The Big Jori Day.

Writer: Invader Johnny.

Disclaimer: We all know that Victorious belongs to Nick, I don't own squat!

Plot: The date Jade and Tori have been waiting for has finally arrived, their wedding day, it's all been leading to the moment when they say "I do" .

Author Notes: Ten years ago today Victorious first faired so I thought it was appropriate to post the Jori wedding on this day since its when we first met Jade and Tori, not gonna lie this was a challenge since its not exactly easy writing a romantic Jade but overall I think I did fine.

Also, the cover of this fic was done with the help of my friend TFLOVER28, thanks man!

That being said, enjoy the loving wackiness.

Tori was sitting in front of her laptop, her glasses showing the reflection of a photo that was taken over a year ago, a small smile on her face at the memory of the day her soon to be wife proposed to her.

"How time flies."

Sometimes Tori couldn't believe how far she and Jade have gotten, it seemed like it was only yesterday when they first met under less than stellar circumstances and Jade had spill coffee on her hair over a fit of revengeful jealousy and now…. Now in twenty four hours they were about to be wed.

"Funny how things work out."

"Hey Vega." The thespian greeted as she entered their bedroom. "Are you almost ready to…." Jade stopped mid sentence when she saw her fiancé looking at the computer. "What are you doing?!"

"Just taking a trip down memory lane." Tori replied with nostalgia. "More accurately when you proposed to me, not going to lie, I kinda wish you had pop the question somewhere other than the airport's food court."

"Well Vega, I had to do it right then and there." Jade said. "After my little speech I felt the opportunity was right, I knew I didn't want you as my girlfriend anymore but as my wife, I loved you that much so I took a chance and hope you were going to say yes… That doesn't mean that asking the damn question was easy."

"If memory serves me." Tori teased. "You were nervous."

"The hell I was!"

The Latina raised an eyebrow.

"Ok, fine!" Jade snapped. "I was a nervous wreck on the inside! Waiting for your answer was fucking torture! What took you so long?!"

"I was savoring the moment."

"A food pun?" Jade asked annoyed. "Really Vega?"

"You popped the question on the food court." Tori shrugs. "Seemed appropriate."

With an eye roll, the Thespian leaned over to watch the computer screen, seeing the first photo of their engagement, it was of them holding hands on the airport while her fiancé outstretched her other arm to reveal the big engagement ring.

"This is so surreal."

"What is?"

"Us getting married." Jade clarified. "Don't get me wrong I can't wait for the moment to see you walk down the aisle but there are days when I ask myself… Is it really happening?"

"Why wouldn't it?"

"Come on Vega, you more than anyone else know how much of a gank I used to be!"

The Latina kept quiet.

"What?! Nothing to say?"

"My dad taught me a long time ago that if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." Tori replied. "And the last thing I want is to agree with your gankiness."

"Very considerate of you." Jade scowled. "But the point remains… I was nothing but cruel to you and no matter how much crap I continued to send your way, you still kept coming back… Why?"

"I narrowed it down to two reasons." Tori said. "Either I was a masochist like someone I know."

She wiggled her eyebrows afterwards, much to the former Goth's amusement.

"And what pray tell is the second reason?"

"I knew that deep down you had a good heart waiting to come out, baby." Tori said, intertwining their hands together. "I mean, from all the unhappy childhood stories you told me, I just wanted to see you happy, and before you mention how all those horror movies you used to watch made you all giddy inside, that doesn't account, I'm talking about an honest to gosh happy memory, you were so cold and distant for a very long time and when I finally knew why, I didn't like it, so I thought that if you had someone with you in all the good and bad moments, you would come out of your shell and maybe you could see that you could have a reason to finally allow yourself to be happy."

"That right there Vega is the main reason as to why I can't believe we're getting married."

"Say what?" Tori asked. "What are you talking about?"

"It's just… What did I ever do to deserve you?" Jade questioned meekly. "Sometimes I wonder if I'm in some kind of coma and this… Our life together is nothing more than a dream? Like the moment I wake up life is going to take this… You… Everything away and yell at me SURPRISE BITCH! …. I almost lost you once to alcohol remember? … I don't want to lose you for good."

After her confession, Tori squeezed her hand.

"Feel that Jade?"


"Whenever you feel like that again, remember that squeeze." She said with empathy. "And you'll know that all of this is real and if that isn't enough then I want you to remember this too."

The Latina kissed her, surprising the thespian, but only momentarily as she began to kiss back, both women holding each other, never wanting to let go and they would've stayed that way had they not been interrupted.

"Tori are you ready to go… Gibby and I have the guest room ready for…. OH COME ON! REALLY?!"

Both women stopped what they were doing once they heard Trina's shrilly voice, Jade glared at her soon to be sister in law. "Have you heard about knocking?!"

"Have you heard about tradition?" Trina shot back. "I came to pick up my sister for the night, you know you can't see the bride a day before the wedding, right?"

Jade cursed under her breath, she had forgotten about that and from the looks of it so had Tori as she began to say some very colorful language in Spanish.

It was like a slap to the face that after reassuring Jade that she was going to be there for her no matter what, she had to stay away from her until the ceremony.

"Remember that squeeze." Tori said firmly. "Ok?"

"I will." Jade replied. "See you tomorrow Vega."

"That's soon to be Mrs. West to you." She teased.

"You dork."

Tori winks as she reluctantly walked away, following her sister out of the apartment, until she made a u turn and had Jade in her embrace before giving her a final kiss.

"One for the road."

Jade didn't want to let go but ultimately decided that the sooner Tori leaves, the sooner they'll see each other again.

"Don't have too much fun without me Vega."

"I'm going to spend the night at Trina's house Jade." Tori said dryly. "Clearly fun is not on the cards here."


That night neither Jade or Tori could sleep very well, it was the first time in forever since they slept apart but in the end they somehow managed, after all, they couldn't be sleepy at their own wedding.

Their final thought before finally falling asleep was;


Beep… Beep… Beep…

Waking up relatively early, Tori opens an eye at hearing her Phone's alarm, she groggily turns it off before rolling out of her bed in the guest room of her sister's house, she faced Jade's side of the bed, it felt weird to her not having her fiancé next to her as she tried (and failed) to get a good night's sleep, at best, she only slept a couple of hours, but it would have to do for the long day ahead.

It was at that moment that she realized what day it was.


Meanwhile on the kitchen, Trina was getting some orange juice that she dropped by accident when she heard her sister's squealing with joy.

"Tori's up."

After doing her business, brushing her teeth, and showering, Tori heads back into the guest room, dressed in a simple pair of jeans and t-shirt until she gets to the woods to change into her dress, it had long since been agreed after a long search that a simple ceremony was the way to go since Jade was not too fond of people and Tori never wanted an extravagant wedding and as a gift, Jade's father had rented a cabin in the woods so they could have an outdoor Union.

"Hey, Tori. I wasn't sure what you'd like for breakfast, so I made you French toast and orange juice." Gibby tells his future sister-in-law when she comes into the kitchen.

"Thanks Gibby." Tori tells him, taking a seat beside her sister at the table and starting her breakfast.

"Ready for the big day?" Trina asked.

"You know it."

"I'm not sure what shocks me more." The older Vega said. "That you're getting married before me or that Jade West of all people is going to be your wife."

"Well Jade proposed to me first." Tori pointed out. "Gibby knew how much you would've wanted a big proposal and he took his time planning it while Jade simply took a chance and the end result is nothing short of amazing."

"Doesn't mean I have to like it." Trina mutters under her breath with some jealousy. "I'm the older sister, I'm supposed to get married first."

"Don't worry Trina." Gibby said gently, trying to do some damage control. "When it's our wedding, you're going to be a beautiful bride."

"You really think so Gibby?"

"I know so."

"I knew there was a reason why I love you."

The tanned woman shook her head amused, she was just happy that her sister found someone to love as much as she loves Jade.

"Um… Tori?"

"Yeah Treen?"

"For what is worth, as much as Jade and I have our differences, I'm happy for you." She says, giving her sister a warm smile. "I seen how happy she makes you and if you managed to thaw that cold heart of hers then clearly she's made for you."

"That means a lot coming from you Trina." Tori said. "Thank you."

Across town, at the exact same time, Jade was doing some stretches after waking up, frowning slightly at the emptiness of her bed, not used to waking up without her dorky fiancé by her side.

After some mild cursing, Jade rolls out of bed and heads for the kitchen, ready to start the big day… but only if she got some coffee in her system first, after getting her robe she made her way to the coffee maker, she didn't register that she wasn't alone until after she had her first cup of joe.

Robbie and Andre were watching in amusement as she grabs the biggest cup in the kitchen, able to hold more than twice as much coffee than the usual cup. After filling it up, adding her four scoops of sugar (to cover the size of the cup), Jade sighs and turns around, seeing the guys seemingly for the first time today. "When did you two get here?" She asked. "More importantly, how the hell did you get in my house?"

"You gave us an emergency key remember?" Andre replied with a smirk. "We actually been here for just an hour, so have some breakfast with us."

She saw the musician giving her a plate of bacon and egg.

"You can't start the big day in an empty stomach." Robbie said. "So eat and then start getting ready."

"Who made you the boss of me?!" Jade snarled, glaring daggers at the ventriloquist.

"Eep!" Robbie jumped out of his seat and hid behind Andre so he wouldn't suffer the wrath of the former Goth.

"Easy Jade." The musician said gently. "We're here to help you remember? You made us promise to be beside you every step of the way.

Taking a deep breath, the pale woman sat down. "Robbie… Tell me something."


"When you married Cat… Did you feel… Scared?"


"What is there an echo here?" She snapped. "Just answer the damn question!"

"Eep!" Robbie squeaked in fear. "Well… Actually no… I wasn't afraid, it felt right, at most? I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach, as cliché as that sounds… My dad told me that it's a good sign."

"How so?"

"According to him, it means that I was ready, the jitters were not of anxiety but of anticipation, like I just knew that I was ready to marry Cat and never let go."

She took his words into consideration.

"Do I have butterflies in my stomach?"

"Jade… You ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine." The thespian grunted as looked at her two 'best men' "Better start getting ready, I'm not about to miss my own wedding."

Arriving at the cabin, Tori is pulled out of the car by her sister, Cat met them at the front door to guide her friend to the dressing room, all the while Trina was parking her car she could do her part in helping her by sister getting ready for the ceremony.

"Oh. I can't wait!" Cat cheered excitedly. "In a few hours my two best friends are about to get married! Yay!"

"No one is as excited as I am, Cat" Tori said with a huge smile o her face, one that almost made it seem like her face was going to be cut in half.

Once in her dressing room, Tori started to remove her wedding dress from the protective bag,she and Cat awed at how beautiful it was.

"It's so pretty!" The former redhead chirped. "Jade's going to love seeing you in that."

"I have the feeling she's going to love even more getting me out of it." Tori thought with a chuckle. "I just know it."

After a few minutes Trina finale entered the room.

"Ok people we got plenty to do and not enough time to do it!" She said while clapping her hands. "So let's move it!"

"Yay! Make up time!" Cat cheered.

"Hold it!" Tori said firmly. "Trina's in charge of make up."

"Aww, phooey!" Cat complained. "Why?"

"Need I remind you of the zombie incident?"

Cat said nothing to that.

"Now that that's out of the way, Tori you got everything on you, right?"

"Almost, Treen."

"Almost?!" Her sister parroted. "I don't like the sound of that."

"See, I got something old, my earrings, something new, my wedding dress, something borrowed, Cat's make up, I just need something blue."

"Then I have just the thing for you." Trina said with a knowing smile, pulling a bracelet out of her purse and right into her sister-s face.

"It's beautiful." Tori says in awe, staring at the silver chain and gemstone near the clasp.

"I know it's not the typical representation of blue, but I think it's still suitable." Trina commented, turning the bracelet around to show the blue-green gemstone, "Look at it this way, it matches Jade's eyes."

"It's perfect." Tori says emotionally as she holds out her wrist for her sister to put the bracelet on her. "Oh Trina... Thank you."

Both sisters hugged afterwards.

"Now let's get you ready for your wife to be!"

Tori quickly pushed behind a screen to change out of her casual clothes and into her wedding dress, Cat helping zip the dress up. After making sure the dress fits comfortably, Tori's led to a chair where she's pushed down and Cat quickly starts curling her hair as Trina, starts to get Tori's make-up ready.

"Remember to keep still and your eyes closed. We have a ways to go before you're ready for Jade." Trina says, grabbing a tube of lip gloss.

Meanwhile Jade along with Andre and Robbie were just about to leave her house, the former Goth fully dressed in her tux while the guys dressed in theirs. "Hurry up, nimrods. I have a woman to marry." She orders as she strides to the driver's seat of her car.

"Oh no you don't." Andre says, cutting Jade off and grabbing her car keys, all the while trying to ignore her death glare. "You're going to sit in the back seat and get comfortable. And listen to some music on headphones. We don't need you getting road rage on some poor guy and make you late for your own wedding." He points out, quickly jumping into the driver's seat and closing the door, unlocking the other doors for his friends to get in.

"Fine. But only because I feel like it, not because you said it." Jade growls, opening the back driver's side door and climbing in. "Why headphones?" She asks, not fully understanding why Robbie handed Jade her PearPod and headphones on their way out the door.

"Because when you listen to music without headphones, you threaten to disembowel people." Robbie answers after getting into the passenger seat.

"Who said they were threats?" Jade asks eerily calm, both men shuddering with fear.

Twenty minutes later, the trio arrive at the Cabin, heading in from the side entrance, knowing they won't see Tori on their way since she had to get their early for her hair, make-up, and dress.

The time for the ceremony was getting closer and closer, Jade was nervously counting down the minutes in her fitting room, as well as getting some last-minute changes to her suit as her father, her brother, Robbie and Andre were there to help with emotional support that she claimed she didn't need.

But her body language said otherwise.

She was looking very nervous, and she knew it and everyone else could tell, which is why her father put a hand on her shoulder.

"Jade… Calm down, you'll be fine, you won't choke on your vows."

"I wasn't thinking about my vows."Jade said. "But thanks for giving me something else to think about dad."

Sensing that there was a need for some damage control, Jake West, Jade-s younger brother asked "So, you ready for the big day?"

"Somewhat…" Jade says. He then remembered something. "Robbie, you got the ring?!"

"Right here…" He replied as he reached into his pocket. However, he looked worried. "Uh oh…"

The thespian panicked.

"Shapiro you idiot!" She snarled. "I gave you one job!"

"Look on your other pocket Robbie." Andre said dryly as if this has happened before, which more than like it has.

Robbie did as he was told and much to the relief of everyone he had the ring. "Uhh, false alarm?"

"You're lucky that it was." Jade giving him the evil eye. "Otherwise, there would've been a funeral before the wedding."

Robbie gulped.

"Why the fuck did I made you my best man again?"

"Because I'm your best friend?" Robbie said. "Right?"

"It pains me to admit it but you're right."

Both Mr. West and Jake looked at the scrawny man.

"You could do better." They both told Jade.

"I know." She said indifferently. 'But true friends are hard to find these days."

"Thanks Jade." He said. "I think…"

"Changing the subject …" Andre said. "It's almost time… you ready?"

It hit Jade. It was time.

"Almost… time?!"

"Ready?" She asked. That's when she started to hyperventilate. It was finally sinking in. "I'm… I'm getting married! To Tori Freaking Vega!"

Suddenly, her knees weakened and she almost fell over, fortunately her father caught her before her face hit the floor and she ended up with a black eye or something, that would not be a thing to have when it would be her time to say "I do."

"Take in deep breaths Jadelyn." Mr West said professionally "And remember that nothing will go wrong, you been waiting for this day since you asked Victoria to marry you, and let's not forget that she said yes and if you were ready for that step then you will be ready to take her as your wife!"

"Wife!" Jade said with a stutter. "Vega will be my wife! I… I… I… I can't feel my legs."

"Let me ask you something." Her father said. "Do you feel like you have butterflies in your stomach?"

"I feel like I have bats eating my insides!" She snapped.

"Then you're ready!" He said. "If you haven't run out of here after feeling that anxiety then you know you want Victoria to be your wife no matter what… You're a brave woman Jade, don't ever forget that."

"Thanks, dad." Jade said gratefully. "That actually helped."

Suddenly Jake walked over to his sister and stomped on her foot, hard…. This of course made her scream in agony and not the kind of pain she enjoyed.

"Why the fuck did you do that?!"

"You felt that." He shrugged. "So you can feel your legs."

"YOU'RE DEAD!" Jade bellowed madly, fury in her eyes, with his task done, Jake began to ran out of the room. "COME BACK HERE AND DIE LIKE A MAN!"

She went after him.

"Make sure to take her to the altar Jacob!" Mr. West said as he saw both his children running out of the room.

Tori looked herself in the mirror… She felt like a princess at the sight of herself in her wedding dress and as soon as that thought came to mind, she dismissed it, the last thing she wanted was to remember that stupid time when she was a kid and made a "contract" that she would marry her Prince Charming at the age of sixteen, something that Trina ended up exploiting during their time at Hollywood Arts.

But this was different, after all, she wasn't about to marry some prince but the queen of horror and that was a million times better in her opinion.

She took deep breaths, not because of the memories of days long past but because she was feeling weak in the knees, she only hoped that Jade wasn't feeling like she did yesterday.

''Oh Victoria, you look beautiful."

Tori turned around to be face to face with her grandmother.

"Abuelita Rosita!" Tori said happily, hugging her. "You came!"

"Of course I came." She said returning the hug. "I wasn't about to miss my granddaughter getting married… Oh happy day, I'm glad I lived long enough to see it."

"You got plenty of years ahead of you mom." David said before looking at his daughter. "Are you ready Mija?"

Tori grinned from ear to ear.

"I been ready for a long time dad."

Meanwhile outside as a few guests were starting to arrive,two cops were getting in the way of a woman, someone who was definitely not invited to the wedding.

"You don't understand!" Holly said desperately. "My daughter's getting married today! I have to go in."

"So you can stop the ceremony?" A cop asked ominously. "I'm sorry madam but you're not getting in, your ex-husband has told us about your situation and what you have done to your daughter, as a matter of fact she even hired us to make sure you didn't get in."

"But…. But… But…"

"Madam." The other cop said evenly."I suggest that you leave the premises before we are force to arrest you for trespassing."

Seeing how things were NOT on her favor, Holly reluctantly walked away, she had hoped to be able to get inside and have a talk with Tori and allow her to stay, she did want to see her youngest child get married,unfortunately that wasn't on the cards considering the last time they talked, things didn't end well.

A lone tear ran down her cheek.

Sikowitz who was going to be the minister for the wedding smirked smugly, something that got on Jade's nerves.

"WHAT?!" She snapped.

"Nothing." He teased. "Guess my suggestion for you and Tori to date worked out better than I expected.

"Just shut it until Vega walks down the aisle." She ordered. "I rather have some quiet time before she arrives.

No sooner that she said that did Andre starts to play the wedding march on his keyboard but in a lower tone thanks to Jade 'requesting' it to be less upbeat, Jade waits by the archway Robbie (who was besides her) had made for the occasion,. Across from her, stands Trina and Cat, who were Tori's bridesmaids everyone minus Jade showing their excitement. The former Goth showing a hint of nervousness but keeping it hidden from those who didn't know her all that well.

After a short moment, Andre starts playing Jade's version of the wedding march, causing the double doors to open, David leading his daughter down the makeshift aisle of flowers Cat set up, the colors alternating from bright to semi dark, a mix of colors that blend well, like the couple they were destined for.

Looking up, Jade's eyes widen at the sight before her. In a white dress designed and sewn by Cat months ago, Tori's tanned skin seemed to glow with a mix of her natural tone and the sunlight beaming on her. Showing a bit more cleavage than Jade expected, a sight she's far from against, her attention turns to how the dress fit Tori's form well, with the dress flowing over her legs and showing a hint of the heels on her feet, her arms, shoulders, and upper chest on full display, the loose sleeves of the dress covering the spot separating her shoulders and upper arms and last but not least a veil that reached her legs.

Unaware that Tori's already made her way to her, Jade simply stares at her soon-to-be-wife. "Hi." Tori says as Robbie nudges Jade to snap her out of her daze, making the pale woman lift the veil covering her face.

"Hi." Jade stuttered nervously. "You… You look beautiful Vega."

"And you look really classy in your suit, baby." Tori. "Reminds me of something Jack Skellington would wear."

Before Jade could retort back, Sikowitz started the ceremony.

"Who gives this woman to this woman?"

"I am." David said, putting Tori's hand on top of Jade. "Take good care of her."

"Will do… Dad." Jade replied, the cop nodded before taking his seat.

"Now both women have prepared vows for us to hear." The teacher said. "Let's starts with Tori, shall we?"

Everyone look at the Latina as she cleared her throat.

"Jade… Ten years ago when I first started High School, I never expected to met my soulmate… My best friend… The woman I would grow old with… Specially with how our first meeting ended with coffee on my hair."

Everyone chuckled, except Jade who wasn't happy to remember how poorly she had treated Tori during their high school years.

"Honestly? I always remember that, not because it was a terrible moment but because it was the start of our relationship, for better or worse, we grew closer together, first as rivals, then as friends and to the surprise of everyone, girlfriends and now, here we stand in front of our family and friends about to become wife and wife, we both have had a wild ride and it's not over yet… So Jade… I can't wait to see where the road will take us next but one thing I know is this… I'll be right there besides you no matter what.

She then gave the Thespian a gentle squeeze.

Jade got the message.

"and now Jade, your vows?" Sikowitz asked.

The former Goth cleared her throat.

"Vega… Tori, for the longest time since I known you, you been a thorn on my side, you been with me even when I was at my worst, many people have left but you… You have stuck by and while sometimes I cursed that, in the end, I'm glad you did… Otherwise these past ten years I would've been alone and that's a scary thing to think about… Vega… Life without you would suck… So I'm standing here in front of everyone about to take you as my wife because there is no one else I would want to be with than you… So Vega, you're stuck with me for life.

Everyone chuckled by the end.

"The rings?"

Trina and Robbie gave Tori and Jade their respective rings and put it on the other's hands.

"Since this couple is about as normal as I am, let's skip past the part where I ask if anyone is against this wedding and get to asking the important questions." Sikowitz says, looking around in case anyone dares be against this Union, knowing no one would want Jade's wrath aimed at them. "Do you, Victoria Dawn Vega, take her, Jadelyn August West, to be your lawful wedded wife? Until the cops drag her away for mass murder by scissors?" He asks the tanned woman, smiling smugly at the look from Jade for his last comment.

"I do. And I promise I know nothing of her crimes or where she's hiding." Tori says, sharing a smile with Sikowitz as Jade rolls her eyes.

"Do you, Jadelyn August West, take her, Victoria Dawn Vega, to be your lawful wedded wife? And not get jealous when she becomes a bigger name than you in Hollywood?" Sikowitz asks, taking a step back at the last comment.

"I do. And as big a name as she becomes, she'll never get the ego to match, so no worries whatsoever." Jade counters, shocking some of those sitting down.

"Then I now pronounce you wife and wife, you may now kiss the bride.

Both women didn't need to be told twice and they locked lips, the guests began to clap but they didn't hear them, they were just the two of them, once they ended the kiss, they began to walk down the aisle but to Tori's surprise, Jade scooped her in her arms, she didn't mind as she rested her head on her wife's shoulder.

"And now here they are!" Andre exclaimed for everyone the new Mrs and Mrs West about to have their first dance together!"

Everyone cleared the dance floor so Jade and Tori could dance, it was a slow one that they both enjoyed, unfortunately for the Latina, her spouse made sure to put the scissoring soundtrack for the dance.

"Really Jade?"

"Come on Vega, we compromised." The thespian teased. "I got to choose the music and I didn't kill your sister.

"Yeah… Great compromise." Tori said sarcastically. "And it's West!"

"Sure it is." Jade agreed humorously. "But if it makes you feel any better, I got a surprise for you."

"Oh really?" Tori asked "And what that could be?"

"I'm not wearing any underwear." Jade winked.

Tori's jaw dropped before smirking. "Funny… I'm not wearing anything under my dress."

They both stopped danced, looking into each other's eyes, they didn't need to say anything to know what the other wanted, so the Thespian held her wife bridal style and took her to the cabin but not before hastily telling the guests that they would be right back.

Which they did…. Two hours later.

The rest of the night went by flying and when it was time to go to bed, the newlyweds went back to the cabin, got under the covers of their bed, looked into each other's eyes and said at the same time something that will always be true to them.

"I love you."

And that's a wrap, it took me days to finish this but at least it's done in time to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Victorious, hope you all liked it, I had fun writing it!

There were several callbacks to a few fics of mine like "Cancelled" where Jade proposed to Jade and a few episodes as well like "Tori the Zombie" I thought it was fitting to remember some of the show's funny moments and my previous work, like Tori's grandma Rosita which appeared in my fic "Jori Holidays" all in all I'm happy with how this ended up, thanks for reading and see you in my next Jori fic!

According to the videos on "The Slap" Jade has a younger brother and while he was never named, I simply decided to call him Jake because jts similar to his sister's name.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.