What is Right (A Follow-Up to What Feels Right)

She's stunned, but the upward twitch of Beckett's lips betrays her deeper feelings.

"You," she starts slowly, glancing between him and the eager little puppy he'd placed in her arms. "You got me a dog."

He nods. Reaching out a hand, he scratches the pup's ears, doing his best to ignore the proximity of his fingers to the slash of her collarbone that peeks out from her shirt.

"After the last week, I thought you might need something sweet to think about. Chocolates were my first thought, but he's cuter He's had all his shots, and the rescue will pay for his," he lowers his voice to be sure their four-legged friend won't hear, "surgery in a few months when he's older."

Beckett adjusts the puppy in her arms, running a tentative hand along the dog's back, murmuring something soothing when he yips. "Castle, this is very sweet. But I-"

"Just need to name him," he says, tilting his head. "What's his name, Beckett?"

This time, she grins. "I think I'll call him Ricky."

Prompt: Kate reacts to puppy.