Saga Zero:
Paradox Unleashed
Rose Tyler is in her early days of dimension hopping. While looking for her Doctor, to help her stop the Reality Bomb, she collides with a message & ends up being dragged off to the 1st Doctor of the Prime Universe, soon after he left Gallifrey. Now Rose Tyler, The 1st Doctor, & Susan must save River in the Library, which has unforeseen consequences to the future. The Time War comes early, on a field of a shattered universe. The Reapers take advantage of the situation.
I moved this fic from my old profile of "ColtKit" to here... because I'm OCD and I wanted all the fics in my multi fic universe in one place by themselves.
Episode Prologue:
Why did the Doctor leave Gallifrey?
Chapter Zero
A woman, or what appeared to be a 2 legged humanoid at least, sat outside her home. Her hand resting on her pregnant belly. She could feel the little one kick. Already making incomprehensible demands of her.
The house was nothing more then a small Sphere on a square platform. No bigger then 3 meters tall. Not leaving much room but inside was a whole nother world... or at the very least a large manor. "Bigger on the inside" as her mate would say.
This was a house of wealth. Peasants could only afford buildings of ordinary construction. The Master's father gave her this house on the family estate, after the trial of course. It was fortunate her father took her back in after all the trouble she caused. Even better that he took in her mate.
The Doctor, her mate, had made a bargain with the High Council of Gallifrey. He would plead guilty and condemn his own actions in exchange for a full pardon for the Master...
The punishment? Forced Regeneration and 6 months in a rehabilitation facility. Provided they got the Doctor to give a public statement condemning his actions...
For all their flaws, Time Lords didn't have a death penalty. Forced regeneration was their harshest, legal, punishment. Only done when the Time Lord in question was thought to be irredeemable. It was the hope the next face would be different as regeneration caused Time Lords to perceive their actions of their previous lives differently.
The young woman had spent the last thousand years trampling their civilizations primary principles. A non interference policy with the passage of time. Her mate could claim it was all his idea but truth was she had wanted to do it... they even picked up a pet.
A less evolved humanoid, so primitive the species actually called themselves "humans". Not realizing that was an animal Kingdom, a classification of species, rather then an actual race.
Still The Doctor had been insistent they go to Earth and when the little critter snuck onboard the Doctor felt an instant connection to it... the Doctor, being half human himself, got rather mad at The Master's view that the creature was their pet. He believed the thing should be treated like an equal, or else how could the Master claim to call the Doctor a friend.
It was simple. The Doctor had gone through gene therapy at birth. He had all his Time Lord traits brought to the surface. Yes he had a few unsavory genes but those were vastly diluted to the point a casual medical scan wouldn't pick them up. The Doctor might have a human father but he was less human then he liked to admit.
"Koschei?" The Master flinched and glared up at the voice that dare speak his name. The Master was no child! How dare anyone address him by anything but his chosen name!
The Master glared at the "old" man that now stood before her. She sighed. She was still getting used to his new face. Time Lords can't really tell age by looking at someone. Their soul feels for the soul of another Time Lord. That is how, even with his new face, she could recognize him.
"Honestly Alexandermacedon," The Master glared, speaking the Doctor's own birth name in an attempt to shame him. As the Doctor felt no shame in even the most embarrassing circumstances, it proved ineffective. Still, the Master scolded, "Show some tact. We're in public!"
"How is your family estate public?" The Doctor grinned as he took a seat next too her.
The Master sighed, "Behave." She gently slapped his arm.
They sat in silence as they watched the two suns set in the orange sky.
● 2000 Years Later
War had erupted on Gallifrey, not the Time War or anything so flashy, but the Doctor's first taste of a real war. Fought with weapons a good deal more advanced then the swords and spears, like he was used to.
A civil war for the soul of their planet... one that it was looking less and less likely the good guys could win.
"But I want to help!" A young Ginger woman glared at her father.
The Doctor huffed, "Are you so eager to go back onto the front lines? You already snuck out there once, against my orders, might I add. How did that work out for you, young Lady?"
The woman glared, "DON'T CALL ME THAT!"
The Doctor shrugged, "Have you looked in a mirror? You're a woman now!"
"You're lucky they didn't stop both your hearts." The Master glared as she stepped into the room, "Honestly, stop being so selfish!"
"SELFISH! For wanting to help!" The woman screamed.
"Thetatropolousvsgholtazsr Sigmaakronosvexsithkada!" The Master snapped out the woman's full name, "You have a new born daughter who now has two mums. Think of her and stop this fantasy!"
"Our planet has erupted into civil war! A civil war that is not only your doing but you're LEADING!" She glared at her parents. "If I don't do something my daughter will HAVE no Mums! She will grow up in a world of oppression and poverty! I will not stand by and do NOTHING! You raised me to stand up for what is right!'
The Doctor rested a hand on her shoulder, "Please. Don't go out there again. If you want to help, help here. We need officers to discuss strategies."
"Yes well, I'm stupid," the Doctor smirked.
The Master shrugged, "You know I don't approve of lying to children,"
"I'M NOT A CHILD!" Theta roared, "I haven't been a child for a thousand years! You need to stop treating me like one and realize I have something to offer!"
The Doctor glared, "Enough of this, I'm putting my foot down. You will not leave the safety of this compound again."
Theta "gah-ed" and stormed deeper into the room. Acting very much a child.
The Doctor sighed and put a hand to his head.
"It's not like you to be so short with her," The Master observed.
"He reminds me too much of myself to not make myself clear on the matter." The Doctor sighed.
"She." The master smirked.
"Must you push his buttons like that?" The Doctor eyed.
"It's your mutt blood that confuses her." The Master insisted.
● 16 Years Later
The Master was hugging their daughter's lifeless body as she laid on the metal slab. Her wife was nearby, on a nearby table. The Doctor walked into the morgue, knowing what was about to happen.
"You could have prevented this..." The Master accused. "You and those ridiculous ideals you poured into her hearts. She just wanted to be like you... that's all she wanted... I followed you... against my better judgment, I let you lead half the world into a war they couldn't win!... but why did you have to drag our daughter into it to?"
The Doctor said nothing. He couldn't find the words.
"I've called the High Council." The Master informed, "They should be on their way now..."
"... I know..."
"I'll give you a head start but know if I ever see you again... I'll kill you myself..."
"... I know..."
"You called the Council?" The both turned to see their 16 year old granddaughter. She looked accusingly at the Master.
"Susan," The Master tried. Speaking the girl's chosen name.
"After everything father did? After everything he believed in? Your last act of 'love' is to betray everything he stood for!" Susan yelled, "Father died to protect our dream of a free Gallifrey! You shame that!" Susan took the Doctor's hand and pulled him away, "Come Grandfather. We have to evacuate!"
The Doctor lingered a moment. It was clear by the Master's broken expression that he blamed him for Susan's feelings as well. He sighed and left the room with his Granddaughter, sounding the alarm on their way out.
I won't go into detail, to make sure not to spoil anything for those who haven't watched the new season of Doctor Who, but this new canon of the Timeless Child makes me thankful I already established this fic as "Alternate Universe"... The Season Finale, of series 12, just destroyed my headcanon but I plan to continue to use that headcanon for this fic series.
In the universe of "Paradox Unleashed" the Doctor is half human, with his first face being "Alexander the Great". I will use most of the canon Doctors and have plans for Original Regenerations, as aliens from various franchises, down the line.
This makes the fic Extremely Alternate Universe, given the new established canon in the show. However everything that happens in the show happens just as is, in another dimension. The Dimension this Rose Tyler was born in actually. I may have the two dimensions interact at different points in later fics of this series.
Paradox Unleashed will be a massive Space Opera. I have dozens of fics in this universe, as well as a bunch of spin offs diving into other universes in my future "Legacy" series. That will focus on franchises I love, written as Alternate Universe in my fic universe. Including rewrites of some of my current fics into this universe.
My Little Galaxy, is part of this universe, and the last run of the Doctor. I currently am writing it explicitly on Fim Fiction, but plan to bring it over here as well.