A/N: Thank you to everyone who reviewed and offered their feedback. And thanks to Jameyofthemegacosmos for his work on the chapter, including proofreading it.

This chapter will be more about Wilmarina, Luciana, and the others adapting to Earth as they learn more about its history.

Meanwhile, Lelouch will be meeting with some other friends, and at the same time, he is taking steps to prepare for what may come next in due time. Things in the coming chapters should pick up once I am sure adequate time has been allowed for Wilmarina, Koyoi, and the others to adapt to Earth.

I do apologize for the delay of this chapter's posting because I took the time to update my Kings of Revolution story.

And to respond to the only review, I couldn't write a PM response to.

Blackving: That is likely to happen once they break Krisch's loyalty to the kingdom and ensure she won't be a problem once they let her out.

So without further delay, enjoy.

Chapter 9

The New World

In the days following the tour of Agartha, Lelouch took the time to buy books for Wilmarina and others to read. They were history texts and books to help the girls familiarize themselves with the technological advancements of Earth to avoid any potential crippling culture shock.

Meanwhile, encouraged by Havi, Lelouch decided to use his extra time on Earth to recover and spend time with his sister.

However, Lelouch decided to be more productive as well since he knew well Druella was likely seeking a way to pursue him.

I doubt Druella will find a way to Earth anytime soon, Lelouch thought as he walked down a ruined street. Still, our fight with her made it clear I must improve myself.

Lelouch was currently walking down a neighborhood within the city of Nishinomiya, located in the Hyōgo Prefecture. The area was a relatively wealthy one for middle-class Japanese living in the area who became Honorary Britannians.

I hope she is doing well, Lelouch thought, but he heard something as he turned a corner.

"How could a lowly Eleven have such a hot body?"

"She must've gotten lucky, I guess."

"Yes, for us," another voice said, not hiding his lust for the girl in question.

"Hey, you people back the fuck off from her," a female voice shouted.

Lelouch soon saw the scene unfolding, where three Britannians ganged up on a seventeen-year-old Japanese girl. She wore a red school uniform trimmed with gold, a green bow tie, a white dress shirt under the uniform. She wore black stockings and a dark green skirt with brown loafers. As the Britannians commented, likely high schoolers who were part of a gang judging from their appearance and punkish attire, the girl was indeed beautiful.

The timid and scared girl possessed a buxom figure with a slender waist. She also had long black hair styled into a long-braided ponytail wearing glasses with egg-shaped lenses over a pair of dark blue eyes while possessing a fair skin complexion.

"You punks better back off," another girl standing in front of the gang's target.

Unlike the girl, she was protecting the girl was different in both personality and appearance. Instead of the red school coat, she only wore a white dress shirt with a few top buttons undone and left untucked from the school skirt. She did not wear any stockings, but she wore some white sneakers with matching socks. She possessed black hair styled into a pageboy cut, brown eyes, and a fair skin complexion maintaining a slender yet more athletic frame.

"Silly girl," one of the thugs approached them. "Haven't you ladies forgotten? This place is our territory now. Therefore, you have to listen to whatever we say."

"Besides, you're Honorary Britannians," another one called to them. "The moment you sold yourselves out, you already belong to us, like a pet!" He possessed black hair styled into a pageboy cut, brown eyes, and a fair skin complexion maintaining a slender yet more athletic frame.

"I wouldn't be so sure," Lelouch eventually stepped in as two of the thugs advanced upon the girls. Only the third one caught his attention. "You're no different from pets, too, aren't you?"

"Just what are you getting at?" the leader of the gang went forward as his goons went after the two girls. The tough girl retaliated by trying to grab one of the thugs, but she only ended up being caught herself. It was not long before the other one got grabbed, too. "You better get lost before you start seeing some unpleasant things around here, you prude!"

"Prude? Unpleasant?" Lelouch looked at him with little indifference. He then looked around to see some people witnessing the confrontation. "I think you're the only one who is unpleasant around here, taking little girls as hostages and forcing them against their will like that."

"Why you," The lead gang member said, before attempting to throw a punch.

Lelouch effortlessly sidestepped the punch, but the gang leader only grew angrier.

During the gang leader's attempts to hit him, Lelouch quietly muttered a spell.

"You slippery bastard, hold still," The gang member snapped as Lelouch continued to evade his attacks to punch him while grinning.

"Come on, let's help," one of the other students said before he and his friend decided to aid their leader.

The other two tried to help their leader by surrounding Lelouch and attempting to land their blows on Lelouch. Instead, it seemed every time they missed, one of their own got struck. The cycle continued until police officers arrived, and the two officers exiting their patrol car just as the three gang members fell backward after Lelouch had beaten all three of them.

Or so it seemed.

"Hey officer, this guy beat us up!" the gang leader called out with a black eye and a cut on his lip.

"You idiots beat yourselves up," The Britannian Police officer remarked with apparent disgust at the high schooler's evident stupidity.

"We saw the whole thing," the officer's partner added. "This guy dodged everything you threw at him only for you morons to hit yourselves."

"But," the gang leader said in disbelief, but Lelouch only smirked behind them.

Those idiots never picked up on the illusion spell I cast on them.

The illusion spell that Lelouch projected was a straightforward one that allows the caster to misdirect enemies as the caster wishes easily, so from the perspective of the thugs attacking Lelouch, it seemed he was dodging before retaliating. Instead, it was the gang members unknowingly attacking each other while Lelouch easily avoided their own clumsy and easy to predict attacks.

Usually, such a spell would have been useless against most monsters and humans with knowledge of magic, but against people who believe magic is fake, it was handy.

"We're taking you, idiots, out of here before you hurt yourselves," The police officer said before noticing the people watching. "Maybe we should check if you kids have gotten your hands on something you shouldn't have."

The police officers took the high school students away in their car, and once they were gone, Lelouch turned to the two Japanese teens.

"Are you two, alright?" Lelouch asked.

"Uh, we're fine," the busty girl with glasses answered with a nod.

"Thanks, but why did you help?" The tomboy girl asked, clearly surprised by Lelouch, who was a Britannian, who intervened on their behalf. "We're Honorary Britannians."

"I lived in Japan before it became Area 11, so you can imagine I wasn't that welcomed here," Lelouch began to explain. "Those I ran into made that quite clear my presence wasn't welcomed, but one did intervene on my behalf, so I do the same when I can."

"I see," The sixteen-year-old tomboy replied, "Well, you're alright in my book. My name is Kei Inui!"

"Lelouch Lamperouge," Lelouch said, returning the introduction before turning to the other girl. "And your name, Miss?"

"Sakuya," Sakuya timidly replied. "Sakuya Aima."

"So, if you don't mind me asking what brings you out here?" Kei inquired.

"I am actually on my way to the Isami Fencing Dojo," Lelouch answered.

"Oh?" Kei realized something. "Are you by chance familiar with Enishi?"

"We sparred together a few times."

"So, you're a student?" Kei asked genuinely curious and surprised a Britannian would be a student at a Japanese dojo.

"Why would that surprise you?" Lelouch folded both of his arms under his chest,

"Uh right, sorry," Kei said, clearly embarrassed about that. "It's just…you know."

"I guess that would be surprising," Lelouch offered an agreement with a nod. "Given how Britannia looks down on Japanese Culture and such."

"Mind if we walk with you? We all know Enishi."

"Sure, I don't see why not," Lelouch replied before Kei and Sakuya began following Lelouch to his destination.

Around the same time on the lost city of Agartha, Wilmarina and Luciana were exploring the island. Olivie led the duo and was telling the pair everything they had learned from Lelouch and Havi about the island. Among the locations on the island, there was a dome-shaped chamber that interested Luciana and Wilmarina.

Transparent crystals grew from the ground near the entrance and around the center of the room. At the heart of the room was a capsule-shaped pod, large enough for a single person to lay in. Wilmarina and Luciana approached the pod curious about the ancient machine, which was a product of Agarthan work.

"Is this how Zero-" Wilmarina stopped to correct herself. "I mean, how Lelouch gained his immunity from demonic corruption?"

"Yes," Olivie answered with a nod. "This machine was created during the height of the war with the gods, which allows one to convert other people's mana into their own. During the war, many of their own were corrupted into creatures of nightmare, losing their humanity. This machine would transform the ancient Agarthans' bodies and their entire lifeforce, endowing them with the natural means of purifying any corrupting energies. Then, the purified energy becomes power you can use towards magic or stamina."

"I see," Wilmarina began as a realization dawned on her. "That's how Lelouch kept fighting against Druella."

"Instead of getting weaker and exhausted, he got stronger," Luciana added, recalling how Lelouch seemingly had unlimited stamina that night. "All of the demonic energy meant to corrupt us, and the kingdom was being absorbed by Lelouch, too."

"Which is why you didn't show signs of changing despite being in the presence of Lilim," Olivie added as the two now understood Lelouch's abnormal endurance he displayed. "Lelouch was absorbing the demonic energy around you, which acted as an indirect shield to protect from its worse effects."

"Does that include immunity to other things like those spores from the Matango?" Luciana asked, but before Olivie could answer, Havi spoke.

"The body is changed to be immune to such things," Havi explained from the doorway to the chamber. "During the war, the enemy created parasites that could transform a victim into a monster from the inside out. Even spells that could affect the mind with fear and madness had to addressed as well, so the mind is reinforced in a sense."

"Reinforced," Wilmarina pondered those words. "You mean anything that could affect the mind will get nullified?"

"Aye, child," Havi nodded. "Even that could…say, alter a person's perception of what is acceptable or cause their blood to boil with lust in the rendered void. The parasites inside a reinforced body, like those of the Matango, would die within seconds."

"I see," Wilmarina said before pondering something else. "Can this process be used on anyone?"

"Only humans, but yes. Half-elves like your friend could be a possibility, but I never tried it on one."

"How long is this going to take?" Luciana questioned, wondering the overall time it takes for a single person to under the same process Lelouch went in the machine.

"It depends," Havi answered. "Though normally, it was designed for males to obtain such power. Women, on the other hand, take much longer due to their alternative nature in how they gather mana."

The words were from what Luciana learned. Even from heroes, women who were not monsters did not produce as much spirit energy as men did it. To compensate, they had the unique feature to absorb mana from the air, but that alone made them more susceptible to demonic mana.

"So the benefits differ between men and women?" Luciana asked.

"The difference in anatomy and capabilities means the process takes a longer time. The time it takes to recharge and restart itself is a whole other issue."

"Are there any others besides this one?" Luciana asked.

"Unfortunately not," Havi said with frustration. "Our resources, while not scarce, are also extremely limited regarding this kind of technology. Since you are already Heroes, especially Wilmarina, who already has incredible potential and a high output of spirit energy, each of you will eat up most of the reserves we have for this operation."

"And Lelouch underwent this process?" Wilmarina inquired as the limitation seemingly did little to discourage her. When the old man nodded, she asked, "Could you do the same for me?"

"I can," Havi said, stepping forward before gesturing. "You will need rest afterward and time to adjust. Otherwise, you will be fine, I assure you."

"It's fine," Wilmarina said before climbing into the capsule while Luciana and Olivie watched.

"Just relax and let the machine handle the rest, and once you emerge, demonic energy shall never corrupt you," Havi said as he pressed a hand against a pillar of crystal by the capsule.

The capsule began to close as Wilmarina laid inside.

Luciana and Olivie said nothing further as they observed the machine as it began glowing. All of the other crystals in the room followed suit as pale blue energy then manifested in the capsule.

Just what are you thinking, Wilmarina? Luciana was not surprised about Wilmarina volunteering to go next into the machine, having suspected her intent to come to this place. But she could not help but wonder why the hesitation. Although Havi said it would take a long time for the machine to recharge, especially with Wilmarina inside, she hoped to have her turn in the machine next.

Back in Area 11, Lelouch, Kei, and Sakuya arrived at the Isami Fencing Dojo, where an eighteen-year-old girl greeted them with a buxom figure. She possessed long black hair styled into a top-knot ponytail, possessing brown eyes and a fair skin complexion. The girl wore a white T-shirt and black sweatpants with sneakers with the shirt showing signs of sweat around the neck. Lelouch had known this girl to be very athletic, but yet the serious type.

Upon noticing Lelouch, the girl approached him while her serious expression diminished.

"Welcome back, Lelouch," the girl greeted politely with a bow. Enishi Isami was the daughter of Kenshin Isami, the head of the dojo who had been grooming Enishi to succeed him as a master of their family's swordsmanship. "It's been a while since I last saw you."

"I pleased to see you have been doing well, Enishi," Lelouch returned the bow.

"Thank you," Enishi said before noticing Kei and Sakuya with Lelouch. "I see you have friends with you?"

"Well, we just met," Lelouch answered modestly. "I helped these two with trouble over some Britannian high school students."

"He was fucking awesome!" Kei replied with a big grin. "He had those idiots beating themselves senselessly."

"He was very kind to have helped me," Sakuya replied shyly.

"I see, but you have left quite the impression it seems," Enishi remarked.

"We were kind of curious about the Britannian who handled some jerks and found out he was learning Japanese swordsmanship of all things," Kei put her hands on her hips.

"I guess it is surprising for someone to hear a Britannian was learning swordsmanship from our dojo."

"Was?" Sakuya asked, noticing something odd about that statement.

"He just graduated," Enishi answered. "We have very little left to teach him now."

"How old is he?" Kei asked, clearly impressed.

"He's one year younger than I am," Enishi answered.

"I may have graduated, but I am seeking to refine my skills further," Lelouch said with a thin smile.

"So, you wish to spar?" Enishi inquired.

"If you have time," Lelouch offered politely. "I tried to call ahead, but no one answered. So I apologize for coming unannounced."

"You have nothing to apologize for," accepted Lelouch's request. "I will gladly help you refine your skills. Besides, I wish to see how well you have been keeping up your skills since you left."

"Thank you, Enishi. I am grateful to you."

"Not at all, but allow me to refresh myself. You did catch me after I finished my mid-day jog," Enishi explained while gesturing for Lelouch and the others to follow. "The rest of you are welcomed to watch if you wish."

"Sure!" Kei remarked while Sakuya followed. "I want to see this guy in action!"

Kuroferuru had arrived at the city gates that opened to the new Demon Realm of Lescatie. The Black Goat was waiting with a few members of her Sabbath to greet the arrival of her sister, who would arrive soon. After waiting a few minutes, a group of spellcasters judging by their attire, arrived on the scene. They disembarked from a wagon they had been riding being driven a male in his late teens wearing a dark green robe. A young echidna and Witch walked alongside the leader of the Sorcerous Sabbath, and Kuroferuru's twin sister.

Shirokuto, the White Goat, wore a green witch's hat with holes for her curved horns. Unlike her twin sister, Shirokuto's attire was more conservative and in-line with what you would expect from a witch. She wore a green robe with black feather-like decorations around the collar with it possessing long bell-shaped sleeves. As her nickname implies, Shirokuto's fur was white, and her hair matched it while having a slightly pale skin tone with pale purple eyes.

"Welcome, sister," Kuroferuru greeted politely.

"Thank you for coming to greet me, sister," Shirokuto said, returning the greeting. "So, show me where this doorway is?"

"Right this way," Kuroferuru gestured for Shirokuto and her accomplices to follow her.

The group made their way to where Lelouch's house once stood. In its place was a warehouse of sorts that surrounded the gateway and the giant ice creature that Zero summoned. Kuroferuru relocated them to the new structure so that Shirokuto and her Sabbath could work in peace.

"So this is the genderless creature Zero called?"

Shirokuto stepped forward, placing one hand on the magical field that was preserving the defeated summoned construct. Magic began to glow from Shirokuto's hand as she began trying to examine the remains of the creature. Shirokuto quietly studied the ice creature as her magic enveloped the construct, although Kuroferuru wanted to say something she knew better than to interrupt her sister.

"Fascinating, this creature does not have any known materials found on our world," Shirokuto said as she analyzed the doorway. Although it did not look like a door, the white Baphomet could feel the magic radiating from the base. "I never felt something like this kind of magic either. You really found something interesting, Sister."

"I was quite surprised myself," Kuroferuru remarked. "Who would've thought Zero was from another world?"

"It's a shame you and Lady Druella failed to capture him," Shirokuto said, not bothering to hide her disappointment. "I would've liked to have questioned him."

"No one could've expected Zero to stand his ground against Lady Druella, let alone reject her charms," Kuroferuru replied.

"Yes, and word about what happened is already spreading fast."

"I can only imagine how others might be reacting to the news," Kuroferuru remarked in agreement.

"Indeed, and I'm sure Her Majesty Lilith would be surprised by the events as well," Shirokuto said, still mystified by the doorway. "I won't be able to determine much more now, but we shall study these remains to see if we can learn anything else. If anything, I could at least store what we have inside a Statue of Wisdom."

The Statue of Wisdom, as the White Baphomet stated, was a tool that existed long before the rise of Lilith. They are towering owl-shaped statues that housed knowledge akin to memories, acquired by merely touching such objects. They were everywhere, owned by both Order states and Demon Realms. Furthermore, there were many more yet to be discovered, which were highly coveted by adventurers.

Statues of Wisdom were also popular among those in the Radical Faction, as they were also used to stir one's lust with sexual knowledge. They were more so as theirs were more miniaturized compared to the large ancient ones discovered elsewhere; the amount of knowledge that a statue contained depended on its size, which was appropriate for the "knowledge" that Kuroferuru's Sabbath shared.

"I could lend you one of ours," Kuroferuru offered. "But you should at least have someone capable of acquiring them once you finish."

The weakness of the Statues of Wisdom, other than being easy to create knockoffs that did nothing, was how they only allowed certain bloodlines or monsters to use them. But since Shirokuto's Sabbath was all about obtaining new knowledge, that was not a problem for the old Baphomet.

"I appreciate the offer, Sister," the white goat accepted. "At least, we'll be able to share something before Her Majesty's next meeting."

From there, the white goat ignored her smaller sister, focusing on her work at hand. The alien nature of the elemental and doorway was beyond anything she encountered in her lifetime but already something worth reporting. It was only matter of how much she can get before Lilith calls in everyone for the latest news, and whether not she could decrypt it.

On the island of Saida, Levin Dil was sitting at a table with Lilynanna with fruit drinks in front of them, but the two were not alone. However, since Lelouch had last seen Levin, the new Song Maiden of the Island of Saida wore a new outfit. Levin's new attire consisted of a black leather jacket with the front open revealing her cleavage while leaving her mid-drift exposed. She wore a black and silver diamond laden heavy leather belt with a small skirt attached left hanging down one side revealing her left thigh while still covering her modesty.

"Thanks for visiting Lilynanna," Levin said of her friend, who made visits to the Thunderbird at least once a week when her busy schedule would allow for it.

"Not at all," Lilynanna replied before sipping from her drink through a straw.

"Don't forget us, Big Sis."

Sitting next to Levin was a Raiju, a Beastman type of Monster Girl that hails from Zipangu. Raiju had a wild and ferocious temperament but were hedonists, always seeking the highest level of pleasurable stimulation. The electrodes on their kimono robes would then glow when their bodies once fully charged.

This particular Raiju had long blue and black hair with pointy animal ears on top of her head with yellow eyes and a fair skin complexion. She wore a kimono decorated with glowing blue electrodes, but the kimono itself revealed much of her buxom figure except for her bosom and arms. It also had a black and purple color scheme, and she wore short black shorts with white tabi socks.

"It's always good to drink with friends, especially bandmates," The Raiju commented before taking a drink from her glass.

Reina was formerly from Zipangu, where she had been a master lightning taiko who performed at Zipangu's capital, or one of its largest cities that was friendly to monsters rather. Upon hearing about Levin's rising fame in Saida, Reina left to join her new band "Rights Rights Rights" or called R3 for short.

"This new café isn't bad," the second and last member of Levin's band remarked.

She was another Thunderbird like Levin, but the color scheme of her wings and style was different. She possessed bright blue and neon green feathers that mixed stylishly on her wings and matching tints of blue in her blonde hair. Her outfit was more revealing than Levin's; however, with lightning bolt-style dark green leather coverings that stylishly covered her breast, and she wore a short black leather skirt with the same lightning-bolt pattern upon them.

"It seems small, but it's spacious too," Leora commented. She was formerly a legendary solo guitarist in Saida who always ran solo, refusing to join other bands. However, she was overly impressed by the beat and singing voice Levin possessed, leading to her joining the group to provide the bass.

"Yeah, this place isn't bad, and it does allow for some privacy between us," Levin commented before taking her sip from her drink.

"The curse of being famous as they say," Lilynanna mused with a grin as she raised her glass with her claw hand hidden within her wing.

"Lady Lilynanna," a young woman asked, approaching the siren.

The teenage girl was a black harpy. Although similar to her more cheerful and colorful harpy cousins, aside from wings and hair being black as the name implied, she notably wore a revealing outfit called a "shark mouth." A shark mouth was a popular clothing item sold at Rezon Break, and it was more akin to a revealing black and bikini with a shark-shaped mouth with white around the wearer's cleavage. As such, the shark mouth revealed the black harpy's curvaceous figure.

The black harpy also possessed black hair with tints of pink mixed in with red eyes and a fair skin complexion.

"What is it, Stephanie?" Lilynanna asked before the harpy handed the songstress a newspaper. She accepted the paper and began reading it, but as she did, her jaw dropped. "Uh, Levin?"

"Yeah?" Levin inquired, turning to her friend.

"You wanted to know where Zero has been, right?"

"Zero?" Levin asked before instantly asking. "Where is he!?"

"He was in the Theocracy of Lescatie this whole time," Lilynanna handed Levin the newspaper. "He was there when Princess Druella and her faction invaded it."

"Princess Druella, as in the Fourth Daughter of the Demon Lord?" Renia asked, clearly stunned as Levin was reading through the newspaper.

"The same," Lilynanna answered with a nod. "But Zero didn't just escape her, he rejected her charms and even fought her!"

"A human against a Lilim!?" Leora exclaimed in shock before turning to Levin. "Zero is even more of a badass than you made him out to be!"

"How does a man even resist a Lilim?" Reina commented. "I heard tales that any time a man laid his eyes on one, he would be stricken with both fear and intense lust for them."

"He dropped a fucking building on her, too," Levin commented, reading through the article that was making headlines throughout the Monster World.

The mere fact anyone could resist a Lilim's charms, let alone fight her and escape, was unthinkable given their immense power and how alluring their bodies could be. Levin both panicked that Zero had encountered a Lilim, but at the same time, she felt relieved that he had escaped her.

"Okay, now I really want to meet this guy," Leora commented.

"Yeah, but where the fuck is he now!?" Levin shed some tears in her eyes.

Ever since Lelouch left her behind in Saida, the Thunderbird's heart had taken a heavy blow, although the jewels he had left for her had been an enormous help for her. Nevertheless, there has not been a single day that Levin longed for Zero to be in her life again. He had stolen her heart completely. When matting season came for Thunderbirds, Levin endured it, unable to look at another man because of her love for him.

I would have gone anywhere with you as long as we could be together, Levin thought. I will do anything to see you again.

Meanwhile, Lilynanna noticed a new arrival in the café in the corner of her eye, which caught her attention.

I do not think I have ever seen a Umi Osho in Saida before. Lilynanna remarked internally, seeing the shy and timid turtle monster girl in a busy, crowded place like Saida. Is she a tourist?

However, as Lilynanna was about to look away, she noticed something hanging out from the cross-body bag attached to the Umi Osho. It was a very familiar-looking crystal, and there was only one person Lilynanna had seen possessing anything identical to it.

That looks exactly like the same crystal Zero had when he departed Saida.

The more Lilynanna thought about it, the more the siren was convinced beyond all shadow of a doubt. The crystal she was seeing was the same one or at least another just like it.

"Hey, Lilynanna," Levin noticed her friend staring at the Umi Osho, who was sitting at the bar timidly trying to order a drink. "Why are you staring so intensely at that turtle girl?"

"That crystal she has," Lilynanna answered, point to what the Umi Osho carried. "That is the same crystal Zero had used to leave Saida!"

"You're kidding!" Levin asked. "Are you sure that's the same one who used to open that portal you told me about?"

"I am positive its design is a perfect match."

A few moments later, Lilynanna and Levin approached the turtle girl as she sat the bar. As she began happily enjoying her large fruit drink, Levin and Lilynanna carefully asked the girl their question, knowing how meek and shy Umi Osho could be.

"Uh, excuse me," Lilynanna began as kindly as possible to avoid spooking the Umi Osho.

The Umi Osho almost jumped out of her seat, but she calmed down in time before knocking over her drink. The Umi Osho turned around cautiously.

"C-Can I help you?" the Umi Osho asked meekly.

"We were curious about where you got that crystal from," Lilynanna pointed a wing at the crystal.

When the Umi Osho noticed the crystal was hanging out, the female turtle quickly put it back inside her cross-body bag.

"A friend gave it to me," The Umi Osho replied nervously.

"A friend, so who is your friend, uh…" Levin began before her sentence trailed off.

"Mizuko," the turtle girl introduced herself. "My name is Mizuko."

"Right…Mizuko. So who gave that crystal to you?"

Back on Earth within the training halls of the Isami Fencing Dojo, Enishi, who had changed out her sweat-drenched shirt for a tank top that allowed more freedom for her arms. She even switched her sweatpants for black athletic shorts to enable more freedom of movement for her long and toned legs as well.

As she waited for Lelouch to finish changing, she was preparing herself for their sparring match by attacking a training dummy. Holding the wooden hilt of her katana-style Bokken, Enishi struck, and despite what her figure might suggest otherwise, she was considerably strong for her age. Enishi had been trained vigorously by her father since she was a child enduring not only intense swordsmanship training but constant exercise that hardened and strengthened her body.

With one swing, Enishi broke the wooden arm off of the training dummy.

Another swing knocked the head of the dummy off. A third swing was followed, shattered the other arm of the mannequin.

"Holy shit," Kei said, both impressed and worried. She hoped she would never have to face Enishi in a fight. "I knew you were good, but I didn't think you could kill a man with that wooden sword!"

"Please, this is merely the result of intense training under my father," Enishi replied modesty. "I am still a student, and I have much to learn."

Kei was going to question that, but she stopped herself knowing that Enishi was the Captain of the Kendo Club for an excellent reason.

"I think her skills and how much power she can put into those strikes speaks volumes of her skills," Lelouch complimented as he entered the training hall in a new set of clothes. The former prince had changed using clothes he brought in a duffle bag wearing sweatpants with a simple white shirt. Lelouch tightened his grip around the bokken he held. "Not to mention in a fight to the death, she would be a deadly foe to face."

"Your compliments humble me, but they are unnecessary," Enishi replied with a polite bow to Lelouch. "Your skills are impressive, but I wish to see how much more they have grown."

"I am sure you just got stronger, so I can't risk taking you lightly."

Not to mention Enishi's swings are strong enough to shatter bone wielding a Bokken alone.

"Then let us begin," Enishi said politely before assuming a fighting stance.

Always so serious, Lelouch adopted a fighting stance as well as he waited for Enishi to make the room as an uneasy silence fell upon the training hall. However, with those skills, she could have easily achieved a high rank within the Order of the Ice Flower Knights.

Minutes passed before Enishi charged at Lelouch with an opening attack being a downward swing. Lelouch sidestepped the strike as he narrowly dodged it.

Lelouch dodged a second swing from Enishi, who did not waste a second to follow up the missed attack with a third, but the young man intercepted it with his wooden sword. The former prince stepped back and met Enishi's wooden blade, which was the first of many fierce exchanges between one another.

Kei and Sakuya watched in awe as Enishi and Lelouch battled one another fiercely. They matched one another, but Enishi noticed that compared to the last time the pair had faced one another in a sparring match. Lelouch's swings were not what she expected, although she had no way of knowing Lelouch had seen many battles since his time at the dojo.

However, Enishi had continued training and further refining her swordsmanship, and her experience in kendo competitions have helped her compensate.

Lelouch is much better than I remember the last time we sparred. Enishi wondered as she dodged a retaliatory strike from Lelouch. What has he been doing?

I thought my experience from all of the battles I got caught up in would have given me the edge. I should have known Enishi would still be able to keep up.

Watching the fight where Lelouch and Enishi fought toe-to-toe against one another, Kei and Sakuya could not look away from the battle unfolding before them. Even if it were a sparring match, the two onlookers could feel an intensity from Lelouch and Enishi as the room echoed the sounds of their bokken blades meeting each time.

"What's going on?"

Kei and Sakuya turned and saw another familiar. She was a young girl of sixteen with shoulder-length rose-quartz colored hair, light brown eyes, and a fair skin complexion. The girl wore a traditional white kimono and black hakama.

"Oh, hey, Asuna," Kei greeted Asuna Yumemiya with a friendly wave.

"Kei and Sakuya, why are you two here?" Asuna asked, clearly shocked to see two of her schoolmates sitting on the sidelines.

"We're watching that," Kei answered while pointing to the intense clash between Lelouch and Enishi.

"Why are they fighting?" Asuna asked before Kei proceeded to explain everything that led to this moment, including Lelouch's involvement in bailing Kei and Sakuya out of trouble.

Wait, Lelouch, Asuna asked, recognizing Lelouch as he continued his clash against Enishi.

Meanwhile, the sparring match between Enishi and Lelouch continued with neither having landed a blow on the other. Lelouch dodged or parried any of Enishi's strikes while the latter did the same. Although there were some near misses, the fight was still locked in a stalemate.

Their wooden swords shattered much to the collective shock of everyone in the training hall.

Lelouch and Enishi looked at their shattered wooden swords in shock before Lelouch lowered his ruined sword.

"How about we call it a draw," Lelouch suggested with a nervous smile while rubbing one hand behind his head.

"Yes, maybe that would be best," Enishi said in agreement.

"Damn, what a fight," Kei remarked as she Sakuya and Asuna approached the two. "I was beginning to think neither one of you could land a hit on each other."

"Yes, I am both surprised and not since Enishi has been one of the students in the dojo who took her training very seriously," Lelouch offered as a complement to his opponent.

"You are too kind," Enishi offered with a modesty bow.

"Heh," Kei said as she tapped Lelouch's arm.

"And what are you doing?" Lelouch questioned as he thought about stepping away.

"You know, you don't look it," Kei commented as she touched Lelouch's arm under the shirt. "But skinny as you look, those strikes you were dishing out were powerful. Of course, no one would think Enishi would be so strong at first glance either."

"Thank you," Lelouch replied, accepting the compliment.

"Hey, I would like to do some running with you if you got time," Kei asked, patting Lelouch's back in a friendly gesture. "You could look like someone who could keep up with me."

"Really?" Lelouch was caught off guard by the generous offer. "That's rather sudden, I must say."

"Ah, what's wrong with it?" Kei said, throwing her arm around Lelouch's shoulder, having taken a liking to him. Lelouch was surprised by the friendly gesture, but he saw no reason to reject it.

"Sorry, we just met after all," Lelouch replied politely. "I don't see why not since I am aiming to exercise more since I have a little more time."

"It's cool," Kei offered, knowing Lelouch had a point it was sudden for someone to make such an offer after meeting for the first time. "I am sure we can resolve that part, especially since you are the only Britannian who is my friend. And you're not a bad guy."

"I appreciate the compliment."

"I can vouch that Lelouch is a good man," Enishi said, joining the conversation. "He can be secretive at times through with his personal affairs, but he is a good man. Furthermore, he is our first and only Britannian student who graduated from this dojo when he was fourteen."

"Please, I am hardly deserving of such compliments," Lelouch replied, especially since he was planning a rebellion that would destroy an oppressive empire. It would be beneficial for Enishi, Kei, and others for Japan to be independent once more. But Lelouch was keenly aware they could disagree with some of his methods during the conflict.

"If possible, could I join you and Miss Kei for your joint running exercise?" Enishi offered. "I, too, train and exercise as often as possible to stay in top form."

"Sure, I don't see why not the more, the merrier," Kei replied as Asuna seemed interested in both Kei's offer and Lelouch himself having heard of the dojo's only Britannian Student.

Sakuya wanted to join in the conversation, but her extremely timid personality made it difficult for her, even when she was explicitly interested in Lelouch.

I am getting far too much attention that I would have liked.

Back on the island where the Lost City stood, Alameria stood on a foray of one of the ancient buildings partially overgrown with vegetation. The Musketeer wanted time alone as she stared up at the blue sky above her head, trying to come to terms with everything that happened, including the fact she was a Dhampir.

They did not look at me any different, and they rescued me without a second thought, Alameria thought as she wiped away a tear.

Alameria sat on a broken stone pillar, but as she was alone with her thoughts, she began to remember her past. Ever since the Order rescued Alameria, she directed her anger towards the monsters. It was because of them she never knew her mother and father. It had been her motivation for joining the Order of the Ice Flower to seek retribution for their loss.

Upon learning she was a Dhampir, Alameria questioned everything she had believed. She remembered the shock and denial when they told her the reason for her arrest, imprisonment, and what would have been her execution.

When she was alone, Alameria reflected on these revelations, and while waiting for her execution in that cold cell, she prayed to the Chief God to determine the truth. However, even before her arrest Alameria had grown to distrust the Order of the Chief God and its teachings, especially when she learned the truth behind the lives Olivie and Wilmarina led.

Her doubts only grew, even more so after her arrest. It did not help after she about the kingdom's heroes and heroines defecting to the monsters willingly, casting aside their humanity to pursue their desires.

I may be a monster, but it is odd how I do not feel any different.

Just before the dhampir could proceed further, a kind voice asked behind her.

"Are you okay?"

Alameria remained shaken from her thoughts before turning her head to see a young girl of fourteen with sandy brown hair that hung down past her waist. Her eyes were closed, indicating she was blind, but yet the girl was waking using a pink cane to help guide her movements. Her attire consisted of pink sandals and a long green dress with long white sleeves. Walking behind the girl was a woman in her early twenties with short brown hair wearing black and white maid attire.

"Huh, who?" Alameria said as the girl moved closer. "Who are you?"

Even though she was blind, the girl knew where she was going as she sat down next to Alameria, taking hold of her hand.

"When someone holds out a hand, it's a sign that everything will be alright."

"Uh, who are you?" Alameria asked again, still surprised by the girl's kindness.

"I am sorry, my name is Nunnally," Nunnally Lamperouge introduced herself. "You're a friend of my big brother, aren't you?"

"You mean Zero, oh, I mean, Lelouch," Alameria replied before quickly correcting herself. "Yes, I am. He led the effort to save me."

"Really? Then you and my big brother must be good friends," Nunnally chirped. "I have always been worried about him whenever he would spend weeks or months at a time away from home."

"Yes, we are," Alameria answered. "We worked together quite a lot, but I was quite surprised he rescued me."

"There you are," Mimil said, interrupting Alameria and Nunnally. "Who is that?"

"Does she know my big brother, too?" Nunnally asked Alameria.

"Your big brother?" Mimil asked, confused a moment before realizing that she likely meant Lelouch. "Wait, are you the sister who was left blind and crippled?"

"I was indeed left blind, and I had lost my ability to walk," Nunnally nodded her head. "However, thanks to Havi, I was able to walk again."

"But how do you know what's around you?" Mimil asked, approaching Nunnally.

"I use magic to boost my other senses."

"Are you a Mage, too?" Mimil asked, referring to those who professed in magic overall.

"Yes, Mr. Havi taught me magic," Nunnally nodded. "Thanks to him, I was able to use the magic he taught me to read through all of the books on magic he had even though I don't have the use of my eyes."

"Do you know the same kind of magic as your brother?" Alameria asked, clearly curious.

"Yes, but Havi says my magical talent is greater than my brother's," Nunnally replied modestly.

"Really?" Mimil inquired. "So, do you have a wand?'

"Actually, I have a staff that acts as my cane when it's transformed."

"So, you don't use a wand and cast spells?" Mimil asked as Nunnally tilted her head, clearly curious about something.

"Your outfit," Nunnally began to ask, able to see Mimil through magic. "It isn't what I would expect from a mage."

"Huh, what is that supposed to mean?"

"Your outfit reminds me of a magical girl," Nunnally's question startled Mimil. However, her slack-jawed pause and the disabled girl's blindness caused a tense air. "I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?"

"Your world has magical girls?" Alameria asked.

"Well, yes, we do," Nunnally replied with a smile. "Suzaku told me about them when his cousin Kaguya mentioned them."

"Suzaku? Kaguya? Are they from the Zipangu from your world?"

"Zipangu? Oh, you mean Japan. Of course, they are. They were our best friends when we were kids. But it's been a long time we've seen each other."

"What happened back then?" Mimil sat by another pillar with her legs crossed.

"There was a war, and ever since then, we were separated from each other. My big brother still wonders if they're even still alive."

"I-I see," Almeria turned away for a moment before resuming the initial conversation. "So, how do you have magical girls in your world?"

"Well," Nunnally paused to explain. "Magical girls do not exactly exist in our world. However, Japan's animated industry was known to create the concept. Initially, they were for girls, but they became popular for boys and adults, too. Even now, there are a few series made outside of Japan."

"Do they show any about magical girls being used as weapons by mere adults?" Mimil snarked, being brutally honest about herself.

"Not at all, although there was that recent one that they showed me before the war. It was that showed magical girls were usually kind, but they break down and turn into evil witches."

"That's…a little shocking," Alameria recalled Lelouch's words about Earth's interpretation of monsters and how the heroes in their world transformed into them.

"It certainly is," the young girl agreed before turning back to Mimil. "But I am surprised to see a real magical girl here, and from another world. You must be very well known and talented for your age."

"I-It's not all that rosy," Mimil stuttered. "My status is a magical girl is just a title, all so those pesky priests and nobles could use me as a weapon!"

Ever since she left Lescatie, or preferably after her battle with the Baphomet named Lucella, the young Mage had something stuck in her mind like a thorn. She did not have time to think about it until now when she went through the tour with Havi and Lelouch. But once she did, and after considering how many other Heroes defected, too, she understood something about herself.

It was true that she was a genius who surpassed even the strongest of Mages in Lescatie. She was praised all the time by powerful she was and how she would be useful in the upcoming wars against the monsters. However, that was what she also hated the most. Because of her intellect, she never had the chance to act like a real child. Everyone was so focused on giving her training, and the smiles they gave were too fake to hide their real intentions, to mask their apathy towards her and the other Heroes. Worst of all, she was alone, never having the time to make any friends; only Elt had anything close to a friend, or even a family in that manner.

"I don't think so," Nunnally pressed with her response. "Maybe it is true in your world, but we don't bother with that where we are. My big brother would never like seeing children fight in wars or anything like that."

Mimil did not know how to respond. Maybe she would have been like the other Heroes who defected if things were different, let alone defeated by that Baphomet. However, that all changed when Zero came around. Thanks to the new Order of the Ice Flower, she was able to have a little more fun despite getting herself into trouble. It was at least a little more than the other clergymen and nobles gave her, and the black knight Lelouch portrayed himself as meant she felt more at home with him. Elt's presence helped, but never before did she have any kind of chance to act like a real child.

"You know, I never met anyone who had magic and was as young and smart as I am," the disabled girl offered. "I think you and I could be great friends."

"Y-Yes, you may be right," Mimil blushed for the moment and turned away.

"Oh, I forgot to ask," Nunnally realized before raising her hand. "What is your name, by the way?"

"M-Mimil Miltié," the young girl took her hand. Alameria could see the blushed cheeks on her face.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Mimil," Nunnally greeted her. "I hope the two of you enjoy your time on Earth. If you want, I can share with you a lot more about it."

As Mimil remained stuck over how to reply and Alameria watched, Primera watched over the three girls. She also had blushed cheeks as she witnessed the two girls welcome each other that could be considered the first step to a deep friendship. The half-elf then wondered about her own life, which took a turn that she ever expected. Although everyone started to learn about the new world, she was one of the most reluctant, mainly due to her heritage and hatred for humans.

I doubt that the people in this world would accept me either, Primera thought to herself. Even now, she wondered if she could adapt to this new world at all. Only time could tell.

Later that afternoon, back in Nishinomiya, Lelouch walked down the street as the sun was beginning to set in the distance. He was not alone, however, because walking alongside him was Asuna. Instead of the kimono and hakama, she had worn earlier. She now wore the same high school uniform Sakuya wore. The only differences were instead of black tights, Asuna wore thigh-high white socks and pink shoes.

"I didn't expect I would run into you today," Lelouch commented.

"Neither did I. You see, I have been working part-time at the dojo as an assistant for my allowance," Asuna explained. "That said, it's good to see you again, Lelouch."

"Likewise, Asuna," Lelouch admitted with a smile.

Asuna Yumemiya was the daughter of a wealthy family who once held connections with the media and various political groups. Asuna's father was a member of Japan's parliament and a key figure during the time Genbu Kururugi was the Prime Minister of Japan. However, things changed once Japan became Area 11. Their family lost much of the wealthy prosperity they once enjoyed. However, they still possessed enough connections for them to survive as Honorary Britannians thanks to the relationships Asuna's father had created.

Asuna knew Suzaku when she was a child, which in turn led to her meeting Lelouch and Nunnally while the siblings stayed at the Kururugi Estate.

"I never expected the boy who couldn't even stand against some local children could fight on par with a master swordswoman like Enishi," Asuna acknowledged with surprise. "I remembered seeing you at the dojo before, but you changed so much, Lelouch."

"Heh," Lelouch replied with a chuckle, "I suppose I have."

"But I am a little worried about you," Asuna slyly offered as she walked alongside Lelouch. "Because of that vow, you made on the day Japan became Area 11."

Lelouch did not answer immediately, knowing that doing so would make Asuna suspicious of him.

Of course, she would remember that.

The sun just set over Japan's surrender to Britannia. It did not only fit for being the last day Japan became an independent country. Lelouch and Nunnally met with both Asuna and Suzaku on the sore. It would be the last time they would see one another.

"What do you mean you and Nunnally will be declared dead?"

The boy asking was ten years old with brown hair, green hair, and a slightly tanned complexion. He wore a green and yellow T-shirt with grey jeans and sneakers. A nine-year-old Asuna was standing nearby who was just as shocked, but she stayed quiet. Asuna was wearing a pink jumper with a white shirt and sneakers holding a teddy bear.

Lelouch was wearing a white dress shirt with short sleeves and black pants with red suspenders. In front of him was Nunnally seated in a wheelchair wearing a pink skirt with a white dress shirt. She had her hair styled into a pair of small pigtails.

"Only on paper," Lelouch explained. "You see, if they think we are dead, then Britannia can't use us anymore."

"Is that okay, though?" Asuna asked, clutching her bear worried for Lelouch and his sister, with whom Asuna had become close friends. "Is staying with the Ashford Foundation a good idea?"

"Yeah," Suzaku began seemingly hopeful. "I mean, they were your mother's allies, weren't they?"

"Asuna is right," Lelouch explained to the two. "Staying with the Ashfords is risky. Since my mother died, things have not gone well for them, so they are taking us in to be used as liability insurance."

"Liability insurance," Suzaku said clearly, not liking the sound of that idea.

"Don't worry. I will make sure it works out. We will let the Ashford Family think they are using us, but we'll be using them," Lelouch replied with a grin.

"Will it really work?" Asuna asked.

"It won't be easy, but it's our best option, unfortunately," Lelouch admitted with some hint of bitterness.

"What about you, Nunnally?"

Nunnally was quiet at first before answering.

"All I want is to be with my brother. What about you two?"

"Yeah," Lelouch began as he realized something. "Suzaku, will you be staying with Mr. Tohdoh?"

Kyoshiro Tohdoh was an officer in Japan's military, but he served as the personal trainer and mentor of Suzaku in martial arts. However, when the war began, Tohdoh was likely involved in the war between Japan and Britannia, but no one knew if Tohdoh indeed survived.

"I don't know where he is. I lost contact with him when the war began, so I'll have to go to the army's headquarters, as Mr. Kirihara suggested."

"The army's headquarters?" Lelouch asked in shock, realizing what that meant.

"The Britannian Army," Asuna said in half shock and worry.

"You mean the Kyoto Group is cooperating with Britannia?" Lelouch asked, which Suzaku confirmed with a nod. "What about the Sumeragi Family? Wouldn't Kaguya's father have opposed this?"

"Kaguya is now the new head of the family," Suzaku explained. "I guess her family didn't make it, and she is the only survivor, so Mr. Kirihara is leading the Kyoto Group."

"I see," Lelouch said, but his expression was a sign he was shocked by this development.

The Kyoto Group, from what Lelouch had heard from Suzaku and others, was a collective group of Japan's most powerful families. Suzaku's family was among the six families leading the Kyoto Group with Kaguya Sumeragi now heir to the Sumeragi Family, which usually led the six houses. Taizo Kirihara, arguably the wealthiest man in Japan who owns Japan's Sakuradite Mines, was second in terms of influence within the Kyoto Group.

Now with Kaguya's father dead, Kirihara is in control of the Kyoto Group as its leader until Kaguya comes of age.

"Then that means Asuna and her family," Nunnally began with evident worry in her voice.

"We are now a lesser family within the Kyoto Group, Asuna said sadly. "It seems me and the rest of my family will have to follow Mr. Kirihara's lead."

"Given how dangerous things are right now, someone should better take care of us," Suzaku pointed out. "After all, I am the heir to Japan's last Prime Minister."

"Yeah, I guess you are right," Lelouch said in reluctant agreement.

Asuna would watch the rest of the scene unfold as Nunnally called Suzaku to her to hold his hand to comfort the ten-year-old boy. Asuna was fighting back the tears, knowing she would not see any of them again, especially Nunnally and Lelouch, after finally becoming friends with them. Lelouch had been difficult because of how distrustful of others. It was the result of the death of his mother and his exile to Japan.

That was not even talking of Lelouch, and Suzaku's first meeting, which she heard was not a friendly one. Lelouch's instant distrust of Suzaku did not help matters, but thanks to Nunnally, the two gradually became less hostile to one another. Then Asuna would join them alongside Kaguya, providing Nunnally with more social interaction given the trauma she suffered.

I want to stay with Lelouch and Nunnally because someone friendly to them should be with them.

Lelouch returned to Asuna and Suzaku while Nunnally got wheeled away into the vehicle.

Everyone was silent, and Suzaku seemed he wanted to say something. Asuna wanted to say something, but the words would not come. She recalled how angry he was when she first met Lelouch and learned the reason behind that anger. Instead of growing closer to Suzaku as her parents hoped, Asuna found herself gravitating towards Lelouch upon learning what happened to the royal siblings from Nunnally.

After some struggle, Asuna managed to speak, "Lelouch, I am worried for you and Nunnally."

"I know, but I'll make it work out." Lelouch offered reassuringly.

Fighting back the tears and her shyness, Asuna stepped forward, but upon unknowingly tripping on a small rock, she fell. Asuna was caught by Lelouch, who ended up wrapping his arms around her to grab hold of her. This act caused the girl to begin blushing and almost panicking as a result of her shy nature. Yet her body refused to move.

"Are you alright, Asuna?" Lelouch said as he helped Asuna regain her footing.

"I am fine," Asuna offered with a smile while grateful Lelouch caught her, yet her cheeks were still pink. "Thank you for catching me."

"No problem, but you should be careful, Asuna," Lelouch offered, concerned for the girl. "This time wasn't the first you tripped."

"Right," Asuna said, feeling slightly embarrassed, but Lelouch had a point since Asuna was clumsy at times.

"But don't worry," Lelouch began as his face took on a more serious expression. "I swear, someday I'll OBLITERATE Britannia!"

Asuna and Suzaku stared at Lelouch in shock, but Asuna was shocked by the sudden surge of anger in Lelouch's voice and eyes.

The anger he held for Britannia and the Emperor never diminished. It only increased during the war, Asuna thought as she remembered the vow Lelouch made seven years ago.

"I do," Lelouch said finally. "But I am not exactly in a position to make it happen right now."

"I understand for motivations, but I am just worried about you." Asuna said as her hand wanted to reach out and take hold of Lelouch's.

"I know," Lelouch replied with a soft smile. "And I am grateful for your concern for me, Asuna. I know attempting to take down Britannia won't be easy, and there are considerable risks involved too. However, I don't want to live my life in a world that can't be changed, always worried that someone could find out the truth about Nunnally and me."

"Hiding your identity and wearing a mask all of the time must be hard," Asuna said sadly.

"You have no idea," Lelouch admitted. "But that is another reason I wish to destroy Britannia, so I don't have to live this lie anymore."

"I see," Asuna said, finally mustering the courage to take hold of Lelouch's hand. "I'll always be here for you if you need someone to talk. Without a mask."

Lelouch smiled in turn, grateful he had someone he could let the mask of Lelouch Lamperouge fall off and be his real self and speak as himself.

"Thank you, Asuna I am truly grateful."

But Lelouch didn't know that Asuna's feelings for him had grown since they were children. Asuna had an innocent crush on Lelouch, but as she grew older and reencountered Lelouch at Enishi's dojo, those feelings evolved into something more.

It was pure chance that reunited them, but now Asuna wanted the courage to act upon her feelings more and confess her love for Lelouch.

But the words would not come no matter how hard Asuna tried.

As the moon shone over the lost island, Olivie and Paula had their hats laid on top of a pile of books. Paula's limited education due to her parents' unwillingness to spend money on their daughter. Therefore, Olivie decided to read the books on the table Lelouch had brought to assist her. Koyoi sat at the same table with them reading her copy of a history book, written in Japanese, which had almost the same writing style as back in her country.

Entering the room was Luciana, who saw the three and the pile of books they had before deciding to sit down next to Koyoi.

"So how goes the history lessons?" Luciana asked.

"The history of Earth is quite fascinating," Olivie commented. "I had wondered how things would be different if there were no monsters in our world."

"Where are you at?" Luciana asked before taking a book to read, intending to pick up from where she left off earlier.

"We're on the Age of Revolution. I never would've expected such a time like this. It began with a country called France. The people overthrew their monarchy after years of mistreatment and heavy taxes, and soon began spreading to other countries beyond it."

"That sounds a lot like Lescatie," Luciana admitted with a sigh.

I guess that's part of the reason why so many joined Druella's side,

"And where are you at," Paula asked.

"The American Revolution," Luciana answered. "I started a little later than you guys. But I just finished where George Washington's rebellion failed. The Duke of Britannia bribed Benjamin Franklin in exchange for being an Earl of the region. Instead of receiving the assistance of the French, the revolutionaries suffer a decisive defeat at the Siege of Yorktown, resulting in Washington's death."

"Yes, I recall reading that," Olivie said with some barely concealed disgust. "To sell out those who trusted you for titles and land."

"And the British Empire was still holding together with a stronger hold on the American Colonies after that," Luciana commented before Koyoi spoke.

"The British Empire shall fall near the end of the Age of Revolution, but in its place, the Holy Britannian Empire rose to power."

"Wow, you sound like you are far ahead," an impressed Paula commented.

"I just finished learning about Napoleon Bonaparte. He defeated the British during the Battle of Trafalgar, launching a successful invasion of the British Isles. He occupies London forcing the current ruler Queen Elizabeth the Third to flee to Edinburgh, where a revolutionary militia arrests her. Once in their custody, they force the Queen to abdicate, ending the British Empire."

"So how is Britannia born then?" Luciana inquired.

"According to this book Queen Elizabeth was rescued by her lover Sir Ricardo von Britannia, Duke of Britannia, and his friend and subordinate, Sir Richard Hector, Knight of One. They escape with their followers to the American Colonies where they establish a new capital and lay the foundations what would become the Holy Britannian Empire."

"So Britannia was formed from the defeated remains of the British Empire," Olivie inferred, although she was close to reaching where Koyoi was.

"Yes, and according to Lelouch, this new country would adopt new ideals that would turn it into a superpower in the decades to come."

Koyoi was reading how Britannia had adopted Social Darwinism created by Charles Darwin after proposing his Theory of Evolution. Social Darwinism took root in Britannia, and it did not just become an acceptable mentality in Britannia that conflict and competition promoted growth. They believed that those who conquered and subjugated other peoples were justified in doing so. The increased desire to conquer allowed Britannia to seize complete control of the American Continent and expand its lands beyond.

The strongest shall rule, and the weak get cast aside.

According to the book, this even applied to the Royal Family. Every prince and princess competed to prove themselves to be next in line for the throne, which became more complicated as the number of princes and princesses grew. It was even more so when the Emperor of Britannia would take in consorts to ensure he could sire an heir.

Lelouch was one of many children sired by the Emperor to compete for the throne, Koyoi thought, determined to learn everything. I am starting to understand Lelouch's childhood better now.

Meanwhile, around the same time, Mimil and Nunnally walked together down a stone corridor.

"So why are we heading to the Hub for Between Realms?" Mimil inquired as a pair of heavy metal doors opened.

Inside the chamber ahead was a vast dome-shaped room with a large white crystal. The dome-shaped control console has a slot for the gem Lelouch carried. The room also had seven doors, each one with a different colored key above each doorway.

According to Havi, this place was a hub to connect to other worlds. The doors allowed for easier access to the Realm between Realms, and to contact one of the doors Lelouch uses to travel across worlds.

"A friend of mines is supposed to be returning tonight," Nunnally answered as one of the doors began glowing. "Here, she comes!"

The door shimmered before opening as Mizuko stumbled through the doorway, pulling a small child's wagon of supplies in bags behind her.

"Wait, your friend is a monster!?" Mimil said, readying her wand, which caused Mizuko to hide within her shell.

"Hold on, Mimil," Nunnally said, putting a hand to stop Mimil from attacking the turtle girl. "Mizuko is harmless. My big brother asked her to collect information and gather supplies for him."

"Huh, so are you saying Lelouch uses her as a spy or something?"

"Kind of," Nunnally replied before walking up to the shivering Mizuko as she knelt next to her shell. "Hey, Mizuko, Mimil means no harm. She is our new friend."

"A-A new friend?" Mizuko said as she poked her head out.

"Right, so just relax and come out," Nunnally said, gently offering a hand.

"O-Okay," Mizuko said as she emerged from her shell reluctantly.

"Don't worry, Mimil, Umi Osho are harmless," Nunnally assured. "They wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Uh, hi," Mimil replied with a reluctant wave.

"So Mizuko, why did you return so late?" Nunnally asked. "You were supposed to be back earlier this afternoon."

"I-I'm sorry, I ran into some delays," Mizuko beamed. "B-But, I managed to slip away."

"Okay, that's good then."

Little did Nunnally or anyone know the issue Mizuko was referring to did not get so easily resolved.


So what happened between Mizuko, Levin, and Lilynanna? That will be revealed next chapter, but that could be an issue brewing for Lelouch.

Clearly, Levin misses Lelouch a lot, and enduring Thunderbird breeding season was likely very rough on her.

How did Mizuko end up in Lelouch's employ will be explored in the next chapter, and there might be some trouble when Wilmarina and the others learn about her.

But it was devious of Lelouch to employ a Umi Osho, because who would ever suspect one?

I am also glad I could introduce Levin's bandmates; although they were mentioned by name and there was some background on them, there was no picture of them. Also, Stephenie is a name I gave to the nameless tour guide of Sadia, who makes a cameo in this chapter.

Speaking of introductions, I have also brought in most of the characters from Succubus Heroines Eroge and adapted them appropriately. Enishi and her family's dojo provided one of the places where Lelouch received instruction to wield his katana; on top of the training, Havi gave him to compliment it. I admit I wasn't going to make Asuna a childhood friend of Lelouch, but Jameyofthemegacosmos and I decided and ultimately decided to go ahead with the idea.

Thus Asuna is one of the few who knows of Lelouch's past, but she doesn't know about him being Zero.

Lelouch has attracted a fair share of women, which he doesn't quite realize it yet.

Next chapter, we'll explore how the rest of the Monster Girl world is reacting to what happened with the fall of Lescatie.

And Wilmarina isn't going to idle in the background too and expect more Code Geass characters to be introduced as well like a certain Student Council President.

Finally, I have put up a new poll because there have been some disagreements on the choice of monster form for Vermut. Since its something I can still very easily change, I decided to just let you the readers decide.

On a side note, I have changed Ariel's name to match her correctly translated name of Arial.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I look forward to your reviews and feedback.