Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter or Star Wars. Or anything else that you recognize really
Kashyyk 4000 BBY
The first thing Harry registered when he passed onto the other side of the Veil was that he was definitely no longer in England anymore. The lush jungles that surrounded him was a definite sign that he had succeeded in leaving their world behind. The second thing he registered was that he stood facing a cloaked figure that he was suprised to see so soon after crossing through the Veil: Death itself.
"Welcome to Kashyyk, Mr. Potter. It's good to see you again. I believe congratulations are in order for both of us, you survived, and I got to get reassigned to a far better universe to reap souls in. It's a pity that your world ended up destroyed and void of life not long after you left in order for that to happen. The Wizarding World was always a personal favorite of mine," Death said. And Harry couldn't help but be glad to see Death despite the circumstances.
He had met with Death multiple times since he had obtained the Deathly Hallows. He had been informed that he was the Immortal Master of Death, and that he was looking forward to working with him. They had become poker buddies since then, with Harry occasionally helping Death reap a few souls. Death was definitely not his servant, though. Immortal beings don't just hand mortals a way to control them.
"I should have known. It's good to see you, Bob," Harry said with a grin, embracing Death like an old friend. Which, to be fair, he kind of was. Poker was a good bonding experience. As was brawling with Ares, who was an exceptionally sore loser and had taken offense when he had lost to Harry in bowling. Harry had walked away from that fight with several bruises, the respect of Ares, and the satisfaction of knowing that Bob had his back.
"Who is this, Harry?" Hermione asked as she appeared behind him. Harry turned and realized that Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Neville, Dean, Seamus, Parvati, Padma, Hannah, Remus, Mundungus, Luna, Draco, Astoria, Pansy, Goyle, Blaise, Susan, Daphne, and Ginny, who was holding four year old Teddy, had arrived behind him.
"Guys, this is my friend, fellow immortal, and poker buddy Bob. But you may know him better as Death," Harry said, grinning broadly as if this was a normal occurrence to introduce the avatar of Death as an old friend. Death cheerily waved at them all when Harry introduced him. He was extremely amused at the situation. Not that anyone else knew this, the cloak and the scythe made it almost impossible for anyone to tell that it was possible that Death could be amused.
Daphne and Susan simultaneously face-palmed. Hermione and Ginny just shook their heads in slight disbelief and exasperation. Luna just smiled and waved back like it was no big deal, while everyone else just gaped. All of them had known that Harry had a friend named Bob that he had been meeting for poker nights once every three months before the bombings. But they had been under the assumption that he was a Muggle friend, not the physical embodiment of Death itself.
"Harry, when exactly were you planning on telling us that your poker buddy Bob was Death?" Daphne asked, in a tone that suggested that she was none too pleased that he had kept that particular detail to himself. They had all been told he was basically immortal, so she was somewhat perplexed on why he wouldn't tell them this. Plus, she was his wife for Merlin's sake!
Harry had been unable to explain away how he survived getting hit by a third killing curse, this one to his back by Corban Yaxley. Corban had been so shocked when Harry had popped back up as he had merely tripped over a rock that he didn't even manage to try and protect himself from the rather dark cutting curse from the wand of an enraged Ginny that separated his head from his body. He had come clean to his family and friends after the battle, and had been suprised but pleased when they had stuck with him and insisted that it didn't change anything.
"He wasn't allowed to. The gods and semi-immortal beings in charge have rules about telling mortals about our organization. They're extremely private beings, and it would be a bad idea to piss them off. Harry is actually the only one in our organization that lives amongst the mortals now. The only others that have even spoken to a mortal in centuries are myself and the Flamels. The ones I talk to are dead, and the Flamels have completely removed themselves from humanity. I doubt that they will return to humanity, especially since your world has been destroyed," Death explained.
"That's not technically true, Death. We both know how much some of the pantheons enjoy spending time with mortals, considering how many demigods some of them have running around in their universes," Harry said with a mischievous smirk.
"That hardly ever happens," Death retorted.
"Apollo says otherwise," Harry replied.
"You know damn well that the Olympians are the exception to the majority of the rules that have or ever will exist. All the pantheons agree that they are pretty fucked up once they stop to consider their habits," Death replied.
"True enough. I'm glad that they have so many demigods to do their work for them, though. I would not want to have to be the one cleaning up their messes. I have enough work as the emissary of Death and being Harry Potter. But I have a feeling that we aren't here by accident, and that there is a reason you are here telling us this. You wouldn't be able to be telling all of us this otherwise," Harry said firmly.
"Straight to the point, always have liked that about you. Well, it's a bit of a long story on how it happened, but all of the people that have passed through the Veil over the past seven years or so are now basically immortal, including your friends and a few others that came through in the last couple of years. All of them will live for a few thousand years or so, give or take. They all can be killed, but only in battle or by a dying spirit. But your increased strength, stamina, speed, and senses should help you there. Those should kick in sometime tomorrow," Death said.
"As to why you are here, I have no idea. I have not been informed of any plans of any sort. But I have no doubt that the powers that be have a reason. They wouldn't be them if they didn't. I'll explain more once we get inside the castle I had built for you. This forest is not a very safe place. Lots of rather deadly and vicious creatures that even your old friend Hagrid wouldn't love," Death continued.
The stunned group followed the hooded form of Death deeper into the forest for an hour or so, quietly chatting amongst themselves. Everything they had been told, including the idea that it was possible there were deadly creatures that Hagrid wouldn't love, was a lot to process. And suddenly Death stopped, and there, hidden in the lush jungle, was a castle. One that was an exact replica of Hogwarts. Harry's jaw dropped, while the others looked on confused. None of them could see anything.
"What are we supposed to be seeing?" Ron asked, looking as confused as he was.
"Oh yeah, Harry, you're the Secret Keeper, you've got to tell them the address I made up," Death said. The rest of the group turned as one and glared at him. Harry backed up a couple steps, as he was standing next to his wives and was afraid of getting hexed. And considering he had no idea what Death was talking about, he needed a clear head to try and figure out what was going on. Having his snot turned into bats flying around in his face would not help him do that.
"I swear, I have no idea what he is talking about. And I am pretty sure I would remember traveling to another universe and becoming a Secret Keeper for a castle that is a replica of Hogwarts," Harry said, throwing his hands up defensively.
"Not if you had just finished joining Thor, Dionysus, and Volstagg the Voluminous in a drinking contest. That night had to be one of the most enjoyable and entertaining parties I have seen in my entire existence," Death said with a chuckle, causing Harry to glare at him. Harry was also still getting death glares from his wives and Hermione.
"Harry, do you need me to refresh your memory for you?" Ginny asked in a sweet but rather deadly tone. She brandished her wand rather menacingly as well, causing Harry, the Man-Who-Conquered and Savior of the Wizard World, to pale and start to look for a place to hide.
"As amusing as that would be, I had him write it down and give it to me for safekeeping. Something that I figured that all of you would be grateful for. The group that arrived ahead of you certainly was," Death said, handing a slip of paper to Harry.
"Ernie and the others made it to the Ministry and through the Veil alright then! We weren't sure they had managed to make it there alive," Susan exclaimed gleefully. Susan was referring to the members of the DA that had been separated shortly before the bombings. Led by Ernie Macmillan, Lee Jordan, Anthony Goldstein, and Angelina Johnson, they were supposed to meet up with them at the Department of Mysteries to make the preparations for the journey when a bomb hit London. They had hoped that they had been ahead of them and taken a leap of faith and just jumped through the Veil, but hadn't truly believed that they were alive until now. They hadn't seen them when they managed to get into the buried Department a few months later.
"Yes, and they are waiting for you inside," Death said.
"Potter's Sanctuary is located at 713 Lily Pad, Prongsville in the Shadowlands of Kashyyk. I really must have been drunk to call it that," Harry said morosely, to the general amusement of his friends and allies. The Castle was revealed, causing the jaws of everyone who was seeing it for the first time to drop.
"Like it? I was allowed to bring in an army of the dead to build it a while back. But this is the extent of my help, I'm afraid. After I fill you in on the basic knowledge that you need to know about this galaxy, I must be off. You won't see me again until you reach the afterlife. And I have been told to retrieve the Flamel's stone as well. You won't be needing it, and it's far too dangerous to leave in this universe," Death said as they crossed the threshold of the castle.
Hermione's head snapped towards Harry, who had pulled the stone out of the mokeskin pouch that he was wearing around his neck. He tossed it to Death, who caught it. "Wha...t? How? When?" Hermione stammered. The information overload was finally beginning to overwhelm her. Even after being best friends with Harry Potter for eleven years, she never quite got used to the impossible weirdness that followed him like a shadow.
"I'm sure Mr. Potter would love to fill you in on that, but I'm afraid that will have to wait until your brains have comprehended the basic knowledge of the galaxy via the vitamins that my servants will be giving you. The ability to understand and speak basic, important groups and locations in the galaxy, current technology, and the general history of the galaxy. The basic stuff," Death said.
As he was saying this, skeletons rose up from the ground and shoved said vitamins in their mouths. This caused them to freeze in place for a few moments, thanks to a time spell worked into the vitamins that prevented them from collapsing and hurting themselves. Basic it may be, but it was a lot to process, especially after all the information they had already had to process in the last couple hours.
"It's been a pleasure working with you all. Best be off got to make sure that my minions are doing their jobs. Until we meet again," Death said, and with that ominous parting, disappeared into thin air. After a few moments of silence passed, Daphne spoke.
"I swear, my life was normal before I met you. Now I do things fight Dark Lords, meet immortals, and journey to an entire different universe," Hermione said to Harry with a slight groan, burying her face in her hands.
"If it makes you feel any better Hermione, if you hadn't met Harry, we'd probably all be dead. I highly doubt that he could have defeated Voldemort without your help, let alone get us all out of here alive. Hell, both Harry and Ron probably wouldn't have lived past their OWLS without your help," Daphne said with a slight grin.
Harry and Ron grimaced, but acknowledged that Daphne had a point, mollifying Hermione somewhat. Just as they did, a voice came from behind them near the doorway of the Great Hall.
"Agreed. Those coins alone saved a lot of lives over the years. And it's the reason why you we aren't the only ones that survived," a familiar voice said. They turned, only to see their old friends and former members of the DA. Lee Jordan, grinning thoroughly, stood beside Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, Anthony Goldstein, Terry Boot, Michael Corner, Dennis Creevey, Ernie Macmillan, and Justin Finch-Fletchey. Behind them stood a rather uncomfortable looking Zacharias Smith, as if he wasn't sure he belonged. And Hestia Jones and her half-sister Megan Jones were there as well, having met up with the group by chance in London, before joining them.
But Harry only had eyes for the man he had long thought dead. His godfather, Sirius Black, stood there with tears of joy streaming from his face. He and Harry embraced emotionally, and no words could describe the joy that their reunion brought them both. Sirius had arrived on Kashyyk almost six months ago after running into Anthony Goldstein on Coruscant. He had recognized him from his time watching Hogwarts while in hiding, and had taken a chance and revealed himself. Anthony had brought him here, having recognized him as the man who had been wrongly thrown into Azkaban.
"I'm so proud of you, Harry," Sirius whispered to him. He then let out a roar of joy at the sight of Remus. He embraced his old friend and fellow Marauder next, but Harry barely noticed that. The tall, muscular man behind them had caught his attention. He looked nothing like the bullying boy he had grown up with, but Harry knew exactly who it was. His cousin, Dudley Dursley.
That turned out to be one of the more awkward reunions. While the two had made up, neither could forget the animosity between them in years past. Just like with Draco and his group, there was always going to be a wedge between Dudley and the rest of the group. Fred and George were definitely eyeing him mischievously, just as Dudley was eyeing them warily. He had not forgotten about the Ton-Tongue Toffee.
For the most part, everyone was glad to see each other, the reunion between Fred, George, and Lee being one of the louder ones. Sirius was treated well, as everyone knew that he was innocent, as that had made the Daily Prophet after his supposed death. Although Draco, Pansy, Goyle, Smith and Dudley still gave him a wide berth, likely due to the fact that they had been the target of several of his pranks or knew that the former prisoner of Azkaban had no reason to like them. His notorious temper definitely played a part, and it didn't help that they were well-liked by anyone there.
Zacharias and Dudley were definitely uncomfortable. They had struck up a friendship sometime over the course of the year that they had been on Kashyyyk. They eventually realized that they were both outcasts; Dudley because he was a Muggle who mistreated the Savior of the Wizarding World when they were kids, and Zacharias because he had proven himself a coward by fleeing before the Battle of Hogwarts, something no one had forgotten or forgiven. He was only here because Megan had recognized him in London when she and Hestia were escorting Dudley to the safety. And Megan was a kind soul, and refused to leave him behind. And the rest had begrudgingly allowed him to tag along afterwards.
Blaise had friends among the group thanks to the fact that he had been neutral in the war and had never been close with any of the wannabe Death Eaters in Slytherin. His mother had never been a Death Eater, despite her reputation. He had actually assisted the DA covertly while the Carrows were running things, just as Daphne had. And Daphne was married to Harry, and was now close to most of the group. And Astoria was Harry's sister-in-law, and had struck up several friendships as well.
But Draco, Goyle, and Pansy had none of those luxuries. They were painfully aware that the only reason they were here because of the fact that Astoria had begged her sister to ask Harry to help them, and because Potter was too much of a saint to refuse. Draco was still convinced that the Weasleys and a few others would gladly kill him in the forest somewhere and make it look like an accident. And the fact that both he owed Potter a life debt on top of it hurt the pride of the former Slytherin something fierce. Especially since Goyle had managed to repay his debt by saving Potter from some cursed artifact in the Department of Mysteries, thus cancelling out his life debt.
Eventually, everyone gathered in the Great Hall and sat down. Hermione released the two dozen or so House Elves they had brought in a trunk suite, and they immediately headed towards the familiar kitchen to make dinner. They did assign a few to arrange a place for all of them to sleep and to feed Teddy and put him down to sleep near Harry's quarters, which he would later discover was the lavish quarters that belonged to the Headmaster, behind the office that was similar to the one Harry had met Dumbledore in many times over the years.
Harry started filling Sirius in on the details of the last few years while they waited. Details that the others couldn't have possibly told him, such as the Horocrux Hunt. Harry had a very captive audience, as only he, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny knew all the details of his seventh year. Susan and Daphne knew most of the story, but Harry had left out a few details, such as Ron abandoning them and some of the darker parts of the story, such as his walk into the forest.
When he reached the part about how Regulus had sacrificed his life to destroy Voldemort's Horocrux, Sirius had been shocked. Sirius had been torn between feeling proud of his little brother Regulus for defying Voldemort even in the face of death and being horrified that a piece of Voldemort's soul had been in his house.
"No wonder Kreacher went nuts," Sirius said, which led to Harry remembering that Kreacher was in the kitchen cooking. Harry decided to deal with Sirius and Kreacher now, and called him. He managed to get them to promise to not to try and kill each other, but they would never be friends after everything that had happened. Kreacher had tried to kill him after all, so Sirius would never be comfortable around the elf.
Mundungus was also rather uncomfortable, especially after it was let slip that he had stolen several priceless artifacts from Grimmauld Place, including Slytherin's Locket, which had made the journey more difficult. Sirius had tried to strangle him, and the fact that Kreacher was egging his former master on made the scene even more disturbing. But Hermione separated them with a wave of her wand.
"Enough! Sirius, if you don't sit there quietly and let Harry finish, I will put you in a full body-bind. Mundungus has been valuable to us and had more than made up for it," Hermione said firmly. Sirius complied, although not before shooting a glare at Mundungus that promised retaliation, provoking a shudder from the smaller man.
When he got to the part about how he had stunned Umbridge and left a Decoy Detonator in her desk drawer before he left, everyone cheered. Especially after he told the story about how Ron had been kissed by Mary Cattermole while disguised as her husband. There were several cat-calls from the twins, Sirius, Seamus, and Lee Jordan, causing Ron to turn red.
There was little reaction about the part where they destroyed the locket with the sword, as Snape's true allegiance was public knowledge and Sirius had been informed. Although he was still a "greasy git, spy or not," as Ron likes to say. And then came the tale of the trios near-capture at the hands of a Snatcher, alongside an ally who had run into them while they were they were destroying the locket. The accomplished occultist, who was apparently from another dimension, had recognized the Horocrux for what it was, and had insisted on helping them destroy the rest while he looked for a way to get home.
Infuriating though he was, John Constantine had slaughtered the Snatchers he had inadvertently summoned with the Taboo and helped them escape. His explanation on how war really worked had struck a chord with them, and they had realized that they couldn't be afraid to fight violence with violence if they were going to win. He had even managed to override Hermione The fact that John has been able to use a ritual to pinpoint the location of the remaining Horocruxes was another point in his favor.
His insane plan of getting them all captured so they could kidnap Bellatrix nearly got them all killed but it worked out in the end. Harry had followed them under the invisibility cloak, and proceeded to free Ron, Luna, Dean, Ollivander, and Griphook from Malfoy Manor with the help of Dobby. They had gone upstairs, disarming Draco and Narcissa and stunning Bellatrix and Lucius. Scabior and his gang of Snatchers had fortunately left already, as had Greyback.
They then sealed the Malfoys in the dungeon before Dobby and Kreacher brought them back to Grimmauld Place, which they had learned was still secure. Yaxley had failed to get in, as the wards of the Black family were too strong and he still didn't know the address, as he hadn't seen enough to know anything more than the street address. And Kreacher was able to bring them into the house without tipping them off that they were there.
Bellatrix had been put under the Imperius Curse by Constantine, who had taken the wand of a Snatcher in battle and had taken to wanded magic like a duck to water. Apparently, his type of magic was similar enough to theirs but more difficult without a foci like a wand to assist him. They secured her at Grimmauld Place, under the watchful eyes of Dobby and John.
They then plotted to break into Gringotts, with the assistance of Bill and Fleur Weasley. John had convinced the trio to stop trying to do everything alone, and had pointed out that was what had gotten Dumbledore killed and that Dumbledore had even told Harry that Voldemort's lack of understanding of love and friendship was his greatest weakness. Harry had reluctantly agreed to share the information with them, but only them.
With Hermione still recovering from being interrogated by Bellatrix, she had stayed behind with Fleur. And Griphook the goblin had refused to help them, as he was not only injured, but would not betray his people. Despite that, the plan went extremely well at first. Bill knew enough about Gringotts to help them navigate the bank and it's defenses. A disguised Bill, Ron, and John escorted the Imperiused Bellatrix into the bank, followed by Harry under his invisibility cloak.
They managed to make it to Bellatrix's vault without incident, despite running into Travers, one of Bellatrix's fellow Death Eaters. Fortunately, Lucius and the other Malfoys had yet to be freed from the dungeon, as they had no wish to inform the Dark Lord of Bellatrix's capture at the hands of Harry Potter, who had snuck into Malfoy Manor right under his nose. Lucius would actually be killed for this before the Battle of Hogwarts after escaping the dungeon with his family. So Travers let them pass without incident.
Things went wrong after Bellatrix grabbed the cup. She managed to fight off the Imperius Curse, and proceeded to fly into a rage. She slaughtered the goblins nearby, including Griphook. He had snuck away from Shell Cottage in an attempt to take the sword of Gryffindor from Harry for himself. and had paid the price for his treachery. Bill's leg was also badly injured by Bellatrix before she was burned to a crisp by the dragon guarding the bank. Harry, John, and Ron had then taken the cup and the sword and flown out of the bank on the back of said dragon. This got the loudest cheer of all, especially from Sirius.
"Ding dong the witch is dead, the wicked witch is dead!" Sirius sang while doing a jig. This got a cheer out of everyone, including Draco, Pansy, and Goyle. No one had liked the insane witch. There was a reason the analogy "happier than Bellatrix in a Muggle orphanage" was a common saying in Death Eater circles. Voldemort had never liked orphanages due to his past experiences, and had been more than willing to set the sadistic witch loose on them.
Lucius had even admitted to Draco in private after Bellatrix had escaped Azkaban that he still occasionally had nightmares from the one time he had accompanied Bellatrix on one of those trips. And after meeting his aunt, he understood why. He was still haunted by the screams of Luna Lovegood, Ollivander, Hermione, and the other poor souls that hadn't survived being tortured at her hands in the dungeons of Malfoy Manor.
After jumping off the back of the dragon into the water and swimming to shore, they destroyed the cup with the sword. Jon had done the honors, as he hadn't done it before. They then Apparated back to Shell Cottage, where they were fed and healed by Fleur and Hermione. Despite his injuries, both Bill and Fleur insisted on accompanying them to Hogsmeade. Luna, Hermione, and Dean went with them as well, as they were all healthy and had recovered their wand at Malfoy Manor, thanks to Kreacher.
When they arrived at Hogsmeade, they took shelter with Aberforth Dumbledore on the advice of Luna, who knew about a passageway into Hogwarts from there. Luna had contacted Neville, who had led them through the secret passageway into the Room of Requirement. They had then figured out how to access the Room of Hidden Things, while the other teachers had driven off Snape after Harry and Luna had subdued the Carrows.
He then described how Constantine had killed Crabbe in an attempt to stop him from casting the spell for Fiendfyre, but had been to late. How they had saved Malfoy and Goyle, barely escaping with their lives, and how the diadem had been destroyed by the cursed fire. He described how Fred had been saved from a collapsing wall by Constantine via a banishing charm, but that Percy had been killed by Rookwood seconds later, as he had been thrown into the path of his killing curse. John's actions had saved Fred but killed Percy. How Fleur and Bill, who was fighting despite his injuries, had been killed in a duel with the Lestrange brothers. How Tonks had fallen at the wand of Dolohov defending an injured Remus.
Things had gotten strange when Dolohov had disappeared before he could kill Remus, thanks to some stange spell that Constantine had cast with his wandless magic. Dolohov, Rookwood, Travers, and Greyback had disappeared along with Constantine. And whatever spell that he had used, he had found in a book in the Room of Hidden Things. And he had taken the book with him when he vanished. None of them had been seen since. Harry hoped that his friend had made it home alright.
"And you know the rest. Voldemort calls me out, I go into the forest and get AK'D by Moldyshorts. I come back to life, Neville kills the snake, and I kill the Dark Bastard. Everything went to hell after that despite most of his most powerful followers either dead or vanished. I still don't know how the Lestranges pulled it off, although I suspect it was Voldemort's plan that he had left with them before the battle. But I did manage to get three wonderful marriages and some good friends out my crazy life," Harry said, smiling at Ginny, Daphne, and Susan.
"Wait, you got married... to all three of them?!!" Sirius asked in shock. He got stuck on that point for some reason, although he had already known that Harry had survived the killing curse twice since his supposed death.
"Yup. Ginny Potter, Daphne Black, and Susan Potter-Bones, meet my godfather, Sirius Black," Harry said with a smile.
"It's lovely to meet you, ladies" Sirius said. All of a sudden, he burst into maniacal laughter. "I told you, Lily! Me and Prongs told you it would work. You said we were crazy, and you were right, but so were we! He pulled it off, haha!" Sirius said gleefully, breaking out into dance and continuing to laugh hysterically. Naturally, everyone around looked at him in concern and confusion. Beside him, Remus suddenly groaned as he realized what his friend was talking about.
"I had forgotten about that stupid bylaw," Remus said with a groan.
"What bylaw?" Harry asked.
"In exchange for a marriage contract between you and Daphne Greengrass, Lord Greengrass would add a bylaw to a Ministry war bill allowing a Lord of multiple pureblood lines to marry as many times as necessary to keep the lines alive. And as the Heir of both the Potter and Black lines, as well as having the Right of Conquest to multiple houses after defeating Voldemort, you would be allowed to marry legally several times over. Once they heard the prophecy, James and Sirius thought since you were going to be a rich, sexy, and powerful wizard destined to defeat a Dark Lord, you should be able to have a harem," Remus said tiredly.
"Yeah, and then the traitor betrayed your parents, and the Lestranges tortured your godmother and her husband. I ended up in Azkaban without a trial, which I am still convinced was either arranged by Lucius or Dumbledore. Either the Ministry or Dumbledore sealed your will and buried the contracts and stuck you with the Dursley's. I had found was planning on taking you in with me after you had finished your OWLS. I was going to tell you about the prophecy and train you after I leaked my evidence to Skeeter and Amelia Bones and cleared my name, so that there was nothing anyone could do to stop me. Obviously, that never happened," Sirius said darkly.
"We know. We found the research you did on your case in your vault after the war. I sometimes wonder whether he cared about me or was creating the perfect weapon for the light to defeat Voldemort. All because of a prophecy that couldn't be anything but the truth! Both he and Voldemort worked to made sure that the prophecy came true, even if it was to get the opposite results. And because of that, our world was destroyed," Harry said angrily.
"Good intentions or not, Dumbledore doomed us all with his secret keeping and inaction as much as Voldemort and his Death Eaters did. Death informed me in the information he gave us before he left that the Earth is now a dead world. We are the last of our kind, and there's only fifty souls left," Harry finished sadly.
A somber silence fell upon the group. It was broken by the song of a phoenix, as Fawkes flew in the Great Hall, carrying the old Sorting Hat. Fawkes dropped the hat into Harry's lap before landing on his shoulder. And to even greater astonishment, Nearly-Headless Nick, the Fat Friar, the Grey Lady, the Bloody Baron, and Peeves floated in behind them.
"All is not lost, Harry Potter. You have ensured the survival of our kind, and have the means to make sure it flourishes in the future. You have more than enough wands from Ollivander's to last several generations, and your wand can undoubtedly duplicate any potions ingredients you need. And substitutes will surely present themselves if not. The Wizarding World will rise again under your leadership," the Hat said.
"Indeed. You have risen to the occasion marvelously, Mr. Potter. I have no doubt that Potter's Sanctuary will be everything that the Founders intended Hogwarts to be when they built it. A place where safety and learning go hand in hand," Sir Nicholas said, his head wobbling slightly.
"The Founders would be proud of you all," Helena Ravenclaw said.
"It will be a glorious second chance," the Fat Friar exclaimed.
"While only fifty souls may remain, with forty-six among their living and four of them not, you have done well, young Potter. The fate of our people rests on your shoulders, and I believe you will make it a great one," the Bloody Baron said in a gravely voice.
"It'll be fun!" Peeves said with a cackle.
There was a moment of silence before Hermione spoke. "Well, if there was any doubt who our leader was, there isn't now," she said with a smile.
"Agreed. All hail King Potter!" Sirius said with a grin, and to Harry's horror, everyone except Malfoy, Goyle, and Parkinson said "Hail!" Any protests Harry attempted to make were utterly defeated when Dobby popped in with a golden crown from the trunk that held Harry's fortune and placed it on his head to general applause.
"Alright, alright, enough now. We still have a lot of things to work out. I know that the house elves have already made arrangements for our rooms, but we still have to figure out our next move. And I also want to know how Death got the number fifty. I only count forty-one, both living and dead," Harry said.
"Well, my mother and her boss, Unspeakable Croaker, joined the Jedi Order on Ossus. They fell through the Veil a couple years before we did, but have actually been here for nearly 150 years. I actually would like to speak with you privately about that. There's a lot you need to know," Anthony Goldstein said, to general astonishment. Only Sirius, Terry, and Michael seemed unfazed by this information.
"Agreed. I'll meet with you in the Headmaster's.. I mean my office after dinner. Sirius, I will also want to know exactly what you have been up to, as I suspect you have been here longer than the Unspeakables have," Harry said.
"You got it, Harry. And you're right, this old dog has quite the tale," Sirius said with a grin, causing several groans at the terrible pun, the loudest of which came from Remus. It was neither the first time Remus had heard that particular pun, and probably wasn't going to be the last.
"Also, I have to ask you Draco, do you still wish to go your separate way? I totally understand if you do, although it would be a shame to lose your input on the future of our society," Harry said, suppressing a grin. He really preferred it if Draco and his fellow Slytherins stayed. If they were going to move forward and survive, they needed to work together.
"Not a chance, Potter. You may be the best choice to lead us, but there is no way I'm going to leave the future of Slytherin House in your hands. You'll screw it up somehow, I just know it. And if that means I have to work with you in order to secure the future of the wizarding race, then so be it," Malfoy said somewhat scathingly. It was obvious that it had been hard for him to admit that he needed Harry's help, but he had done it. And Harry and those who were there couldn't help but respect that somewhat, even if it was begrudgingly in some cases.
"Agreed. It's going to take all of us to survive in this new world. We may not like each other Draco, but I am more than willing to put that aside for the sake of our children and the generations to come. Partners?" Harry asked him. He strode down towards Draco, and extended his hand in friendship, just as Malfoy had attempted to do all those years before on the Hogwarts Express before their first year. Only this time, they shook hands, signifying the end of their time as enemies. They would still have their issues, but never again would they take up arms against each other in battle. And even the Weasleys applauded this, for they knew that Harry and Draco were doing the right thing.
"Alright, is it safe for me to assume that everyone is on board with the idea of making this a school to train future witches and wizards?" Harry asked them.
"Yes, but not yet. This building is quite possibly the safest place in the entire galaxy. You haven't seen how dangerous this galaxy is. Hell, this planet has more dangerous creatures on it then I can count. And I have no doubt that the Sith are still out there. I heard whispers of a Sith cult on Onderon a few months ago. And the wards and charms prevent anyone from even hinting what system we are in. We need to plan a lot more before we bring outsiders here," Sirius said.
"Agreed. Now is not the time. I assume that the Jedi and Sith do not know we exist outside of your mother and Mr. Croaker?" Harry asked.
"The majority of the Jedi Order consider us a legend. Only a few Jedi Masters are aware of our existence, as it was the key to being accepted by the Order. Apparently, Odan-Urr, an ancient and respected Jedi Master, was told centuries ago about us. He is under the impression that we were founded by a reclusive Jedi Master named Emrys after the Battle of Corbos millennia ago. He was worried about the return of the exiled Dark Jedi and their sorcery. In order to combat Sith magic, he left the Order with the blessing of the Jedi Masters and founded a sect of Jedi called the Jedi Mages. Their focus is to help the Jedi if the Sith were to ever return," Anthony explained.
"Gee, I wonder who told him that," Remus said, glaring at Sirius, who was trying and failing at looking innocent.
"Well, I had to think of something to convince the Jedi I was on their side. I was disguised as Padfoot, and I was with a couple of pilots who were trying to map new hyperspace routes. I thought that they were the type to stumble their way into getting me home. Instead, they end up stumbling upon the descendants of the exiled Sith and starting a war. I had to help them. It was fortunate that I knew quite a bit about the history of the Jedi from hanging around the palace. Odan-Urr talks a lot about history and books, he's worse than Hermione," Sirius said.
"I didn't think that was possible," Ron said, grinning at his girlfriend mischievously, earning him a punch to the shoulder.
"I'm not that bad, am I?" Hermione asked.
"Well, you're definitely not as bad as Croaker or Odan-Urr. He's so obsessed with his books and scrolls that he had Croaker copy all of them and hide them in a hidden library here, as well as some of the more dangerous artifacts in one of the vaults. He's terrified of the Sith destroying his work over the last thousand years, apparently my mom had a vision about it when she and Croaker met him shortly after the Veil spat them out on Ossus," Anthony said.
"Let's get back on track here," Ginny said, while privately wondering if they would be seeing much of Hermione over the next century or so, as she looked far too excited about the fact that a collection of books and scrolls collected over a thousand years was hidden somewhere in the castle. She also was concerned about the talk of visions of the future, as that was a sore spot for a lot of them, especially Harry.
"Agreed. Let's talk about the fact that you were involved in the Great Hyperspace Wars and didn't tell us," a new voice said from the door. A beautiful olive-skinned woman with long, jet-black hair who appeared to be in her forties stood there. She was wearing what everyone recognized from either the knowledge Death had given them or from personal experience as Jedi robes. An old man with white hair stood behind her, wearing similar robes and walking with a cane.
"Ah, Penelope, good to see you again," Sirius said, paling slightly. For this was Anthony's mother, Penelope Goldstein. She had also gone to school with the Marauders, having been a Ravenclaw in the same year as them. And because of that, she had inevitably been the victim of a Marauder prank. She also had the distinction of being only one of four people that they only managed to prank once. The other three were Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, and Lily Evans.
Fortunately for Sirius, Remus got her attention. "Hello, Penelope. It's good to see you haven't lost your touch dealing with Sirius and his antics," Remus said, causing her to squeal in excitement at seeing her old friend and frequent study partner at Hogwarts alive and well. She and Remus had gotten along rather well despite the fact that she couldn't stand Sirius and Peter and barely tolerated James. Although she had been good friends with Lily. She embraced Remus rather enthusiastically, causing Sirius and a few other to snicker.
"Uncle Algie?" Neville asked, standing up sharply to look at the old man standing at the entrance in shock.
AN: This chapter has a lot of information and plot twists to digest, so I thought it would be prudent to split the reunions and planning phase into two chapters, despite the slight cliffhanger. The club of immortals getting together for game nights was a plot twist that I found rather humorous that would serve the purpose of explaining how the castle was built and how they all ended up where they did when they did. Because immortals are always scheming, no matter where they are. They would be bored otherwise. And they won't be appearing in this fic other than the occasional reference here and there. The powers that be won't allow that.
John Constantine served a similar purpose, as he is the reason Dobby, Fred, and George are alive and Percy, Bill, and Fleur are not. And Dobby will be appearing soon. John's presence also encouraged Harry and made him a better leader and fighter. John Constantine tends to leave a mark wherever he goes, even when lost in another dimension because he pissed off the wrong deity. But unlike the club of scheming and gambling immortals, Constantine may pop up again in the future. But he'll be the only character from any other fandom besides Harry Potter and Star Wars to make an appearance. Unless Deadpool decides to break the fourth wall or something and pop in, who knows with him lol.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, as Dumbledore learned in the afterlife. His steadfast belief in the prophecy and manipulations of Harry and the Wizarding World in his attempt to vanquish Voldemort cost the entire world. But the past is the past, as Draco and Harry demonstrated. There may not be a school of magic immediately, but it will in the future. Oh and Peeves isn't counted as a soul because he is a spirit of chaos that identifies as such, and therefore does not identify as a single person or being. Thus no soul. The other seven souls will be revealed soon.
The adventures of Sirius Black and how they will shape the future will be revealed in the next chapter, as will the activities of the DOM's surviving Seer, Jedi Master Penelope Goldstein, and the former Unspeakable, Jedi Master Algernon Croaker aka Neville's Great-Uncle Algie. Hope you enjoyed the update!