Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Tangled the Series

Back at the Great Tree Naruto was still traveling with Rapunzel and her group as they were making camp for the night as Naruto walks off to get some fire wood when he runs into the Spirit Girl again. "I see you have become friends with the Sundrop." She says with a smirk on her face making Naruto frown.

"Of course I have why wouldn't I?" He demanded making her smirk even more. "Oh nothing much besides the fact that she has is keeping a big secret from you one that you have every right to know." She tells him making Naruto's eyes widen in shock. "No she wouldn't do that." He tells her as he didn't believe her making the Spirit Girl shrug. "Fine then don't believe me but in the end truth will come out much sooner than you think." She tells him and then disappears once more.

When she was gone Naruto sighs and holds onto the Moon Stone that was still attached to his chest. He then sits down and holds his legs close to himself.

Despite him becoming friends with Rapunzel and the others he still had a hard time trusting people again especially after the betrayal he went through which was why he wanted to believe Rapunzel but at the same time he didn't know if he could trust her anymore especially if she was keeping something from him. Naruto sighs and stands up as he was about to walk back when he then takes out his sword and blocks someone's attack as he then turns to look at them. "Long time no see Hector." Naruto greeted him with an annoyed look on his face.

He seriously wished the members of the Brotherhood would leave him alone. Hector glares at him. "Return what you stole from the Dark Kingdom at once!" He demanded making Naruto hum as he pretended to think. "Hmm let me think about it yeah, no." He says and then uses his strength to push Hector off the edge of the cliff as the Hyenas tries to attack him and Naruto blocks them and throws them down with Hector as well.

After that Naruto rushes back towards where Rapunzel and the others was. "Rapunzel we have to leave now." Naruto tells her making Rapunzel confused as she saw Naruto grabbing his cloak and satchel with the Moon Stone's Incantation on it inside it as Lunar flies over and goes on his right shoulder. "Naruto what's going on?" Rapunzel asked him making Naruto look at her as he grabs her Satchel making sure she has everything before they left. "It's Hector one of the members of the Brotherhood like Adira and Quirin and he's here for the Moon Stone and once he sees you guys with me he's gonna think you helped me steal it."

Naruto tells her as he then found a piece of paper inside with his father's signature. "What's this?" He asked as he takes it and begins to read it out loud. "Dear Frederic my dearest older brother if you are reading this then it means my wife and I are no longer among the living, we just had a beautiful son named Naruto and I would love for you to take good care of him for me and Kushina.

Thank you for everything your younger brother Minato." Naruto finished reading as he felt tears comes down his face as Rapunzel gains a shocked look on her face as everyone looked shocked as well.

Naruto then gains an angry look and turns around and glares at her while tears kept streaming down his face as black rocks begins to grow around him. "You knew about this didn't you! And yet you kept something so big away from me something I had every right to know!" He yells at her. "Naruto wait please I swear I don't know how that got in my bag." Rapunzel tells him which was true she didn't but unfortunately for her Naruto didn't believe her.

Naruto then backs away from her while glaring at her as he uses the black rocks to bust open a hole inside the Great Tree to escape. "You want me to be the bad guy okay fine now I'm the bad guy." He tells her as he looks at her with a hateful look on his face and then he leaves while completely ignoring Rapunzel calling out for him.

When he was alone he collapsed by a tree as he then begins to snarl and cut it down with his sword. After that the Spirit Girl appears once more. "I tried to warn you she's just like everyone else in this world this is why you can't trust anyone but yourself but now that you know that it's time for you finally claim your destiny." She tells him with a smirk on her face making Naruto clench his fists and turn to her. "What exactly is my destiny?" He asked her making the Spirit Girl smirk at him since she knew she had him completely under her control and that note that she had found in the Konoha archives she simply stole it and placed it inside Rapunzel's satchel so Naruto can go against her.

"Everything is going completely according to plan." She thinks to herself knowing soon she will possessed both the power of the Sundrop and Moon Stone all she had to do was wait for the eclipse and sit back and watch the show between the two vessels of the Sundrop and Moon Stone and of the two cousins of the Corona royal family.