College Au

There he is. The boy from my art history 101 class. He's currently talking with his friends in the student lounge, and I still can't seem to go in. My friend, Bulma, says he's popular with the graphic students. She even said how he's also friends with some of the fashion students. But of course, he would be. He's the nicest guy ever. And let's not forget very cute. I just sigh in defeat and walk away from the lounge. I'll just study in the library since my classes are over for today.

I just finished sketching, for my Monday class, when I hear someone take a seat next to me. When I looked, it was him. I was shocked; that I even fell out of my seat. "Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." He reached out a hand. His cheeks were red, as he helped me up. I felt my face was on fire, as I sat back down. What should I do? Maybe say thanks for helping me up. Or asked why was he here. Well, that would be a silly question; we're in a library after all. "Um." I finally looked at him, and he was playing with his fingers. "I saw you when you walked away from the lounge. Did you not want to be there?" Uh?

What was I supposed to say? "Um." He looked at me, and I couldn't help look away. "I simply changed my mind is all. The library is quiet, and I needed to study."

"Oh." I looked back at him. He had a big smile. "Sorry about that. What do you study? Are you a fashion major?" I just said yes. Why was he asking me questions? This would be the first time we ever spoke. This is crazy. The guy I been crushing on, for half the semester, is talking to me. Somehow, we ended up talking about our different classes. We soon were leaving the library, when he asked if I had plans for Saturday. That took me by complete surprise. I told him I wasn't sure yet. "If you don't have anything planned, would you mind hanging out Saturday?" He had a big smile when he said that. I felt my heart racing, as I continued to look at him. I told him how I wouldn't mind. He looked super happy about that. "Let's share numbers, and you could tell me where you would like to meet up."

When I got to my dorm room, I just couldn't hold back my excitement. And when I saw that Bulma wasn't back yet, it made me even happier. I quickly went through all my outfits and tried to pick the best one. This was just so exciting. Even though he said hanging out, I wonder if he meant as friends or as a date. Oh my, if only I knew which one. But he probably meant as friends. That got me a little down. Of course, he means as friends. If what people say is true, he doesn't show interest in girls, or boys. He would rather have fun, get through class, and go to the gym. Everyone says he's super friendly, and he helps people out with anything. Even Bulma's boyfriend, Yamcha, says he doesn't show interest in anyone. Also, how he doesn't even go to any parties. Maybe I am just a friend.

That Saturday, we chose to meet at the entrance to the main campus building. I decided to wear a casual outfit. Just a pair of blue jeans, and an oversized, long sleeve graphic tee. We agreed to meet at 10, but I got here 30 minutes early. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. I didn't even tell Bulma the reason I canceled our weekly shopping trip. She was very surprised but said it was ok. It was just 10 minutes to 10 when I saw him jogging up to the building. Did he run it here? He seemed very out of breath. I also noticed we, somehow, was wearing the same graphic tee. I think he noticed too since he burst into laughter. "So, is there any place you want to check out?" Uh? When he asked to hang out, I thought maybe he already had plans. I guess not. I told him that it didn't matter. He had a slight frown before smiling again. "Um. What about the ice cream shop? I hear their Saturday special is really good."

The rest of the day, we ended up walking in a park. We even talked about and shared stories about our classes. We even ended up at a fast-food joint, and he paid for everything. I was caught off guard when he offered me to try his soda. He also surprised me, when he asked if I wanted to catch a movie before the day was over. It felt as if we were on a date, but I wasn't too sure. Maybe he's just being super friendly. And besides, it's not like I ever been on a date before. I put so much focus on getting through school, I turned down every boy that asked me out. I never saw anything special about dating or boys. But he's different. Especially when I first saw him walk into my class. Well, even if this is just a friendly hangout, to him, I'll treasure every moment.

It was around 11 pm when we decided to call it a day. He even walked with me to my dorm building. The walk was quiet but nice. The closer we got to the dorms, the sadder I became. I didn't want today to end. When we reached the door, I didn't know what to do. "Um. We're here."

"Yeah. We're here." I couldn't even look at him. I felt sad. Today was so amazing, but it probably meant nothing to him. "Well, I better go in."

"Wait!" I looked at him in surprise and saw that he was blushing. He then walked closer to me. He was biting his lip, as he looked at me. I felt my cheeks slowly getting hot. "Would you… would you…" Was he stuttering? "Um… Would you… like to…" He just turned away and started to walk. "Never mind. Have a good night." Uh? What in the world.

"Wait." He looked back at me. The look he had was very sad. He then walked back to me. He was biting his lip again. But then he took a deep breath, and somehow looked more confident.

"Would you like to go out again?" I was caught off guard with that. "I like you, and would like to go out with you." I felt like my whole face was on fire. Now I was the one biting my lip, as I nodded a yes. He then smiled and seemed to relax. "Maybe next time we could hold hands." I couldn't believe this. I don't know what came over me, but I just kissed him. With that, I rushed into my dorm building and ran to the elevators.

I just got out of another long class and was walking the halls. Maybe the guys were in the lounge. Probably talking about girls or a new video game that came out. As I walked to the lounge, I could have sworn I saw her. The girl from history class. The quiet girl, and doesn't talk with anyone. The girl, who always has a smile with she's sketching, or gets her papers back from the professor. What's weird is no one knows her name. I had to ask the professor once, thankfully the girl left before I did. Her name is Chichi. It has a nice ring to it.

Usually, I didn't mind girls or anything besides having fun and getting through school. Grandpa did say I have to study and work hard to get through life. He even said that maybe I'll find the right girl for me, but I have to get my degree first. When I got to the lounge, I was not surprised that the guys were talking to girls. They mostly chatted away, and I added my input here and there. I was getting bored and was looking for a way out of this, without being rude. That's when I spotted her. She was just standing there before she just left. I wonder why. "I'm heading out. I just remembered I have assignments to do." The guys said fine and went back to talking with the girls.

I quickly found out that Chichi went to the school library. I wonder what she does in there. I peeked inside and saw that she was walking towards the back. Crap. Looks like I would have to step inside, and find out where she's heading. I'm just very curious about what she's doing. Ok, and maybe I wanted to say hi. It's been half a semester, and she's the only girl I feel nervous to say hi to. Heck, I make friends easily. But why is this one girl making me feel so nervous? Not to mention she one of the most beautiful girls, that I have ever seen.

Like her long black raven hair, that flows lovely behind her. She doesn't dress all showy, like the rest of the girls. She's also has a grace about her. When I finally made it where she sat, I felt stuck in place. There she was, sketching away. I wonder what she's sketching. I walked closer and noticed she was deep in sketching to not notice me coming closer. I ended up watching her draw, and I realize she must be a fashion student. She sure doesn't look it, but not all of them do. I couldn't help myself, and I tried to quietly take the seat next to her. Well, that shock her. Crap.

Thankfully we ended up talking, and I couldn't help admire her voice. I then build up the courage to ask if she wanted to hang out. When she said yes, it made me so happy. We even shared numbers and agreed on where to meet up. We then parted for the day, and I rushed to get on the bus. I hope my big brother was still at home. I really would like some advice on what I should do. I really would like to impress her. I could always ask one of the guys, but they'll just make fun of me. If I asked Raditz, I could at least be happy knowing I could punch him, if he laughs. When I got home, I was happy to see Raditz was still home. But he was packing up. "Another training mission?" He just continued to ignore me, like always. But he won't for long after I tell him. "So, I finally asked the girl out." He turned around so fast I didn't know if I should laugh. For the rest of the night, we talked about all the things I could try. He even gave me his bank card. "Are you sure?"

"I don't do much with the money, I get from the military. So, I wouldn't mind my little brother using it, and take his first girlfriend on a date."

I felt my cheeks heat up at that. "She's not my girlfriend!" He was laughing, and it just made me mad. She's not my girlfriend. Well, not yet, hopefully. Raditz then asked why was I smiling. "If she does become my girlfriend, you better not embarrass me." He just chuckled and said he was leaving Monday.

I can't believe this! I missed the bus! Looks like I'm better off running it. Thankfully it's just a 45-minute run; no big deal. When I was closing in, I saw her. When I caught up, I couldn't help noticing we wore the same graphic tee. I didn't even stop myself from laughing. I asked her where she wanted to go, but she didn't seem to care. Wait. What if Raditz was right about the girls usually like it when the guy decides on what to do. I then suggested we went to the ice cream shop. As we walked there, it was quiet between us. What should I say? Raditz didn't tell me about this part.

When we got to the ice cream shop, I was about to pay when she suddenly did. Oh no. Raditz said it was the guy who had to do it. I'll get her next time. As we ate our ice cream, we took a walk in the nearby park. We ended up talking about our classes, and random college stuff. The conversation was slightly boring, but hearing her voice made up for it. Especially when she talked about her passion for designing clothes that's both formal, and casual. And then when she asked about me, I just didn't know what to say. "I guess I wanted to do graphic design because I love creating logos. I eventually would like to work to create logos for gyms, and other sport like companies."

"That sounds amazing!" When she said that she had a huge smile. Even her eyes seemed to shine. It left me speechless at its beauty. We soon ended up at one of my favorite fast-food joints, and this time I made sure to be the one paying. Did she look angry for just a moment there? That was… Cute. As we ate, she still looked slightly upset. Was it that bad that I paid? Or it's probably something else? I also saw how she didn't eat much, and only had water. Is she on a diet? Or maybe she doesn't like fast food? I offered her some of my fries, and she seemed to blush as she said thank you. Oh, maybe it's what Raditz said about girls being nervous when eating out.

"Want to try some of my soda? It's my favorite flavor. Blue Hawaii Pepsi." She looked taken aback. "Um. I could get another straw, so you can try." Her blush grew, as she said sure. I got another straw, and let her take a few sips. I think she likes it because she drank almost the rest of it. She tried to apologize. "It's ok. It's a very good flavor. Want me to get two more for us?" She nodded, and I went and got the drinks. After we finished our soda, we walked around some more. "Since we still have plenty of time, want to catch a movie?" She looked surprised but said yes. I even let her pick the movie. But somehow, we ended up trying to see who would pay. I won that one, but she beat me at paying for the snacks.

After the movies, we went back to walking in the park. There we talked more and got to know each other more. To find out she enjoyed almost everything I did was so cool. She's also incredibly smart, and so nice. Then it finally came time to call it a night. I was glad that I at least get to walk her to the dorms. I must admit I wanted to hold her hand. I wanted something else, but I couldn't do that. I don't want her to think I was hoping for that thing Raditz told me about. If I could just hold her hand, I would be happy that I got to touch her. Maybe one day I'll build up the courage to ask for a kiss if she wants to go out with me.

When we got to the dorms, I felt my nerves were on fire. I didn't want to say bye yet. I at least would want to ask her to hang out again. It seems she also wasn't ready to say bye. I should take this chance. Better now than never. I tried, but the words wouldn't come out. "Never mind." For once, I'm just going to give up. There's no way she'll even say yes to me. I then heard her say wait. That stopped me in my tracks, and I looked back at her. She looked sad. No! That face I won't stand for. I gather every ounce of courage in me and walked back to her. I just need to do it; I just have to. Grandpa didn't raise a quitter. "Would you like to go out again? I like you, and would like to go out with you."

There, I said it. If she says no, it would hurt, but I'll be ok. But I'm hoping she says yes. Her face was red, and she was biting her lip. She then nodded and I just couldn't believe it. I couldn't help it and suggested we could probably hold hands next time. She then did something unexpected. She pulled me into a quick kiss, and I was just stunned. I was so out of it I didn't even realize I was standing alone. When I did, I couldn't help cheer, as I happily walked to the bus stop. I just got kissed by my crush.


A/N: This is the first time I'm taking part in this, and I hope I did a good job. Please enjoy. And if any you would like for me to turn into multi-chapter fanfic, please leave a comment on which one. Again, thank you.