Um, wow. This is incredibly short. But I wanted to give y'all something during this time! I hope you're all staying safe and healthy. Sending love your way!

Disclaimer: Me no own. You no sue.

Oliver rubbed at his eyes, glancing blearily up at the ceiling.

He frowned, confused as to what had woken him. Was it another nightmare? Had he heard something-

Knock knock

He frowned, casting a look at the clock beside him.


Who the hell would be knocking on his door at three in the morning?

Sliding a hand beneath his mattress in practiced stealth, he retrieved the blade glistening with the moonligiht, before climbing onto his feet and making his way towards the door.

A part of him reasoned that if whoever was out there were a threat, they'd most likely not bother knocing. Breaking in would be much better for an attack. Knocking before entering a house to kill someone wasn't exactly a normal thing for murderers to do.

Then again, he had met a few rather strange enemies.

Creeping into the room, he cautiously placed a hand on the wall, leaning forward to steal a quick glance at whoever was at the door.

If, they even still were.

His brow furrowed at the sight as he tucked the dagger into his waistband, for easy access, before moving to the door and opening it smoothly.


The man in question stood there, shifting uneasily as he looked back over his shoulder and jumped at Oliver's voice. When he turned, Oliver frowned at the pale color of his cheeks and the stricken - almost like a caged animal - look in his eyes.

It softened however, when he saw Oliver.

"What the hell are you doing at my place at three in the morning?" Barry frowned, shaking his head before glancing at the device on his wrist.

"It's not-" He stopped. "Oh."

Oliver sighed.

"Do I need to repeat my question?" He asked, not so much out of annoyance but out of budding concern at the utterly confused look on Barry's face and the way he swayed heavily where he was standing.

At the sight, Oliver motioned for Barry to come in. Which he did so, but not without another glance behind him.

Oliver closed the door with a quiet click, casting his own glance down the hallway for reasons he wasn't even certain of.

"Alright, what's going?" He questioned, and Barry turned towards him, inhaling deeply as his fingers twitched and he looked as if he were about to either run or pass out.

Oliver figured the latter was the most likely.

"Okay, so, uh-" He wrung his hands, inhaling a deep breath. "I may, technically, not supposed to be out here but I had to do something, because he was going to kill again, I knew it, but Joe and Cisco and Caitlin, they all told me not to but they didn't understand and so I came all this way but I thought it was only midnight but I guess time flies when you're lost and so that's why I came here but it's later then I thought and I really didn't mean to intrude but I didn't know where else to go and-"

"Whoa!" Oliver cut in, barely catching a word he said. Barry inhaled deeply, though it was more of a gasp, not having taken a breath the entire sentence. "What?"

"Um. Which part did you not hear?"


"Okay, okay. I'll just cut to the chase. Bad guy, killing people, ran away to Star City, I followed even though I wasn't really supposed to and-" He stopped, as if trying to gauge Oliver's reaction. "Don't panic," Oliver frowned. "Don't-don't panic, but," He hesitated, but at Oliver's raised brow he continued. "I may have been shot."



"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, okay, I didn't know he had a gun and I could have ran but then he would have killed her instead and I had to save her and-"


"I didn't think it was that big of deal and I thought I could make it back to Star Labs but then I got lost and it's been four hours, apparently-"

"Barry, stop talking."

Barry's mouth clamped shut almost audibly.

Oliver sighed.

It was far too early for this.

He ran a hand over his face, before glancing at Barry with an exasperated look on his face.

"Barry, sit down before you fall down." The younger man nodded, inhaling another sharp breath as he sat down on the table with a wince. "The couch."

"But I'll get blood-"


"Okay, okay." He grimaced as he shifted his body onto the couch.

"Alright," Oliver spoke, kneeling next to the couch. "Let's see it," Barry sighed hesitantly, before pulling off the top of his uniform with a barely restrained groan.

Oliver tensed unwillingly at the sight.

A swelling and bloody mess marked the skin right below Barry's ribs and Oliver grimaced slightly at the sight. He looked up to meet Barry's eyes and concealed his expression with indifference.

"I've seen worse,"

Barry snorted.

"It should be healed by now. Dunno' what happened..." His voice trailed off and Oliver had to glance back up to make sure he hadn't passed out. "Maybe it's cuz' I was running the streets for a few hours." Oliver huffed.

"Stay put. I'll be back with some bandages and stitches," Barry groaned as Oliver stood.

"Oh great, my favorite."

Oliver grinned.

He moved into the bathroom and opened the cabinet to where he kept most of his medical supplies. Not all of them, of course, because there were some in the living room for those times when he just wasn't quite sure he could make it into another room.

Grabbing the necessary items, he moved back into the living room and made his way around the couch.

He wasn't entirely surprised to find the occupant unconscious.

Ignoring the the bit of fear he felt grab at the edges of his chest, he sighed heavily.

He had work to do.

Barry awoke with an involuntary groan, as he blinked at the harsh light surrounding him.

"Ah, sleeping beauty awakes," Barry frowned at the voice, wincing when he finally got his eyelids to cooperate.

"Ol'ver? Wha' happened?" He looked up, realizing just now that he was in Oliver's apartment, and no, not just in his apartment but sprawled out on his couch.

Oliver quirked a brow.

"You sir, are getting to be about as reckless as I am." Barry's eyes widened at the remark.

"Oh God, anything but that," Oliver rolled his eyes, moving across the room to sit on the couch by Barry's feet. "Seriously, what happened? I don't remember..."

"You showed up at my doorstep at three in the morning with a bullet in your gut." Oliver deadpanned.

Barry blanched.


"Mm-hmm. I called Star Labs, by the way. If I were you I wouldn't head back for a while yet," Barry groaned, throwing an arm over his eyes, and wincing at the familiar pull of stitches across his waist.

"You shoulda' let me bleed out," Barry grumbled and Oliver chuckled in amusement.

"Afraid that would go against my code, Barry," He felt a hand pat his calf and removed his arm the tiniest bit to raise an eyebrow at Oliver.

"You're awful chipper this morning,"

Oliver shrugged, sipping at the mug in his hand.

"I'm always happy to put a criminal behind bars." Barry scrambled into a sitting positon.

"You found him?" He asked, not even bothering to conceal the hope in his voice. Oliver made a noncommittal noise as he took another sip, shaking his head.

"No, but you did." Barry frowned. "You were kind of out of it for a while, mumbling incoherently and stuff-" Barry felt his face begin to flush. "But you did mention that you had apparently managed to subdue him. Once I was certain you weren't about to die on my couch," Barry winced in sympathy. "I went out and found him."

There was an underlying darkness to his tone that had Barry asking his next question hesitantly.

"He's not...dead, is he?"

Oliver rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"No, I didn't kill him, Barry. But he is behind bars now," Barry sighed in relief, choosing to ignore Oliver's grumbled sentence about maybe a little more black and blue than before.

Barry glanced up at Oliver, gratitude flooding his features.

"Thank you, Ollie." Oliver waved his hand dismissively, not meeting Barry's eyes.

"It was nothing." He paused. "If you ever need another couch to pass out on, mine's always available. But for God's sake, Barry, next time don't get so much blood on the thing."

Barry grinned.

"You were so worried about me." Oliver rolled his eyes once more.

"Barry, go to sleep." Barry chuckled at the exasperated voice, before leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

He was safe now.

And as he drifted off into a dreamless sleep, he felt the weight of a blanket being laid gently on top of him and couldn't help but smirk.

He was right.

Oliver had so been worried about him.

Tis done. Lemme' know what you thought! And if you have any prompts. I'd love to hear whatever you have to say! In fact, why don't you comment and tell me what you're up to to pass the time during quarantine? Love y'all!