Always and Forever:
After moving away to get her life together, Bella is back for her fathers wedding. She is happier than she has ever been, but she misses her home: her hybrid and her new family. Afraid of being hurt and broken she now has to deal with the added stress of her old life meeting her new one.
I don't know if this will follow the TVD storyline, but it will eventually have all the characters. The chapter is set after the the death of Mikael, but before the awakening of Esther. In this story, the Mikaelson's were woken up by Klaus, himself, due to him finally ridding the threat that was their father. Twilights timeline is wack! It will be set five years after the infamous breakup and she will be 22, because her birthday has not been celebrated in the year it is set.
I do not own The Vampire Diaries or Twilight. Vampire Diaries belongs to L.J Smith, Julie Plec, or Kevin Williamson and everyone else involved! Twilight belongs to Stephanie Meyer and everyone else involved with the films and books. This is for fun and no copyright infringement is intended!
Please leave a review after you're done with this chapter! In this I also wanted to apologize for the long wait, I have been quite busy in life.
Can't tell my Mamma
It makes her worry
I'm not suicidal
Sometimes, the lines get all blurry
Sasha Sloan (Too Sad to Cry)
The silence was deafening and the looks they were giving Bella, made her squirm. Despite having her family backing her, she was still uncomfortable with the idea of being stared at. Especially by people she barely considered friends.
"We do have more important things to do, if you could start talking, that would be lovely," Kol sang from his spot next to Niklaus and Bella. He rested his head on the armrest and his legs were pulled up into a triangular shape. He was the epitome of nonchalance, with his gaze resting on his phone rather than the group sat across from him.
"I believe it's time my daughter understood the meaning of family," Charlie hissed out, his dark eyes glaring at Bella, who winced. She tried not to push herself into Niklaus, who's hand tightened around hers noticing her discomfort.
"I think she understands the word perfectly," Elijah replied, leaning against the kitchen doorway. He had a smirk on his face and Bella knew he was amused by the group's ignorance. "You on the other hand seem to be struggling with the very definition for what it stands for."
"Clearly not, if she is ignoring her father," Carlisle piped up making Bella's anger flare.
"Charlie Swan is merely the man who helped conceive me," She snapped. "Do not insult me by making a relation to the man in front of me. He is a coward and he is a man who couldn't raise a child if given the chance again. He is nothing to me now."
"How dare you?!" Sue stood up, angry on her husband's behalf. For once Bella let her true feelings reign over her. She would not be belittled by her so-called "family."
"Dare? I don't dare to do anything. I am stating facts. If that man was a father, he wouldn't have forgiven the people who tore me down into nothing. If he was my father, he wouldn't continue to insult my intelligence and my family, because he believes he is right. If he was my father, I would have heard from him before I returned last week," Bella raged on and was surprised by the anger in Charlie's eyes. The police chief stood up and glared down at her, as if he could vanquish her with one look.
"You selfish brat!" He yelled. "I have done everything for you! I took you in when your mother abandoned you, I let you live here despite your ungrateful attitude, I even wasted half my paychecks so I could come visit you."
"Selfish? Ungrateful?" Bella's tone went cold at his words. Her anger was more than palpable now. "You didn't let me do anything! You had to take me in and that is a key difference. The only reason you even let me come here after Renee's marriage was because you wanted to seem like a better father than you actually were. As for your paychecks, that is your own goddamn fault. If I remember correctly, as soon as I turned eight and could do minuscule things myself, you declared my visits as trips to travel. You made me come with you to Vegas and you blew your money at the casinos and used me as a way to pick up women when you felt lonely. Do not forget, father, I had to stand outside our room so you could sate your needs."
"You are the lowest of the low. You didn't do anything that wasn't for your own benefit. If you're going to talk about selfishness, let's talk about yours. If I remember correctly, I called you after Jeremy died and you didn't even pick up the phone. You didn't even come to check up on me. What about when I was put into the hospital? Do you even realize why I was put there?"
"You have accidents all the time," Alice pointed out.
"Except the hospital told him why I was there, but he didn't bother to listen to the message after he heard my name. Do you want to know why I was there, father?" Bella asked before continuing. "I slit my wrist and was bleeding out. Niklaus found me. I had a heart attack on the way to the hospital and flatlined for 6 minutes at the hospital. I died and I had no one other than a couple of friends at the time. People who had known me for less than six months made sure I was ok and you didn't even have the decency to call me back. So, no you are not my father, you are not my friend, you're not even my acquaintance. You are nothing, because in my time of need, I was nothing to you."
"Bella..." Bella shook her head at the beginning of his apology.
"You feel betrayed that I rather stick up for the Mikaelson's than you, but you don't seem to understand that they are the only people who have stayed when I need them," Bella continued. "You see right here, right now, they're standing with me despite all the nights I screamed in my sleep. They stayed despite my reluctance to open up to them. They stayed with me when I had to go through the loss of someone I considered family, when I gave up on myself completely."
"Kol sat with me at the diner on the first day I met him, because he could noticed that I was alone. That I was tired of my surroundings. Elijah, sat next to me on nights I couldn't sleep and told me stories about one of his many adventures. Rebekah, the blonde fierce woman, who killed and protected anyone she cared about. The same women who stayed behind with me because she was afraid Victoria would get to me," Bella looked at her family before looking at her hybrid. "And despite not trusting anyone, Niklaus welcomed me into his family because he didn't want to upset his little brother anymore than he already had. A man that made me see my worth and my inner strength and loving me like no one else ever has."
"Family isn't made by blood, its made by a bond that can only be found by people who actually care," Bella continued. "And I'm tired of looking for a relationship with you after everything that has happened. I am tired of having to defend myself and my choices. I am tired of reliving my past. I just want to move on, so if you ever, ever, cared for me, please leave me alone."
Her whisper made everyone go quiet. They could hear the the desperation seeping into her words.
"They are monsters who have brainwashed you!" Edward stood up after a few seconds, glaring at Niklaus with a ferocity Bella had never seen before. "The Bella I knew would never treat her father the way you have done so recently. She would have stood by her blood, her family!"
"I'm not that Bella!" The brunette screamed. "I was never that girl! The person you knew was the farthest from the truth. She hid behind a shadow hoping to feel even an ounce of love she saw on tv. The girl who hid behind so many layers, she became obedient to her boyfriend and broke into pieces when he left."
"It couldn't have been that bad," Alice scoffed.
"You wanna bet?" Kol muttered, before speaking up loudly. "When I first met her, her clothes draped over her as if she was wearing two sizes too big. She hadn't slept properly in months and her hair hadn't been washed in days. Her eyes were a dull brown without an ounce of light in them. I've seen billions of people over my time on earth and I've never seen someone lose that much hope."
"Your brother broke her into pieces and expected her to be ok. He called her worthless blood bag that he was happy to sniff. So, no it wasn't that bad, it was much, much worse," Kol spit out. "I will only say this once and I am only doing it because you meant something to her once. Isabella, also, hates us killing people. If you ever misplace a hair on her head or a thought in her brain, you'll be nothing but a bonfire."
"You are being ridiculous," Esme stated, but Niklaus could see her shifty eyes. Even she didn't believe her own words.
"What's ridiculous is that you continue to torture this young girl in hopes of satisfying your son's need, without an ounce of care of who you'll hurt. A son, might I add, is a sorry excuse of a vampire and even worse a man," Niklaus growled out. "I've listened to all of you and all I hear are excuses and pathetic defenses. I do not care what or who you are, I will tear each one of you apart until you're screaming for mercy, if you do not leave this house."
"Bella," Edward looked at her with pleading eyes and the girl shook her head. Instead she pushed herself into Niklaus' side.
"You made your bed years ago, Edward. It's time you laid in it," Bella shrugged.
She pulled away from her hybrid's arms and made her way towards the stairs. She barely glanced back when Edward spoke up.
"I love you," Edward proclaimed, and Bella could see the smug grin on his face. "That has to mean something!"
"It amounts to nothing! You are nothing but an attention-seeking, self-righteous teenager that goes crying to your mother when you don't get your way," Bella spat out. "Where the hell was your love when you called me worthless? When I begged you to stay? Where was your love when I left you thousands of emails, after you left, in hopes of getting you back?"
"I hope no girl ever encounters your type of love, Edward Cullen, because you will never grow up and it will be the death of her."
"Bella, love, please," he moved forward and within a second, Niklaus had his arm out. He stopped the Cold One from taking a step towards his lover.
The boy tried to move again, this time attempting to reach for Bella's arm. Niklaus took a hold of it and when the boy tried to fight, his arm was pulled off of his torso and thrown near the fireplace.
"Next time, I will not miss," the hybrid hissed.
The group across from him looked shocked, but his anger was getting the best of him.
"Nik," Bella went to reprimand the man, but he quickly interrupted her.
"He will keep attempting to undermine your decision until he is given a punishment," he explained and Bella grew quiet.
She understood what he meant. No matter how hard she tried, there was going to be a fight. The Cullens would keep interfering and the Mikaelson's would never let her go without a fight.
"Don't destroy the furniture," she sighed, taking a seat on the stairs.
Kol stood up and took a seat next to her, watching the tension escalate in the room. The group of visitors seemed to find it shocking that Bella wasn't abhorred by violence.
"How much do you want to bet that Peter is already on his way here?" Bella asked him.
"I don't bet when I know I'm going to lose, darling," Kol leant back against the stair above them, resting his elbows on it.
"You are no fun," Bella's pout made him chuckle.
"Torture is funny to you?" Charlie asked them.
"He deserved it," Bella muttered, avoiding the chiefs eyes.
"I should have you arrested!" The man grumbled.
"Go ahead," Peter's announcement made everyone look up. "I will be quite happy ringing the Volturi and telling them about the Cullen's exposure to humans. How long do you think you'll live then, Chief?"
"Bells, I'm your father," Charlie tried one more time, his eyes meeting hers for a mere second, before they shifted towards Edward.
"Are you?" Elijah asked. "My father was a malicious man and he outright hated us, but not once did he manipulate us. You're lower than Mikael, quite a dishonor in the books really."
"You know nothing," Charlie spat out.
"Maybe they're right," everyone was surprised by the new voice.
They all shifted their eyes towards the wolf who had spoken up.
"Paul," Sam warned.
The man didn't back down, he just stared Charlie down.
Hey guys! I know it has been forever since I uploaded, but school restarted and it's making everything impossible to do. Especially considering I have to do everything online and still apply to a few internships and projects. I hope I can upload the next chapter soon and I have already started on it so don't worry!
But leave a review if you liked it and even if you didn't. I'd like some constructive criticism
If you enjoy this story go check out my other stories listed below:
Everlasting Love: Even after all these years, his touch sets her on fire. Maybe its the love they share. A love that can only be found in two soulmates.
The Hybrids Wife: Isabella's absence has been noticed by her that she's here, their family has once again found the happiness they waited for
Swan Witch: Kol's only just woken up, and he's intrigued by the witch who has surprisingly befriended his older brother. Maybe she'll let him into her live
Also I will be uploading this story as regularly as I can!