Author's Note: So guys, here it is, the third installment in the 'Love of Yesterday' Series. I know I really hyped up what this story would bring, and I feel like I have to say once again that it will be an epic ride throughout.

Before we get started, I just want to give a huge shout-out and a big thank you to my beta for this story, Kara Smoak here on FFN. She has really helped me formulate the direction of this story, and it wouldn't be nearly half as good without her help, ideas and guidance.

I know some of you might be confused because I previously said the title was 'Savior of My Heart'. It was initially called that because a big part of the story is Oliver helping Kara cope with her loss of Mon-El. I changed the title to fit the tone and themes of the story, but this story will definitely delve into Oliver and Kara's friendship, and how it may blossom into something more.

I don't want to spoil, but Oliver won't be the only person from Earth-1 involved in the story, obviously if you look at the story cover image, you can see which Earth-1 characters will be involved.

Here is the first chapter, which is more just to set the story up. Don't worry, we'll delve into some action pretty quickly soon. I hope you guys enjoy, and I look forward to seeing your reviews and hearing your reactions to the rest of the story! :D

(17 May 2017)

Oliver panted and grunted as he ran through the burning forests of Lian Yu. For the first time in his life, he truly didn't know what to do. Had everyone in his life just perished right in front of him? No, there was no way. They had to have survived. What if they died? What if everything tethering him to this reality had just been taken from him? He ran like a madman, refusing to stop no matter how much his legs ached or his lungs burnt. He'd search every square inch of this island, and turn over every fallen tree to find the ones he loved. Samantha had told him to take care of William, but how could he do it by himself?

He came to a stop as he saw the vague shape of a woman kneeling down, unable to identify her through the smoke. He continued to step towards her, eventually grabbing her attention when he was just a few meters away.

"Kara?" said Oliver, as the silhouette of her cape and skirt materialized when she stood up to face him, "What are you doing here?"

"I just came to visit and…" She was at a loss for words. She came to Earth-1 just to visit Oliver, but had arrived at the bunker to find no one there. Only a computer screen showing a map of Lian Yu. She arrived just as the explosions went off. Oliver ran towards her, noticing the body that lay on the floor in front of her.

"No… No!" screamed as he knelt beside the body. He pressed his fingers against his sister's throat, hoping that he would feel a pulse.

"She's alive" said Kara, the words coming as a huge relief to Oliver.

"Where's the others? Dig, Felicity…"

"I got them off the island. They're safe" said Kara.

"Thank you" said Oliver, as he picked up his sister's body from the ground, allowing Kara to grab him and fly off into the night.


(September 24 2017)

Oliver sat quietly next to Thea's bed side in Starling General Hospital. It had been over four months since she first slipped into a coma, and still her condition had barely changed. She was still alive and kicking, but there were very few signs that she could be close to waking up soon. He thought about all Thea had been through, and how most of it had happened due to his actions. By the age of 22, she had endured more than most people would have in their lifetimes. Unfortunately, his sister's life might have been better if he was never in it. He turned his head when he heard the room door open. He was expecting to see Quentin or Diggle, but he was totally surprised to see who entered.

"Roy?" asked Oliver. He hadn't seen him since he asked for his help in stopping Chase on Lian Yu.

"Oliver" replied Roy, who briskly walked towards Oliver and shook his hand. He smiled a little, but the look of worry on his face remained as he looked more closely on Thea, "Any change?"

"She's the same" replied Oliver, "What are you doing here?"

"I haven't been here since the incident. Thought I'd come visit. How are you doing?"

"Well, being a parent is quite possibly the hardest thing I've had to do" replied Oliver.

"William giving you that much trouble?"

"He's… he's still traumatized about what happened. Samantha was all he had, and now she's gone. I don't know how to get through to him."

"Well, if it's any consolation, I have faith that you will. You got through to me when I was on Mirakuru, and I'm pretty sure Mirakuru Rage outranks hormonal teenager."

"You'd be surprised" joked Oliver, "I have to get to City Hall" said Oliver as he stood up, "How long are you in Star City for?"

"A day, maybe longer."

"Stay a while, spend some time with the team."

"I'll think about it."

"See you around, Roy" said Oliver, before shaking his hand and exiting the room.

Oliver stepped into the bunker after a couple of hours out in the field. Star City was quiet tonight, oddly. He'd told the team to head home for the night, so he was alone in the bunker. He walked aimlessly to the center as he dwelled in his thoughts. He had thought things would be easier once Adrian Chase was dead, but they hasn't entirely been the case. Apart from trying to raise William, he had to deal with the fallout of Chase's actions as both Mayor and Green Arrow.

The scrutiny over how he had allowed a serial killer to become the DA hadn't died down. It may have been five months since Chase had tortured him, but the weight of what Chase had made him realise still stuck with him. He had earned the hood back, but he still believed that Chase was right in many ways. Oliver somehow could never avoid his past. It would always come back to haunt him, and then it would spill over to the people he loved and hurt them too. Although, there was one place where he never had that feeling… Earth-38.

He reminisced the time he spent there, how fun it was, and how it made him believe he was a better person than he thought he was. Most of that came crashing down when Chase made him confess, but he still believed that Earth-38 showed him the better side of who he was. More specifically, Kara did. She didn't let him kill Mxyzptlk, and tried to prove to him that he was better. For a while after, he believed her, but now he wasn't so sure. He knew that, deep down, he would've shot that arrow into Mxyzptlk without remorse. He hadn't seen Kara since she saved almost everyone by flying them off Lian Yu.

She had come as simply a friendly visit, but ended up saving the things that mattered most to Oliver. He wondered how she was doing right now. Last he checked, everything was fine on Earth-38. Things were great between her and Mon-El, apart from the fact that he had to reveal he was the Royal Prince of Daxam. He knew Mon-El wasn't a Royal Guard, but he didn't expect him to be a Prince. Still, he was proud of how Mon-El had seemingly grown and started to become the man who he knew he could be.

Suddenly, an idea struck Oliver. He walked over to a cabinet by the salmon ladder in the bunker. He opened the top compartment, and searched for the lone extrapolator amongst the arrowheads. After his trip several months ago, he asked Cisco to give him an extrapolator of his own so that he could visit on his own accord. And now, it seemed like a pretty good time to use it…

So, not to give too much away, but this is not the last we see of Roy. He'll continue to play a part in the story, as will a few other Earth-1 characters... I hope you guys are excited for Chapter 2. It'll be up soon.