A/N - I took down this story because there was negativity towards how it was written out. NO swearing in the comments please be respectful. Criticism is going to happen and I understand that but NO verbal abuse please. If it's not to your liking then carry on with yourself, don't be nasty.Thank you.Enjoy.Disclaimer: I own nothing of the Naruto franchise it all belongs in its entirety to M. Kishimoto. This is only a fanfic

Thank you!Chapter 1


Beep!! Beep.


"Naruto! Get your butt up right now! This is the fifth time and the last time I'm going to be gentle about waking you this morning! I'm going to come up there young man! You're going to be late! Didn't you learn from the last three times?" A red haired woman shouted up the steps. "Hurry up or you'll miss breakfast!"

Naruto sat up, hair going in all directions and yawned. He looked at his clock and his eyes turned into saucers, "I'm going to be late! So late!"

He shouted jumping about trying to get dressed fast. He ran down the steps after fastly brushing his hair down with his fingers best he could. The blonde spikes were always such a mess! Naruto grabbed a piece of buttered toast and quickly kissed his mother on the cheek and said he would eat a better dinner but he didn't have time or he wouldn't make it before the second bell and rushed out the door.

A yellow blur shot into the kitchen and the redhead didn't even bother to look up, "Good morning Minato dear, are you going to be just like your son and run off fast too?" She asks irked.

"Good morning to you too Kushina love." Minato says walking up to her and wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her hair. "Breakfast smells amazing." He says.

She smiles, "You need a good breakfast to keep your energy up all day. Of course it's going to smell good, you didn't eat supper at home last night." She pouts patting his hands with her free hand while flipping a pancake and two eggs. In her other pan she was frying lean turkey bacon. "Go on and sit down, I'll bring it to you." She says. He kisses the side of her cheek and walks away picking up the newspaper and sitting at the kitchen table. She sets a cup of coffee down in front of him then a plate with sectioned portions of each food and then brings him butter and toast and syrup.

He smiles at her and then tells her thanks before setting down the newspaper and taking a drink, "Mm, it's nice and hot." He says mainly to himself.

Kushina seats herself with her own breakfast and coffee, "Minato, Naruto woke up late again… if only he could keep time like his brother. Takeru was up and ate early and was already off to school, I had to call Naruto down several times before he woke and so he didn't get to eat his breakfast properly." She sighs and sits back, "I should go wake Minnie up and have her eat her breakfast before it goes cold, we have a lot to do today." She says then looks at her husband and chuckles.

"What?" He asks eyes wide in wonder.

She looks down, "You just look so handsome when you're concentrating is all…" She tells him, blushing but smiling.

Minato blushes bright red then clears his throat, "Well, I have to look good at all times… I mean.. What if my beautiful wife sees me?" He jokes around.

"Good morning!" A small voice shouts from the doorway. Both parents look up as a little red haired girl comes bouncing into the room giggling.

Minato puts his paper down and quickly catches her as she jumps at him. "Well then, someone is in a good mood this morning. Good morning to you as well Minnie." He says eye smiling. When everyone finishes their food, Kushina starts to pick up the dishes for washing. "Thank you dear." Minato says reading the paper yet again.

"Yes, thank you Momma!" Minnie shouts.

"Of course." Kushina says eye smiling and grinning from ear to ear in delight.

"I love you." Minato tells her and kisses her she kisses him back then gasps when he discreetly grabs her bottom when she walks away.

"Minato…young eyes are in the room.." She warns yet her eyes full of lust. He looks away half a smirk playing on his lips.

Elsewhere, Naruto had just made it to classes and jogged up to the third row and sat on the right side of the room. He pulled out his books and opened them to the current chapter they were on to start reviewing quick. He never really got along well with Iruka so he chose to try harder. "Naruto, you made it before the second bell!" Takeru shouts waving like mad. He was seated beside Hibachi and his gang, Naruto rolled his eyes, how could his brother even look at those idiots let alone hang out with them. He would rather hang out with Choji, Kiba, Shikamaru and Akamaru. He exempted for ignoring Takeru and went back to reviewing the text.

"He's always late Takeru! Just be glad you got here before Iruka-Sensei could count you tardy again Naruto." A nasally voice exclaims from the middle of the room.

Naruto looked over to see Ino-pig… he sighed when she stuck out her tongue and pulled at one of her bottom eyelids. He turned away to ignore her childish antics and went back to his textbook to better his time. They were going through the basics of adding elements to chakra. He wondered what element he had… he smiled and then continued reading. 'It seems impossible… how could one look right and left at the exact same time?' He thinks looking at how you needed several tasks done at once just to be able to add an element to a jutsu.

Naruto sighed, he was terrible at using his chakra for certain things. Yet he excelled in outrunning and outsmarting anbu. But chakra and the adding of elements?! It was like the world hated him! He could barely even make a basic clone but he knew how to henge at least that was easy. He even had his own jutsu he liked to call the sexy jutsu though he only used it for fun.

When Iruka walked in everyone quieted down and Iruka went up to the podium and sat his books down. "Good morning class!" Iruka says jovially

"Good morning, Sensei!" The class exclaimed simultaneously.

"Now, before we begin today's lesson, I'm going to go through roll call. As usual, please state your presence upon hearing your name being called." Iruka says, then clears his throat. "Alright, Akimichi Choji?"


"Hyuga Hinata."

"P-present Sensei." Her soft voice, angelic as she raised her hand and spoke up.

"Inuzuka Kiba?"

"Akamaru and I are present and accounted for!" Kiba shouts and his dog barks, sitting atop his head with a yip and some panting he was wagging his delicate tail.

"Good, Good. Namikaze Takeru."


"Namikaze Naruto?"

"Present, Sensei." Naruto says still reading. Iruka and himself rarely spoke much. Iruka nodded his head in acknowledgement and continued on, "Haruno Sakura."

"Here!" She shouts happily, making googly eyes at a well known raven haired teen male who wasn't paying her even the slightest bit of attention.

"Nara Shikamaru."

"Troublesome, yeah I'm here Sensei." Shikamaru mumbled head down.

"Uchiha Sasuke."

"Hn." Was the raven's only reply.

"Yamanaka Ino?" Iruka continued on.

"Present, as always Sensei." Ino responds snottily.


"Yep." Iruka continued down his list until he was through with roll call and giving his students a slight smile before starting in on scolding Shikamaru for falling asleep on his desk before even roll call was over then sighed heavily.

"Alright class, today we'll be taking a written test over what we've learned so far this year. There is a section on chakra and elements so please be careful when reading and answering the questions because your score must be 75% or above to pass the written portion of the test. Afterwards we will be going outside for weapons and endurance training. Remember also that Friday will be your graduation testing and your last day. Please make sure you study hard on what we learn today because today's training will be on the test on Friday." Iruka says handing Mizuki-Sensei, the TA, the tests who then starts handing out the tests to each row.

Naruto put his books away and took the test that a blonde haired girl in front of him handed back. He read the first question and smiled, 'I know this one!' He thinks and starts writing. Once finished, he stands quietly and walks down to put the test to the corner of Iruka's desk then walks back to his desk and sits back down. He was sure he'd gotten the answers right but the last three questions had been rather tricky.

When everyone was finished, Iruka lead them outside and put them in pairs of two at a time for shuriken and kunai.

Once he'd seen enough throwing Iruka hollered for them to line up with their pairings beside one another. "Alright class, next up will be a good ole taijutsu spar. First up will be Naruto and Sasuke, you'll stand in front of each other sign your comrade seals and then I'll tell you when to start. Naruto smiled at Sasuke softly as their fingers touched before stepping away. "Hajime!" Iruka shouted.

Sasuke started off with a quick punch which thanks to training with his father, Naruto dodged easily. Sasuke kicked straight at his chest sending him spiralling before he hit the ground. Naruto jumped up in time to put his arms in front of himself in an X formation to block a punch then went on the offensive and continued to block all punches before sweeping a leg out to knock Sasuke down. Sasuke jumped up, his knees up to his chest and then feigned a punch and with his other fisted hand, he hit Naruto exactly in his left temple.

Naruto hit the ground then stood back up and started landing punches on Sasuke in several different areas. In the end Iruka stopped the fight just as both had their fists frozen mere centimeters from each others faces. The other students and the teachers clapped, "You two are on equal grounds, we can't be here all day so I'm calling it a tie. Thank you for your participation in this spar, it raised the bar for the other's rather high." Iruka says.

Naruto smiles at Sasuke then bows palms together, "Thank you." He says. When Naruto stood back up Sasuke was already tensed and kicked him right in his face, knocking him to the ground.

"Hey! I said that's enough! Sasuke, you will listen to your betters." Iruka says using one hand to stand Naruto up while keeping his eyes on the raven haired boy. Naruto looks at Sasuke, frowns then walks away.

"Next up, Ino and Sakura." Iruka says. After the spars ended Iruka called the student's to order and back to the classroom. Naruto was still stunned, he didn't understand why the Uchiha had taken that cheap shot and lashed out at him after their Sensei had stopped the match. Was he angry he had been stopped at a draw?

Ino and Sakura walked over to stand over him and when he looked up, face bloody from his nose being kicked in that surprise attack. "Idiot, you deserved that kick, thinking you're on the same level as Sasuke! You're just worthless." Sakura said pulling at his spiky hair.

"Please stop, it was a spar. We were supposed to test each other not beat each other down." He says ducking his head away from Sakura and pushing her hand gently away from him.

Ino snorts, "Says the one that fights unfairly, you better learn your place Naruto before you get bested again. You'll never be better than Sasuke." She retorts.

Naruto sighed and stood up, "Just leave me alone will yuh? Stop, just stop being mean to me!" He says voice soft and walking away just as Iruka and Mizuki walked in."Iruka-Sensei, may I please go to the bathroom?" He asks.

Iruka nods, "Yes, but come back afterwards though, please… are you sure you're alright Naruto? Your nose hasn't stopped bleeding yet." He asks concerned.

Naruto nods his head, "It's fine Sensei, excuse me." He says voice rough. After stopping the blood flowing from his nose, Naruto splashed his face with cool water and used the restroom, 'Why is it always me they target? Why not Takeru or Sasuke? Hell why not Shikamaru, Kiba or Choji? Am I really that much of an annoyance to them?' He thinks then zips up and washes his hands before heading back to class.

After class was over for the day, Naruto started his walk home. Usually he'd be running and excited because he would be able to train once at the house in the backyard but today the training at the academy and the hatred his classmates exhibited against him was just too much for him to be happy. He took off his jacket and tied it around his waist, it was nice and cool but not cool enough for long sleeves especially if the sun was hitting just right.

Naruto watched Ino and Sakura bicker while walking away from the school and Sasuke walking off all alone with his hands in his pockets being all quiet and reserved like most of his family was. Choji and Shikamaru were going the opposite direction as him because like usual he heard the Akimichi boy say the food shop was the best destination before heading home and Kiba and Akamaru were running like mad towards home.

Shino was walking with Hinata who was being timid and shy while trying to hide the fact that she was watching Naruto before they passed by. Naruto squinted at Takeru who was laughing about something with Hibachi and his little circle of friends, he heard them saying something about testing their courage like they'd done a couple years back. Naruto chuckled, he'd scared the hell out of them that night maybe he should do it again.

"Hey Naruto? How's the bloody nose?" Hibachi teases laughing with Takeru and the others. Naruto glared then walked away, annoyed when his brother started teasing him about personal things and downright harassing him. "That's right brother, walk away! We all know Sasuke gave you what you deserved! Lame!" Naruto huffed when they started laughing again and walked off and towards home, annoyed he slammed the door behind him and stomped up the stairs and slammed his bedroom door closed. He had completely ignored his little sister and his mother, who was now yelling at him to at least greet them nicely next time.

"Na-ru-to!" Kushina was shouting before knocking down his door. She was angry because he had been refusing to answer her calls all afternoon, his bento was still full meaning he hadn't eaten anything besides the slice of toast that morning and he wasn't coming down to super. Her hair was flailing about like red tails and her eyes were large, her expression beyond angry. "For the last time, I have called you several times! You're not making this a habit are you?! Huh!!!" She shouted fuming.

"Ahh, Kushina! Let me talk to him…" Minato says sweating and freaking out at his wife's anger. He had his hands palm side up, nervous and tense.

Kushina sighed and calmed herself, "Fine…" She said seeing Naruto hadn't been fazed in the slightest at her anger which seemed to make her anger want to flare up again but she simply walked back downstairs her soup ladle in hand.

Minato walked further into the room and sat down on the edge of the bed, "Hey… Naruto? I heard from Iruka-Sensei today that you had a pretty rough day. Do you want to talk about it?" He asks voice warm like honey.

Naruto shook his head, "No, like I told Sensei… I'm fine." He mumbles.

Minato runs his hand through Naruto's spiky unruly hair and chuckles softly, "Just like your mother… Always so stubborn. Well… if I can't get you to talk about what happened today at least come eat with us. I can never say it to you children enough, eating as a family and training as a family is very important. Come on, I heard from your mother that you haven't eaten at all today." Minato stands and holds out a hand while smiling.

Naruto looks down trying not to tear up then takes the covers off himself and takes his father's hand to stand. Minato pulls him into a hug and Naruto sighs, "Thank you, Dad." He says softly, shaking.

Once downstairs, Naruto looks up and sees Takeru seated in his normal spot at the table. "Big brother Naruto!" Minnie shouts and runs up to hug him around his waist.

Naruto laughs tenderly and pats her on the head, "Hey Minnie." He greets her. Kushina smiles then goes back to placing the plates on the table. Minato sits and tells Kushina he doesn't have long, he has a meeting with Lord Third and the Council in a couple of hours.

Naruto looks at Takeru then glares, "Have enough fun with those trash talkers today?" He asks.

Takeru glares back and almost growls with annoyance. "You say we're trash but have you looked at yourself in a mirror lately?" Takeru shouts back.

Naruto glared and almost growls, "Says the one that's planning to sneak out tonight to play little kids games in the graveyard!"

"Who told you about that?!"

A hand suddenly jolted the table and they all froze, "No hostility at the table boys, you're mother worked hard to prepare this meal and you will not ruin it." Minato says voice going deep with irritation. "As for the part about sneaking out tonight, I'm going to warn you both. No games or pranks, you're going to get in big trouble one of these days and just because I'm Hokage doesn't mean you will get off scot free, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Sir." The boys said in unison.

Kushina frowns and puts her bangs behind her left ear, "Thank you… Minato." She says softly.

A knock at the door sounds that they have a visitor and Naruto stands, "I'll answer." He says and goes to see who's at the door. "Yes, who is it?" He says as he opens the door only to see the man he was really wanting to see most of all.

"Well hey brat, are your parent's home?" A deep voice bellows from the rather tall white haired man.

"Jiraiya-San!" Naruto shouts and shoots across the threshold to pull him into a hug.

The taller man laughs and puts his hands on Naruto's shoulders, "I'm glad to see you too brat." He says.

Naruto takes Jiraiya's hand and leads him quickly into the dining room. "Mom! Dad! Jiraiya-San is here!" He shouts.

Takeru and Minnie both beam and run for their hugs, Minato stands and greets his Sensei with a handshake. "Sensei, what brings you back to the Land of Fire so quickly?" Minato asks curiously.

"Research!" Naruto shouts and Kushina almost falls over while Minato goes pale. All three kid's start to laugh and Kushina asks Jiraiya what Naruto would ever mean by research and it best not be because he's seen what the pervert actually does with his time besides his missions. Minato calms Kushina and offers Jiraiya to stay for supper. Naruto offers Jiraiya to sit in his chair and sits with Takeru and Minnie on the opposite side of the table.

"To be honest Minato, I came back tonight because I have information on Orochimaru that I'd like to hand off to you and Lord Third." Jiraiya says.

Minnie finished quickly so she could bathe and read before bed. She stood and asked if she could put her plate and silverware in the sink for washing then went and pulled on Jiraiya's jacket edge. "Jiraiya-San, isn't Orochimaru your friend?" She asks with her small little voice.

Jiraiya smiled down at her, "Well, yes and no. We were teammates and rivals, little one." He tells her.

She nods her head in acknowledgement and then gets excited, "Godfather, can I play with one of your toads? Pleeeeease?" She begs jumping about in circles and clapping.

Jiraiya scratches the back of his head nervously, "Maybe some other time Minnie… The toads are really busy gathering important information at the moment." He tells her, last time she'd asked and he had let her she had about knocked the poor toad out and almost squeezed it to death. She pouts but then smiles widely and asks for a hug so she can wash her dishes and get ready for her bath and bed. He complies and she tells him thank you for coming to visit before bounding off towards the sink.

"Minnie sweetheart, I can do dishes tonight, you go catch your bath and get ready for bed okay?" Kushina says and Minnie jumps about cheering before disappearing up the stairs. Takeru looks at Naruto before they both race to the sink and wash their dishes before dashing out to the backyard with Kushina yelling that they only had an hour before bath and bed then sighing when they were already out of sight.

"Children." She huffs. Minato chuckles while eye smiling then his face goes serious.

"Jiraiya-Sensei, is Orochimaru planning something?" He asks.

Jiraiya looks up then nods his head, suddenly very serious, "Intel I have on him… He has a new secret base and he's still experimenting. I was going to ask for a squad of ANBU to be placed on mission to infiltrate his hideout. It's off the land of fire's grid line and bordering into the territories of the land of grass." He says, he'd placed his own silencing seals beside Minato's before knocking so he knew the information was safe within this house.

Minato's expression was serious as well as he gave his nod of approval, "We'll take this up with Lord Thir-"

"Get off!" Naruto screamed.

"Not until you learn how to keep your mouth shut baka!" Takeru shouted.

There was silence for a moment before Naruto suddenly screamed out as if he were in pain. All three adults were up and out to the back door in a flash. Naruto was on the ground a kunai lodged deep in his hand and Takeru standing over him with another about to stab him again.

Naruto kicked him off using chakra at his feet and he went flying back. "That was for today!" Naruto shouts angrily yanking out the kunai harshly and splashing blood all over the ground as Takeru slams into the shed.

"Stop it! Stop it this instant both of you! No hurting each other with real and dangerous sharp weapons!" Kushina shouts angrily stepping in the middle of the two, "Whatever happened between the two of you today needs to be told right now! I demand to know the truth yuh know!" She shouts.

Naruto looks away and Takeru does the same both blushing in embarrassment, "Now!" Kushina shouts making her hair stand up and her eyes going white with her temper.

Jiraiya goes over to Naruto and kneels down, "You know, your mother's right. You two really shouldn't be fighting to the extent that you wound each other." He says looking at the wound as it merely steamed up, healing over without leaving even a hint of a scar. He said nothing about it though, the boy's knew nothing of the split of the Kyuubi chakra between them and their mother on the date of their birth. He wasn't going to be the one to tell them about it either.

Naruto glared at Takeru, "All day long I get bullied and treated unfairly! While Takeru bullies me just as much as the others, even laughing when the others treat me terribly! Then Sasuke decided that after our even matchup that he was going to kick me in the face when my guard was lowered because Sensei said to stop the spar! Takeru and his idiot friends do nothing but bully me and I've had enough of it! I wish I had never been born! I wish they would all just leave me the hell alone!" Naruto shouts tears escaping his eyes before he runs off jumping over the fence and out into the night.

"Naruto!" Kushina yells after him, worried. Minato touches her shoulder and shakes his head eyes closed.

"Is that true Takeru?" Minato asks expression hard.

Takeru glares, "Yeah I tease him but so does everyone else! Why am I any different?! You've always overlooked it before!" He shouts.

"It's because he's your brother, you would want him to defend your honor would you not?" Minato asks voice still cold.

Takeru winces, "...Yes." He finally says looking down.

"Then why is it any different when it's you who is to defend his honor? Does that not work both ways my son? and do not tell me I overlook bullying, if I'd known it was going on I would have stopped it instantly." Minato states.

Takeru sighed loudly, "I'm sorry…" He mumbles.

"Apologize to Naruto on this one, not to your mother or your godfather, nor I, and for the love of Kami, no more stabbing each other with weapons meant for enemies or simple practice… please." Minato says pinching the bridge of his nose, exhausted. Takeru nods and Minato puts his arms out.

Takeru runs up to his father and hugs him, "I'm going to go find Naruto and apologize." He says and runs off the same way as his brother.

Minato sighs then looks at Kushina, "You were saying?" He jokes and they all laugh.

"Naruto! Hey Naruto! Where'd you go?" Takeru shouts looking about. He ran and ran for quite a while before giving up and sitting down. When he leaned back his eyes went wide, Naruto was seated on top of the Fourth Hokage's; their father's headstone on the Great Stone Monument. He leapt up and started for the steps and onto the stone heads. "Hey, Naruto!! So this is where you come too?" He says once he accomplished running up the many steps, smiling he looked about loving the view. Naruto sighs and stands using one hand on his knee and looking at his brother with anger in his eyes. Takeru backs away, "I came to say I'm sorry for everything. It wasn't fair how I treated you, it was cold and rude. You're my brother, I will always love you even if we fight. Do you forgive me?" He asks hand in his hair and scratching nervously at the nape of his neck while smiling.

Naruto looks at Takeru for a while in silence before nodding his head, "Yes, I forgive you." He says.

Takeru smiles, "Thanks, Naruto." He says.

"How touching, a blonde idiot and a red headed idiot… both with the same power within and so easily at my disposal." A masked man says stepping out of the shadows. Takeru freezes up but Naruto runs for him and slams into him but keeps on running, yanking him along at a fast pace. "How annoying, I don't like to have to chase my prey…" The masked man says.

Naruto takes Takeru down the steps, "Taki, go get father!" He shouts.

"But what about you? That man looks dangerous!" Takeru exclaims.

"Don't be ridiculous, he's after us but I'm not sure as to why just yet! He will need at least one of us for a distraction! Go!" Naruto shouts then shoves him out of the way just in time as the masked man slams into Naruto and the ground breaks around them.

"No, Naruto." Takeru tries to shout but he's so scared his words are barely even a whisper. Takeru backs away using his hands and feet in the crab walk, pushing up and away from the debris of the earth shattering and stands, running off to the Hokage's tower. Once there he slams his fists against the door, 'Dad! Open up! Please! Please don't be at home yet!' He thinks. When the door opens he falls face first but sit's up, tears in his eyes that he didn't know were there before.

Minato is in front of him instantly, Jiraiya whom had opened the door was stunned. Lord Third, the Council and Donzo were all silently watching, interested. "Takeru, what's wrong? Did you not find Naruto?" Minato asks.

Takeru was shaking, "Naruto… Naruto and I were talking… then this man with a mask came out of the shadows and started talking about this power within and suddenly took Naruto down. He took him down so fast I barely saw it because Naruto pushed me out of the way just as the attack hit. I don't know where they are now or what the man wanted…" He says scared out of his mind.

"The boy can't mean the man that attacked the village twelve years ago!" Koharu says distraught his counterpart gasping in horror.

"It sounds like that's exactly what he's talking about." Jiraiya says.

"If so we have much to fear, we must work fast. We cannot allow the tailed beast no matter how much of it there is, to get out and destroy the village." Lord Third says. Donzo stays quiet but goes off into the shadows and disappears.

"Noo!!!! Agh! Nghn!!!" Naruto screamed, a swirling seal of black ink appearing and turning to liquid before running down his stomach towards the ground. He was tied up from his arms, wrists and ankles in thick tight chains that were cutting into his flesh every time he moved. "Stop, please!"

"Now why would I do that? It would defeat the whole purpose of doing it in the first place my little Jinchuuriki." The masked man states sounding bored. His eyes spun to life turning red and black and a deep growl emitted from deep within the small blond's body.

"Ahhh! No, what are you doing to me?!" Naruto gagged out as the seal on his stomach slowly bulged outward. Saliva dripped down Naruto's chin and his eyes had turned a deep shade of blood red, his whisker markings on his face becoming more pronounced and thick, bold.

"Come out, Kyuubi!" The Kyuubi thrashed about in the seal, angered and attempting to stay in it's host and far away from that horrible man!

"Madara Uchiha, you pulled me out of Kushina twelve years ago but I won't allow you to pull me out of Naruto!" Kyuubi roared.

Naruto felt his eyes go black and his head lulled forward, "What's happening to me? I feel so numb." He thinks aloud.

"Stay awake brat, don't look at his eyes!" Kyuubi shouts.

"Keep away from my son!" Minato suddenly appeared and the masked man jumped back.

Jiraiya grabbed Naruto and cut the chains with a sharpening of chakra technique before jumping away and laying him down on the forest floor, "Minato, the seal is breaking!" He shouts examining Naruto's stomach where the seal was coming undone.

"Damn! Don't let it unseal Sensei!" Minato shouts then turns abruptly, as the masked man pulls out the same chains he'd used in their previous fight years ago and tightening them to his wrists by shackles.

"So you're back? Didn't you have enough trouble last time?" Minato asks bending his knees and readying himself for an attack.

"Minato!" Kushina shouted frightened as she ran towards them. Her portion of the Kyuubi had alerted her to the extraction. She'd made sure Minnie was asleep before taking off to the location the Kyuubi had given her details on.

"Kushina stay back!" Minato shouts.

Kushina looks around and sees Jiraiya, Takeru and Naruto, "My babies!" She shouts and runs for them.

"Kushina, it's the seal… we need to reseal him but I'm not sure if I can manage, the seal is so delicate." Jiraiya says.

Kushina looks at Jiraiya with a hard serious expression before nodding her head and feeling the seal. "No… it's still holding. I can tighten the seal up if I just had enough time. Jiraiya, go help Minato, I'll watch Naruto and Takeru." She says becoming even more serious.

Jiraiya stands up and cracks his knuckles before shunshining into the fight. "Two on one, seems highly unfair but it's more balanced that way with an opponent like me.." The masked man says rather amused.

Kushina runs through several hand seals before slamming her hands down on Naruto's seal. "Kushina, is the seal alright?" Lord Third asks landing beside the three.

"It's breaking, I have to tighten it before it's too late." She informs and Lord Third nods his head. He stands up from his kneeling position and whirls Enma's staff around himself before telling the summons to be ready and running in to join Minato and Jiraiya.

Several Jounin and Chunin are surrounding Takeru and Naruto, Kushina smiles when Shikaku says they'll protect them from the masked man and Inoichi yells for the formation to tighten and keep the Kyuubi away from the masked man. The Kyuubi roars but with force, Kushina manages to reseal the seal back up in time. Naruto makes a face of discomfort, the seal being jammed back into place hurt so bad he'd lost consciousness for a few seconds. "Are you alright sweetheart?" Kushina asks bending down to kiss his forehead ever so gently.

Naruto nods sitting up, "Is Takeru okay?" He asked worried.

Kushina smiles, "He's just fine Naruto, don't worry." She tells him rubbing his arm and helping him stand. "We must hurry, we cannot afford the tailed beast to get free again." She tells him making him run, the ninja surrounding the three, following, still in their formation surrounding them. Anbu Black Ops were following in the trees and even underground.

"Again?" Takeru and Naruto ask at the same time, sounding confused.

Kushina frowns, "We'll discuss it later with your father present, for now we must get far away from that man." She says voice brimming with authority.

Minato had gotten in one final attack before the masked man hit the ground then standing up straight and tall and holding his shoulder, "I'll be back, so don't let your guard down Namikaze." He says and sinks into the ground, disappearing.

"He got away." Lord Third says still tense. "He's injured but he'll be back." Minato says eyes full of anger.

"We must reinforce our security measures, send out the Uchiha Police force to check border security." An Anbu appeared kneels before accepting and then dispersed towards the Police Force headquarters. The Police Force HQ was buzzing with life. Fugaku had several six man groups going out and when the anbu informed him of what Lord Fourth had asked Fugaku acknowledged and sent out five of his best men to the edge borders of the village.

Once they arrived they put up their guard, "No way! They're all dead!" The youngest one shouted then started puking.

"Miharuko, go give word… every Border Patrol Ninja was slaughtered on sight." The oldest and the leader of the group says harshly.

Miharuko nods and wipes his mouth before jumping away and back towards the village. Once back at the Police Force HQ he found Fugaku and kneeled to one knee with his head down at his feet. "Leader-Sama! We checked in at the border…" He says.

"Ahh, Miharuko-chan… Report." Fugaku says crossing his arms over his chest.

Miharuko looked up, "All border Security was slaughtered Sir, none remained alive when we found them." He says trembling.

"All of them?" Fugaku asks eyes widening.

"Yes sir, all were dead." Miharuko confirms.

"Take ten men with you and stay at the borders, I'll speak with Lord Fourth on the matter immediately. That will be all." Miharuko nods and shunshines away.

"Father?" Fugaku turns around to see Sasuke standing a few feet away. "Sasuke, why are you not at home?" He asks sternly.

"Mother asked me to bring you this." Sasuke says running up to him and handing over what Mikoto had sent him with.

Fugaku sighs then smirks before messing Sasuke's hair about, "Thank you son, now go back home and tell your mother I won't be home till late."

Sasuke puffs out his cheeks then smiles, "Alright father!" He exclaims suddenly hugging his father, short enough that he only came up to his father's belly button in height. He then runs off while waving backwards then bumping into something solid.

"Sasuke? You're here? Did mother send you over?" A male voice asks helping Sasuke to stand.

Sasuke looks up and smiles at the familiar face. "Big Brother Itachi, ahh yes! She sent something over for father." He tells him with a wide smile and eyes smiling as well.

"I see school didn't wear you out much." Itachi says smiling pleasantly then with two fingers he poked his little brother on the forehead.

Sasuke puffs out his cheeks again then chuckles happily, "No of course not… but that Hokage brat and I sparred together today." He huffed irritably.

"Who won this time?" Itachi asks to amuse his little brother.

"Neither, we were even but I got mad when he bowed to me so I kicked him in the face." Sasuke says looking away and down.

"Sasuke, how many times must I tell you…." Itachi sighs then shakes his head. "Be kind when others show you kindness, otherwise you'll never keep friend's." He tells him.

"But I don't need friends when I have you, big brother." Sasuke snarks off.

Itachi flicks Sasuke's forehead then walks passed him, "You need more than me and you'll realize that one day little brother… go home Sasuke." He says, smiles and continues walking off.

[Next Day]


/Hokage Tower/

Naruto and Takeru sat in front of the Hokage's desk, they looked at one another then back down at their hands. "Do you two not realize just how pressing this matter is? You two weren't to know about this until you were older. Neither of you are allowed to talk about this. Only a select few shinobi even know that you three are the holders." Minato says.

Naruto looks up and glares, he jumps to his feet and pointed a shaky finger at his father's face, "Dattebayo! It's not like we knew in the first place! We didn't make that freaky mask man capture us! Don't act all high and mighty yuh know!" He shouts.

Minato slams his hands down on the desk, standing at his full height and intimidating the smaller blonde who cringed and fell back into his chair. Kushina was trying to hold back a giggle by holding her hand to her mouth but couldn't help it. "I do not see what's so funny about this situation, Kushina." Minato says irritably.

"He just said yuh know, yuh know…" She says then starts laughing when her husband deadpans.

Lord Third clears his throat which makes Kushina calm down, "Young Naruto, we know you knew nothing of what's inside of you but you must understand… this secret has been kept for over twelve years and you must never tell anyone."

Naruto watches the previous Hokage for a moment before nodding his head and Takeru nods as well. "Yes Sir." They say in unison.

Kushina stands and walks over to the younger two before seating herself infront of them on her knees, "We are jinchuriki, but that doesn't mean we're the beast itself. You must realize that my son's, after all his influence on us humans is rather harsh. He knows our weaknesses and he'll use that to his advantage. You must see beyond the unseeable and you must know how to keep the beast under your control. Your father and I and everyone in the room will help with that if you'll let us?" She touches their faces gently.

Takeru smiles sadly, "Why did that masked man want the beast? Isn't it just chakra?" He asks.

Kushina looks up at Minato who clears his throat, "We don't know why he wants the tailed beast but we do know he will do most anything to get his hands on it. That being said, you three must be vigil and know your surroundings at all times, no running off on your own when you're upset. I must know where you are at all times to keep this village and you all safe."

Naruto jumps up again, "Hey! Don't talk like we're animals!" He shouts.

"Enough Naruto! You will listen to me! I am your father and your Hokage! I am your authority first and your friend last! Do you understand me!" Minato shouts.

Naruto turns arounds, "Of course I understand, Dattebayo! I'm not an idiot! Lord Hokage!" He shouts then grits his teeth while clenching his fists. "You say you're my father but you never really act like it! Alls you ever do is give orders and throw around your title!"

"That's right, I do give orders, that is the way of shinobi life and that's what a father does, he makes sure his child knows what's right. Grow up." Minato says voice a bit softer.

Naruto turns around, eyes blazing red and whisker marks bold and pronounced. "You don't scare me at all." He says then turns and yanked away from his mother's grasp before running out of the office. 'Stupid father! Stupid shinobi way of life!' He shouts in his head. He runs into something soft yet solid. He looks up to see a dog masked man and cringes back, "Anbu?" He says intimidated.

"Naruto, what are you doing out here without permission?" The dog masked man asks sounding annoyed.

Naruto almost growls, "Oh shut up! Why don't you all just leave me alone!" He shouts hitting at the man who didn't move even slightly at the smaller boys fragile wrists.

"Dog." The masked ninja says.

"What?" Naruto asks confused.

"My name is Dog." He tells Naruto.

Naruto looks away, "That's nice." He says still pissed off. Crossing his arms over his chest he humphs.

"What's with all the hostility?" Dog asks going down to one knee to be at eye level with the small blond.

Naruto looks at Dog and then sighed, "He's always so overprotective, I wish he'd give me some space once in a while." He pouts.

"You mean, your father?" Dog asks.

"Yeah…" He sighs and kicks a rock. "He acts like he owns me rather than that I am my own person and he my father."

"Ahh, I see… But aren't all father's that way young Naruto?" Dog asks a finger to the mouth of his mask as if he were contemplating something serious.

"Maybe, I don't know… But, how do you know my name?" Naruto inquires, lip jutting out and eyes exactly like a puppies sad expression.

Dog chuckles then ruffles Naruto's hair, "Oh Naruto you don't need to know how I know you but you do need to know that your father only acts the way he does in order to keep peace within the village and to keep you safe from harm, you're special you know. Now go on back to your parents. After all, we should always respect our elders and listen to them, they know what they're talking about and we only ever get one set of parents to love us and care for us, to keep us safe; now don't we huh?" The Anbu ruffles Naruto's hair eye smiling and a big smile splitting behind his mask.

Naruto smiles, "Alright. Thanks… Dog." He says and runs back towards the Hokage Tower.

Dog watches him for a moment then vanishes back into the tree branches. 'A rather harsh temper that one has… he definitely gets it from Lady Kushina.' Dog thinks amused before jumping from tree to tree then across the building's towards a certain MIA/KIA stone.

Naruto did as he was told to do and went back to the Hokage Tower. He was just about to knock when someone grabbed him from behind a hand to his mouth and another holding him close, "Shh, this won't take long…" The man whispered into Naruto's ear while grabbing the seal on Naruto's stomach and twisting using chakra.

Naruto feels sweat pouring down his face and as he looked through his peripheral vision he sees the masked man from the day before was holding him tightly. He hadn't sensed the man's chakra, was he masking it? How was he masking it so well?! "Listen and watch young one." The man whispered.

Naruto glared then bit harshly into the man's hand, "No don't! Don't do it!" Naruto screamed once he had his mouth and jaw free. The man had been loosening the seal and finally it released, Naruto fell forward, the man disappeared just as the door opened. Naruto began to puke black liquid, the seal broken and his body glowing and bubbling red.

"Naruto, what's wrong?" Kushina shouted.

Naruto looked up, "Stay away, he's… he's here." Naruto choked out. Minato stepped in front of Kushina and pushed her inside the room. "No… stay away." Naruto gagged out, the man suddenly appeared and kicked Minato into a wall before his sharingan spun to life again and the Kyuubi roared within the seal attempting to not be captured. "Father!" Naruto screamed as the masked man yanked him up and out into the night before warping away.

"Come on out, Kyuubi." The masked man says chaining Naruto to a tree and forcing the chakra beast out of him fast.

Naruto's eyes went completely white and then his head went limp to the side. "No, please… don't hurt them. Don't you have someone precious you want to protect?" Naruto asks voice low as his life slowly drained from his body. The Kyuubi with magnificent size in height and bulk, growling and swaying it's tails. Naruto looked up and his eyes met the red eyes of the beast. "You're free… but I was keeping you safe you dumb fox." Naruto says and the fox glares before letting out a loud boisterous boom it's eyes like that of the mangekyo sharingan.

"Kyuubi." Naruto whispers holding out a hand just as a large branch slams into him. The chains break and Naruto falls to the forest floor, "That hurt, yuh know…" He mumbles, just as an arm wraps around his bloody figure and in a flash they're gone.

"You're name surely is for your astounding speed, I'm intrigued yet again… Yellow Flash." The masked man thinks aloud before looking up at the Kyuubi and locking it even deeper into his genjutsu, it's eyes swirling with the sharingan.

Minato set Naruto down, the boy was breathing slow, sounding almost hollow-like and almost as if he had the death rattle. His vitals seemed unstable for what Minato could tell. His lack of healing ability ended at the vital stage, he looked at his son, the small boy was almost identical to Minato, besides having his mother's beautiful round face. "I told you didn't I?" He says to his son, his voice soft almost as if he were trying to keep himself calm as well.

Naruto opened his eyes halfway, they were dazed, unfocused, "I was… I was wrong." He whispered.

Minato's eyes widened and he snapped his neck backward in surprise, "Wrong?" He asks trying to concentrate on his Son's words and his chakra coursing through his hand placed on the small boy's seal trying to see how much chakra he had left.

"You don't just throw around your title… or give useless orders to satisfy your rank… thank you for… being my father." He says lungs closing up, making him wheeze and an even deeper rattling noise as he neared death. He smiled before his eyes slowly closed and his face began to go pale, his body completely still and limp as a noodle. Being of Uzumaki blood meant he had quite a large chakra reserve, so as long as Minato could reseal the small amount of the Kyuubi's chakra back into Naruto in time, the boy would most likely live.

"Naruto…" Minato says tears falling down his cheeks before looking up at the Kyuubi and then using hiraishin to move away with his son tucked protectively against his chest.

Back at the Hokage Tower, Lord Third was keeping Kushina and Takeru along with Minnie under strict guard. Even if Minnie had no beast sealed within her that didn't mean that she couldn't be targeted for use as a bargaining chip. Jiraiya had taken off towards the beasts chakra and found Minato not too far off attempting to keep Naruto safe and keep away from the masked man.

"Jiraiya-San! Where's Minato-Sensei?!" A dog masked man asked voice louder than usual and his teammates Rin and Obito beside him.

Jiraiya points in the direction where Minato is hiding and the dog masked man vanishes, "Jiraiya-San, did the Kyuubi really get extracted?!" Rin asks a bit scared.

"Ahh! Look for yourself Rin-Chan!" Obito shouts shaking while pointing a shaking arm at the large two story fox trotting closer and roaring. "Rin-Chan! That thing is huge!" He shouts eyes as big as saucers.

Rin blew her bangs out of her eyes and smiled, "Is Obito-kun afraid of the big bad fox?" She teases.

"Maa maa, it's supposed to be a big bad Wolf in the story of Little Red Riding Hood not a Fox Rin-chan!" Obito says irritatedly.

Rin chuckles while eye smiling, "Let's go help Kakashi-kun and Sensei, eh Obito-kun?" She says cheerfully trying hard to ignore Obito's annoying whining, her hands behind her back and clasped together while she swayed back and forth before running the way Kakashi had went. Obito runs after her not wanting to be left out.

Jiraiya bites his thumb and runs through hand signs, "Summoning Justu!" He exclaims as Gamabunta poofs into view with Jiraiya now on the top of his head. Jiraiya's long hair swung about his face and back, the expression was one of being very serious.

"You summoned me Jiraiya, what is it this time?" The toad asks before blowing a large ball of smoke.

"The Kyuubi… was released." Jiraiya tells him voice soft but warm.

"That… doesn't sound pleasant." The Chief Toad says voice shaking the ground underneath him. Shinobi started jumping and running passed the two and Gamabunta sighs taking a large drag from his pipe. "Well, let's go." He says and leaps as far as he possibly can. The wind gust from his jump made the shinobi fall or be carried into nearby trees if they didn't have something to hold onto. Gamabunta takes a second leap and manages to sit on top of the large beasts back and hold him down with his weight. "I can only hold him for so long." Gamabunta shouts.

Minato was already on it, he managed to take hold of the Kyuubi's chakra and yanked it out of the beast making it disappear into his hand bubbling and burning his skin. "This seal allows me to keep you in the form of chakra but it doesn't help the side effects of the burning from such dense chakra being balled up into one." He says squinting one eye and grimacing in pain. Minato made sure the masked man wasn't near and went through hand signs before transferring the nine tails quickly back into his son's body. Naruto was so quiet, Minato didn't know if he was even alive still, until he opened his dual eyes and slowly touched Minato's cheek before reclosing his eyes and falling asleep.

"Sensei, Kakashi and Obito are keeping the masked man away! Let me take young Naruto out of harm's way!" Rin says.

Minato nods, "He'll be just fine now… I was able to pull the Kyuubi's chakra back into Naruto and reseal him. Be careful Rin and don't get hurt." Minato says and hiraishin's away.

Rin smiles at the smaller boy before pulling him up and onto her back. For being twelve he was rather thin and short. She chuckled, 'You sure need to grow more, Naruto.' She says happily and uses chakra in her feet to get away.

"I don't think so." The masked man says behind her grabbing Naruto off her back and sending her crashing a few hundred feet away.

"Ahhh!" She screams.

The masked man yanks Naruto up by the back of his hair and makes him open his eyes, "If I can't have you and that tailed beast then neither can your family." He says and with one handed signs he sends Naruto through a time and space jutsu. Minato had been late by a fraction of a second their fingers just brushing one another's as Naruto went falling through a blank pocket of time. Darkness was all around the short blond child, when he finally managed to open his eyes with force, he coughed and then looked around. "Where is this?" He thinks out loud.

There were blue ice like tendrils that hide a pure white surrounding. He blinked a couple times then sat up, a pain shooting through his gut. A boy with brown hair and dressed in white sat up at the same time. They mirrored each other's movements then the brown haired boy grabbed for Naruto'e hand and he started to spiral fast into darkness.

He started falling, it was suddenly daylight and he was hitting tree branch after tree branch and breaking each one as he descended towards the ground below. He was suddenly caught midair, breaking his fall before being laid down on the ground

"Naruto? Hey! Naruto can you hear me?" A frantic voice shouted at him from above him.

Naruto didn't answer, he was shaking and afraid. He'd just been resealed twice in under two days, once before the Kyuubi would be released and once after it had been. He was completely out of chakra, the Kyuubi was angry for being put back into its prison and Naruto just wanted to sleep but the person shouting at him was being persistent so he groaned and opened his eyes. "Thank goodness, you opened your eyes." The man says sounding relieved.

Naruto blinked a couple times then looked about. Where was he? Was he still in Konoha? Where was his father? Why was it suddenly daylight? Where was Jiraiya-San or that beautiful girl that had tried to save him that his father trusted him with? Naruto sat up slowly and grabbed his head then his stomach. "Itai…" He mumbled.

"What's hurting Naruto, tell me. Did you get injured in that fall? It was pretty high up." The man says again.

Naruto grumbles and looks up, shocked. 'Iruka-sensei?' He thinks staring at the man uncomfortably. "Where are we?" He asks.

Iruka helps him stand, "I was heading passed this ridge from the training grounds and heard you scream before seeing you falling off that ledge up there. Did you trip while attempting to train?" Iruka asks waiting for a reply.

"I don't remember… where is this place? I've never seen this part of Konoha before… Are my parents alright? Is Takeru and Minnie safe?" He asks.

Iruka steps back, eyes wide and taken aback by what the Jinchuriki just asked. "I think we better go have a talk with Lord Hokage." He says.

"That's legit what I was just asking…" Naruto says rubbing his stomach and looking up at Iruka with one eye while the other one was clenched shut from the pain coursing through his head and gut.

[Hokage Tower]



"So, what I'm being told is that you found young Naruto falling and now he has memories that aren't correct?" Lord Third says.

Naruto had wide eyes and was staring dumbfoundedly at the current Hokage, "Not right, it's not right…" He was whispering repeatedly to himself.

"What isn't correct Naruto?" Lord Third asks.

"How can you be Hokage? Minato Namikaze is the current Hokage…" He says still holding his stomach. A pain shoots through his gut out of nowhere and he falls forward to his knees.

"Are you alright Naruto?" Iruka asks.

Lord Third watches carefully as Naruto is helped back up, "...and how do you know this Minato Namikaze? Have you been reading?" He asks.

Naruto shakes his head, "Why wouldn't I know my own father? That's a dumb question to ask somebody Lord Third." Naruto says shaking. He was exhausted and terrified, he couldn't find his family and people weren't acting the way that they normally did.

"Your father you say," Lord Third says and Naruto notices he's moved his hand. Naruto gasps and steps back when he notices Anbu blurring into the room. "Find Inoichi and Ibiki and bring them here immediately." Lord Third orders.

Naruto sighs, "Am I in trouble?" He asks.

"No Naruto, you're not in trouble… but I don't think you understand the problem that's going on. What is the last thing you remember?" Lord third asks seriously.

Naruto looks at the Hokage and then thinks for a moment, "My father and Jiraiya-San were fighting against the nine tails. It had been extracted from me by a masked man and father had just resealed it back into my seal and sent me with a young woman. She got a little ways before the masked man attacked and that's when I woke up to Iruka-Sensei attempting to wake me up." He says looking at the Hokage directly in his eyes the entire time he spoke.

Lord Third looks at Iruka then back to Naruto, "How could your father reseal the beast inside you? It is not possible to have it sealed again in the same container more than one time." He inquires.

Naruto looks down, "Because the Kyuubi is split between three people, it has less chakra therefore it is weaker and since I'm half Uzumaki, I don't die upon extraction thus he had time to do a reseal before I were to die. Father is very fluid in fuinjutsu as well as my mother… You should know Lord Third, you know my parents just as well as I do probably even better." Naruto says eyes now sharp and thinking.

He looks around the room and stops at the pictures of the previous Hokages, "There, see! My father is the blond haired man in that picture." He exclaims pointing to Minato's face. "His Hokage cloak has Fourth Hokage stitched into it and orange flames that come up from the bottom. Ask Jiraiya-San, he'll understand what I mean!" Naruto shouts.

"Jiraiya?" Lord Third asks eyes narrowing.

"He's my Godfather, he's also one of the three great Sannin… He fights with Toads during battles and he always has the best stories to tell!" Naruto says hyper. His eyes suddenly glazed over and he faints falling straight down.

"Uhh, Naruto!" Iruka shouts catching the boy.

"Is he still awake?" Lord Third asks.

Iruka shakes his head, "Seems to me like he's passed out again. He's breathing but I can tell there's signs of chakra exhaustion Lord Third. But how? Naruto usually only uses Chakra when he isn't really paying attention to it. Or when he's messing around that is..." Iruka states remembering Naruto's sexy jutsu he pulled on him during his mess up the other day when he painted the Hokage faces and was evading the Anbu.

"It seems this isn't our Naruto." Lord Third states.

"But… if he's not our Naruto… then where is ours? and where does this one belong?" Iruka asks. Naruto groans and mumbled something incoherently, Iruka puts his ear close to Naruto's mouth and hears him mumbling about pain in his stomach. Iruka lays Naruto down flat and closes his eyes while his palms start to glow.

His eyes widen, "What is it Iruka?" Lord Third asks standing and walking around the desk.

Iruka looks up, "I can't feel any of his own chakra mixing with that… that…"

"With the nine tails…" Lord Third finishes and Iruka nods his head before standing and moving away from the blond haired boy.

A knock sounds and Lord Third tells those present behind the door to come in. Three Anbu, Ibiki and Inoichi all appear, "Lord Third you've summoned us?" Inoichi asks.

Lord Third nods, "Yes I would like for you to search the boy's mind for me Inoichi-san." He says pointing to Naruto who was on the floor.

Inoichi looks down and his eyes widen, "Search the mind of the… Jinchuuriki? Lord Hokage, is that even possible? What if the…"

"Go on, go on… At least try Inoichi." Lord Third remarks wanting the Yamanaka to get on with it. Inoichi bows his head before going to one knee beside the blond and places his hand on his forehead two fingers raised on his free hand before he enters Naruto's mind. He walks about for a bit, then stops when the scenery changed to that of a vicious Kyuubi roaring at him and throwing him out of Naruto's mind.

"I cannot walk in this one's mind, the beast will not allow it." Inoichi says standing and stepping away.

"Did you at least get anything?" Lord Third asks looking at Inoichi from under his Hokage's hat.

Inoichi shakes his head defeated, "Nothing, as soon as I entered the Kyuubi's malice instantly kicked me out." He says. "Very well, Ibiki. I want you to try now."

Ibiki grins and bares his teeth before cracking his knuckles, "My pleasure." He says sadistically.

"Without torturing him too much." Lord Third says tone of voice and expression making that statement final.