
Bakugo woke up panting, breaking out in a sweat that filled the room with the unmistakable smell of burnt sugar. He felt… hot. And not from the environment, but from within.

"The hell…?" He groaned, pushing the blanket off his bed, taking up more energy than it should have. His crimson eyes forced themselves to focus and look at the clock.

It was 5:39am.

Bakugo relaxed his head back and sat up as a wave of dizziness overtook him.

Gotta be from waking up too darn early, Bakugo dismissed, staggering over to a cabinet for a thermometer (which he'd kept around because classmates always asked for stuff). With the temperature outside being below freezing, there was no reason other than an internal problem for him to feel this hot and weak.

He leaned against the wall during the seemingly endless time that the thermometer took to check his temperature.

103.8 degrees.

"Not letting a fever get in my way," Bakugo struggled to stand back up, placing the thermometer back. Comparing his current temperature to his normal one (about 101 degrees thanks to his fiery Quirk), it wasn't as bad as if a different student had a fever of this grade, but it was still high. Hopefully his classmates wouldn't notice.

Bakugo paused as a realization came to him.

He physically could not get sick.

It was a while ago when he heard it, but his doctor had told him a few years ago that the nitroglycerin in Bakugo's system killed every and all bacteria and virus.

"Then why the hell do I have a ****ing fever?" Bakugo questioned quietly. He quickly shook it off, not wanting to appear weak. If you couldn't help yourself, how could you ever help others?

A shower would help, he reasoned. He had enough time for one, and everyone would notice his poor condition with the strong caramel smell that wafted from him.

Stumbling into the bathroom, he flicked on the lights, which he regret immediately. Pain seared through his forehead as his eyes slowly adjusted to the sudden change in light intensity.

"Crap," he cursed, shaking his head to dispel the dizziness. Bakugo pulled himself up to straighten his posture and entered the shower after stripping off his sweaty pajamas.

He allowed cool water to soften the spikes of his hair, droplets running blissfully down his forehead. It took a good 30 minutes for him to leave the shower, still dissatisfied with how hot he felt.

Bakugo leaned his head over to dry out his hair with a towel, glancing in the mirror as he rose again. A red flush was noticeable on his cheeks.

He sighed, knowing that someone would call him out on it. He didn't have time to rest. Class was more important.

After fully drying off, he aggressively pulled on his school uniform, heading downstairs to eat something that would hopefully improve his questionable health. Even just walking was hard; his feet felt like bricks pulling him to the ground.

Another headache teased him as Bakugo saw who was standing in the kitchen, eating a slice of buttered toast.

Hecking Deku. (No cursing in le christian Minecraft server lol)

"Oh, hi, Kacchan!" Midoriya waved, smiling.

Bakugo turned away, trying to avoid attention to his fever-flushed face. "Screw off, Deku," he replied in a voice that was much more toned-down than usual.

But of course, Midoriya had to be an observant nerd that knew him since birth.

"Kacchan, are you feeling okay? Your face is a little—"

"Shut up. I'm fine, Deku." Bakugo cut him off, reaching into the fridge and pulling out a container labeled 'Bakugo's. Don't touch unless you want to die', which held his leftover spicy buckwheat noodles from a few days ago.

Bakugo sighed as he used his chopsticks to lazily lift noodles to his mouth. Hopefully he'd feel better in a few hours.


Midoriya noticed Bakugo's feverish face as soon as Bakugo opened his mouth to speak. A thousand questions immediately rushed to Midoroya's mind, but he didn't want to ask them to his hot-headed frenemy. Most of them were rhetorical, anyway.

Midoriya even noticed when Bakugo swayed a little too far to the right and stumbled into the wall, which Bakugo dismissed as 'a trip'.

But Midoriya wasn't one to fall for his childhood friend's stubborn dismissals; something was wrong with Bakugo.

So when Midoriya saw Bakugo leave the dorms to head to the school building, he ran to catch up and wordlessly put an arm around his torso, supporting him.

Needless to say that he got yelled at.

"The hell are you doing, useless nerd?!" Bakugo yelled. Midoriya was surprised to see that he had enough energy for a yell.

Midoriya looked up at him. "What do you mean, Kacchan?"

Bakugo didn't fall for it. "You think I'm an idiot, Deku?"

Midoriya smiled and looked ahead. You don't need to be afraid to ask someone for help, he sighed internally. "I just… thought you needed help. Especially since you tripped earlier. You never trip."

Bakugo scowled but didn't make a move to remove Midoriya's arm.

Geez, Kacchan, Midoriya disapproved. If you're feeling bad enough to accept my help, you should have stayed back at the dorms…

He pushed his bangs out of his eyes, clearing his vision to find the school building. He could tell that it was going to be a long day.


At his desk, Bakugo scowled at the sweat he had wiped off his brow.

Update: Body felt as crappy as ever.

After he had eaten lunch, he had immediately felt nauseous. He had sprinted to the bathroom just in time to vomit out his insides. He considered trying to eat something less demanding of his body than spicy curry, but he felt better with nothing in his stomach, though he was hungry.

Bakugo sighed and brought his attention back to Aizawa, whose lecture was going in one ear and out the other.

He then whipped his weak glare to the person behind him as he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Kacchan, you're sweating a lot. Are you okay?" Midoriya whispered.

"I'm not sweating. Mind your own ****ing business," Bakugo replied equally quietly.

Midoriya sighed. "Don't lie to me, Kacchan. I can smell your sweat strongly."

Bakugo rolled his eyes and faced forwards again. The last thing he wanted was to interact with Deku.

Even so, he still felt unnaturally hot. He hadn't wanted to take off his uniform jacket, since the smell of his sweat would just become more prominent. But the coolness he would feel if he took off his jacket was getting harder to resist.

He squinted at his notes, which were messier than usual. More than that, his vision was blurring it.

Bakugo growled under his breath in defeat, and stripped off his jacket. He knew that the smell of his sweat was going to spread faster like this, but he couldn't handle the heat.

To his dismay, he attracted worried glances from all over the class. It wasn't long before someone spoke up.

"Hey, Bakugo, you good?"

Bakugo turned to face a black-haired student with tape rolls for elbows. What was his name? Bakugo couldn't remember. Either way, the black-haired boy had asked a question that Bakugo had to answer.

"Fine," Bakugo was surprised at how fast the energy had left his voice. "So what if it's just kinda warm in here? Nothing to worry about."

The student - Sero - exchanged a worried glance with Kirishima, who sat to his left.

It was not warm in the classroom. It was cold enough where a few students had asked Todoroki to bring the temperature up to a bearable level.

Sero opened his mouth to respond to Bakugo just as the bell rang for the end of the day.

Bakugo hadn't realized that he paused in the middle of zipping up his backpack until Kirishima tapped his shoulder.

Bakugo flinched at his own blink and completed the task of zipping his bag and faced Kirishima, who had gathered with the group dubbed the "Bakusquad" and the "Dekusquad".

"Bakubro, you don't look great," Kirishima commented. "You should go see Recovery Girl."

A few other students nodded in agreement to his statement.

Bakugo realized that his plan of being discreet wasn't working. He mustered up all the energy he had and channeled it into anger, trying to show that no, he wasn't sick at all.

"What the hell about me 'doesn't look great', huh?!" He yelled.

Kirishima flinched at the sudden change in emotion.

Bakugo stood up on his weakened legs, willing them not to give out. "You trying to say that I'm weak?!"

"N-No, Bakugo," Uraraka interjected. "We were just worried! The whole class could tell that you were sweating a lot…"

"Calm yourself, Bakugo! We just wanted to make sure you were feeling okay!" Iida added.

"That doesn't mean that I want your…! Your…" It was then that Bakugo had reached the end of his energy, much faster than he expected. His knees buckled, and he grabbed onto the closest thing to stabilize himself, which happened to be his desk.

"Woah, Bakugo!" Kirishima instinctively took hold of Bakugo's shoulders to stabilize him. A few other students had moved to do the same, but were slower than Kirishima.

"Did his legs just give out?" Ashido said to Kaminari.

Kaminari grimaced in response. "I think so."

"No, they ****ing did not," Bakugo retorted in a strained voice. "I… tripped."

"That's the second time you've said that today, Kacchan." Midoriya deflected. "You need help."

"Would you stop saying that?!" Bakugo glared. "I don't need anyone's help." With that, he pushed Kirishima off, slung his backpack on his right shoulder, and walked out the door.


Kirishima sighed as Bakugo visibly struggled to speed-walk out of the classroom.

"I guess he's just sick, right?" Sero comforted. "He should get better soon."

"Maybe, but," Kirishima shrugged. "Have you ever seen Bakugo get sick before?"

Sero paused. "Well, maybe he has a good immune system…"

"No, Kirishima's right," Midoriya interjected. "It's not that Kacchan doesn't get sick often; Kacchan can't get sick. The nitroglycerin in his body kills all pathogens."

"But then," Asui added. "How is he sick now?"

"Asui's right," Todoroki agreed, crossing his arms in thought. "Something has to be really wrong for Bakugo to be sick."

Kirishima nodded. "Don't worry about it, guys. I'll talk to him."

The students looked at each other and nodded before dispersing.

I hope you're okay, Bakubro.


Bakugo sighed contentedly as he placed his condensation-beaded glass of cold water on his forehead, giving him a needed rush of cold. He had come downstairs from his dorm room for some water after his homework started blurring before his eyes and his head started to spin. Bakugo had decided to sit at the island in the kitchen instead of on the living room couch for the sake of the cool marble tabletop.

He quickly lowered his glass when he saw Kirishima walk into the kitchen.

"Oh, Bakugo! I was looking for you…" Kirishima trailed off, smile fading as he took in Bakugo's drained and feverish face. "Hey… uh… can we talk about your health for a second?"

Bakugo sighed, having known that this conversation was going to arise again. "Free country."

Kirishima moved closer to Bakugo's left and leaned against the island, looking Bakugo in the eyes.

It was evident that Bakugo was sick. His usually fierce eyes had lost its fire, and his flawless skin was matted with sweet-smelling sweat.

"Bakugo, we could all tell that your legs lost their energy back in the classroom," Kirishima began, disregarding Bakugo's glare. "We're all especially worried since Midoriya proved that you physically can't get sick."

Bakugo rolled his eyes listlessly. "So?"

Kirishima continued. "Something has to be really wrong for you to be sick. We don't want anything serious to happen to you, Bakugo. Especially if it could hinder your health later on in life. Just go see Recovery Girl. Please."

Bakugo averted his eyes from Kirishima's, considering his plea. Kirishima made a good point. The last thing Bakugo wanted was a disability during his years of Hero work. Plus, no one else was really around to judge him right now, and this pestering about his health would stop. At this point, it was better safe than sorry.

He sighed and nodded. "Fine. Let's go."

Kirishima, looking both relieved and delighted, - and likely surprised that he convinced the stubborn Bakugo to change his mind - straightened his own posture and gently supported Bakugo by holding his wrist to help him up.

Bakugo smirked as his red-haired friend before standing up.

Or, trying to.

Bakugo's smirk vanished as the image of Kirishima blurred before his eyes. Suddenly, nothing made sense anymore. Where was he? Why was everything spinning? Why did it feel like his legs turned to jelly? And most importantly…

Why was the world turning black?


Kirishima yelled out in panic as Bakugo fell limply into his arms.

"Bakugo? Bakugo?!" He frantically shook his friend by the shoulder, to no avail. Bakugo remained motionless and unresponsive, eyes closed. Even worse, his breathing sounded ragged and his breaths were deeper. His brow was furrowed, and sweat continued to drip from his forehead.

"No, no, no," Kirishima glanced around for something to help his predicament. He grabbed the glass of water that Bakugo had been drinking from and poured some on Bakugo's face before gently pressing the cool glass to Bakugo's forehead.

"Help! Someone, help!" He cried out. "Anyone, please!"

Midoriya, Todoroki, and Uraraka all sprinted through the doorway, having heard Kirishima's cries for help.

"Wha- Kacchan?!" Midoriya gasped, running to his side. "Kirishima, what happened?!"

"I-I don't know!" Kirishima stuttered. "I convinced him to go see Recovery Girl, but when he stood up from his seat, he just collapsed!"

Todoroki placed his right hand on Bakugo's forehead, both checking for a fever and making an attempt to cool it if one existed. His eyes widened as he made contact.

"Oh my g- Kirishima, give him to me!" Todoroki's voice rose uncharacteristically.

Kirishima obliged quickly. If Todoroki was panicking, they were all dead.

"What's his temperature?" Uraraka questioned worriedly.

"It's way too high!" Todoroki pulled Bakugo to his right side, using his Quirk to emit a cold air current from his body. "If we let it get much higher, he'll die!"

"We need to get him to Recovery Girl," Midoriya spoke up. "She'll be able to figure out what's wrong."

It was at this moment that Bakugo groaned.

Kirishima looked over at his friend just in time to see his eyes flutter open. He moved his head closer to attempt to make eye contact.

"Bakugo?" Kirishima said, looking into his friend's glazed-over eyes. He didn't get a glance back. It was like Bakugo was looking through him, and through the world. "Hey, can you hear me?"

"...Kiri…shi…?" A small sound escaped Bakugo's lips.

"He's not okay," Uraraka deduced. "Todoroki, I'll help you out." At that, she placed the fingertips of her left hand on Bakugo's arm, making it considerably easier for Todoroki to carry him as gravity lost its hold on Bakugo's body.

"Come on!" Uraraka ran out the door, leading the way.


Bakugo opened his eyes to a white ceiling and bright lights. He still felt physically weak, but at least everything else felt better.

Stupid fever, he scowled, memory of the day slowly coming back. What was it that he couldn't remember…?

Right, he had been in the dorms. Kirishima told him to go to Recovery Girl's office, and then he woke up leaning on something cold. It was probably Half-and-Half, he reasoned.

He didn't have any more time to recall memories, since a voice broke through his thoughts.

"Bakugo! You're awake!"

The voice came from Ashido, who was sitting at a table near the bed he was lying in, eating a sandwich. Next to her was Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima, Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, Asui, and Midoriya.

"Why are you extras all here…?" he said mildly threateningly.

"Just wanted to make sure you were doing okay," Kaminari replied. "Which you obviously are."

"It's also lunchtime, and Recovery Girl is letting us eat in here as long as we clean up." Sero added.

It took a second for Sero's response to click in Bakugo's mind. "It's ****ing lunchtime?! How long was I out?"

"Do not curse in school!" Iida scolded. "And it appears that you've been unconscious since late afternoon yesterday."

Bakugo scoffed in disbelief before asking another question. "What was so wrong with me that I was that sick?"

"Hypotension along with how your sweat works," Recovery Girl informed, having just entered the room after a bathroom break. "In other words, your blood pressure dropped too low because of the amount of nitroglycerin in your system. Your temperature must have also been elevated from an outside cause, which only caused more sweating. But since your sweat is mostly nitroglycerin, it wasn't cooling you down and only rose your temperature even more."

Midoriya nodded. "It was a positive feedback loop, so there was no way you could have recovered without outside help."

Kirishima agreed. "If we had come an hour later, you could've died, Bakugo!"

Bakugo sighed, having no retort for Kirishima's fact. He sat up, trying to stretch his stiff muscles.

"Uhh… Bakugo?" Ashido piped.

"What?" He scowled, looking at her and those at the table. Asui was looking down at her salad, Uraraka was staring at the ceiling and her surroundings, and Ashido was straight-up staring at him. All three had a hint of scarlet on their cheeks.

Bakugo finally realized that his shirt was gone.

"The hell?!" He pulled his blanket up on his torso. "Where're my clothes?!"

"Sorry, bro," Kirishima chuckled. "We had to wipe off all the sweat, or else you wouldn't get better. Recovery Girl also wanted to make sure that you didn't get hot in your bed. That means no clothes."

"Except your underwear, of course. No homo," Kaminari quickly added, sipping his Capri-Sun. "We saved your life, by the way. Just saying."

"Kaminari, stop taking credit!" Midoriya laughed.

Bakugo shook his head playfully at the array of idiots before him. Even if they were idiots, they were his idiots.

And he was thankful for them.


(Wow is this my first finished fanfic-)