Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the story or characters of InuYasha, they belong to Rumiko Takahashi. I make no profit from writing this fanfiction.
A/N: Hello all my beautiful readers. I apologize for the long wait. I'm diligently working on the sequel to Days Have Passed and this small portion takes place between the stories. It fit in neither but is important so I didn't want to lose it.
Jaken's Goodbye
You could say that Kagome and Jaken had never had the closest of relationships, but after her mating to Sesshomaru they had come to an understanding. He still called her 'Priestess' but that was fine with her, at least he'd stopped calling her 'silly girl'. She respected his knowledge on court affairs, and he respected his lord's choice of mate. They shared one thing without question, their love for Sesshomaru.
Kagome and Sesshomaru had been mated for less than a year when winter came. It was a particularly harsh one which took a tole on some of the older members in their community. Jaken being one of them.
Even when the weather once again turned warmer it was clear Jaken was not improving. The court doctor and Kagome had tried to help him the best that they could but their efforts had become less and less successful. He was dying.
Sesshomaru had moved the small imp demon into a room near to them for his hospice. She didn't know what Jaken felt about that, but Kagome had been touched by the gesture.
Rin came for an extended visit when she heard of his condition. She had come to say goodbye. The whole of the citadel felt somber.
The day came and the doctor told them there was very little time left. They sent Rin in by herself first, Kagome had waited with Sesshomaru. Though nothing could be heard from the room to her ears, she knew he could hear. She patted his chest as his jaw tighten against the emotion. When Rin came out she had obviously been crying. It was one of the rare times that Kagome saw Sesshomaru embrace his adoptive daughter.
Sesshomaru entered the room and Jaken lifted his head. "M' Lord!" he said with joy, albeit weakly. Kagome came in to stand next to her mate. Jaken looked at her with cloudy eyes. "My Lady!" he exclaimed with a proud smile.
That was her undoing and she burst into tears. "Oh, Jaken." Sesshomaru pulled her to him and she buried her face into his haori.
A moment later he said; "He is gone."
Several days later they placed a small memorial stone in the garden in Jaken's honor. Kagome cried softly as the couple stood at the grave.
Sesshomaru looked at her, turning so they were facing. He tipped her chin up. "I did not know you cared this much for the imp."
She shook her head with a sad smile. "It's not that."
He wiped one of her tears with his finger. "Than why this display of emotion?"
"Jaken was a loyal subject to your family for generations. He loved you in particular." She reached up and cupped his cheek. "I cry on your behalf, because I know you won't."
He was startled by this answer. It was true, he felt this loss deeply but he would never show such emotion for a mere retainer. What she didn't know is that Jaken had done the same thing for him when he thought he'd lost Rin. He was moved. He lifted his mate's hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles gently. He marveled once more at how fortunate he was that this amazing woman accepted him.
The Staff of Two Heads rested next to the empty stand meant for Inu no Taishō's swords. Every time Kagome saw it she smiled and remembered the imp demon fondly.
A/N: I'm so, so sorry. It was a necessity but unpleasant on all accounts. To make you feel better I will tell you about the sequel to DHP. It's entitled Life's Continuation. It spans the time between Kagome and Sesshomaru's mating and Kagome reuniting with her mother. I don't want to say too much about it right now so I don't spoil it.
Thank you for sticking around! See you!
If this didn't make much sense please see my stories Days Have Passed and Sesshomaru and Shippo's Conversation (and later Life's Continuation). Thank you!