Zane Black hated alot of things, he hated Thelonious Jaha, he hated Marcus Kane, and he hated staring at the same four walls for the past two years.

At sixteen he was the youngest guard in Ark history, he had flying colors in every class, and was near expert level in hand to hand and weapons combat, he was also from Mecha station meaning he knew machines, and his parents had been two of the best, they had taken illegal parts to build a small, reentry capable drone, and launched it.

They had presented their findings to the council, but were floated, and the data locked up, when he saw them fly into space, he snapped.

He didn't remember what he did, but he was told he beat three guards within an inch of there lives, before taking one of their guns and pointing it at Jaha, he calmed down around that time, and surrendered himself, and was thrown in the skybox.

He was in solitary for two years, long enough to think, like every kid on mecha he had spent time working on the ark, and he heard Chief Griffin one time, the fixes for the ark weren't working as well, he knew that it would lead to system failure, it was an unspoken fear of every engineer on the Ark, the systems just weren't meant to last this long.

He was doing some martial arts practice when the guards yelled.

" Prisoner, up against the wall. "

Zane sighed, he wasn't suprised, it was his eighteenth birthday, that ment it was time for his review, to see if he could be reintroduced to the Ark, of if he would be floated.

He was restrained and marched to the council chambers.

The chancellor started, " Zane Black, your crimes are, as listed, assualt of Ark security personnel, stealing a guards firearm, and the attempted assassination of the chancellor, how do you plead to these charges?"

" Guilty, I committed these crimes and am willing to accept punishment. "

The council looked at one another.

Doctor Griffin spoke up, " Do to the circumstances, that you were under extreme stress and not in your right mind, we are prepared to give leniency. However we are still forced to adress the final charge, however another option may be available."

Jaha pulled out a data pad, " Zane Black, expert in all classes, including all earth classes, youngest guard since the founding of the Ark, shows excellent leadership skills, and possibly the best fighter on the Ark, in short young man, you are a warrior, and exactly what we need."

Zane was confused, " Need for what?"

" The Ark is dying Zane, The systems weren't designed to last this long, we need another way, some have put forward a culling, to buy time to try and fix it, but I want to avoid that as long as possible, with this in mind I've given clearance for one hundred of the prisoners in the skybox to use a dropship and go to earth."

Zane was speechless, " I- I heard the rumors, but didn't believe them."

" We also pulled out the files of your parents unauthorized drone, it held... unexpected results."

Kane pulled up another pad, " According to the video from the drone the ground isn't as dead as we thought. "

The video showed a forest and some bushes, before what appeared to be a giant boar ran through the field, destroying the camra.

" We should have reviewed this years ago, but now we are out of time, we need to drop or we'll miss the window, you have the skills to survive and teach them."

" If I go, I want a gun, you saw that thing we'll need time to set up and arm are self's, I can use that to defend us until we're ready."

Jaha looked into Zanes eyes, and he didn't flinch.

" Very well, I will allow a sidearm, until we come down it will be all you have, your ship drops in an hour be ready."

Zane was strapped in, he looked to a girl sitting next to him, she had black hair, and tan skin, she also seemed to be freaking out.

" Hey you alright?"

" I'm fine, just hate being in small spaces."

" Oo, and you were born on a space station, if that's not shit luck I don't know what is."

She chuckled, " Yeah well I didn't see much of the station so you know, I'm Octavia. "

" I'm Zane."

Octavia was suprised, " No way, the guard who tried to kill Jaha."

Zane groaned, " Please tell me that's not what I'm known for now."

" Can't, but if it's any consolation I doubt anyone here would blame you."

Just then the recorded message started playing, and Zane saw a kid with long hair had undone his restraint, and two others as well.

" That idiot is going to get people killed."

" What, it's just fun right."

" When the rockets ignite it will be like slamming into a brick wall, what do you think happens when you go from zeroG to sudden stop, they'll go splat."

At that moment the ship began shake and the first boy crashed into the seats, the others fell into pipes, breaking them and most likely killing the boys.

Everyone's belts came undone and most started climbing down, Zane ran to check on the two boys, both were dead, Octavia had followed him, and had grabbed the backpack from his seat.

" This is yours, are they both...?"

" Dead on impact, they didn't even feel it, let's get down there."

They climbed down the ladder and saw a girl talking.

" If the air is toxic and you open that door you'll kill us all."

Zane cut in," If the air is toxic were all dead anyway not like we can stay here forever."

The boy by the door said," Exactly princess, one way or another we need to go out."

Octavia noticed who that was, " Bellamy, is that you?"

The boy stopped and smiled as Octavia ran over to hug him.

" O, look how big you are."

" How are you here, is that a guard uniform?"

" Borrowed it to get on the ship, someone's gotta keep an eye on you."

Zane said, " No way, Bellamy Blake."

Bellamy looked and smiled when he saw his freind from when they we're both cadets.

" If it isn't Zane Black, why am I not suprised."

The grabbed forearms, " Haha, if anyone was gonna be here glad it's you, now Bellamy, my freind, if you would roll out the carpet."

" Happy too, let's get going."

The doors opened and all of them felt fresh air for the first time in their lives.

Zane looked over, " Octavia, care to do the honors of being the first human on earth in a hundred years?"

She looked at him shocked , " For real, hell yes."

Bellamy smiles, " Well O, go make history."

She walks down the ramp and stands on the ground, feels the sun on her face, takes a deep breath and yells.


Everyone started running out of the ship running, laughing, yelling, and for the first time enjoying life.

Zane is smiling, and sees Clarke and Finn looking at a mountain.

" What's going on?"

Clarke looks at him, " That peek over there, that's mount weather, they dropped us on the wrong damn mountain."

Zane looked at her map, " Shit, that's a day long hike, at least."

" Exactly, we need to get moving now."

Zane remembered his bag, " Wait, let's see what the council saw fit to give us, I managed to talk them into giving up a few things."

Opening the bag he found a canteen, full, a few food tablets, a rope, a mess kit, a med kit, a solar powered flashlight, and the gun, a black 1911 , holster and extra mags.

" How'd you get a gun?"

" The council found out this planet isn't barren, there's at least fauna, mutated, we needed a way to protect ourselves."

They walked back to the ship, Clarke stated mapping a route, Zane was strapping on the holster, when Wells came over.

" How'd you learn to do that?"

Clarke just threw a glare at him.

" Right, your dad."

A kid with goggles on his head walked up.

" Cool a map, there a bar I'll buy you a drink."

Wells pushed him back, but a group of boys came over.

" Hey he's with us."

Wells backed up.

" We're trying to find out where we are. "

Bellamy said, " We're on the ground, not good enough? "

Zane cut in, " We're about twenty miles off course, that being mount weather, of course if you wanted you could start eating plants, if it doesn't make you bleed from the eyes we'll eat more."

People looked uneasy, realizing they had no food at all, and anything they found could be so mutated it could kill them.

Wells started again, " Exactly, we need to head to mount weather, now."

The boy incharge of the group came forward, and tripped Wells, Zane saw how his ankle rolled, at least sprained, Wells got up and the other boy got ready to fight him, Zane had seen enough.

He walked over to the other boy, grabbed his wrist, pulled him over his shoulder and slammed him down, knocking the wind out of him.

" We done, good come on Wells, we need to look at that ankle."

Clarke saw that his ankle would need time, then Finn came over.

" So when do we leave?"

" Now."

Wells spoke up, " How are the three of you going to carry enough food for a hundred?"

Fin looked around before grabbing the boy with goggles from before and his freind.

" Make it five"

" Sounds fun, make it six."

Octavia came walking over, smirking, Bellamy came over after her.

" O, where do you think your going?"

" For a walk, we ready?"

Before they left Clarke saw scratches on Finn's wristband.

" Have you been trying to take this off."

" Yeah so what, no big deal right?"

" No big deal, do you want your freinds to follow us down here in two months? Because they won't if they think we're dead."

Everyone missed the look on Bellamy's face.

They started heading in the direction of the mountain, Zane decided to talk to Octavia.

" So, you seem to know Bellamy, how?"

" He's my brother."

Zane stopped for a minute, " Your brother, is that why you were in the skybox?"

Octavia was suprised, everyone knew the story of the girl under the floor, it was so nice to just be a girl talking to a boy, she realized he had been arrested two years ago, and he was in solitary, he couldn't have heard of her.

" Yeah, mom managed to hide me for sixteen years. "

He whistled, " You know that's almost a record. "

They talked for a while, they came up on a lake. Octavia decided to do something crazy, just because she could, she stated to undress.

Zane saw, " Well your not shy."

She smirked, " See something you like?"

She took off her pants and was now in her panties and a tank top.

" Yeah I do, and where are you going with this?"

She smiled and jumped into the water.

As she surfaced Clarke yelled too her.

" What are you doing, none of us can swim!"

" No but we can stand."

She stood up, showing the water went just over waist level, smiling the whole time.

Zane had initially worried because they didn't know if the water was radioactive, but as it wasn't burning her it seemed okay, he was considering joining her when he saw a long winding shadow under the water.

" Octavia get out, there's something in the water!"

She spun around and screamed when something grabbed her and pulled her under. Zane dropped his gun, shirts and shoes and dived in after her. He saw some kind of giant snake had bit her leg and was dragging her, he grabbed its head and hit its eye, forcing it to release, he started to drag her to the shore but the snake was still chasing them, when a large splash went off near them, the snake went for it instead.

Zane pulled them over the rocks at fell into the dirt, Octavia refusing to let go of him.

Monty said, " We should be taking notes."

His freind Jasper said, " On what?"

" On how to save the girl."

Everyone chuckled at that one while Clarke was bandaging Octavia's leg.

After everyone had calmed down Zane walked over to the water and for the first time in two years saw himself.

He was still pale, had black hair that went to the tips of his ears, he had dark green eyes, was wearing a white tshirt, black jacket with a hood, black cargo pants, boots, and a pair of fingerless gloves, with the holster for his pistol on his right thigh.

He walked back to the others, Finn was trying to start a fire, Clarke was looking at the sky, Monty was looking at some of the plants, Jasper was trying to get comfortable, and Octavia was shivering, with the sun setting it was getting colder, with nothing to dry with she was still wet.

Zane walked over to her, she was worse than he thought, her lips were blue and she looked slightly pale.

" Alright, Octavia take off your shirt, you need out of the wet clothes, you can take my jacket."

She took off her shirt as he took off his jacket, but she yelped when he, with his shirt off as well, pulled her next too him and draped his jacket over them like a blanket.

She smirked at him, blushing slightly, " Well you certainly move fast."

" Sorry if I startled you, you need too warm up, with no fire body heat will have to work."

It was true Finn had failed to start a fire, and while it was cooling the only one it really bothered was Octavia, because she was soaked.

" I'm not complaining, though my brother might try to beat you."

" Between you and me, I always beat Bellamy in spars on the Ark, you didn't hear it from me."

She giggled and laid down to sleep, Zane follwed soon after.

The next morning everyone was trying to think of a way over the river, no one wanting to go in the water again.

Finn and Monty were twisting vines to make it strong enough to swing on.

" So who wants to go first?"

Jasper volunteered, wanting to impress the girls, he swung over and released to fly over, when he landed he saw a metal sign on the ground. Picking it up he saw it said mount weather, he started cheering, holding the sign up.

Zane was cheering with the others, and nearly missed it, in the cover of trees he saw a shape moving, he saw an arm holding a long stick with metal on the end. His eyes widened and his hand fell to his gun, firing a shot, making the spear just miss Jasper and scrape his arm.

" Go through the water, quick!"

He fired two more shots, too keep the attacked from trying while Jasper crossed. When Jasper got to their side he helped pull him up. They heard whoever attacked them running away.

" Oh my God, oh my God, you saved my life, I will never forget this man, oh shit."

Clarke asked" What was that?"

Zane answered, " WHO was that you mean, that was a human, we're not alone down here."

With that startling realization that started heading back to camp, moving faster then before and trying to stay quiet. When they got back Zane was shocked at what they saw, nothing, not work being done at all.

They saw a group cheering in a clearing, walking over they saw Wells being attacked by Murphy, Wells grabbed Murphy and put the makeshift knife he had to his throat.

At that point Zane walked over," Enough, what the hell, we're gone for two days, and not one of you has been building, scouting, nothing, Wells I think he's had his ass kicked enough for one night let him go. And where's your wristband?"

Wells threw Murphy away and gestured to Bellamy, " Ask him."

Clarke saw that the group gathering around Bellamy had all removed their wristbands.

" How many?"

Murphy answered, " 24, and counting."

Clarke was near speechless, " Idiots, do any of you know what those wristbands are for? The Ark is dying, the life support systems are failing, and in a few months everyone you care about is going to die, because as far as they know 24 of us are dead now."

Alot of the kids looks shocked, and quite a few of the ones who removed their wristbands looked ashamed.

Zane picked up, " Alright enoughs enough, we were attacked by someone. "

Those around them started chattering.

Bellamy came forward, " What do you mean attacked?"

Finn answered, " Turns out when the last man from the ground died on the Ark, he wasn't the last grounder."

Jasper came forward, still clutching his sliced arm, " It's true, someone threw a spear, if not for Zane I might have died."

Everyone lost the care free looks they had, suddenly everyone was looking around in the trees, looking for an attacker.

Bellamy stepped forward, " So there are grounders, we're here now that means this is our land, and our land we do, WHATEVER THE HELL WE WANT!"

Most the group started cheering with him, " Whatever the hell we want, whatever the hell we want!"

Zane drew his gun and fired into the sky.

That shut everyone up.

" Is this how you think we're going to survive? No food, no water, no idea of our surroundings, if the grounders don't kill us, exposure will, now how do you all plan to accomplish this?"

A few strays mudderd but most stayed quiet.

" Okay fine. As of now I'm in charge, if after we are set up you all decide different, fine, but until I'm sure we can survive we need to work together."

Bellamy walked over to him, " I'm the one incharge here, not you soilder boy."

That nickname came from how Zane was always reading about the special forces of earth before the fall, how they trained how they thought, it's one of the ways he had risen so quickly in the guard.

" You realy want to do this now Bell?"

" Yeah I think I do."

Bellamy swung at Zanes jaw, he just leaned back and let it pass him, tripping him on his foot as he stumbled. When he went down Zane grabbed his arm, twisting it behind his back, pressing his knee down on him.

" We done, alright then. Everyone get a good rest, tommorw work starts, you will have beaks for food and work in shifts, we need to consider hunting and gathering, so rest up everyone, big day tommorw."

Zane let Bellamy go, who rolled over and clutched his sore arm before walking off.

Zane looked around and saw a group he needed to talk to.

" Hey you guys, wait a minute. Your all kids of guard or were cadets, correct?"

One came forward, Nathan Miller he believed, " Yeah, what do you need sir?"

" With grounders around, with unclear intent, we need a patrol I need at least one of you in every group, I'll be helping too and hopefully so will Bell, when he get his head out of his ass."

" Unclear, they tried to kill Jasper, seems pretty clear to me."

" No whoever that was, they were following us from when we left, they had every chance to kill us, easier too, but only attacked when Jasper crossed to mount weather, I'm starting to think there's more going on here then we realize."

Miller nodded, he had always been one to follow rather then lead, that was fine with him, he didn't know what he would do if he was in charge of that many people's lives, leading a team was one thing another entirely to lead the whole group, so if the best way to help them was listen to Zane then that's what he would do.

" Alright sir, you've just got back, we can set something up tommorw, tonight we'll handle it, your no good to anyone if your exhausted sir."

" Amen, good night."

Zane walked over to the dropship, where a number of beds had been jury rigged, judging by the smell in the air sleep was not the intent for them, but he found a clean one and layed down. About ten minutes later, just as he was falling asleep he felt a weight on the bed. Opening his eyes he saw that Octavia had joined him.

She saw he was awake, " Hey I- well I had trouble sleeping, when you helped warm me up was the first time someone has slept next to me and-"

" Hey I'm not gonna stop you, but I hope your not hoping for anything tonight, I'm exhausted. "

She blushed a little, " Moving kinda fast aren't you?"

" We can move as fast or slow as you want, we're on earth now, we've got nothing but time."

She smiled before giving him a kiss, a peck really, but both went to sleep with smiles on their faces.

He panted as he stumbled into the cave, quickly pulling his knife out and putting it in the embers of the fire, he pulled off the mask and put his bag down. He knew he should have reported his findings immediately but when he prepared to go report all he could remember was his father forcing a knife into his hand and forcing him to slit a mans throat.

He took the coagulant and used it on his wound to slow the bleeding, it seemed at least one of the sky people had the weapons of the mountain men, he had held off on attacking as long as he could, but the boy would have brought them, he had intended to wound him and leave for them to find, he hadn't counted on there being a warrior among them. He took the now red hot knife and quickly put it to the wound on his arm.

It was a familiar pain, he quickly drank the tonic to dim the pain, he tried moving his arm only to hiss in pain, shame seems he wouldn't be drawing in his journal for a while.

So chapter 1, I've been posting a ton of storys so far and this one, my Resident evil, and The Fox School are the ones I'm most excited about, I plan on taking a break from posting new stories for awhile in order to focus more on working on these ones, also despite how it looks I'm not bashing Bellamy, he just needed to go through his ark to become who he could, also fair warning every chapter probably won't be as long as this one, so review let me know what you guys think and have a good one.