what thoughts were going through his mind as he gazed at her but that nervousness had gone. Somewhere along the way she'd found herself relishing his gaze, drawing infinite confidence from it. He made her feel beautiful and desirable even when she'd been feeling at her worst. How had Mary and his mother seen that and she hadn't until now?

He narrowed his eyes and slowly smiled at her and not for the first time she wondered if he couldn't actually read minds...it would explain a lot. She would have giggled at such a ridiculous thought but he brought his hands up and palmed her breasts and she closed her eyes and let out a low moan at the feel of it. She was aching for him...wet for him. She'd been so close to touching herself when she'd been giving him oral and it was showing now...she knew he could see it. He'd learnt to play her body to perfection. A partner with a mind palace was a wonderful thing.

As he bent over her to kiss and lick and bite her breasts her legs rested on his bent thighs and she could feel his cock already hardening and starting to slip and slide against her clit and it had her pressing and rubbing herself against him. Her moans were getting louder, her hands tangling in his hair as she begged him for more...she was so close.

One of his hands moved down, over her ribs and to her hips and she found herself taking hold of it and moving it to between her thighs, wanting to feel him there. At that manoeuvre she felt rather than heard him chuckle against her breast but he obliged her; his fingers deftly circling her clit as his cock started to press against her entrance.

Bit by bit she could feel her climax starting to build. She was lost in her own physical desires just trusting that Sherlock would give her what she needed. Her muscles were starting to react, starting to flutter but as they did he shifted, pulling away from her, his hand leaving her and she let out a desperate moan...'Sherlock...please...'

It was only as she opened her eyes and saw him shifting down the bed until his head was between her thighs that she realised what he was going to do and all she could do was lie back and hold onto the covers underneath her hands.

As his mouth moved to her quim she had to try to stop herself from pressing against his face. His arms were resting on the bed under her legs with his hands on her hips holding her steady as he nosed her clit, smelling her scent and she heard him hum in delight.

'Oh Molly, you smell intoxicating. Are you ready?'

'God...yes...please, just do something...'

She couldn't take the teasing any longer. Her muscles were pulsing with need and she found herself sinking one hand into his curls and pulling him closer so she literally was rubbing herself against his mouth. He chuckled once more but didn't disappoint her. She felt his tongue pressing against her clit before sliding down and into her and all she could do was hold on and enjoy the ride.

He knew just what she liked and just what she needed and within less than two minutes she was crying out as she came, feeling him sucking and almost drinking her in. She had never quite had an orgasm like it and yet she knew she had more to give...she still wanted to feel him inside her.

Once again he crawled back up her body and this time she really could feel how hard he was for her. Their mouths met in a passionate kiss, their bodies moving without any conscious thought as they touched and stroked and pulled at each other.

Molly pushed on Sherlock's shoulder and he instinctively knew what she wanted and he rolled onto his back pulling her with him until she was straddling him and she didn't want to wait a moment longer.

Deftly she reached between them and positioned him and then she slowly sank down onto him. They both seemed to let out an exhale at the same time as finally they were joined once more. Molly vowed to herself that never again would they go without sex for so long. The last few weeks had been awful. Denying him, avoiding him, restricting herself...it had been emotionally and physically painful. She was only now realising just how bad it had been...now that he was fixing her and she him.

As soon as he rocked his hips up she knew she was going to come again. Her body felt on fire for him. His hands and mouth were on her breasts and as she slid against him she could feel him hitting that spot deep inside her that made her toes curl and her body fizz. One of his hands moved to her lower back and he pressed her closer to him so his pubic bone was stimulating her clit and all she could think about was how much she wanted that heady feeling of orgasm once more...and this time she wanted to take him with her. She wanted to feel him coming in her, his seed pulsing into her...and maybe one day, in the not too distant future, he'd get her pregnant again.

She knew he was close. She could feel it in every move he made and every sound. His breathing was ragged, his hands rougher as he held her against him but it was only when he begged her to come in that low, oh so familiar baritone that she finally gave way. Their joint cries of release filled the air as they came and when Molly finally started to relax their mouths still sought each other out in the semi-darkness.

A few minutes later and Molly had cleaned herself up and slid under the covers so she could lie on her side facing Sherlock. She saw him smile as he brought his hand up to run through her hair and stroke her cheek.

'God, Molly, how could I ever have been so stupid as to think that I could give you up? You're a part of me that I hadn't realised I needed until it was almost gone.'

She smiled and leant forwards to press her lips briefly against his. 'Well, I'm not going anywhere now. You're stuck with me.'

His lips quirked up into an easy smile. 'I like being stuck with you Molly Hooper. In case I didn't say it enough earlier I love you.'

She smiled back, relishing just how perfect this moment was. 'I love you too.'

As he moved to kiss her once more Molly rather suspected that neither of them would be getting much sleep that night but she couldn't bring herself to care.


The next day they were late going round to pick up Matthew and Molly felt a little guilty at taking advantage of their friends even though Sherlock insisted that they'd be fine.

He was right. As they got to the Watsons just after mid-day Mary just grinned at them and winked at Molly as she led them both through to the kitchen.

Rosie and Matthew were both sat in high chairs at the kitchen table and John was warming up some food for his daughter and some milk for Matthew.

'Sherlock, Molly, I take it from your smiles that my wife was right in her predictions.'

At that Sherlock took Molly's hand and brought it up to his mouth so he could kiss it. 'You're not wrong John. Your wife has a remarkable talent for predicting the future.'

Mary smirked. 'You mean seeing the blinding obvious...that any idiot should have seen.' She raised an eyebrow at him and he rolled his eyes in return.

'I rather suspect, Mrs Watson, that you're never going to let me live this one down.'

'You suspect right, now feed your son whilst I check out Molly's ring. John, put the kettle on.'

Molly giggled at seeing her friend bossing the men around but they duly did as they were told as Mary complimented Sherlock on his choice of ring. 'It's perfect Molly. So have you thought about the wedding yet?'

Molly shook her head. 'God, no, it's all been so sudden. I don't want to leave it too long though, I don't want to give Sherlock a chance to change his mind.'

She heard him snort in the background and it made her laugh.

John turned from the cups and smiled at his wife. 'A short engagement would be good wouldn't it. Are you going to tell them or shall I?'

Molly frowned and looked at Mary. 'Tell us what?'

Mary shrugged. 'Why don't we let Sherlock tell us? After all...it's tradition.'

Molly turned her gaze to Sherlock, feeling even more confused. He looked perfectly serene though as he looked at Mary and then his friend.

'Mary's pregnant...'

Molly's mouth fell open in shock and she was about to congratulate her friend when Sherlock continued.

'...with twins.'

Molly saw the look of shock on Mary's face and the only sound was the cup that John had been holding smashing on the floor.


Later that evening Sherlock was lying on his bed at Baker St with Matthew nestled against his shoulder and Molly lying by his side with her hand over his as he held his son and he had a feeling of pure peace...something he barely even recognised it was so unfamiliar to him. He let out a deep sigh and felt Matthew wriggling against him before resettling and he could almost feel Molly smiling even though he couldn't see it...opening his eyes seemed almost too much effort.

'Let's not have a long engagement Molly...my life is currently so right that I don't want to wait a moment longer to start enjoying it with you and Matthew by my side.'

In the end they waited just over a month. Just long enough for the bans to be read at Sherlock's parent's church. John gave her away and Molly could honestly say that bar the day she gave birth to Matthew she had never had a happier one...and at least this one was a damn sight less painful.

Sherlock immediately set about persuading her on two things; sex at Barts and trying for another baby. On both counts Molly put him off for almost a year. On the first because she was still on maternity leave and eww and regarding the second because although she wanted another baby she also wanted some time for her body to recover before going through it all again.

In the end she caved on both counts and Matthew's little sister, Elizabeth Mary Holmes, was conceived on the night they had sex in the morgue. Molly felt almost guilty at just how hot it was and she vowed it wouldn't happen again but Sherlock just raised an eyebrow and grinned each time she said it and deep down she knew he could and probably would persuade her again.

Either way she wouldn't change one moment of her life though because it had all led her to this...and her current life...well, it was just perfect.

I'm sorry I took so long to post but I think deep down I didn't want this one to end. Please let me know if you liked the ending and also if you're up for a bit of Sherlolly lockdown fun. I've written a couple of short stories about Sherlock and Molly being caught up in the quarantine in London. Not sure when I'll post as I have a holiday booked in two weeks. Do you want the start and then have to wait a week for the end or would you rather I wait til after my holiday…your choice.

Anyway, thank you for all your support and where ever you are stay safe xx