Hello all Storm here with a new chapter! Here we'll be seeing the official formation of the Feuerjaegers and the start of the war between Konoha and Suna/Oto. So, without further ado.

I own nothing

Two days have passed, since Hiashi was announced as the Godaime Hokage, along with the official declaration of war against Suna. Currently, the Rookie Genin, and their senseis, all headed to Yakiniku Q to process what they just heard.

Now they were mostly sitting in silence, and eating, none of them really sure what to say.

"So, it's really happening? We're actually going to war with Suna?" Ino asked, while looking around, having spoken up, just to break the uncomfortable silence.

"Looks like it." Stated Shikamaru, sighing at how things have turned out.

"We're going to have to fight, aren't we." Kiba said grimly, with Shino nodding in agreement.

"Most likely, we will be taking part in the battles to come. With there, also being a high a chance of us dying." Shino said, knowing that once the Hokage sends the Ninja out to attack Suna, there was a high chance some of them won't come back.

"I doubt the Hokage-sama will send you Genin out to fight. You're more likely to remain and guard the village." Said Kurenai, not wanting her students to go into a warzone, and be forced to kill, or worse, be killed themselves.

"Don't get their hopes up Kurenai, we all know that all Ninja, no matter the rank or age, will be sent out." Asuma said, not wanting the Genin to get false hope that they won't be forced to fight in a war.

While Asuma also didn't want his students to have to experience a war, like they did, he knew it was inevitable now. The best they could do, is make sure they're prepared to take lives, and hope they don't die, themselves.

"They're children, Asuma! They shouldn't be forced to participate in a war!" Kurenai retorted.

"Kurenai, they stopped being children, the moment they became Ninja. If you keep treating them like children, you'll not only be doing a disservice to them, but yourself, by not making sure they were prepared for anything. Whether we like it, or not, whether they want to, or not, is now inconsequential, we all will be going to war, and fighting in it. You can either accept that and do what you can to make sure your students are prepared, or you can keep treating them like children, and accept the consequences, if they don't make it back." Said Kakashi, somewhat brutally, but also honestly.

"Kakashi is right." Gai said seriously, before looking at the Genin.

"This will be unlike any mission you've taken, it won't be a controlled environment, out there on the battlefield, you won't have us there to watch your backs. Sometimes, you'll even be completely alone against enemies, the only thing you can do, and what matters, is surviving by any means necessary." Gai said, as a few of the Genin looked unsure, and worried about this.

"We-well, isn't there anything else we could do, besides fight?" Ino asked nervously at the prospect of participating in an actual battle, being forced to kill, or worse dying herself.

Though she jumped, along with a few others, when a hand slammed down on the table encasing it in ice. Looking, Ino gulped when she saw Naruko standing over her, accompanied by Kabuto, Kin, Shizune, Tayuya, Karin, and the Sand Siblings.

"Yes, here's something you can do. You can turn in your headband, and go home to hide under your bed, like the pathetic coward you are." Naruko said, glaring at Ino, who wilted under her cold look, before the reincarnated Uzumaki looked at the rest of the Genin.

"The same goes to the rest of you. You can either grow up and accept what being a Ninja is really like, or you can quit now, and save the rest of us the trouble of collecting your corpse off the battlefield, because you couldn't bring yourself to kill an enemy." Said Naruko, before looking at her teammates and sensei.

"Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi. Let's go, the Hokage wants to see all of us." Said Naruko, with the three nodding, before they stood up, while following Naruko and the others out of the restaurant, leaving the remaining Genin to trade uneasy expressions, while thinking over everything they just heard.

Meanwhile, Naruko had lead the group she had gathered to the Hokage's Tower, most of them curious as to the reason Naruko had gathered them all together.

Once they reached the Tower, they went up to the Hokage's office, with Naruko knocking, before entering, after being allowed in.

"Good, you're all here. I'm sure you're all wondering why you are all here." Hiashi said, before motioning Naruko to step forward, with the Uzumaki doing so, and turning to address the others.

"After myself, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kabuto were promoted to Chūnin, I spoke with the Hokage about the formation of a new elite team. A special Police Squad, that would take any mission, no matter the difficultly, along with suppressing the criminal elements in their jurisdiction, by any means necessary. This team would also report directly to the Hokage, along with receiving their orders from the Hokage, only." Naruko explained, with the others now having an idea of why they were all gathered, while Hiashi nodded.

"She's correct. And after thinking about it, I have agreed to form this new team, the Feuerjaegers. All of you were selected by Naruko to join, with Naruko herself serving as the leader. But I leave the choice of joining, up to you all." Said Hiashi. while looking at them all, to see which among them would join, while he could see why Naruko had selected them to join the Feuerjaegers, along with having read their files.

Kabuto, Sakura, Shizune, and Karin would serve as medics, while also having a talent to be fighters as well, making it so they wouldn't have to stay back, and away from the fighting.

Kakashi, Sasuke, and Gaara were all Ninjutsu specialists, and would make up the frontlines fighters, along with Naruko, herself.

While Tayuya, Kin, Temari, and Kankuro were the long-range fighters with Genjutsu, Wind Ninjutsu, Fire Ninjutsu and Puppets, respectively.

A well balanced team, which would only grow stronger, as the younger members grew older, and more experienced.

The group thought about the offer for a little, before soon, they all nodded at the offer.

"I guess we're all in agreement Hokage-sama. It'd be an honor to join this new team." Kakashi said, with Hiashi nodding at this.

"Very well, then from this moment on, the Feuerjaegers are created and under the command of Naruko Uzumaki. Now onto other matters, Chūnin Yakushi, the Fūma Clan have now been officially integrated into Konoha." Said Hiashi, given there hadn't been a Hokage at the time Kabuto had brought the Fūma Clan, along with several other of Orochimaru's former subordinates to Konoha, they had only recently been made an official clan of Konoha.

"That's good to hear Hokage-sama, I'm sure they will be a great addition to the village." Kabuto replied.

"I'm sure." Said Hiashi, while narrowing his eyes at Kabuto, having found it suspicious, how he managed to conveniently find such a valuable clan, like the Fūma Clan, and convince them, along with several others, to join Konoha.

Even more so, that they all originated from the Land of Rice, which was reportedly where Otogakure was located, Orochimaru's Hidden Village.

While Hiashi was sure that Kabuto was a spy for Orochimaru, the point was made moot with the Snake Sannin now dead, and with the new Chūnin having bolstered their forces, with the Ninja he brought in. But Hiashi will still monitor him just in case he decides to join a different side again.

"And as you know Naruko, it was voted in a Council Meeting for you to be given the two members of the Fūma Clan, that were offered to a member of the Council, as an act of good faith. These are the two members of the Fūma Clan, that you will get as retainer." Said Hiashi, while signaling one of the Anbu to bring the Fūma Clan members in.

Looking the group saw two Fūma girls, with only Kabuto and Tayuya recognizing them as Kotohime and Kagerō Fūma, two of the Fūma Clan members, that had sided with Orochimaru, after the Sannin promised to help restore their clan to greatness. Which ended, when Orochimaru was killed, but even worse was when they learned that the Sannin had lied from the beginning, and only intended to use them for his sick experiments.

Which he'd already done to other members of their clan.

It had crushed Kotohime and Kagerō, that the person who they put their trust in, never intended to help the Fūma Clan to begin with, and only wanted more guinea pigs. Meaning they had abandoned the rest of their clan for nothing, and even if Orochimaru had kept his word, it wouldn't matter with him now dead, anyway.

So, they had merely just been going through the motions, and did as their clan ordered them to, when Kabuto convinced them to join Konoha.

"Hmm, I'll be sure to look after them, Hokage-sama." Naruko said, while eyeing Kagerō and Kotohime hungrily, already thinking of all the things she could do with her new "retainers", while pleased that the Fūma members given to her were such pretty girls.

Since it had only been discussed and agreed, that two members would be given, not which ones, specifically.

Hiashi merely nodded, while knowing exactly what Naruko meant. Which was what the rest of the council wanted, as with the Fūma Clan's skill and talent in using Hidden Techniques and the Uzumaki Clan's skill in Fūinjutsu, they hoped that the two talents would be combined together.

This also served as Kagerō's and Kotohime's punishment for siding with Orochimaru. Now having to serve the person who helped kill the Sannin.

"That is all, for now. You are all dismissed to rest and prepare; we will be holding a meeting in a few days, to discuss battle plans, Chūnin Uzumaki." Hiashi said, with Naruko nodding, while eager for the chance to go out and crush Suna, along with any other opposition, in her way.

The newly formed Feuerjaegers, plus Kotohime and Kagerō, exited the Hokage Tower, and went their separate ways.

Naruko returned to the Senju Compound with her cousins, along with her new retainers.

"Kagerō, Kotohime, you both may pick out your rooms, whichever ones you desire. For now, simply get yourselves familiarized with the compound, and await any orders I'll have for you both." Naruko said, with the Fūma girls nodding absentmindedly.

"Hai Naruko-sama." Kagerō and Kotohime replied, walking towards the stairs, with Naruko watching them the entire time, with a pleased smirk on her face.

'Hmm, not to self, get collars for current and future slaves/retainers.' Naruko thought, wanting to make sure everyone knew who her girls belonged to, both her lovers and her slaves.

The three Uzumaki girls then sat down in the living room, with Tayuya and Karin watching Naruko.

"Alright, spill it you fucking sadist. What game are you playing?" Tayuya said.

"Game, Tayuya?" Naruko asked innocently.

"Yeah, game. I know you're up to something. Getting yourself a seat on the council, taking down that old hag from being Hokage, and now this team you've created. You're up to something." Tayuya stated, having spent enough time around Orochimaru, to know when someone has bigger plans than what they show everyone else, given the true purpose of the invasion was just so he could mark and capture Sasuke Uchiha, with the chance of destroying Konoha being a bonus.

So, Tayuya knew her cousin had something else up her sleeve, something big.

"Why Tayuya, are you accusing me of deceiving the honorable council of Konoha? Manipulating events in my favor, by acting as a loyal soldier? I'm hurt." Naruko said, putting a hand over her heart in hurt, only being met with deadpan looks from her cousins.

"No offense, Naruko, but that's exactly what we're accusing you of." Said Karin, while pushing her glasses up.

"So, what are you really planning? It can't just be you wanting to attack other villages for shits and giggles." Tayuya said, with Naruko smiling at her cousins, while wondering if she is that predictable, or they're just smarter than she gave them credit for.

"Tell me, have either of you thought of where you'll be in the future? The goals you want to achieve?" Naruko asked, with Tayuya and Karin looking at her in confusion at the seemingly random question.

"I always thought I'd either die working for the dead snake, or eventually escape, before I ran out of uses for him." Tayuya replied, given those working for Orochimaru didn't have the best life expectancy, unless they had a plan to get away from him.

"I guess having a family." Replied Karin.

"Hmmm, I used to dream of being Hokage, of earning the villagers respect. Making them see me as Naruko Uzumaki, and not the Kyūbi sealed inside me." Naruko said, having told her cousins about the Kyūbi, since she wanted there to be actual trust between them.

"But after what happened in the Forest of Death, and the month break. I have a new dream, a dream of a world covered in ice, of all the weaklings, sheep, and cowards bowing at the feet of their betters, all while I gaze down at them from atop my frozen throne. All of them knowing just how tiny they are, and that with just a snap of my fingers, I could end their lives. I dream of a world, where the law of nature rules, and my rule is law." Said Naruko, grinning wickedly, while Karin and Tayuya looked at her with wide eyes.

"…I was wrong before; you aren't a sadistic ice bitch. You are a crazy sadistic ice bitch! I'm in." Said a smirking Tayuya, excited at the idea of what Naruko plan for the future is.

"I…guess I can see that happening." Said Karin, while imagining getting payback against Kusagakure for what happened to her mother, and herself.

Her cousins responses made Naruko smile, pleased to know that they would follow her as she executed her plans.

However, Naruko was keeping a few details private, given she didn't want to overwhelm them with what the rest of her plans were.

*Uchiha Compound*

"So, you were given the Slug Contract?" Kin asked, as the three Uchiha's sat in the Uchiha Clan Heads Home, within the Uchiha Compound.

"Yes, as part of the compensation for what Tsunade did. Katsuyu was very understanding and apologizing for what happened." Replied Shizune, having spoken with Katsuyu, not long after getting the Slug Contract.

Thankfully, Katsuyu had been ignorant of what Tsunade did, but still apologized to Shizune for what happened, offering the Uchiha anything in her power, as repayment. Shizune waved off the apology, knowing Katsuyu didn't have anything to apologize for, and accepted her offer.

She had asked if it'd be possible for her to learn the Strength of a Hundred Men Seal, the secret of Tsunade's Super Strength, and maybe even Sage Mode as well, wanting to make the most out of having a summoning. Katsuyu had accepted this, with Tsunade having left this information for the former two with her, in the event she ever died, and was unable to pass on her knowledge to an apprentice.

This being before Tsunade began wallowing in self-pity and stopped caring about everything.

"Kin, I heard you use Senbon as your weapons. Is that true?" Shizune asked, with Kin nodding, and pulling out one of her Senbon with a bell attached.

"Yeah, I use them to cast Genjutsu and distract enemies, making them dodge the Senbon with a bell, while the ones without hit them. I also attach strings to the bells, to trigger the Genjutsu, and disorient them." Kin said, with Shizune nodding at that, but saw she could use them better.

"Well if you want, I could give you some poisons that you could add to you Senbon and make them more deadly. Along with showing you the best places to hit, to incapacitate your enemies, and how to inflict the most pain on them, as well." Shizune offered, knowing several uses for Senbon, with Kin nodding in appreciation, both at the chance to get stronger, and training with her newly discovered cousin.

Meanwhile, Sasuke remained silent through the conversation, while still paying attention to what was being said, as he looked around his former home. Some place he never thought he'd set foot in, again, after that night.

But he also never thought he'd discover more Uchiha were alive, besides him and Itachi. And yet here he was, with two family members, one who didn't know she was an Uchiha, and the other, who was forced to forget.

It made him wonder, were there other Uchiha descendants out there, that he didn't know about? Unaware of their own heritage, or even hiding out of fear of what would happen, should they be discovered.

'If there are, I'll find them.' Sasuke swore, determined to see if there were more Uchiha out there, and find them.

"What happened to Tsunade?" Sasuke asked, wanting to make sure she was really punished for what she did to a member of his clan.

"A fitting punishment." Answered Shizune, while smirking.

*Anbu HQ*

"Let me go, you bastards! Let me go, before I cave your fucking skulls in!" Tsunade screamed, as she struggled against the Anbu restraining her, while Jiraiya stood in front of her, with a downcast expression on his face.

He had been ordered by the council to put a seal on Tsunade, to force her to both train new medics and heal any injured Ninja during the war, along with following any and all orders given to her. Thankfully, it was only orders that involved the war and her duties as a ninja, and not ones of a sexual nature, which Jiraiya was thankful for. But he still didn't like the idea of putting a seal on his teammate.

"Tsunade, please, just stop struggling, so we can get this over with." Jiraiya said, wanting to get this done quickly, along with needing Tsunade to hold still, so he didn't make a mistake with seal, and accidently render her braindead.

"Fuck off Jiraiya! You should be helping me get out of this damn village!" Shouted Tsunade, while glaring at the Anbu and her teammate, with Jiraiya sighing, before looking at the Anbu.

"Hold her head back." Jiraiya said, with the Anbu nodding, before forcing Tsunade's head back, with the Senju paling, when Jiraiya pulled out his brush and ink.

"Wa-wait! Jiraiya, please, don't do this! I-I'll do anything you want, anything~" Tsunade said, looking at him seductively, while pushing her chest out, making Jiraiya look at her with wide eyes.

"Come on, if you help me escape, I'll finally give you what you've always wanted, me." Said Tsunade, hoping to use Jiraiya's feelings for her to escape.

Jiraiya looked at her in disbelief at what she was offering. She was actually offering herself, if he helped her escape, part of him was even tempted to do just that, after years of pining after Tsunade.

Not a moment after thinking that, Jiraiya couldn't help but be hurt, that Tsunade was really using his feeling for her, against him. Knowing full well that if he even tried helping her, the Anbu would restrain him as well, and then they'd both have seals put on them. But she still did it, anyway, only caring about her own freedom, rather than the consequences of what would happen, if he failed.

"Let's just get this over this." Jiraiya muttered, dipping the brush in the ink, before placing it on Tsunade's forehead, with the Senju now trying to struggle to get free again, but it was hopeless, as the seal was placed on her.


Meanwhile, in the underground headquarters of the Foundation, Danzō sat in his office, thinking over recent events.

While it was disappointing, he didn't become Hokage, Tsunade also didn't get the title, and was now being properly disciplined for her years of absence. While Hiashi was at least a better choice and knew when it was necessary for shows of force to their enemies.

'And soon Suna and the Land of Wind will be under Konoha's control, perhaps even the Land of Rivers.' Danzō though, knowing their forces will have to cross through the Land of Rivers to reach Suna, and there was a chance they'd encounter resistance there, or even them allying with Suna.

All in all, he didn't have much to complain about, and was pleased with the direction Konoha was going. With any luck, they'll get more chances to show their power against any other upstart villages, that think they can challenge Konoha's might.

*Timeskip-Three Days*

"Our best bet, is to send our forces through the Land of Rivers and capture both Takumi Village and the Katabami Gold Mines. With Takumi Village, we'd have another source of weapons and armor, even better with the skill the Takumi blacksmiths have. While the Katabami Gold Mine will provide us a source of income for our forces, after the war, and compensation to the families of those that don't make it back." Shikaku explained, as the council stood around a table, looking at a map of the Elemental Nations, while focusing on the Land of Rivers, which lied between Fire Country and Wind Country.

They were currently planning how to go about getting their forces to Suna, with the only options being by land or by sea. The latter was out, given Konoha didn't have any ships to use, and their Ninja had to conserve their Chakra, along with not being able to travel that fast of a distance, with Water Walking.

That left traveling by land, as the quickest option was going through the Land of Rivers.

The council members nodded in agreement at Shikaku's reasoning. Naruko was especially eager to conquer Takumi Village, as from what she's heard, the weapons produced there possessed abilities that made them similar to Teigu, but definitely not having the same power Teigu had.

But they'd still be useful to have, if she found any that complimented her new teams abilities.

Just then, an Anbu appeared, and kneeled to Hiashi, before handed him a scroll.

"Hokage-sama, we just received word from one of our spies, the Land of Rivers as allied with Sunagakure, and the remnants of Otogakure. Takumi Village has also allied themselves with Suna, and from what our spies report, it seems a group of Takumi Ninja have succeeded in reviving Takumi Village's founder, Seimei." The Anbu reported, making the council frown, while Hiashi opened the scroll and read the report.

"This complicates things." Hiashi muttered, since if it's true and Seimei was somehow revived, than they had a new and dangerous opponent to face.

While not a Ninja of any renown clan, Seimei had been a master weapons crafter and Bukijutsu user, to the point he was consider the ultimate weapon, by the people of Takumi.

"If the Land of Rivers have sided with Suna and Oto, then they are now enemies, and will be dealt with, as well." Danzō said.

"Yes, but we now have to think of new strategies. If Seimei is revived, he's likely creating new weapons for the people of Takumi to use, possibly the Suna and Oto forces as well, making them even more dangerous." Hiashi said.

"Hokage-sama if I may. Allow me and the Feuerjaegers to move ahead, and deal with Takumi, as well as the rest of the Land of Rivers. We'll crush any resistance in our way, while making sure that the rest of Konoha's forces will experience no trouble, on the journey." Said Naruko.

"And what of Seimei and the rest of Takumi Village's Ninja?" Hiashi questioned, with Naruko smirking viciously.

"We'll show them what real Ninja can do, and not some foolish blacksmiths playing dress up." Replied Naruko, planning to give Takumi Village a very clear message of why they shouldn't meddle in Shinobi affairs.

"Very well, the Feuerjaegers will be sent ahead of the main force, to wipe out any resistance within the Land of Rivers. You'll leave immediately." Hiashi said, with Naruko nodding, while giving a short bow, before leaving to collect her team.

'And now it begins.' Naruko thought with a sadistic grin.

*Timeskip-Two Days*

The Feuerjaegers stood several kilometers away from Takumi Village, where they could see their forces gathered, before them. While at the very front, was who they guessed was the revived Seimei wearing armor, that seemed to be made of weapons.

"Well, guess the rumors of him being revived are true." Karin stated.

"And it seems he's been busy." Added Kabuto, taking of note of how nearly all the Takumi Ninja carrying unique weapons that surely boasted powerful abilities.

"What's the plan Naruko?" Kakashi asked, looking at the team leader, who merely smirked before stepping forward.

"No plan. This isn't going to be a battle, or an attack, it's a show of force." Replied Naruko, as she walked towards the Takumi Ninja, with the others following her, while guessing what she was about to do.

Holding up her hand towards Takumi, Naruko muttered a single word.


Not a moment later, a large storm of snow and ice erupted from Naruko's hand, encasing everything it touched in ice. Before any of the Takumi Ninja could react, the storm shot towards them, and soon, they and their entire village was trapped within the ice.

None of the Feuerjaegers batted an eye at the display, having already seen Naruko do such feats, already. But even still, they couldn't help, but be amazed at the power she possessed. Even more so, when they got close enough to see that those trapped in the ice were still alive.

"Start thawing everyone out, and put Suppression Seals on them, and take the weapons and armor, as well. It's time they learned their place." Naruko said, while smirking wickedly.


It took a while, but the Feuerjaegers managed to free all the Ninja from the ice, and place Suppression Seals on them. With Naruko creating a stage made of ice, where she had Seimei, along with the group responsible for reviving him. The reincarnated Uzumaki eyeing the sole female of the group, already planning on taking her, for herself.

Naruko then turned and faced the group of so-called Ninja, that were forced onto their knees.

"Look at you all, the "mighty Takumi Ninja" on your knees, where you belong. I actually find it quite funny, that you upstart blacksmiths truly believed you were Ninja. And why is that, because you had fancy weapons and armor, that you had this decrepit fossil, here to help you?" Naruko said, motioning to the bound Seimei, no one daring to speak out against the person, who singlehandedly defeated them.

"That doesn't make you Ninja; it doesn't even make you fighters. It only makes you pathetic, worthless, weaklings! Do you fools even know how to use these weapons, or just think your strong, because of their abilities?!" Naruko demanded, with a sneer at the crowd.

"It would be so easy to kill every single one of you, and guess, what no one would care. The rest of the Nations don't care about you fools; they don't even come to you for weapons, anymore! So, I could slaughter each and every one of you, and no one would care to stop me." Said Naruko, before smiling viciously, as she turned to face Seimei.

"But I've learned there are far worse fates than death. Let this be a lesson on what happens, when you try playing the Ninja game, and you lose." Naruko said, while walking up to Seimei, who merely smirked at her.

"Go ahead, kill me Ninja. My followers will just revive me again, and again." Said Seimei confidently, while Naruko giggled sadistically, while creating a curved ice knife.

"When I'm done, there won't be anything left to revive, and no one will even think of it, after today." Naruko stated, before manipulating the ice around his arms, to force them apart.

Grabbing his left wrist, Naruko looked at Seimei with a smirk, before placing her knife on his wrist, as she started cutting at his flesh. She cut a circle all the way around his wrist, with Seimei gritting his teeth, refusing to scream. Seeing this made Naruko's smirk widen, before cutting the back of his hand.

What happened next, horrified all the Takumi blacksmiths, and finally made Seimei scream in pain.

Naruko pushed her fingers under Seimei's cut flesh before violently tearing the flesh from his hand, as if removing a glove. She repeated the process with Seimei's other hand, removing the flesh from both hands, before tossing the pieces into the crowd.

"You pride yourself on the weapons you build, well now you can no longer build anything." Naruko said cruelly.

But Naruko didn't stop there, as she sliced open Seimei's robes and pants before putting on a glove and grabbing his genitals. Then with a single slash of her knife, Naruko cut his balls and cock off, reveling in his cries of agony.

Meanwhile, the Feuerjaegers watched all this neutral expressions, given some of them of seen such displays or torture, weren't phased by such brutality, or have seen worse in their lives. Except for Sakura and Karin, who were looking squeamish at the torture being committed their by teammate/cousin. While they may have accepted that war with Suna was inevitable, they weren't prepared for something like this.

They were about to look away, not wanting to see what else Naruko would do, until Sasuke spoke.

"Don't look away, you need to see it through to the end. Given it could have just as easily been either or both of you in his position if the situations were reversed. Like Naruko said, back in the Forest of Death, don't offer mercy to enemies, that would just as easily torture or kill you, if the tables were turned." Sasuke said, with Sakura and Karin nodding hesitantly, before facing the torture again.

Then to everyone's further horror, while all the male Feuerjaegers unconsciously covered their own crotches, when Naruko promptly shoved Seimei's severed genitals into his mouth and froze it shut.

"I've heard how you enjoy talking about how great you are, and how these sheep praise you and suck your dick. Well now you get it to eat!" Naruko said, while forcing Seimei to chew and swallow his own manhood, while a few of the blacksmiths started throwing up, at what they were being forced to witness.

After seeing Seimei had indeed swallowed his entire manhood, Naruko released his restraints and gag as the man fell to his hands and knees before emptying his stomachs contents, only for Naruko to then grab his head, and force his face into his own puke.

"Not so high and mighty now, are you, ultimate weapon!" Naruko taunted, while grinning cruelly, when she saw that Seimei was now actually whimpering, and crying at his humiliation.

Now she just had one last thing to do.

Sitting on Seimei's back, Naruko cut open his back, exposing his spine and ribs. After peeling his flesh back, Naruko turned her ice knife into a hammer before proceeding to violently hit his ribs, and severe them from his spine, with each hit getting more screams from Seimei..

After a rib was severed Naruko, bent it outwards exposing the organs underneath. Once all the ribs were severed and bent out, Naruko grabbed Seimei's lungs and placed them on the ribs, forming a pair of crude, bloody wings.

Standing up, Naruko looked at the thoroughly horrified, and most likely permanently scarred, blacksmiths, as they gazed at their tortured and dying founder.

"Let this be a warning to you fools. If you wish to pretend to be Ninja, then be prepared to die." Naruko said, before forming an ice blade over Seimei, that dropped down straight on his neck, putting him out of his misery.

"Gaara, put the head on a pike, somewhere where everyone can see it! And hang the body from the village entrance!" Said Naruko, wanting it to serve as a permanent reminder of what happened here.

Nodding, Gaara had his sand grab Seimei's remains, and went to put them where Naruko wanted.

'Now who to give these to.' Naruko thought, while looking at the Infinite Armor, Weaknessless Soaring Shortswords, the Garian Sword, and the Fire Sword, the weapons of the fools that revived Seimei, while deciding which of her teammates would receive them, given the abilities the items possessed.

After thinking about it, Naruko tossed the Infinite Armor to Tayuya, the Weaknessless Soaring Shortswords to Temari, the Garian Sword to Sasuke, and the Fire Sword to Kakashi.

"There, now at least those weapons will be used by people, who actually know how to use them. Now what to do with you four." Naruko said, turning to the Four Celestial Symbols Men, who hung their heads in defeat.

"Just kill us." The leader, Hōki, muttered, their spirits crushed at seeing their founder be tortured and killed.

"Didn't I already say…" Naruko said, while walking up to them, before pulling out a collar with the Uzumaki swirl on the center and placed it around the terrified Kujaku's neck.

"…there are worse fates than death." Said Naruko, as the rest of the Feuerjaegers pulled out similar collars, that were lacking the Uzumaki swirl, and began placing them on the blacksmiths necks.

*Timeskip-One Day*

After they had subjugated Takumi Village, and destroyed any chance of them rebelling again, the Feuerjaegers had headed for the Katabami Gold Mine, to bring it under their control.

Only to find out it was under the control of the Kurosuki Family, a criminal gang that controlled the town, with the leader apparently burying people alive in mock funerals.

Learning this, Naruko decided to meet with the leader, and see if they'd be willing to join them in attacking Suna.

Leading to the Feuerjaegers and Kurosuki Family meeting just outside the Katabami Gold Mine, with most of the Feuerjaegers being surprised to see who the leader was.

"Raiga Kurosuki, the Thunder of the Mist." Naruko said, with Raiga smirking, as he stepped forward.

"What an honor to be recognized by one such as yourself, The Ice Queen, Naruko Uzumaki." Raiga said.

"You know who I am." Stated Naruko.

"Of course, Suna and Oto put quite the bounty on your head. Tell me, what brings you Konoha Ninja to my town?" Questioned Raiga, while ready to draw the Kiba blades, excited at the chance to fight someone of Naruko's caliber, if her Bingo Book entry was true.

'Hm, so I'm in the Bingo Book. I'll have to fix that.' Naruko thought, not wanting her name to be so publicly, known this early in the game.

"We were intending to bring the Katabami Gold Mine under Konoha's control, while making our way towards Suna. But after hearing of your family already being in control, I wished to extend an offer for you to join us in our attack. But now seeing who exactly is leading the Kurosuki Family, I now extend an offer to join the Feuerjaegers to you, Raiga," Said Naruko, with Raiga looking intrigued by this, as he smirked.

"Join Konoha in attacking Suna and Oto, along with joining your little team, here." Said Raiga, interested in the offer, and the chance to have so many more funerals.

"Before I give you an answer, confirm something for me. Rumor has it, that my old teammate Kisame was seen in Konoha, fighting you. Apparently, you not only managed to claim Samehada, but also cut one of the bastards arms off, is that true?" Raiga asked, eager to hear if Kisame had indeed lost his sword.

In response, Naruko unsealed Samehada for Raiga to see, with the wielder of the Kiba blades laughing once he saw the sentient sword.

"AHAHAHAHA! It's true, that shark-faced bastard lost his sword!" Raiga laughed, pleased to see the rumors were true, he only regretted not being there to see it happen.

"Alright, you've got yourself a deal, Ice Queen." Said Raiga, holding out his hand, which Naruko shook, pleased with the newest addition to her team.

With Takumi Village and the Katabami Gold Mine now under their control, it was time to show Suna and Oto just how cold she can be.

So, what did you think, good. Yep the Feuerjaegers are officially formed with all the members revealed and as you've seen at the end of this chapter, potential for others to join as well. We also see Naruko getting two retainers in Kagerō and Kotohime, and a look at some others to see their reactions to the war. We then move onto the Feuerjaegers first assignment subduing Takumi Village and sending them a message, with Naruko sending them a very clear message by torturing and kill Seimei. Finally we see Naruko recruit Raiga and his "Family" to attack Suna. So, review if you liked go away if you didn't.

Storm out