Disclaimer: I do not own Alex Rider or any of the characters in this fanfic. They all Belong to Anthony Horowitz. (Apart from my OC's)

Alex couldn't deal with this anymore. He had rescued Jack, only for her to be killed soon after, and now he was back in MI6 headquarters. Right where they wanted him.

He stalked into Mrs Jones office, throwing the door open, and sat himself in the seat opposite her at the desk which stood in the middle of the room.

He didn't want to be here, so why be polite?

Mrs Jones gave him a disapproving glance and looked back down at the mass of paper work that lay on her desk before speaking.

'Now, Alex, since your former guardian is now... unavailable... we have assigned you to live with K-unit in London. They will provide you with protection from other terrorist organisations while allowing you to continue your education.'

Alex scowled.

'Why should I? I am perfectly capable of looking after myself, Jones, you of all people should know that!'

As far as he was concerned, if she thought it okay to send him on missions and put his life in danger, surely he should be allowed to simply live alone! Plenty of people did, and he was responsible enough despite his age.

'Now, Alex, this is not up for discussion, there is a car outside waiting for you. Your belongings are in the boot.'

As usual, MI6 had everything prepared to have complete control over his life so they could use him how they pleased.

Alex have her a fierce glare but did her bidding and left the room. There was no way of avoiding living with K-Unit, so he decided to do his best to make his stay hell for them... It was only fair, since he needed revenge for how they acted during his time at Brecon Beacons...

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The car ride was only a short ten minutes, and soon they had arrived outside a block of relatively expensive flats. The driver (who had the classic dark shades-Black Tux look) turned to Alex, with what the teen suspected was pity in his eyes, although it was hard to tell through the sunglasses.

'The flat is number 13 on floor 6. Good Luck, kid.'

Alex nodded, and climbed out of the car, with a small bag sling over his shoulder. He hoped whoever packed his bag had thought to put photographs of his Now deceased family in there, after all, this was the only evidence he had of their existence.

As Alex walked slowly and reluctantly across the carpeted floor of the lobby, it struck him that the flat number didn't give many high expectations, after all, 13 was supposed to be an unlucky number. This didn't mean much to him, however, as Ian never believed in superstition, and Ian's influence remained with Alex even after his untimely death.

The teen room the stairs up the 6 floors although there was an elevator available, the spy did not see the logic in trapping himself in a small metal box with strangers and potential enemies. He finally reached his intended floor without even breaking a sweat. Time to find K-Unit.

5,6,7, Alex read the flat numbers as he headed along the corridor.

Alex approached the flat.

Finally time to face the dreaded K-Unit.

Alex reached out and rapped on the door, and it soon opened to reveal Wolf. Much to Alex's disappointment, Wolf was still several inches taller than him, having it been only a few months since Alex had last seen him, but Alex had been hoping otherwise despite this fact.

Wolf soon sternly in front of him, arms crossed.


'Wolf' Alex mimicked

'You'd better come in then I suppose '

'I suppose so' was his sarcastic reply.

Wolf turned back into the flat and Alex followed him into a living room where the rest of K-Unit were slung over the various sofas.

K-Unit looked up as Alex came in and stared at him for for a moment before the latter broke the silence.


This was returned with a series of Hi's and Hello's before they sunk into silence yet again.

'Why is this so awkward?' Alex thought. 'Maybe they feel bad about how they treated me at Brecon Beacons?'

'Right. Cub. Let's get some things straight.'

Or not

It was Wolf speaking, obviously.

'Curfew at 7. No exceptions. We are trying to protect you, we can't have you running around alone all night'

Before Alex could interrupt, Wolf continued his speech.

'Also, you can't bring any friends back here. If you are going out, tell one of us where you are going and what time you're going to be back. We are not giving you a lift to school either, so you will need to walk or take the tube. Do not ask us for help of any kind, because we don't want to be doing this, and I'm fairly positive you don't want to be here either. If you break any of those rules, there will be consequences. Understood?'

Alex nodded.

'Where am I sleeping?'

'Second room on the left '


Alex headed out of the room and into his bedroom, immediately flopping onto the bed in exhaustion. Before he slept, Alex decided to unpack his bag and see what MI6 had deemed necessary.

He did just that and discovered that the majority of the bag was filled, understandably, with oversized clothes. True, Alex had bought them himself a year ago with the hope he would grow into them, but since then he had lost a lot of weight and it was hard to find any clothes that fit his small frame.

With this thought, Alex removed his jeans and climbed into bed, swamped by a hoodie he had found in the bag.

Overcome with exhaustion, Alex soon fell asleep but was awoken all too soon by Eagle shaking him awake.

'Cub. Cuuuuub. Wake up.'

Alex groaned and opened his eyes, graced with the sight of Eagles face inches from his own.

'What?' The teen tried not to whine, but in his sleep deprived state he knew he had most likely failed miserably.

'It's dinner'

'I'm not hungry, go away'

'All the more for us then' Eagle replied, and, to Alex's wishes, left the room.

Once again, Alex curled up in the bed and drifted back into a deep sleep.