it's been three years since he was foster in New castle and he can say without a doubt that living with the Manderly has been some of the most fun times he has ever experience. Sure he misses his family especially his cousin but the Manderly has already become his family in the short time that he knows them.

''wake up Jon it's your name day''. A voice shouted from the door before jumping into his bed, making him groan since he wanted to sleep a little more but knowing the person, he probably wouldn't be able to do it, since she would just continue to bother him until he does what she wanted.

'' do you really need to do this every time Jon has his name day Wylla''. Another female voice said to the now name younger female girl that was currently trying to wake up Jon.

''of course, I do and don't behave that you didn't want to be the one to wake him up Wynafard''. The now name Wylla said with her tongue stuck out to the blushing Wynafard since her six years old little sister was able to find out her reason for being here, especially this early not to mention that she already dressed while usually, she would still wear her sleeping clothes during breakfast.

''can you all not shout so much in the morning''. Jon said with a groan while trying to use his blanket to cover himself up so that he can sleep again.

'' don't be like that Jon, now why don't you wake so that we can start celebrating your name day''. Wylla said while pulling his blanket and succeeding since even though she was only six years old, she has quite the strength not to mention Jon was not prepared for it.

''I wanted to sleep more, Wylla''. Jon said while trying to grab his blanket again and failing since Wylla always kept it out of his reach.

''no, if you don't wake up by yourselves then I would order the servant to throw water to wake you up''. Wylla said with a smile on her face, and knowing that whatever threat that his pseudo little sister said she would carry it out, making him agree to wake up.

''fine I already wake up, now get out of my room, so I can prepare myself''. Jon said with a groan that makes Wylla smile before jumping out of his bed and then running out of his room, probably going to the Great hall to wait for him. On the other side Wynafard would smile seeing the interaction between her little sister and her betrothed. It was revealed a couple of months after Jon arrival on New castle that they are both betrothed to each other. At first both of them were awkward with each other but with time, they become more comfortable with each other and even become each other best friend. So with that in mind, she was hopeful that went it finally time for them to married that they already in love with each other.

''Happy birthday, Jon''. Wynafard said before kissing his cheek, making Jon blush since even though she already did this many times before he seems to never use it.

'' do you really need to do this Wynafard''. Jon said while still blushing, This was something that Wynafard did every time he did something in her eyes that was worth rewarding.

''Of course after all I am your betrothed''. Wynafard said while leaving the room with a laugh went she noticed him grumbling about being woken up so early. After she leaves his room some of the servants would enter his room to prepare his bath. After he finishes bathing and changing his cloth, he would then walk toward New castle great hall since he assumed that they would there to have breakfast if they already have woken up that is. Unlike Winterfell or other Northern castles that he visited which was sparsely decorated, New castle was lavishly decorated with it decorated with faded banners, broken shields, and rusted swords from ancient victories, and wooden figures from the prows of ships. Went he arrives at the great hall his assumption would be correct since the Manderly family was already there even Wyman Manderly who usually wakes in noon.

''Ah, there he is the birthday boy''. Wyman Manderly shouted went he spotted him.

''Lord Manderly''. Jon said while taking the seat next to Wynafard who would smile toward him.

''How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that Jon, after all, we would be family went you married Wynafard''. Wyman said with a laugh since both he and Wynafard was blushing after hearing what he said. It really is cute at seeing the reaction of his ward and granddaughter every time they were teased about their future. Something that makes him happy since even though he betrothed his granddaughter to the young stark and future warden of the North. He didn't want his granddaughter to have a horrible marriage, so went he make the betrothal contract. He put a clause that said that if her granddaughter was not happy with the betrothal than the contract would be terminated. But it seems that he wouldn't need to use the clause since both of them seem happy together.

''Of course Wyman''. Jon said after he stops blushing.

''it really is cute seeing both of you blushing like that''. Leona wooled, the mother of Wynafard and Wylla said with a laugh to the blushing couple, especially at seeing the glare that her daughter directed at her.

'' mother''. Wynafard said with a glare to her mother who only laugh harder at seeing her glare.

''come on Leona stop teasing our daughter and our future son in law''. Wylis Mandely said, making Jon and Wyanfad blush again and making Wynafard redirected her glare toward her father.

''can you all stop teasing me and Jon all the time''. Wynafard said toward her family, who just continue smiling. The rest of their breakfast would be spent by both him and Wynafard listening of the teasing that the Manderly said to them.

''ah Jon I almost forgot to mention it but your great grandfather would be here later this evening''. Wyman said to the shock Jon who couldn't believe that his great grandfather would be going here. Since his great grandfather never mentions about going here in any of his recent letters.

''Why would he go here''. Jon asks Wyman who just shrug his shoulder signaling that he didn't know the reason why his great grandfather would go here.

''come on Jon let's go to the maester to study''. Wynafard said while pulling him toward the door of the great hall since she was tired of hearing her family teasing about him and. Her little sister would also join them in going to the maester office. The walk toward the maester office would be spent by him listening to Wynafard rant about her family. While he and Wylla would whisper to each other how they should ditch learning from the maester and instead go to the city.

''What are you two talking about''. Wyanafard said snapping both of them of their conversation.

''nothing''. Wylla said with an innocent face that her older sister seems to not believe in

''really''. Wynafard said not believing what his sister just said.

''yep''. Wylla said still with her innocent face.

''so I don't just hear about how you and Jon would ditch learning with the maester''. Wynafard said with a raised of one of her eyebrows, making both of them realized that Wynafard was listening to their conversation even went she was ranting.

''fine we were talking about we should just ditch the lesson with the maester and instead go to the city''. Wylla said since in her mind

''ok, let's go then''. Wyanafar said, surprising both of them since they didn't expect her to agree to join them in going to the city.

''what''. Wylla said not believing to what she heard was right

''you're not the only one that didn't want to go to the maester''. Wyanafard said

''then why would you suggested we go here the first place''. Wylla asks since if her sister didn't want to go to the maester why would she even in the first place suggested it.

''because that was the only thing that comes to my mind went you and the rest of our family teased me and Jon''. Wynafard said

''ok, let's go then''. Jon said to both of the sisters. To leave New castle they would use the secret passage that links the castle to the Wolf den.

It didn't take them long to arrive in the wolf den, the wolf den it selves is an ancient fortress that now serves as a prison for the city. It is located by the water and adjoins the city walls. Went they arrive there the castellan of the castle Ser Bartimus would catch them trying to leave the place. At first Ser Bartimus wanted to send them back toward New castle, but they were able to convince him to let them go to the city. The knight would reluctantly agree to their demand but they would have to be escorted from the ranger that was station there to protect them. Since even though the city crime rate was quite low, it still a possibility for them to be kidnapped or killed by enemies. They would of course reluctantly agree to his demand. Since even though they wanted to explore the city by themselves, They also know about the danger of going into the city by themselves.

After leaving the Wolf den with their guard they would finally enter The city of White Harbour. The city it selves is the first official city of the North and was the largest of all the Northern cities. The city it selves was built using white stone making the reason for the name of the city quite obvious. The city also holds the largest harbor in the North and also the place was the Manderly fleet was located. Like usual they would explore the city since even though they already visited the place dozen of time. It still didn't take away their fascination at seeing the many merchants and traders from all over the world going here.

They would return back to the castle during the evening and once there they would be told by one of the servants of the castle. That they have been ordered to go to Lord Wyman solar signaling that the lord of white harbor knows that they have left the castle to go to White Harbour. They would arrive in the solar of lord white harbor a couple of minutes later, and once they arrived there they would knock on the door. after hearing Wyman's voice saying to enter they would go inside the office.

''Rodrik''. Jon said with surprise in his voice went he spotted his great grandfather in Lord Manderly solar. In a couple of his great grandfather's letter he told him to stop calling him great grandfather since it was too long and he should just call him by his name.

''Jon''. Rodrik said before walking toward him and the hugging him

''so could you tell me why all of you ditch learning with the maester''. Wyman asks the kids who all trying to look innocent since they didn't want to be punished.

''oh, come on Wyman let the kid have a free day today after it is Jon's birthday''. Rodrik said to the Lord of white harbour

''I mean no disrespect Lord Rodrik but this isn't the first time Jon has ditch learning from me''. Theomore the current maester of New castle said

''hearing you talk is already a disrespect on my ear Lannister''. Rodrik said. it was a well-known fact in the North that his great grandfather has a massive hatred for the maester. Since he believes that it was because of a maester that his father and aunt die. The reason why he believes this, was because it was the old Winterfell maester Walys whispering in his grandfather's ear that would make his grandfather notorious southern ambition come to fruition.

An; So I'm still looking for a beta or a cowriter, so if any one interested in doing it just pm me or put in the review