It wasn't often that Kyouka was confused over something, but this was definitely one of those times. She had entered the commons room and went over to the couch to sit down. When she got close enough though, she noticed something sticking out from under the cushions. Curiosity got the best of her and she reached for the object, becoming surprised by what she found.
It was one of Midoriya's hero notebooks.
This is what confused the rocker girl. Of what she knew of the green-haired boy, she knew he would never let one of his notebooks out of his sight, let alone hide it under the couch cushions. So why was it here?
She was about to head up to Midoriya's room to return it to him when she glanced down at the notebook. If she were honest to herself, she was curious to see what exactly Midoriya writes in here.
"…Maybe one peek won't hurt," said Kyouka to herself as she sat back down and opened the notebook.
Upon reading the first page, Kyouka couldn't help but stare in awe at what she was seeing. Everything was so detailed and organized and the drawings of the heroes…Kyouka had a feeling that if by some VERY small chance that Midoriya couldn't make it as a hero, he'd definitely be able to make it as an artist.
"How much information has Midoriya been able to get?" questioned Kyouka as she continued to flip through the notebook.
She came across data for many Pro Heroes. Death Arms, Kamui Woods, Edgeshot. Her eye twitched in annoyance when she reached Mt. Lady's page and saw, in Midoriya's writing, the word "sexy".
"Damn it, Midoriya. You're supposed to be the innocent one. Don't tell me you're becoming like Jamming Yay and the grapist," muttered out the purple-haired girl with a frown. The thought of Midoriya acting like a pervert put an unsettling feeling in her stomach. There was no damn way she'd ever let him become like those two idiots.
Continuing going through the book, she soon came upon those in Class 1-A. Reading over the data, Kyouka was impressed. There were strengths, weaknesses, notes on how to improve the Quirk, notes on how to overcome the weaknesses.
"Why is he keeping this from us?" wondered Kyouka with a furrowed brow. "He's always wanting to help people and this would help us out a lot!"
She soon came across her page. She blushed a little when she saw the detailed drawing of her. She wasn't sure, but it seemed different compared to some of the other drawings in the book. Shaking her head a bit, she read the data Midoriya had on her, memorizing what she needed to improve on. As she kept reading she found something she wasn't expecting.
"A-Are those music notes?"
On the sheet Midoriya had drawn a music staff along with some music notes. Was Midoriya interested in music? Looking at the way the notes were arranged and sounding them off in her head, Kyouka concluded that they were definitely not random.
"Is this part of a real song then? D-Did Midoriya actually write a song himself?"
She pictured Midoriya as a musician, playing his heart out on any instrument and singing deep from his soul. A blush made its way onto her face, as the image was…appealing to her.
"Kyah! Wh-What am I thinking?!" exclaimed the red-faced girl, grabbing hold of her earphone jacks before they went out of control. She looked back down at the music on the page. Her curiosity soon took control.
"I need to know what this song is."
Closing the notebook, Kyouka quickly made her way upstairs. Instead of going to Midoriya's room though, she went directly to hers. No need to get Midoriya involved just yet.
In the sanctity of her room, Kyouka sat on the bed, guitar in hand, and looked at the notes. She played the notes quite a few times, but no matter how many times she did she just couldn't figure out what the song was.
"Did he really write a music piece of his own?" questioned Kyouka, feeling something stirring within her.
Just in case she was wrong, she was going to try one more tactic in trying to figure this out. Grabbing her phone, she unlocked the search engine and set it up to listen. It was a feature she never used, since she always knew what the title of any song she heard was, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
She played the notes again and waited for the results.
"Probably won't find anything anyway," muttered out Kyouka, ready to be disappointed. When her phone chimed, she looked over and was surprised when she saw that the search was a success. She then blushed deeply when she saw the title of the song.
Can't Stop Lovin' You
"Wh-What the hell?!" she exclaimed with a squeak. Why would Midoriya put a song like that on her page in his notebook?! Did this mean that…
Kyouka started tapping her earphone jacks together in a shy manner. Maybe she was jumping to conclusions. Yeah! That had to be it! Why would someone like Midoriya like someone like her when there were better looking girls in their class alone? Hell, Hagakure was invisible and she would probably be prettier than her.
And yet, the thought of Midoriya, with his cute freckled smile, those emerald eyes filled with determination, the way he would get flustered at times…
Shaking her head, Kyouka had to focus. Looking back her phone, she hesitantly reached over and tapped it. She needed to know what this song sounded like. A small guitar solo played before the lyrics started.
There's a time and place for everything
For everyone
We can push with all our might
But nothin's gonna come
Oh no, nothin's gonna change
And if I asked you not to try
Oh, could you let it be
I wanna hold you and say
We can't throw this all away
Tell me you won't go, you won't go, do you
Have to hear me say
I can't stop lovin' you
And no matter what I say or do
You know my heart is true, oh
I can't stop lovin' you
You can change your friends
Your place in life
You can change your mind
We can change the things we say
And do anytime
Oh no, but I think you'll find
That when you look inside your heart
Oh baby, I'll be there, yeah
Hold on
I'm holding on
Baby, just come on, come on, come on
I just wanna hear you say
I can't stop lovin' you
And no matter what you say or do
You know my heart is true, oh
I can't stop lovin' you
Oh, I'm so twisted and tied
And all I remember
Was how hard we tried
Only to surrender
And when it's over
I know how it's gonna be
And true love will never die
Oh, not fade away
And I can't stop lovin' you
No matter what I say or do
You know my heart is true, oh
I can't stop lovin' you
And I know what I got to do
Hey Ray, what you said is true
Oh, I can't stop lovin' you, oh
Oh, I can't stop lovin' you
By time the song ended, Kyouka was completely red and her heart wouldn't stop hammering in her chest. She wasn't sure what to focus on first, the fact that the song was AMAZING or the fact that Midoriya pretty much confessed his feelings to her with it. She still couldn't understand what he saw in her, but she was going to find out. Picking up the notebook, she quickly made her way to the cinnamon roll's room.
"Where is it? How could I have lost it?!"
Up in his room, Izuku was panicking. One of his hero notebooks had gone missing and he was trying to find it.
"It has to be here somewhere," muttered Izuku as he looked under his bed. "There's no way I could just lose it!"
As he searched, there was a sudden knock on his door. As much as he would like to keep searching, he didn't want to be rude. Standing up, he made his way over to the door and opened it. He was surprised to find Jirou standing before him, although he was worried because of how nervous she looked.
"H-Hey, M-Midoriya," stuttered out the shy rocker, unable to look the boy in the eye.
"Hello, Jirou-san. Is something wrong?"
"No, n-nothing's wrong. L-Look, can I c-come in for a bit? I n-need to talk to you about s-something."
Izuku blushed at the thought of a girl in his room, but relented as he felt that whatever Jirou needed to talk about was important. Stepping to the side, he allowed the girl access to his room.
"S-So, what did you want to talk about, J-Jirou-san?"
She fidgeted a bit before bringing out an item that Izuku recognized too well.
Seeing the fear in his eyes, Kyouka explained. "I found it under one of the couch cushions in the commons room. Not real sure why it was there, but I seriously doubt you were the one who put it there."
Izuku felt a panic attack coming on. Someone had pretty much stolen his notebook. Who would do such a thing?! He then realized something else.
"D-Did you read it?"
Kyouka couldn't look the boy in the eyes. Shame and guilt filled her chest. "I…I was curious to see what you wrote in here."
The green-haired boy let out a groan of embarrassment. Why was this happening to him?! "How much of it did you read?"
"I read about some of the Pros and our classmates," explained Kyouka. She then frowned. "I don't know why you're hiding this from us, Izuku. Do you have any idea how helpful this would?"
"I…I can't," replied Izuku, looking away, fear still in his eyes. "I…I don't want to upset anyone just because I pointed out their weaknesses."
"Not everyone is like Bakugou, Izuku," stated Kyouka. She did not like seeing him like this. "You and I both know the others would gladly appreciate any advice you'd give to help them improve as heroes. After reading the page about me, I definitely plan on taking your advice, Izuku."
Izuku tensed up upon hearing that Kyouka had read her page in his notebook. He was starting to think there was some sort of deity in the universe who hated him.
Kyouka had a blush on her face as she stepped forward to grab Izuku's wrist (which caused him to blush brightly) and led him over to his bed. The two blushing teens sat there, both afraid of where this would lead them.
"It actually took me awhile to figure out these music notes," stated Kyouka as she turned to her page in the notebook and pointed at the music. "At first I wasn't able to recognize the song you wrote down and originally thought it was a song you created."
"I-I'm not talented enough to do something like that," mumbled Izuku, looking away.
"But I wanted to try one more thing just to be on the safe side and used my phone to search for the song by listening to the notes. To be honest I was expecting to find nothing because if I couldn't recognize the song I doubt a search engine would. I was surprised when it actually found something."
The boy watched as the girl opened her phone and searched for the song again to show him.
"I want you to be honest with me, Izuku. Why did you put this song on my page?"
Kyouka watched as Izuku looked away from her and was afraid that he would refuse to answer. Luckily…
"I felt it was the only way to get my feelings out there."
"But you were planning on keeping everything in this notebook a secret. Don't you think I deserved to know about this?"
"I…I was afraid. Wh-Why would someone as cool and cute and beautiful as you want anything to do with someone as plain as me? I figured it would be for the best to just write it down in my notebook using a song no one, not even you, would ever be able to figure out," explained Izuku. He then grimaced. "Looks like I was wrong though, since you somehow found the song. How the hell was that song in the search engine?"
The shy rocker was starting to wonder if she would ever stop blushing. Tapping her earphone jacks together, she thought over what Izuku had said. He had called her cool, cute, and most importantly beautiful. Did he really see her in that way? No boy has ever seen her that way! Hell, that pervert Mineta didn't even see her as a girl! Yet this cinnamon roll was clearly in love with her if the song he used was anything to go by.
Glancing over at the boy, she noticed how depressed he looked. He genuinely believed that she couldn't love him. They really were two peas in a pod with how insecure they were about themselves, weren't they? Gathering up her courage, she gave him her response.
He had turned his head to look at her, only to be shocked when she leaned in and pressed her lips against his. Since this was something he was greatly inexperienced with, he had no idea what to do. Her lips soon left his and she couldn't help but giggle at the look on his face.
"And you say I'm cute."
"B-But. Wh-What? H-How?"
Izuku's stuttering stopped when Kyouka rested her head on his shoulder, causing him to tense up.
"I think we might be good for each other, Izuku-kun," said the rocker girl in a soft tone. "We'd be able to help each other get over our insecurities."
"Y-You have insecurities?"
"In case you haven't noticed, dude, I'm not as curvy as most girls. Boys never really looked my way, which is why I don't get why someone as strong and handsome as you would want a girl like me when there better choices to pick from," explained Kyouka, a frown on her face.
Izuku blushed when she called him handsome before he replied. "B-But you're the most beautiful girl in class! Why wouldn't anyone look your way?"
The shy rocker was starting to think Izuku was becoming delusional if he thought she was the most beautiful girl in class. She had to keep her earphone jacks from going haywire as she blushed up a storm.
"Y-You do know Yaomomo is in our class, right?"
"Yes, but what does Yaoyorozu-san have to do with this?"
That cemented it. Kyouka vowed to protect this cinnamon roll. Without thinking, she reached up and grabbed his face, pulling him down into another kiss. She thought she might have broke his brain again, but he soon returned the kiss much to her joy. So into the kiss, they hadn't realized that they had moved and were now lying down on Izuku's bed.
When they separated from the kiss they just laid there, content. Izuku held Kyouka close, one arm around her shoulders, while Kyouka laid her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. It was soothing to her. As she lay there with her new boyfriend, she remembered another question she wanted to ask him.
"Izuku-kun? Where exactly did you find that song? I've never heard of it or the band?"
"Ano, w-well, it's actually from the Pre-Quirk Era."
She quickly sat up and looked at him in surprise. "The Pre-Quirk Era? A song that amazing came from the Pre-Quirk Era?"
"Y-Yeah," replied Izuku with a nervous laugh. "I actually find the Pre-Quirk Era fascinating and have been trying to collect movies and music from that time period. It's a bit difficult considering people would rather forget that time period, but I think I've got a very good collection going on."
Kyouka was starting to get excited. If the song she heard was amazing, she can only imagine what other Pre-Quirk songs were like. "C-Can we listen to the other songs you have?"
A chuckle escaped his throat; amused at how adorable Kyouka looked when she was excited.
"Sure," replied Izuku with that cute freckled smile Kyouka was starting to adore. "But how about we go down to kitchen to get some snacks and drinks first. Then we can come back up here and we'll listen to as many songs as you want."
He let out another chuckle when the girl nodded her head like a child happy to get the present they asked for. Grabbing her soft, dainty hand in his rough, scarred one, he led her out of the room and the two made their way downstairs.
"Where is it?! Where is it?!"
"Dude! How could you have just lost it?!"
"Me?! This is your fault!"
"How is this my fault?! It was your idea in the first place!"
Izuku and Kyouka each raised an eyebrow in confusion as they got closer to the commons room and heard the frantic voices. Entering the room, the shy couple found Kaminari and Mineta and they looked like they were desperately looking for something.
"What the hell are you two doing?" questioned Kyouka, already getting annoyed with these two.
Hearing the new voice caused the two perverts to jump in shock. Turning around, they found Kyouka giving them the stink eye, but what really scared them was that Izuku was with her.
"M-Midoriya!" exclaimed the two boys, wanting to get the hell out of there.
Izuku tilted his head in confusion, wondering why Kaminari and Mineta seemed afraid. Kyouka on the other hand narrowed her eyes as she took in the scene. The idiots were acting strange, the couches were a mess, and they were more scared of Izuku and than her. It didn't take long to figure out what was going on.
"Izuku, I'm pretty sure it was these two who took your notebook."
Her words were proven when Kaminari and Mineta flinched and broke out in a cold sweat.
"W-Wait, what? Why would they take my notebook?" questioned Izuku, looking at the two with a look of hurt.
"Start talking, you dumbasses," growled out Kyouka as she glared at them.
It was silent for but a moment before Kaminari broke.
"It was all Mineta's idea! He was the one who snuck into Midoriya's room and took the notebook! I didn't know anything about it until he actually showed me the book!"
"You traitor!" exclaimed Mineta, not even denying it. He tried to reach for Kaminari's neck to try and strangle the electric boy.
"Y-You broke into my room?!" demanded Izuku. He felt so betrayed right now.
"Why the hell would you even think of stealing from Izuku?!" demanded Kyouka, her earphone jacks ready to strike.
The two perverts gulped nervously, wondering if they could escape with their lives. Kaminari, in his infinite wisdom, thought that maybe if they told the truth they would be able to get the hell out of there.
"M-Mineta figured that if Midoriya's notebook had hero stats in it, maybe it would also have the heroine's measurements?"
It was silent as what Kaminari said was processed. Soon, the screams of Kaminari and Mineta filled the room as Kyouka jabbed them multiple times with her jacks.
"You perverted dumbasses!" yelled the girl as she refused to relent.
Despite that though, Kaminari and Mineta were able to slip away. Kyouka was about to go after them, but was stopped by Izuku. When she glared up at him, silently questioning why, he explained.
"We'll deal with them later," said Izuku with a sigh. "All that matters is that you found my notebook and returned it to me. Right now, all I want to do is grab some snacks and drinks, go back up to my room, and listen to some music with you."
She had to turn away to hide her blush. This cute, innocent cinnamon roll will be the death of her.
Later that night, the students of Class 1-A were trying to understand what exactly they were seeing.
In the commons room sat Midoriya, watching TV. That wasn't that strange. What WAS strange though was Jirou lying up against the green-haired boy, his arm wrapped around her waist, and she was reading one of HIS notebooks. NO ONE was allowed to read those notebooks, yet Jirou had one in hand and flipping through the pages all while Midoriya was calmly watching TV instead of freaking out like one would expect.
"Okay, I'll bite," said Kirishima, breaking the tension. "What's going on, Midori-bro?"
"What do you mean, Kirishima?" asked Izuku, turning to the redhead with a confused look.
"Dude, you've got a girl right up against you and you're not freaking out like you usually would."
"Why would I freak out over having my girlfriend sit next to me?"
The silence was so great that you could hear a pin drop. Kyouka tried to hide her blushing face behind the notebook she was reading, but one could see the small smile on her face due to Izuku not hiding the fact that they were together.
"WHAT?!" yelled out the rest of Class 1-A.
"When did this happen?!" demanded Mina as she and the rest of the girls crowded around the couch. Except for Ochaco, who was frozen in place upon hearing that Deku had a girlfriend.
"Earlier today," replied Kyouka as she flipped to the next page.
"Is that why Midoriya's letting you read one of his notebooks?!" questioned Hagakure.
"Somewhat," said the shy rocker, not taking her eyes off the page.
"How did this happen?" asked Momo.
They watched as a scowl appeared on Kyouka's face, which confused them.
"I found Izuku-kun's notebook under one of the couch cushions today and it turns out that the grapist and Jamming Yay hid it there after the grapist had the brilliant idea to break into Izuku-kun's room to take it because he thought he could get all of the girls' measurements!" explained the rocker girl.
If Mineta and Kaminari thought Kyouka's wrath was scary, they were about to face the wrath of not only the other girls, but Iida as well.
"You broke into a fellow student's room?!" bellowed the Class President as he and the girls yelled at and reprimanded the two perverts.
Back with Izuku and Kyouka, Izuku had a small smile on his face.
"That was mean of you, Kyouka," he said, amusement in his tone.
"You and I both know they got off easy earlier," replied Kyouka, a smile of her own appearing. "Maybe after listening to one of Iida's lectures for a few hours will make them stop being idiots for awhile."
The shy couple shared a laugh as everyone else watched Mineta and Kaminari be punished.
Two insecure individuals, both afraid that the one they loved did not love them back, but they were able to find the truth and the love they craved in the end.
And all it took was a few notes to make it happen.
I feel like Izuku would be the type to use a music puzzle as a way to confess, even if he planned to keep it a secret even from the girl he liked. Luckily, Kyouka is as obsessed with music as Izuku is with hero merchandise.
And for those who don't know, the song is Can't Stop Lovin' You by Van Halen. It's one of their best songs, so go check it out.