No One's POV

"I'LL KILL THEM! I'LL SLAUGHTER THEM ALL!" Niklaus screams nearly hysterically angry, his teeth bared as he paces in his study, Brooklyn and Daniel both in the room with him, Brooklyn having urged Daniel to finally tell the Original Hybrid. "HOW DARE THEY!?"

"Nik- Nik," Brooklyn jumps in front of the Original Hybrid before he can do something irrational, like storming off and murdering all his hybrids. "Stop, just stop." She attempts to calm the raging storm that is Niklaus Mikaelson.

"No- NO!" He growls, attempting to get past his best friend or get at Daniel, who cowers from his Alpha, afraid of the ire and furious anger radiating from Niklaus.

"NIK!" Brooklyn rebukes sharply. "STOP IT! CALM DOWN!" She growls back, hands firmly pushing against the Hybrid's chest.

"Daniel came to you, he's trusting you…" Brooklyn urges. "Now, it's time to listen… Just listen, Nik… Please."

"Fine." Niklaus bites back, his teeth grinding as he glares at his Beta, breathe puffing angrily as he halts his actions, finally backing down under his mate's request. "Fine… Whatever you wish, my Little Wolf…"

"Thank you, Nik."

"Scream. Let it out. We're at an abandoned farm. No one can hear you for miles." Hayley sneers at one of the hybrids, as if it's supposed to be encouraging, then looking at her nails as if she's bored and could care less about what was happening.

"Easy for you to say, wolf girl. You never turned twenty times in a row." Kimberly sneers back, lunging against the chains as if to attack the other she-wolf.

"No, but I watched a bunch of your hybrid friends go through it." Hayley dismisses as if it's the same thing.

"Why does it have to be like this? Why break every bone over and over?" The hybrid questions, crying out in pain as she fights against the chains that hold her back from attacking another person or breaking free and running.

"That's what the sire bond is. You're grateful to Klaus because he released you from the pain of having to turn every full moon. So, you're gonna keep turning until it doesn't hurt and you'll have nothing to be grateful for." Hayley shrugs.

"What's in all of this for you?"

"A pack for herself," Another voice interrupts, blasting through the barn doors as if they were nothing but toothpicks blowing over in a stiff wind. "At least, that's a side benefit… You know, pack's change. Wolves leave packs all the time… But stealing another Alpha's pack? You don't know a thing about pack loyalty or rules, do you?" Brooklyn sneers at the she-wolf. "Don't answer that… Of course you don't, or you wouldn't be doing this…"

"Who the hell are you?" Hayley bristles, suddenly standing up straighter, a look of barely controlled superiority on her face.

"Oh, did I forget to introduce myself?" Brooklyn questions in a suddenly overly pleasant tone. "My apologies… Brooklyn Emerson. Alpha Wolf and Emrys Witch. And you, she-wolf, have managed to break the only pack law our kind hold truly sacred… Pack loyalty."

"I'm freeing them!" Hayley screeches. "Klaus is a monster!"

"Hmm… Let's see… Now, where have I heard that one before?" Brooklyn hums, tapping her chin as if in thought. "All the fucking time, she-wolf. So, get a new line to bitch about."

"They have no choice!" Hayley argues back. "No freedom! No free will!"

"Your delusions and hatred allow you to convince them of lies…. Nik doesn't control their thoughts or their actions like puppets on a string. That's not what a sire bond is." Brooklyn rolls her eyes. "Nik can only request they do something for him. He gave them freedom from the turn, but more than that, he gave them a pack… A pack to call home. And you, you ask them to turn from that. To betray it. You're a snake in the garden…"

"No, all you want is control," Brooklyn growls. "And you manipulate to get what you want. You're no better than the monster you believe Nik to be…"

The lunge came all at once, and while Brooklyn had been expecting it, she hadn't been expecting it at that moment; nonetheless, Brooklyn met her face on, blocking the fist that came at her face, the two she-wolves colliding together.

The scuffle was short, the fight just that, a small scuffle; Brooklyn's strength vastly stronger than Hayley's normal werewolf strength, within moments Brooklyn forcing Hayley to yield, Brooklyn's larger form pressing down on top, Brooklyn's teeth to Hayley's neck in a show of dominance.

"Klaus is allowing you your free will," Brooklyn snarls, as she stands up, still pinning Hayley down with her body weight, a light foot against the she-wolf's middle, forcing Hayley to yield to her. "Make a choice. Come back to him as your rightful sire or follow the she-wolf. But know that those that follow her will be banished from Mystic Falls." Brooklyn stares at the hybrids evenly. "Choose wisely." Are her last words before Brooklyn disappears from the barn.