Author's Disclaimer: I do not own the Legend of Zelda. I am earning no profit from this story other than the enjoyment of writing it and sharing it with others. I hope you all enjoy reading it! Feel free to let me know what you think by giving this chapter a review.

When the night ended, the two children stumbled out of bed for breakfast. Neither spoke a word while they ate. They sat at the table for hours, Link leaning his head against its cool wooden surface and closing his eyes, listening submissively to the Fierce Deity's endless taunting. They waited until Zelda arrived. The princess opened the door and gestured for them to come with her. They did as they were told without comment.

Zelda tried to start a conversation as they rode the short distance to the Temple of Time. Neither Link nor Malon wished to speak. They just sat and stared at each other sadly, their hands locked together, the Fierce Deity still picking at what remained of Link's patience.

When they made it and the carriage pulled to a stop, Zelda got out. Link followed. He took a minute to just stare up at the huge temple, feeling his anger rising. He had hoped he'd never have to step foot in here again. This temple had ruined everything, and not just for him. This was where the entrance to the Sacred Realm was. This was where Link failed by drawing the Master Sword the first time, giving Ganondorf access to the Triforce and allowing Hyrule to fall. He never thought he'd have to go back.

The two girls gave him a moment to just stand and stare, his hands shaking, his blue eye glazed over, his white one as unfeeling as always. When he was ready enough, they stepped into the temple. Zelda laid the spiritual stones in their places, then held the Ocarina of Time to her lips.

Link shuddered as the eerie Song of Time echoed from the marble walls of the temple, its haunting notes chilling him to the bone and bringing to mind what must've been years spent in Termina repeating the same three days until he finally took down Majora, the Song of Time signaling the end of each cycle. The song ended, the great door shook and slowly opened. And they all walked as calmly as they could into the main room of the temple. Sitting high in its perfect pedestal was the Blade of Evil's Bane. The Master Sword's white blade glinted as Link approached it shakily.

Malon walked with him to the pedestal, guiding the hero's hands around the sword's hilt. "I'll wait for you," she whispered as he stood there, his hands wrapped around the hilt, but he refused to pull upwards. The voice in his head was screaming at him now, insisting he shouldn't do it, it was stupid, what was wrong with him. "No matter how much time the sword takes. I'll wait for you."

Link nodded slowly.

"You can do it, Link," Zelda encouraged from the back of the room. "This must be hard, but you can do it. You've certainly done much harder things!"

Link took a deep breath. He flashed Malon a broken smile. "Malon…I…thank you. You're the best friend I've ever had. I'll…I'll…I'll see you later…"

Malon nodded.

Link closed his eyes and pulled upwards, his hands far too small to be wrapped around the legendary weapon that they were. At first, the blade resisted, and Link felt it analyzing him, just as it had before. He felt this cold and heartless energy racing through him, trying to decide if he deserved the true might of the Master Sword. He already knew what its decision was. He knew he wasn't enough for it. He knew it didn't think a child was ready to wield the Sword that Seals the Darkness's full splendor. He knew it was going to take from him again.

But the sword's energy did not grow dissatisfied as he remembered it doing the first time. He did not feel it desperately racking his memories, searching for some decent reason as for why a prudent child would dare even approach such a holy weapon. He felt it watching through his mind's eye as he drew it the first time, suffered the loss of seven years, and walked through a ruined and devastated Hyrule. Link wanted to scream. He didn't want to relive all this again! He knew he wasn't good enough for the prideful sword, why couldn't it arrive at that conclusion? But he was forced to watch as he saved the Six Sages and confronted Ganondorf in his castle. He watched himself defeat Ganon and return to his own time to stop Ganondorf from getting the Triforce in the first place. He watched as he traveled to Termina and met the Happy Mask Salesman, and then watched every cycle of the three days he went through, from helping Romani with her alien problem to saving Lulu's children. Over and over, he watched the same three days until finally he was strong enough to claim the Fierce Deity's Mask and defeat Majora, freeing Termina from its astronomical demise. The sword watched him return to Lon Lon Ranch and live with Malon for a few months until it watched him battle with the Fierce Deity's voice constantly. And it made its decision. He swore he could hear an ethereal female voice whisper to him, You have been through so much, Master Link. You will be a legend, even amongst heroes. Go, and live your life in peace.

Then his eyes snapped open. He wasn't met by the flowing blue walls of the Sages' Chamber in the Sacred Realm. He was still staring upwards, past the stained-glass window that Navi had once flown out of, away from him, never to be seen again. He was still staring at the marble ceiling of the Temple of Time. The Master Sword still felt heavy. His hands still felt too small. He lowered it slowly, glancing down at himself, not quite daring to hope.

"…Link?" he heard Malon's voice ask quietly.

He turned slowly, the tip of his blade dragging on the ground. He was not tall enough to hold it off the ground. Malon was still a child. He was still a child. No time had passed. After everything he'd been through…the Master Sword had deemed him worthy now. He didn't need to be any older. He was good enough just as he was.

Link stood still for a moment, grinning stupidly at his best friend, the sword in his left hand far too heavy for his twelve-year-old body. The Fierce Deity's voice was gone. He couldn't hear it. He confirmed that his markings were still there by brushing over them with his right hand, but he didn't care about that. He was still here. He could still have his childhood, his life. He laughed eventually and ran to Malon, dropping the Master Sword to the ground, throwing his arms around her. She happily accepted the embrace. "Did it work?" she asked.

"It did," Link confirmed, pulling away after a moment. "It's gone. It worked."

She cocked her head, running a finger across his markings.

Link pushed her hand away. "I don't care about that. I'm still here. You don't have to wait."

Malon smiled. "Yes. I don't."

They stood together for a minute or so, just relishing in the other's presence.

Zelda coughed. "I…I suggest you put the sword back. N-now that you're done with it."

Link nodded, extricating himself from Malon and picking it up again, his arm shaking from the effort of holding it up. It took both hands to bring the tip up over the elevated pedestal. He forcefully shoved the blade back into its rightful place, watching sparks fly as steel slid across stone. He released it after a moment, stepping down off the pedestal's raised platform.

"You did it, Link," Malon told him, grabbing his hand, not because he needed it anymore, simply because she wanted to.

Link stared at the sword for a moment or two before nodding. "I did." He turned to face her, a smile still lighting up his blue eye. "Let's go home. I'm sure Talon is waiting."

Malon nodded eagerly. "Yes. And since you don't have to work all the time anymore, I bet Epona would like to play with us!"

Link nodded along with her. "Yeah! We can play chase in the field!"

Malon giggled. They raced each other to the front of the temple.

Zelda walked along behind them calmly. "I'm happy for them," she said to her guard, Impa.

Impa nodded stiffly. "They deserve at least this. From what I've heard, the boy has had a rough life."

Zelda sighed. "He has. But it looks like he finally gets his happy ending."

And what a happy ending it was. No more fighting for the weary Hero of Time. He was done with all that hero business at last. He and Malon could finally live on their ranch in peace. But the best part was that Link knew if he ever ended up facing any other opponent, he wouldn't have to do it alone anymore. Malon would always be there for him, no matter what he was going through. Whether it be fighting against evil deities or just working to prepare breakfast, Link knew he'd have help if he needed it. She would always be his best friend. And he found himself hoping that someday, when they were both a little older, she'd be something more than just a friend. But that thought could wait. Link still had his long overdue childhood to live out first.

Author's Note: Yay! Happy endings! Those are my favorite. I can't ever bear to leave the protagonist in misery. Especially someone who's been through as much as Link. Anyways, that's the story! I hope you enjoyed reading it!