Unfuckingbelievable. I just can't believe this. After all what I did, I get fucking sent to a world where I feel no longer relevant. Not that I'm complaining. It's just quite anticlimactic. I was expecting Eternal Damnation to be honest but since The World Of C decided to send me here, I guess I just gotta make the best of my situation. Heck, this can't even be called a situation. This is like receiving a gift that you can't refuse. This is a new life for me. A new start. A new beginning.


Shinomiya Kaguya was sure she's lost now. She's been wandering all over these woods for hours now yet she still haven't found the path she was suppose to follow from the very beginning. The seven years old girl tried to steel herself at her current predicament but after multiple tries of finding her way back, her confidence and morale began to falter. Nevertheless, Kaguya was still adamant in her resolve to find her way back.

Slowly, the whole morning turns to evening and the day finally goes night. The Sun have been replaced by the Moon and all the crickets began chirping in the darkness. Still not finding her way back, Kaguya began to worry as she searches for her parents. Eventually, she panicked and gave up. She sits behind a tree and slowly begins to cry. Her calm composure from earlier was completely gone. Her confidence and morale shattered. Darkness was everywhere and the odds were against her, all she could do is endure it but she just can't. Not anymore.

And then all her worries and fear spiked even further once she began to see a raven haired boy in all black clothing with hellish red glowing eyes slowly coming towards her. He had an intimidating presence and an aura of authority and confidence.

Rising to defend herself, Kaguya tried her best to look intimidating but it quickly failed upon seeing the boy smirked evilly as he advances towards her.

"Please. Don't kill me! Please! I want to live." Kaguya begged as tears fell across her face, "Please don't kill me!"

"Kill you? No. I'm not going to kill you." The boy laughed and then his smirk widened in delight, "Although, I might really consider it if you don't clean up that snot of yours this instant."

Quickly, Kaguya began cleaning up her snot filled nose with a towel she had on her pocket. Once she was done, she noticed the boy was staring at her with morbid curiousity.

"Are you perhaps the Demon of this forest?" Kaguya asked hesitantly, instinctively taking a step back.

The boy frowned in distaste but nevertheless answered, "So, what if I am? Does it matter to you?"

"No. No. No. I'm just asking." Kaguya quickly answered rather meekly.

The boy hummed at this and rubbed his chin, sizing her up and down, "If you're indeed lost as I believe you are. Head West. That's the way out." He then points to a certain direction with a grand gesture, "And West, young lady, is that way. There will be a path there. You can't miss it."

Kaguya was at first hesitant to believe him but since she didn't have any other options, it was the only logical choice for her.

With that, Kaguya decided to head West as the boy pointed it out. As she began her journey, she left one last look at the boy. He was giving her a dead blank stare and Kaguya could only utter one word as she started running.


Ten Years Later

Currently outside the gates of the prestigious popular Shuchiin Academy lies a certain raven haired teen dressed in proper uniform. This was Lelouch Lamperouge himself. In the flesh and soul.

Every student nearby noticed the teen and they were impressed and awed by his presence not to mention some even felt intimidated.

Entering the gate and advancing forward with grace and style, Lelouch smiled in content.

"That's him." One student whispered, "The new student."

"I didn't expect that he would look like one of those bad boys in a certain magazine." A second student whispered, obviously a girl, "He must be really rich. The way he walks and handles himself is just similar to a Prince, like he really belongs to a royal family."

"Well, believe it or not, I heard he comes from a very poor family and the only reason he even got in is because he made a bet with the Principal. That and he aced the Entrance Exam with ease along with a number of things that impressed all the teachers and staff in the whole campus." A third student replied to the second student.

Unbeknownst to everyone including Lelouch, a now already grown up Shinomiya Kaguya was observing Lelouch from afar. She trembled at the sight of him. She remembered him. It was him. The Demon Of The Forest.