Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

November 29th, Fourth Year

"Okay, when the fireworks start crackling—" Fred started.

"We bloody book it!" George finished.

I giggled. We were setting off fireworks in Professor Sinistra's office. Why, you may ask? He's outright perverse! Barely even hides it! I mean honestly, making me his example for everything despite the many male volunteers AND making me sit right up in front of his desk, where his eyeline never wavers from my newly blossomed chest! Ergh he gives me the creeps.

I watched Fred ignite his wand tip and touch it to the fireworks with a conspiratorial look to George and I. In unison all three of us turned on our heels, only to find our paths being blocked by none other than Minerva McGonagall. I locked eyes with her and inadvertently gulped.

"My office, now," She said through pursed lips.

"Now Minnie, if you really wanted an office rendezvous with us—"

"All you had to do was ask" The twins said, smirking.

I slapped my hand to my face. Remind me again why I chose them to be my two best friends?

Thankfully, McGonagall just turned around and led us to her red and gold themed office.

"Professor, Sinistra deserved it. He's a total pedo!" Fred tried to protest, but was silenced with one of McGonagall's trademark looks.

She conjured up three chairs in front of her desk and opened her mouth. "Weasleys, you will return to my office every Friday for the next four weeks at 9pm sharp for your detentions. Are we clear?"

"Crystal..." They groaned.

"What about me, Professor?" I asked curiously.

"I am making you become a peer tutor, Ms. McKinnon. There is a boy in the year below you who requires help with charms. As I recall you are quite talented in the subject?"

I nodded and gave a melodramatic hair flip. "Pays to be smart, boys," I sighed.

Professor McGonagall's lips twitched upwards as the twins protested. "As if I want younger students modelling the two of you's behavior," she scoffed, causing me to erupt into laughter at the twins' outrage.

"But she's just as troublesome as us!" George shouted indignantly. McGonagall just ignored him.

"Hey Professor?" I asked.

"Yes, Ms. McKinnon?" She replied.

"If you were standing behind us the whole time, why did you let us light the fireworks?"

Professor McGonagall's normally straight face broke for a fraction of a second. "You three aren't the only ones who've noticed Professor Sinistra's wandering eye," she told us, eyes twinkling. I felt my face break into a large grin.

"The three of you are dismissed," Professor McGonagall declared.

Author's Note: Hi everyone! This is my first story and I am so excited to finally publish it. I'll try to update frequently and will probably work out a schedule soon. Normally chapters will be longer than this one. Thanks for reading and please leave reviews!!!