"va can you hear me" said a voice, it seemed distant, it was like she was underwater.
"Ava, wake up" the voice said again.
With a groan, ava lifted her head from the hard surface, and she was immediately met with an intense pain on her forehead and in her right shoulder. She must have whimpered because a soft hand then guided her to rest her head on the head rest of the seat, she was in.
"ava looks at me" the voice persisted.
With a herculean effort she turned her head to the left and she was met with the concerned eyes of Matt.
"hey, you're okay, you were in a car crash, I've called 911 they are on their way" matt said
She started to panic, her breath came quickly, she could feel her heart beating in her chest hard. She did not know how to tell him; the words did not come. She started to cry, she could feel the hot tears rolling down her cheeks and dripping into the crooks of her neck.
"hey, it's okay, you will be okay" matt said.
matt took he uninjured hand and squeezed it hard, and stroked her hair away from her face, where the blood had dried sticking the hair to her face.
Just as ava was about to start crying again, out of frustration, her world was full of blue and red lights, and before she knew it matt was no longer facing her, it was her dad. His face full of concern and worry, whilst simultaneously trying to figure a way to get her out of the car.
Michelle appeared on the other side of the car in the passenger seat, she placed a neck brace on her neck and then injected something into her arm.
Immediately Ava felt better, the pain was gone, and she felt numb. Judd had appeared at some time, and he leant over to grab her and pull her out of the car, but as soon as he touched her right shoulder she cried out in pain.
Everyone froze, and immediately turned their attention to why her arm hurt. She did not know, but she could see that their actions were slower and more careful.
She could hear them saying something about staying awake but all she wanted to do was sleep, the darkness started to creep into the visions and in the end, she decided to let the darkness engulf her.
When Owen turned up at the scene of the crash, he didn't really know what to expect, all they had been told was that a young female had been caught up in the crash and major but not life threatening injuries and that she was also pregnant.
But what Owen did not expect was to see his daughter, sitting in a car, with a three-inch gash on her forehead, crying, trapped, sacred and with matt trying desperately to calm her down.
His heart caught in his throat, no, he could do this. He pushed all his unnecessary parent thoughts to the back of his head and focused on the job.
He told matt to step back and go and wait by the ambulance with tk. He did not want TK seeing his siter like this. He knelt to ava's level, she looked scared and in pain, he immediately called for Michelle, she appeared in the passenger seat. She looked calm and collected but he could tell that she was worried.
They decided it would be best if they could get Ava out of the car and onto a gurney so they could assess he better. So, Owen decided he would try and get her out, Judd came along to help. The last thing he was expecting was for ava to cry out in pain the moment Judd touched her arm.
"most likely dislocated" Michelle said as she turned and grabbed a small sling to place ava's arm in whilst they extracted her from the vehicle.
"hey ava, stay awake" Owen said as he turned his attention back to his daughter.
Ava turned to look at him, and then completely fell unconscious
"she's out cold" he said, throwing a worried glance towards Michelle.
"that's fine, it's probably for the best, I wouldn't want her to be in that much pain when we move her" Michelle replied, her eyes softening at the look on his face.
Eventually they got Ava out, and once they assessed her, Michelle and Tim whisked her into the ambulance. He vaguely noticed matt climbing in behind her and shutting the doors.
Owen decided that he and TK would go the hospital and everyone else would follow sometime later.
Ava woke up to a very annoying beeping sound and a cold air blowing through her nose. She sighed and turned her head to find her dad, sitting in a chair asleep in what seemed like a very uncomfortable position. She turned her head to the other side and found Matt, asleep in an equally uncomfortable chair.
"I wouldn't wake them if I were you, they have barely gotten any sleep" said a voice.
Ava looked ahead to see Annie, standing at the foot of her bed, a chart in her hand. She looked tired, mind you all doctors looked tired. But Annie looked tired around her eyes.
"you look like shit" ava said as she fiddled with her cannula.
"ditto" Annie replied as she smiled and walked round to the side of the bed.
"what happened" ava asked, she could not really remember much.
"you were in a car crash, you crashed into a tree, ended up with a dislocated shoulder and quite a nasty gash on your forehead" Annie replied.
"damn, didn't think my driving skills were that bad" ava said, that caused Annie to laugh
"you scared the shit out of me though, when I saw you come through those doors, blood running down your forehead, unconscious, man I thought you were dead, ava" Annie whispered.
"hey, hey, I'm okay though, yeah don't think I'll be driving for a while, Annie, seriously though, I'm fine" ava said as she took Annie's hand in hers and squeezed it tightly.
"I know, I know, it's just me being dramatic" Annie said
"what about the baby?" ava asked.
"as far as we know the baby is fine, your head and shoulder took the brunt of the force, if it had been your torso, we might be having an entirely different conversation" Annie said as she squeezed her hand back.
They were both pulled out of their thoughts by Owen waking up, with quite a groan. His eyes immediately lit up when he saw ava.
"hey, you, how do you feel" he asked as he took Annie's place on the side of the bed.
"alright I guess, but that's the morphine talking" ava replied as she shifted in the bed.
"why didn't you tell me that you are pregnant?" her dad said as he stretched his back.
"I was, going to tell you, but I didn't factor into account the situation of crashing my car into a tree I suppose" she said, instantly regretting the snarky tone she said it with.
"right, I know that tone, and that is not true, so do you want to try again" Owen replied
"I guess, if it old you, it would become real. Like I was going to be someone's mom, and I don't know if I'm ready you know" ava said
"oh ava, I don't think anyone is ever ready to be a parent, okay maybe financially, but emotional, hell no. your mother and I we were emotional wrecks up until we had TK, because with you it was the first time but with TK at least we had an idea of what we were not supposed to do." Her dad said
"so, the moral of that story is having two children so you can get it right the second time" ava said
"no that isn't what I meant, experience wise yes, but the minute I held you, I knew that I loved you, too much to ever put into words and I guess I let that love guide me, and you turned out pretty good" her dad replied
"I guess I did, didn't I" ava smiled.
"I'm going to leave you two alone now, because I think you have some things to talk about, but I'll only be outside if you need me okay?" her dad replied.
Ava smiled and turned her head towards Matt, who was now peering at her with tear filled eyes.
"hey, you" she said as he sat closer to her.
He did not say anything, he just sat there, taking her in, looking at the cut on her head, her shoulder in the sling. The wires attached to her. She saw a single tear fall down his cheek and rip onto the sheet next to his hand.
And then another and another, until matt was fully crying into her uninjured shoulder, ava carefully rubbed circles on his back to reassure her.
"hey, I'm okay, I'm okay, the baby is okay, we are all okay" she whispered.
"I know, it's just when you weren't answering and then I found you there, you looked dead, and all I could think about was not having you or the baby and I couldn't stomach that thought" he said between hitched breaths.
"and you will never ever have to imagine that again, do you hear me, because I'm not going anywhere and neither is our baby, apart from into the world in six months' time" ava said
That made matt laugh and that was how they stayed, matt curled into her side asleep, and that is how Owen found them when he walked back in, to find the couple fats asleep in each other's arms.