I don't own anything…

I do own a dog, and books, lots of books, they don't fit in my bookcase anymore…

I have issues

Since tomorrow was a Saturday, which meant there were no classes to worry about, Yrrah suggested to have a movie night. Neville had no idea what a movie was, and Hermione was confused because she had been told by professor McGonagall that electronica wouldn't work around magic.

"My mom invented a spell what makes electronica work powered by magic." Explained Yrrah, touching the Pendragon crest. Maeghen had brought a TV to myth for his eight birthdays after she had seen it in the muggle-world and fell in love with Disney. While there was no cable in myth, movies didn't require a connection and Yrrah found them amazing. The closet next to the fireplace held his collection gifted over the years by Maeghen and Onur.

"How do you know all these secret hiding places? And how can Hogwarts have a TV?" asked Hermione with a thoughtful look.

"Oh, didn't I mention this?" Yrrah said. "Hogwarts is a magical copy from the castle I grew up in. Everything changed there in the private wing is automatically added here and the other way around. My grandfather made it like this for when the people visiting England want to bring a lot back to the island it's easier than transporting back and forth. It's only the few private wings that need a special password to enter, like this room."

"Impossible." Replied Hermione.

"No, magic." Grinned Yrrah, "Got a preference for a movie?"

Not long after they sat scattered around the living room to watch the Disney classic, the sword in the stone. One of his grandfather's most hated movies because it wasn't accurate at all, he was only a few years older than Arthur and did most certainly not do such idiotic magic.

After watching two movies, they bid each other goodnight and slipped in their separate rooms.

Yrrah woke up early and decided to go properly meditate. Letting his friends sleep in, he slipped in the changed training room. He found himself in a replica of the field near the village. The same field where he defeated the two fire wolfs when he was eight. Absently he traced the scar on his right arm. While it could disappear with the shape shifting powers, he kept it as a remainder to always watch your back.

Settling down in meditating mode, he started his breathing excises.

There are two kinds of meditating. The one he taught his friends, which improved your concentration and helped you build you mental shields. And the one he enjoyed more was focused on improving his magic.

He felt his magic surround him and let it swirl around freely.

Going over his magical core, he found that it was a bit tired. The lack of magic in the air and the wish magic he performed last night had a bigger impact than it would have had at home. Not that he was suffering from magical exhaustion. Not by a long shot.

Still he would refrain from doing wish magic until his magic was fully restored.

Slowly he let himself go back to the ground and stretched his arms. After he was sure his magic was back in his core, he opened his eyes.

Hermione and Neville were watching him, and the moment their eyes met the questions started.

"What was that?" "How did you do that?" "Does that happen to us too when we meditate?" "Why couldn't we reach you?"

"Ho waits. Easy." Yrrah held his hands up as to shield from the questions. "I was checking my magical core and let it stretch. It was nothing special. And you couldn't get close because my magic was protecting me. You weren't here when I started so it wouldn't let you come close."

"Nothing special." Neville asked. "You were flying on a golden cloud."

"You guys can do it too." Yrrah tapped on the ground next to him and the two took place. "During our normal meditating, did you ever notice a glowing white bowl in your chest?"

"I thought it was my heart." Admitted Hermione.

"It was our magic." Explained Yrrah. "Our magic is locked in a small place in us. It can't grow much, since there isn't much place. That's why it's believed you get born with a power level and can't raise it much. This isn't true, by letting your magic roam free every once a while you magic will get stronger then when it stays cooped up in your chest your whole life."

"That makes sense." Mussed Neville. "But how do we let our magic free?"

"Simple, find your magic and allow it to let go."

"Let go?" asked Hermione

Yrrah nodded. "Just let it go. Your magic is a part of you, if you allow it to fly, it will."

It took the better part of the hour but before breakfast the two managed to let their magic fare, but they hadn't been lifted from the ground yet. Yrrah was quickly assuring them that this too was practice, practice, practice. "Rome wasn't built in a day."

They changed into their uniforms and went down for breakfast. It was late but according to Hermione and Hogwarts a history, on the weekends the breakfast was served until ten. And it was half past nine.

"So, what will we do the remaining of the day?" Neville asked through the link.

Hermione hesitantly said. "Well I was thinking about maybe a game of soccer. I always wanted to play it with friends. I mean, we deserve the morning of, don't we? All our schoolwork has been done and we can train again in the afternoon?"

"You choose sports above spending the day in the library?" Yrrah laid his hand on her forehead to look for a fever. "You're not getting sick, are you?"

"No," Hermione chuckled out loud. "But I would like to just hang around with my friends."

"I would really like it too." Admitted Neville. "We can invite the others and make teams."

They had almost reached the great hall. "Maybe the twins too." Suggested Yrrah, "I wonder if someone missed us last night…"

They walked through the doors and immediately the whole hall turned silent.

"I take that as a yes Yrrah." StatedNeville dryly. "they missed us."

Susan and Hannah ran up to them. "Guy's where have you been? The whole school has been searched and none of the professors could find you." The other four friends quickly joined them as did Professor Black, professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall and the twins.

"I think we all want to know what happened last night?" asked Dumbledore. "If you three can follow me."

Neville turned to the others. "We're planning on a game of football after breakfast. Terry can probably explain the rules."

Casually transfiguring a quill in a ball, Yrrah threw it towards Hannah who managed to catch it. "We'll be joining you guys soon." Summoning a plate with sandwiches to him, he passed them to the other two Gryffindors. They followed the three teachers.

"Yuck Tuna." Hermione groaned. "Yrrah?"

Black turned to see Yrrah place two drops on the sandwiches. "What's that?"

"My mastery potion." Said Yrrah taking a bite of his sandwich. Neville held out his sandwich pleading and Yrrah changed his sandwich too.

"May I?" Sirius asked.

"If you win a duel, I might think about it." Yrrah stuck out his tongue. "Until then you'll never know what my potion does."

They entered Dumbledore's office where Dumbledore sat down behind his desk. "Mr. Pendragon, I'm a little disappointed. I know you're a prince, Mr. Pendragon but that doesn't give you the right to curse a fellow student and demand your own quarters."

"Yrrah hasn't used his wand last night sir." Hermione jumped in. "it was Ron Weasley, he send a cutting hex at me and Neville luckily put a shield charm between me and the hex. Yrrah never used magic."

"I heard." said McGonagall coolly. "Wandless, your grandmother will be pleased to have a grandson with a chosen gift. But where did you learn the protego charm? It's fourth year spell."

"Yrrah taught it us ma'am." Said Neville. "And he gave me a book by Godric Gryffindor about wandless magic. He's been teaching Hermione and me to attune to our magic more."

"I believe professor Flitwick warned you not to learn dangerous spells without a teacher present." Dumbledore said. "I'm afraid I have to put you into detention."

"That won't be necessary." Black interfered. "I was there when Mr. Pendragon taught them the shield charm. While I didn't interfere in their class, I was present. They didn't break any rules."

"Still they were outside their common room after curfew." Said Dumbledore.

Yrrah stood straight and glared at the headmaster. "Our safety wasn't guaranteed in our common room," stated Yrrah. "As two pureblood heirs, last of our houses, it would have been a press disaster if we stayed."

"Can you imagine my grandmother or Lord Malfoy reaction when hearing that you would put heirs in such situations." Neville mussed, making the professors blanch.

"Mr. Weasley regrets his actions." McGonagall quickly said.

Neville raised an eyebrow. "Has he been punished?"

"Yes, he got another week of detention added to his previous punishment." Black said.

"Then off course he regrets his actions." Exclaimed Hermione.

Yrrah continued, "He send a deathly hex to my friend, who is under the protection of my house. The cutting hex was aimed, on purpose or not, on her neck. If it had hit, she would have bled out before any teacher had reached us. And all he got is ONE week of detention. None of our older housemates who could use the shield charm or any spell that would help us interfered. Not one. For the last week we've been ridiculed and bullied and the only one coming to our aid was Professor Black. My friends from the other houses stand by us but they're first years as well, and less trained then the three of us. This is a school, yet we're bullied because we wish to learn. My personal objects aren't safe, the first night the other Gryffindor boys tried to get in my trunk. Fortunately, it's warded because the valuable content, the only reason they couldn't take anything out. We left Gryffindor tower for our own safety and we're not going back. We were in the common room after curfew. The common room of our own quarters build by Godric Gryffindor, that room is my birthright."

"Awesome." Marveled Black. "Can I see them?"

"I'm afraid I can't allow this." Dumbledore interrupted. "The sorting head placed you in Gryffindor tower…"

"Wrong Albus." A familiar voice said making everyone look up to the sorting head. "I placed the young prince in Gryffindor house, not in Gryffindor tower. As Lord Pendragon, he is entitled to use the private chambers. As the rules of the castle you can't force an heir into a dangerous situation."

With a sigh leaned Dumbledore back. "But I can't allow his friends to get estrange from their friends in Gryffindor."

"You don't have a choice." The sorting head spoke. "The prince has taken Miss Granger under the protection of an Ancient and most Noble house and Lady Longbottom has made an alliance between the Most Ancient and most Noble house Pendragon and the Ancient and Noble house Longbottom. As a chosen one, and champion of the prince, Mr. Longbottom has the right to share quarters with the prince."

Yrrah made a mental note to speak Ragnok before lunch to get this in order.

"Okay, you'll be free to go." Sighed Dumbledore disappointed. "But after you'll take a professor to inspect your quarters."

"We'll see to your request." Yrrah gave a bow before turning on his heels and with Hermione in the middle the trio made their way out. "I need to speak Ragnok now. Before Dumbles tries to undo this alliance."

"How are you planning on doing that?" Neville asked. Yrrah grabbed their hands and with a white flash the trio had left Hogwarts.

They landed invisible on the stairs of Gringotts. After making sure there was nobody close, Yrrah lifted his invisibility and pulled the others inside the bank.

"What just happened?" asked Hermione disorientated. "You can't apparate in Hogwarts."

"I apparated before but this was different." Neville was checking whether he was whole or not. "What did you do?"

"I jumped." Yrrah pulled his friends along to Ragnok's office. "One of the ten powers."

He knocked on the door and pushed open after he heard a voice snap "Come in!"

"Ragnok, how are you?" asked Yrrah.

"I am well, thank you." greeted the Goblin king. "What happened?"

"I need help." Yrrah started. "These two are my friends, Hermione Jane Granger and Neville Frank Longbottom, scion heir to the ancient and noble house of Longbottom."

"Greetings friends of Yrrah." Ragnok bowed his head, while cleaning his desk from paperwork. "I'm Ragnok, king of the Goblins, please sit down." He gestured and turned to Yrrah. "What is it you need my help with?"

Quickly filled the young prince the Goblin king in on what happened these last two weeks. "And then the head told Dumbledore that Hermione was under my protection and that Neville is the champion. I need these things done before Dumbles goes to the ministry."

Ragnok was trying to keep his anger out of his voice as he spoke. "The meddling old goat, I think I know a way to keep them of your backs, but I need to know how loyal these friends are."

Hermione and Neville looked shocked. "We'll never betray Yrrah." Both said at the same time.

"We share a mind link." explained Yrrah. "And I believe they are two of the three chosen ones."

"I need an oath before I even consider my idea." Ragnok said resolute. "They swear loyalty to you or forgetting everything you taught them or losing their magic."

"Magical oaths can't be taken lightly." Objected Yrrah but Neville had his wand out.

"I, Neville Frank Longbottom, swear on my magic to stay loyal to Yrrah Myrddin Arthur Pendragon and will to the best of my ability, protect and defend him as long as he acts from his heart. I swear to aid him in completing the prophecy laid on his shoulders. So, mote it be." A golden glow surrounded Neville and Yrrah.

Hermione hesitated for a second before pulling out her own wand. "I, Hermione Jane Granger, swear on my magic to stay loyal to Yrrah Myrddin Arthur Pendragon and will to the best of my ability, protect and defend him as long as he acts from his heart. I swear to aid him in completing the prophecy laid on his shoulders. So, mote it be." Again, the oath was sealed.

"Guys you didn't need to do this." Yrrah said. "Those oaths are dangerous. If you weren't the two chosen ones you now got stuck in the same mess as I am and lose your magic if you want to back out."

"Helen Keller once said. Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light." Hermione quoted. "We're friends Yrrah, you're my first friend and I protected me and taught me how to protect myself. Let me give you some protection in return."

"As future champion, you would need my loyalty oath sooner off later." shrugged Neville. "As Hermione said, let us offer you some protection for a change."

"Thank you." said the prince grateful. "This means a lot to me."

"No problem Y." grinned Neville. "So, what do we do now?"

"I need the two of you to wait outside for a moment so I can give my suggestion to Yrrah." Ragnok requested. The two looked at Yrrah who nodded. When the door closed behind them, Ragnok leaned over his desk. "If I'm right with what your grandfather might imply then Miss Granger will be added to the Ravenclaw line and Mr. Longbottom to the Gryffindor one."

"Wait, how did you get to that?" Yrrah asked confused.

"The only way to get Miss Granger under your protection is as family or betrothed. You're a lord so you could be her magical guardian. Mr. Longbottom could with the permission of the current Lord Longbottom make an alliance. However, the problem is that Lord Longbottom is not available. So, by making him family, you can make him your heir until you get betrothed or engaged. As your heir, he's also your champion."

"But why my mom and dad?" questioned Yrrah.

"Because they have the same powers as your parents." Explained the goblin king.

Yrrah thought it over before slowly nodding. "They gave me their oaths; I'll take them into my family." He said. "Not blood adoption though. Not without my parents' permission."

"Off course not." Ragnok said with a grin. "That would be highly impropriate. Could you call them back through their link?"

"Come back in please." Yrrah requested. Hermione and Neville quickly sat down again. "Ragnok had the theory if Hermione was magically adopted into my family, that I would be her magical guardian. And Neville, as my brother and heir, you could be my champion."

"Adoption?" squeaked Hermione.

"Heir?" sputtered Neville.

"That way no one could ever break us apart." Yrrah said resolute.

"Miss Granger, you'll be lady Ravenclaw, because you share her gifts. Your name would change into lady Hermione Jane Granger Ravenclaw, scion to the ancient and most noble house Ravenclaw. Mister Longbottom, as you share the same power as Gryffindor, you'll be brought into the Gryffindor line. As Yrrah's brother you'll be named as his heir. You'll be Prince Neville Frank Longbottom Gryffindor, scion heir to the ancient and noble house of Longbottom. Scion to the ancient and most noble house Gryffindor and heir to the most ancient and most noble house Pendragon." Said Ragnok.

"Prince?" gasped Neville.

"Is this legal?" questioned Hermione.

"All purebloods who haven't a child to name heir, appoint another heir miss Granger." Ragnok said. "It's to protect the houses from dying out."

"What kind of power does this give you over us Y?" asked Neville unsure. "Not that I don't trust you but if you're going to assign me bedtimes and stuff, I might not listen to someone younger than me."

"Oi, I'm only a day younger." Yrrah complained. "But in the books, we'll stand as brothers and sisters. Not by blood but by adoption. To Hermione I'll be her magical guardian, which means that in the magical world I need to protect her and make sure she's looked after."

"By staying in your quarters." Concluded Hermione happily.

"Yes, and to you Nev, I'm nothing more than a brother."

"I always wanted a little brother." Smiled the Longbottom heir. "So, no blood adoption, isn't that illegal in Britain?"

"It is so we just need to sign here." Ragnok had competed the contracts and handed them a quill. Yrrah signed first followed by his friends. The papers glowed. "Congratulations. Now you better get back to school before you get missed again. I'll add this to our archives. The goat won't know what happened only that he has no power over any of you."

"Thanks, Ragnok." Yrrah said grateful. "May I jump from here?"

"Off course." The Goblin bowed. "Don't forget to keep me posted. You too Lady Ravenclaw, prince Longbottom-Gryffindor. Don't hesitate to come here if you need aid."

"Thank you." Smiled Hermione. "Please call me Hermione."

"And I'm Neville."

"Neville, Hermione." Ragnok said.

Yrrah waved before grabbing his friends' hands. "Bye Ragnok." With a flash they were gone.

Ragnok looked at the papers. "You're going faster than I thought young prince." Mumbled the Goblin. "Just one chosen one to go."

The trio appeared at the castle doors and saw the group first years sitting on the grass. The twins were seated there as well as an unfamiliar face.

"There they are. We thought that Dumbledore had locked you in the dungeons or something." Complained Susan. "We've been waiting for over an hour."

"We needed to take care of a few things but now we have our own rooms!" Neville dropped next to the red haired Hufflepuff. "Isn't that awesome? No more sharing, no more snoring and best of all. Our own bathrooms."

"And library." Hermione added dropping down next to Tracey. "Don't forget the library."

"Got any rooms left." The Slytherin next to Hermione asked. "Oh please, I'll do anything."

"Sorry." Yrrah sat next to the twins. "But it was hard to let fellow Gryffindors stay with me. Never mind the other houses." Turning to the unfamiliar Hufflepuff Yrrah frowned. "I don't believe we've met before; my name is Yrrah Pendragon. And who are you?"

"Uh I'm Cedric, your highness," the boy said nervous. "Cedric Amos Diggory, Scion heir to the Ancient and Noble house Diggory."

"We invited him along." Fred explained.

George continues. "We needed one to make the teams even."

"And Ced is a decent guy."

"Only a bit of a rule follower."

"But his seeker skills make up for that."

"We thought that he wouldn't make a big of deal"

"Of your heritage." Finished Fred.

Yrrah gave a small nod. "There are no titles here Cedric. You can live with that?"

"I sure can." Smiled the older Hufflepuff.

"Then let's play." Hermione rose up. "Teams?"

"Twins separate." Said Terry quickly. "And let them choose. Anyone have a coin?" Yrrah transfigured a blade of grass into a replica coin and handed it to the Ravenclaw, ignoring the disbelieving looks send his way. "Uh that will do. Head or tails?"

"Head." George said and Terry threw the coin in the air. "I win. I take Ced."

The teams were made. Fred, Yrrah, Hermione, Daphne, Terry, Susan against George, Cedric, Neville, Tracey, Padma and Hannah. Lee was keeping score and commenting. George kicked the ball off and the game was on!

After an hour the score was 6 against 7 for team George and Yrrah had called out to a Hogwarts house elf for a filled picnic basket. They sat down on a blanket enjoying the sweets and sun.

"Well I for one am glad to find one thing Yrrah is a disaster in." Susan was laying on her stomach while eating a piece of cake.

"Hey, you're not that much better than me." laughed Yrrah throwing a jellybean at her.

"No but the point is your majesty, that everyone is better than you. It may not be much but it's the truth, you suck at this game." Grinned Daphne.

"Even my own team is turning against me." Groaned Yrrah leaning back dramatically as the group laughed.

Susan turned to Neville. "So, are the rumors true? Is our Neville a chosen one?"

Nervously rubbed the boy in question his neck. "Yeah, wandless." Admitted Neville. "It's pretty cool actually, Yrrah gave me a book about it and I've been studying it for a week now."

"Please show us." Begged Padma.

"Uh I don't know." Neville looked at Yrrah who gave him a small nod and a smile. "I guess it couldn't hurt…" taking a deep breath, Neville held out his hands. Sure of himself he said the spell Yrrah had shown him. "LUMOS SOLUM."

The small orb was brighter than last time and Neville let out a breath in relief.

"Amazing." Said Tracey. "I wish I could do that but the only power I have are my amazing looks." The collection of houses burst out in laughing making Neville lose his focus and the orb disappear. They chatted among each other during the rest of the lunch and Cedric suggested to continue the game.

It was almost four when they were back on the blanket. The house elves had fetched them refreshments and they toasted on surprisingly Hannah as best player and Yrrah as the worst.

"Mr. Pendragon." Professor Black walked towards them. "I've been looking for you, I believe you promised me a rematch?"

"Of course, professor." Grinned Yrrah, "Here and now?"

Sirius pulled his wand. "Certainly."

"Uh what's going on?" Cedric asked carefully.

Hermione quickly explained to the whole group while Yrrah set the wards and Neville became referee. "Yrrah has been trained in dueling since he was two years old. He was teaching us how to protect ourselves when Black interfered. They ended up in a friendly duel and both enjoyed it so much that they wanted to do it again."

"Wait Black spoke of a rematch." Fred frowned.

"Our Yrrah won against a professor?" his twin finished.

Hermione shrugged. "Well it was quite boring. Yrrah had set the wards, Black send a stunning spell at him that Yrrah shield with a mirror and Black was hit in the back with his own spell."

It became silent when the two bowed and Neville counted down. Sirius send the first disarming spell at Yrrah which was easily shielded. Yrrah send a tickling hex at the professor, Sirius took a step to his right while sending a Stupefy back to the young prince. Spells were thrown back and forth but then Yrrah did something unexpected.

He multiplied.

And again.

Four boys with identical green (wait green hadn't he imagined that last time?) eyes and slowly darkling blond hair surrounded the professor. Raising their wands, the Yrrahs said "Titillando."

Sirius fell on the ground laughing as he was hit with a strong tickling hex. The illusions couldn't produce spells but since the man didn't know which one was real, he was too late with shielding it. "I give in." laughed Sirius holding his sides. "Please mercy. I give in."

The Yrrahs closed their eyes and three disappeared. When the boy opened his eyes, they were piercing blue again.

The students watching started to cheer as Yrrah bowed.

"How did you do that?" Sirius asked trying to catch his breath.

Yrrah sat down next to the professor as the wards dropped. "I'm a Legilimens. What you saw was just an image planted in your mind."

"But I have strong shields." Protested the professor while checking the condition of the said shields. The others had joined them while listening to Yrrah's explanation of how he won.

"During the duel, you put power in your spells which weakens the shields." Offered Yrrah. "You know that I'm a Metamorphmagus, my father once noticed that when I get into a duel my eyes change back to their original color. I let too much power fly into my spells that I lose a bit control."

"That's why your eyes turn green." Neville concluded.

"Wait, you've changed your looks as we speak?" asked Daphne. "What do you normally look like?"

"Well this is my body." Shrugged Yrrah. "My face is now more like my adoptive dad. My hair is by nature darker and shorter and my eyes are green."

"It's kind of sweet." Said Susan. "To honor your father by trying to look like him."

"Who is your father?" asked Hermione.

Yrrah grinned, "you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me." Dared Hermione.

"One day." Smiled Yrrah.

Neville rolled his eyes. "Didn´t we went over this, like this morning?"

"We did." Yrrah turned to Sirius. "So, the points?"

"Yeah, yeah another ten to Gryffindor and I will come to you after dinner for the room inspection." Grumbled Sirius.

"Can you walk with us now?" asked Yrrah. "I need a change of clothing and I have something planned after dinner."

"If you promise me a rematch." snapped Black. "I didn't know you could do that. It's not fair."

"You said he could use anything." Grinned Neville. The professor only glared at him.

"Well no rematch today," Hermione looked at the sun. "We better hurry up if we want to fresh up before dinner."

"Ravenclaw table okay?" suggested Teddy. "You never sat down with us."

"Ravenclaw it is." Hannah said. "But I want to shower so around half past six? That gives us at least two hours."

Everyone nodded their consent and they made their way to their own common rooms.

"What is it that you have planned after dinner Yrrah?" questioned Hermione, the trio walked up the stairs followed by a scowling professor.

Yrrah laid a hand on Neville's arm. "Ragnok said I can only make an alliance with the current Lord Longbottom." Neville tensed. "If you don't want to talk about it, I understand. But know we're here if you want us to listen." The Longbottom heir remained silent but gave a small nod, professor Black was looking at them confused. "You were using your father's wand, so I gather he's not able to use it. I thought that we could travel to your guardian who is most likely the regent for your father?"

Neville beamed. "We could visit Grandma during school?"

"Yeah. She should be informed of today's activities before it may end up in the paper." Yrrah softly squeezed Neville's arm before letting go. "Besides, she might want to know that her grandson is a chosen one from him and not by letter."

"Oh, she'll be so proud." Neville said out loud in the excitement forgetting who was walking behind them.

"Who's going to be proud?" questioned Black totally confused. He had watched the three walking in front of him. When Pendragon touched Longbottom's arm, his first thought was that he had magically exhausted the first year. But then the Longbottom heir tensed and, in the end, nodded. The whole time the lips remained closed and no eye contact was made.

It was annoying how many secrets these three had. Sirius was willing to bet his entire chocolate frog… o wait he had burned them… his uh… well he was just willing to bet that the Longbottom heir wasn't the only one with chosen powers. Pendragon was too strong to be a normal everyday wizard. Even if he was trained from a young age.

"Nothing sir." Hermione turned around. "He sometimes blurs things out without really any meaning."

"Oi, I'm not the one who…" Neville swallowed at the pointed look the girl gave him.

"Who what Neville?" asked Hermione.

Yrrah chuckled resting his hand against a stone wall. Neville sighed in relief as a door appeared, Hermione pushed pass him and walked directly towards her room. Yrrah turned to Neville looked at him before disappearing in his own room.

"Uh you can look around if you like, I'm going to prepare some drinks in the kitchen." the boy pointed at the left side of the room. "Can I get you anything?"

"I'll have what you guys have." Sirius said looking around. "This looks amazing. I wish I knew of this place when I was still at school."

"It's pretty cool." Agreed Neville. "We have a potions lab, training room and library. Our own room and bathroom. And even a muggle invention called mofee."

"Mofee?" asked Black as he studied the crests on the walls. "What is a mofee?"

"It's called Movie." The prince walked out, his hairs still wet from his, very short, shower and dressed in what looked like some sort of official costume. Golden wristbands encircled his wrists and he placed a sword and some kind of light vest on the dinner table. "It's like a wizard picture but with a story and sound."

"What he said." Nodded Neville placing the drinks on table. "I'll go take my shower now."

Yrrah turned to the professor. "You're welcome to use the bathroom if you want to clean up before dinner."

"No thank you." Sirius send a cleaning charm at himself. "This will do until dinner."

"As you wish." Said Yrrah as he handed him a goblet. "Shall I give you a tour?"

"Please." Said Black taking a sip. He immediately chocked. "Fire whiskey? You're drinking fire whiskey?"

The prince actually laughed. "No, we're drinking a potion which turns in the taste you desire the most. It's what we put on our sandwiches this morning. Only the taste so you don't have to worry about getting drunk."

"Oh. In that case." Taking another sib, Sirius shuddered in delight. "They won't let me drink too much in this castle."

"You're an adult," said Yrrah confused. "Shouldn't you be allowed to do as you please in your free time? I understand the rules about drinking around students and only after you finished your responsibilities but there is something like free time."

"Not for me." Sirius said somber. Seeing the confused look, he clarified. "I'm sure you heard from the older years that after my godson's disappearance I lost it. I drank too much and thought too little. I missed my friends, still miss them but Harry, his first and only word had been pa 'foo. My nickname. If he was crying, Lily handed him to me because I could make him smile. The kid was as much as my own as I'm ever going to get. Losing him, and the only three true friends I ever had, Lily, James and Remus. I was in a bad place and bad places and alcohol don't go together." Sirius shook his head. "I'm sorry I shouldn't be telling you this. It's… your green eyes during the duel, they remind me of Lily's, her eyes were just as green and fierce when she and I dueled. When I looked into your original eyes, I feel like I'm dueling her."

It stayed silent for a moment. "I have something that may help." Yrrah said, opening the door to his room and gesturing the professor in. "This mirror is magical. It shows anyone you want to see. Except under strong wards, death or uh when they are doing something private like showering." Yrrah laid his hand against the glass concentrating on Lily. The mirror changed, showing the husband and wife during dinner. A sad smile graced both lips as they slowly ate. James laid down his cutlery and rose up, taking Lily's hand and pulling her on the dance floor. Her head came to rest on his shoulder as they softly swayed. Words were whispered but the mirror made no sound.

Slow tears made their way down the professor's cheeks. "This shows everyone?"

"Almost everyone." Corrected Yrrah. "Lay your hand on the glass and think of them."

Sirius did as Yrrah said and the mirror turned a mirror again. Yrrah watched himself stand next to the professor, wondering for the millionth time why the man felt so familiar. "This means he has died."

"Or hidden under strong wards," stated Yrrah. "I can't see my family either."

Again, Sirius placed his hand black on the glass. A man with sandy hair and a small moustache was working through a stash of letters, making three piles. "Good for you moony." The professor whispered, he turned to the small prince. "He has a condition and most people won't hire him because he's sick a lot. I'm glad he has work."

"This mirror can eat you alive professor." Said Yrrah making the mirror, a mirror again. "You have seen that your friends are well but if you want to see them again. Try writing. This is kind of stalking."

"Thank you. For showing it to me." Black said emotional.

"You're welcome." Yrrah smiled at the man.

Sirius watched the prince beam up at him when he notices something under the still wet hairs. He went down on his knee. "Did I hurt you during our duel?" he asked, pushing the blond-brown locks away from Yrrah's forehead. Above the blue right eye there was a lighting bold shaped cut. While it looked old, it wasn't healed.

"No sir," said Yrrah cold as he quickly brought his hair back over his scar using his powers. "When I was one year old, I survived a really dark curse. That curse scar is the remainder that my biological father tried to kill me and can't be healed, even by the best healers. Nor will it disappear when I transform my face."

"I'm sorry." Sirius said gravely.

"You weren't there. It was around the same time your godson disappeared, so you were occupied." Yrrah went back to the sofa, falling down on them. "I never understood why others take this long to shower."

"Because I don't like to smell like dirty old socks." Hermione walked in, wearing battle robes Yrrah had given her and Neville for the training.

"I have potions for that." Said Yrrah defending his smell. "I smell perfectly fine."

"Keep telling yourself that." Grinned Neville dressed in the same outfit. Sirius frowned, the three were all smelling fine, what was the fuss about. "But speaking of potions…"

"I have taken mine all ready." Sighed Yrrah, making the professor stare at him. "Oh, you guys are worse than my aunt. And she's my healer." A pillow hit him square in the face.

Hermione was twirling her wand in her hand. "Are you okay?" she asked with fake concern. "Do you need your aunty the healer?"

"Oh, it's so on." Yrrah used the Tempus spell he saw they had almost forty minutes left. The prince jumped up and ran towards the training room. Touching the door for a second before opening it. The room was filled with soft pillows and even the walls were soft.

Hermione and Neville laughed as they ran after him throwing one pillow after another at each other.

Sirius leaned against the doorpost watching the children, be kids. Play around. He somehow hadn't suspecting this kind of behavior of the three. They acted way beyond their age during classes.

The professor was pulled out his thought by a pillow hitting him in his stomach.

A smirking Yrrah threw another one before getting hit by one of Neville's. Black grabbed his own pillow actually laughing as he joined them.

Well I do hope I gave Sirius enough hints. The green eyes… the mirror… But as they say, can't see the forest through the trees? It will be summer vacation soon, that should mean I have more time to read over and post.

Thanks to Star1X, Geekymom, Ainokea2810, Clive54, Anuart Tsui, Tymaxion for dropping a review! They make my day and help me think about certain things (if my bashing is too much or how McGonagall is going to respond)

Stay safe everyone!