The book felt strangely familiar, like an old school friend. That was the first thing that Stiles could think of, and he hadn't the faintest idea why. From where it lay on the table it gave out an unusual odour like the smell of the air before a storm comes, fresh and electric. It was very thick, at least eight hundred pages, and was bound in brown leather. Judging by how yellow the edges of the pages were, Stiles guessed it was a hundred years old at the minimum.

Stiles was in Derek's loft, along with Scott, Malia, Isaac, Lydia, Liam, and Derek himself. It was eight o'clock on a Saturday morning, which was far too cruel in Stiles's opinion, but Derek had seemed pretty insistent on the phone that everyone should get there as fast as humanly (or werewolfly) possible.

"So I suppose you're all wondering why I called you all over," Derek stated. An annoyed chorus of agreement echoed from everyone in the room. They were all standing around the table with the book, looking mildly interested but mostly just tired.

"This morning I got up at five o'clock like normal," Stiles's eyes went wide at this, "went for a run around the woods, and then came back to find this book," Derek pointed in its general direction, "on my table."

"Oh my god, I'm so glad you all called us all over Derek, someone broke into your apartment and didn't take anything! Not only that left something too! Good heavens, whatever shall we do!" Stiles dramatically cried out in a high pitched voice. He then pretended to faint onto Scott, who snickered and shoved him back upright.

"Seriously though, why did you bring us all here? So what, someone broke into your place. You're not honestly scared are you?" Malia said.

"Jesus, how stupid are you people? I get Stiles and Lydia not getting it, but those of you with supernatural senses of smell should really have worked out why I'm a bit worried. No-one broke into my apartment. Just take a sniff. All you'll be able to smell are us, and a faded Peter smell. He came by yesterday."

All the were-people took a deep breath in through there noses to see (smell) for themselves that no-one else had been in the apartment. Stiles also took a deep breath in, which got him a few weird looks. He shrugged in response.

"Peter could have left it," Scott suggested.

"No, I'm pretty sure he didn't. I ate dinner on this table after he left and I saw no book. He also denied it when I texted him this morning. Plus, the enigma of whoever left it here isn't the strangest part. I can't pick it up or open it."

Derek reached over and placed a hand on either side of the book and tried to lift it up. Even though his veins became very visible under the strain he was putting his arms through, the book wouldn't budge. Next, he demonstrated the pages being stuck together by attempting to flick through them. Again, nothing happened. The pages remained together like they had been stuck with glue.

"Gravity doesn't work either. Step back and watch."

Derek reached across the table and lifted it upside down. The book remained steadfastly stuck to the table, the pages not even coming apart. After a few seconds of demonstrating, Derek put the table back on the ground.

"Can you each try to remove the book from the table? Coyotes first, then wolves, then banshees, then humans."

Stiles gave a scowl at Derek's order but didn't say anything. Malia tried once to pull it off, but quickly gave up and went to stand back with the others.

Scott went next, pulling on the book with both hands while Derek held the table down. After a few tries, he said, "Man, what's sticking it to the table? That's gotta be some pretty strong glue right there."

Derek responded, "It isn't glued. I would be able to tear it off if it was glue and smell it. All I smell is old book."

Stiles thought that was a bit weird. He could definitely smell some sort of ozone, so why couldn't anyone else? He quickly dismissed the thought though, instead turning his attention to Isaac and Liam both trying to pull it off at the same time. After they both failed, Lydia took a shot at it. Unfortunately, the book remained in place.

"Your go, Stiles. If you can't do it then we go disturb Deaton on a Saturday morning."

Stiles stood up from where he was sitting on the couch and approached the table. He pulled at the book, and, because he was expecting a lot of resistance, fell back to land on his ass when the book came away from the table easily.

As soon as he touched the book, he felt a connection. A strange, unwavering connection, that felt so right at that moment that it almost felt like a trance.

Stiles shook himself off and looked up to six surprised pairs of eyes peering down at him. He registered that his tailbone hurt, and so gathered that he must have fallen pretty hard. Scott offered him a silent hand up, and Stiles took it, clutching the book to his chest. He felt inexplicably protective of the book as if it were a beloved family member.

Stiles swayed slightly when he was stood up. An arm steadied him, but he was too busy focusing on not blacking out to notice who it was.

"Oh. My. God." someone said.

"Open it! Let's see what the book's about." Scott said. There was no telling what it was about from the outside because it didn't have a title on the cover or the spine.

Stiles sat down on the sofa behind him, and Derek soon followed. He ran his hand along the cover and then brought his fingers up under his nose. Again, the distinct smell of ozone reached him.

"Do any of you guys smell that?" Stiles asked.

"Smell what?" Derek said, his eyebrows scrunching together and his lips pursing.

"It smells like just before a storm. I remember asking my mom about it when I was little, and she said it was called ozone. Apparently, people can detect it in quantities as small as one part per one hundred million. You guys should all be able to smell it, it's really strong."

And it was. Now that Stiles had the book in his lap, the scent was almost overwhelming. It wouldn't have surprised him if a cloud formed right above his head and soaked him.

"We can't smell anything Stiles. Maybe we should call Deaton, I don't think this is a normal book. Don't open it yet either." Lydia instructed.

"No, I want to." Answered Stiles. He opened up the book right to the middle, and for a few second all he did was cough because of the small cloud of dust that rose from it. When he looked at what was written his heart jumped a beat and shivers ran up his arms.

Derek leaned towards him and peered at the book. "Huh. There's nothing written down. Try another page."

"What do you mean there's nothing written down? There's loads of stuff written down on the page, it's just in Polish. It says 'Jak odzyskać pamięć. Lekarstwo an częściową amnezję'."

"Oh my god! Since when did you speak Polish? How did I not know about this?" Scott said, eyes wide and a curious smile lighting up his face.

Derek said "Never mind that. Since when did you gain the ability to see invisible words? There's nothing on the page." He grabbed the book from Stiles and showed it to everyone. They all turned to Stiles.

"What did those Polish words mean?" Liam asked.

"They meant 'How to recover memory. A cure for partial amnesia.'" Derek answered. Everyone turned to him now, questions written across their faces.

"Okay, seriously how do both of you know Polish? It's hardly the most common language in America," said Malia.

"I learnt it from my mom before she died. Is it really that much of a surprise? What, did you think my name was actually Stiles?." He chuckled.

"I...honestly have no idea how I know Polish. No one in my family is from Poland or speaks polish, and I would certainly remember learning a whole other language. I only speak English, Spanish, French, and Italian." Derek said.

"Way to subtly show off bro, way to go!" Stiles joked.

"We could try the spell. I mean, it does say it cures amnesia." Lydia suggested.

Derek said "Wait a sec. What other spells does it have? Let's just put a pin in the fact that only Stilinski can read it for a minute, I wanna come back to that later."

Stiles did as he asked, and turned a page. And another. And another. He did so with a reverence no one had seen him show for anything before, and he felt more peaceful than he ever had in the past. And that was saying something considering he had a diagnosed case of ADHD.

"It says the same thing. On every page. The same writing and everything." Stiles told the group. Through only Stiles's eyes, the double-page the spell was written on was packed. It was filled top to bottom with beautiful cursive handwritten notes in a black pen. In some of the margins and on top of some of the lines were neat but tiny polish words written in a different black pen, which Stiles guessed was a previous owner's annotations. Compared to the overall look of the book, the other pen seemed to be a much more recent addition and was probably written within the last few decades.

On one side it showed you actually how to do the spell. It said you need to put your hand on the back of the person who has forgotten something's neck and focus on the magic within you. Stiles had no idea what the hell that meant. It then said you need to visualize all of the memories coming back, one by one until you have all of them. The actual words were, 'imagine all of the memories being little streams flowing down the side of a mountain, joining together to make a river'. To help focus, it suggested lighting a candle, much like how they hypnotized Lydia to remember Stiles during the whole Ghost Riders escapade.

On the other side, there was a title of 'Ostrzeżenia!', which Stiles translated as 'Warnings!'. The subtitle was written in red, designed to draw your attention. The only warnings were do not force someone to remember anything, and beware that some things are better left forgotten. The blank space underneath the ominous warnings was decorated with a detailed drawing of a mountain and a river.

"I want to try it. How about you, Derek? We can try to see how you learnt Polish." said Stiles.

Derek nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah. Why not. So, you're going to try it then?"

"Well, yeah. You know, it might be a tiny bit difficult for anyone else because they can't see let alone read the polish." Stiles answered.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, guys? How do we know it's even safe?" Isaac asked.

"I just know it's safe. I don't know why, but I am more sure that this is absolutely something we should do than anything else in all the twenty years I've been on this planet. Trust me." Stiles spoke with so much conviction that you could tell he meant every word.

After a short pause, Derek said "Okay then. Let's go for it."


Tell me what you guys think. If any of you can speak Polish better than google translate the please, comment to tell me if any of it is wrong. Same goes for the English. Love you guys!
