Surprise Upload Day!

I know that my usual upload day is Sunday but I thought that we could do with some cheering up in these sad times. I just want to say to everyone; if you are not already, please stay indoors where possible! We all need to band together during this awful pandemic and stick together, we need to work together to beat this. I hope you, your family and your friends are all safe, sending love to everyone!

So originally I was going to post another story called 'Keep The Faith' but I got a brainwave and started writing this and I decided that I was going to post this one first and put 'Keep The Faith' on the back burner for now... however, I will post that story later on in the year.

I'm actually excited for this story and I'm hoping that you guys will love it! I have been writing nonstop to get this ready for posting and as you all seemed to like and enjoy my last Walking Dead story 'Home Is With You' I hope you like this one just as much.

This is AU story meaning there are no walkers and it is not the end of the world... there's enough of that going around at the minute.

Disclaimer: I had no luck during 'Home Is With You' but I'm hoping I'll own The Walking Dead and Daryl Dixon by the end of this one!

Waitress: Chapter 1: Job Hunting

Another semester means more books and more books means that I have to ask my daddy for more money to buy the new books. I hate this. When I got my place in college, my parents didn't want me to work like most students to because they want me to be focused 100% on my studies and not be too tired or have no time to study because I'd be working evenings and weekends. They really want me to do the best I can at college and they are making it extremely easy for me, they are really the best parents in the world but I can't help but feel like a burden on them. We're not a rich family and my daddy works all the hours he can to make sure that we're all taken care of but I don't want him to work himself into the ground.

I've been thinking about this for a long time and I have decided that I am going to get a part time job to help with the bills a little, even if I just earn enough to pay for my books or pay my phone bill and put gas in my car, I know that would be money my parents can save or put into the farm. Besides when Maggie, my big sister, was in college she had a part time job in a restaurant but I know my parents hated it because she missed some classes due to work and they tried paying for her to go through college without working but she said she wanted to, a bit like me and I'm not like Maggie. I'm not going to let my part time college job come in between me and my dream of becoming a vet, just like my daddy.

I know that if my brother, Shawn, had gone to college then they would've paid for him to go through without working but when he left school he came to work on the farm so that my daddy could focus 100% on the vet clinic. Shawn tries playing it off sometimes but I know he missed out on the college experience and he regrets it but he knows my daddy couldn't keep up working the farm and working the clinic full time on his own so he stepped up. I actually think my brother is a hero because without him we could've lost the farm or my daddy could've lost his clinic, we owe a lot to Shawn and my daddy knows it and makes sure Shawn knows how much we all appreciate him and what he gave up.

One of the things I hate most about living in a small town like this, the very minimal job opportunities, especially for a student. I could go into the city but that would mean I'd probably just end up spending what money I make on gas which is pointless. I need to find something local that will just get my through college which doesn't sound too hard but like I said, there are minimal jobs in this town for someone like me.

Last night I looked online at all available jobs within a 20 mile radius and I found 13 jobs... 13... that is not a lot and I'm sure I'm not the only student in this town or surrounding area looking for a job, there is a lot of competition out there. I know if my daddy helped me look I'd be sure to find one because he has a lot of pull in this town and know pretty much everyone, at some time or another he has either treated their animals or used to drink with them back in the day. I know my dad doesn't want me to get a job so him helping me find one is not very likely but I can dream.

I made myself some resumes on the computer last night, not that they were that filled but it was a start and after finding out that there were not many jobs advertised online around here, I was going to spend my Saturday driving around town and handing out resumes to whoever I can give one too. I am determined to find a job and stop living off my parents, I feel terrible doing it and I appreciate what they are doing and their reasons for it but I need to do some things for myself.

My plan was to tell my parents my plan at dinner tonight and then we'll argue it out until dessert is finished. I'm hoping Shawn and Maggie will have my back on this, well I know Maggie will but I'm hoping Shawn will. He has a tendency to agree with my parents a lot and treat me like I am still 5 years old which is sweet of him and everything but I'm not a little girl anymore and I don't need him and my parents to do everything for me, I am capable of doing this.

I am aware this all sounds very dramatic but you don't know my family.

I held my freshly printed resume in my hand as I made my way downstairs for dinner. Everyone was sitting in their normal places; daddy at the head of the table, momma to his left, Shawn to his right and Maggie sitting next to momma. All the food was set out on the table waiting to be eaten and it wasn't until I got a whiff of the food that I realised how hungry I was. I took my seat next to Shawn and momma started putting food on everyone's plate, we said our prayers and started to eat.

"How are your studies comin' along darlin'?" Dad asked me.

"Really good daddy," I answered.

"I was thinkin' of goin' into town tomorrow if you wanted to come with me. I thought we could go and get your books for the new semester," He said.

"Thank you daddy but I actually wanted to talk to you about that," I replied and everyone turned their focus onto me "Well I've been thinking and it's not fair for you and momma to pay all my college fees as well as books and my car so I've decided that I want to get a part time job to help," I stated.

"I thought we talked about this darlin'... we want you to be one hundred percent focused on your studies," Momma replied.

"I think it's a good idea," Maggie said.

"What sorta job you gonna find in this town?" Shawn asked.

"Your momma's right Beth. You need to be focused on school and not be distracted by some silly little job," Dad told me.

"I want to do this and I won't let it affect my studies, I'll still get all of my assignments done on time and get my reading done," I argued.

"Beth needs a little freedom," Maggie jumped in "All she does is go to class, come home and do more school work and sleep. She needs to do something other than school work or she will drive herself crazy. A little part time job will give her mind the break it needs," She explained.

I smiled at Maggie and she gave me a wink back.

"Please daddy," I pleaded and I gave him my best smile and gave him that hopeful look I know he can't say no to, I saw him deflate and knew I had won the argument.

"Fine," He replied and I looked at Maggie who looked just as excited as me "The moment if affects your studies, you quit and get back on track with school," He warned.

"I won't let that happen daddy." I promised.

We ate the rest of our dinner in silence, I could tell that my momma wasn't happy about this and she was gonna tell daddy off later for agreeing to it. Maggie said that she would help me look and she took a look at the resume I made and told me it needed some work and she would help me with it. Shawn didn't say much and I couldn't tell if he agreed with me and Maggie or daddy and momma... it was weird of him to be this quiet about something like this, normally he is full of opinions.

After dinner Maggie and I went up to my bedroom and she went to work on my resume.

"Thanks for having my back down there," I stated.

"Well I think it's a good thing. It will give you a sense of responsibility and give you some money managing skills, besides, most kids have part time jobs in college and I always hear how your first job is always the one you make the best memories at," She told me.

"This is your entire fault you know," I said with a small laugh "If you had behaved yourself more when you were at college I wouldn't be so sheltered," I added.

"I know but I had fun and I look back to those times and honestly, I wouldn't change any of it for the world," She replied "Believe me Beth, this will be good for you." She added and she gave me a smile that I returned.

I know, I know a really short chapter to start with but I just wanted to get all of the stonework laid out first for the rest of the story. You can see how protective Beth's parents are and how much they really don't want her to do this. You can also see how Maggie is the fun big sister who wants Beth to experience life and make memories and Shawn... well he's a little harder to read right now.

I promise you that the next chapter will be longer and Daryl Dixon himself is going to make an appearance, which I know is what we are all waiting for! I can't wait for you guys to read the rest of this story, I think you're going to love it and it has everything you could want in a Bethyl story; romance, heartbreak, danger, fun and of course a dog!

Please follow, favourite and of course review!

See you next week my lovelies!


Stay safe
Stay well
Stay indoors