
I originally wanted to update Redlights or Ten Tails of Hunger and Chaos but I ran into some writers block. It can't be helped, I guess.

This is a crossover that I've been thinking of for quite some time now. I apologize for any misspelling. For those that know how I write, then you know that some of my characters will be OOC. If you don't like it then don't read. This story is primarily meant to entertain, so don't take it the wrong way.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the Harry Potter


A black haired male in his mid-twenties bustled wildly around his office, frantically waving his wand above his head and sorting an array of scrolls and letters into their compartments. It was a tradition of his to organize his office before he went home so that when he returned the next day, he wouldn't be swamped by the amount of work he had to pour over on a daily basis.

A witch with wavy, brown hair watched the man. Her right hand gingerly placed on her hip and her left foot tapping impatiently.

The Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement swore when the woman coughed into her fist. "Harry, I understand you had a lot to do today, but if you don't hurry up, we're going to be late."

"You can help too, you know." He answered gruffly and swiped his wand towards two pensive memories before they collided, gently placing them onto the shelf and sighing as the last document settled onto a shelf. The shelves in his office took up two walls on either side of his desk in his wide, surprisingly spacious office, reaching all the way to the roof and charmed to contain space for any more additions; there was quite literally centuries of files and documents from past heads of the DMLE and somehow the current head almost eclipsed past records, seeing as he was the most busy with helping to reorganize the entire British Ministry of Magic, reorient the British magical community and maintain peaceful relations with foreign allies. His office was the largest in the ministry and it encompasses all other departments, except the Department of Mysteries. But movement for the mysterious departments to report to his office were already underway.

Hermione Granger huffed and walked to the fireplace in the office, rolling her eyes playfully as she passed her best friend. "Isn't it against regulation if anyone besides your secretary peeks into confidential files, and anyway, why don't you let your secretary do this instead of stressing yourself out even more?"

"Today is her wedding anniversary, Hermione." Harry Potter answered pointedly. "And, to answer your first question, yes it is against regulations…but," he swept past her, stashing his and into the sleeve of his dark red and gold cloak, collecting some floo powder and grinning cheekily at her. "I'm sure no one would mind."

They shared a secret smirk, before he threw the powder into the fireplace and yelled into the flames. "No 12, Grimmauld place!" Hermione daintily grabbed her friends hand and stepped into the burning green fireplace with him. They walked out of the fireplace and Hermione promptly rushed upstairs to change her dress; she had been with Harry for the better part of the day as he went about the departments under his command and strategically dressing them down. Many wizards and witches were revaluated and a great number lost their jobs due to their incompetence and being unqualified to work in the ministry. He had also examined the list of applicants into the departments under him, after said departments critically vetted those that were worthy of employment or not and passed him the final list, and to surprise there were more halfblood and muggleborn applicants from the two other magical schools, aside from Hogwarts, that had been waiting for years to work in the ministry.

Harry had been the head of department for only a month and he already had his work cut out for him.

Though he never felt unappreciative for the honour of being the head of the largest department in the ministry; Harry was indeed exceptionally qualified to take up the role, after his contributions in the last war in helping to vanquish the dark lord Voldemort, his additional donations to the ministry to rebuild what had been knocked down and more help in his few months of teaching in Hogwarts, he still believed that he wouldn't have gotten into his current position, or even done as much as he had done already, without the help of his friends.

His help too.

Yeah, Harry thought with a small, sincere smile, he couldn't have done anything substantial in the ministry had it not been for his benefactor.

He tapped his clothes and wordlessly cleaned it of any dust, smoothing it out of wrinkles and finally tapped the wand on his forehead, cleaning his body and leaving a sweet, fruity scent behind.

It wouldn't do to go to his benefactor's house smelling bad.

That thought had bile rise up in his stomach, which he hurriedly fought down when he heard Hermione's low heels quickly walking down the stairs; his benefactor meant the world to him.

And more.

So much more.

His friend appeared at the bottom of the stairs then and the head of the DMLE couldn't help but gawked. Her normally curly dark brown hair was pulled back into a puffy ponytail, allowing him to see her smooth neck. She wore a black dress with misty white designs at the end of her sleeves and near the bottom of her dress, tailor made to fit her tantalizing figure. The woman blushed and smiled widely at him, sauntering to him, sinfully swaying her hips from side to side. His head unconsciously followed each sideways movement until she stopped before him with a tickling laugh, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss that had fireworks explode behind his eyes.

She pulled back and saw that his glasses were fogged up. She laughed again when he blinked numerous times, trying to reorient himself.

"I take it I'm presentable."

"You look stunning, 'Mione."

The bookish witch light-heartedly slapped his chest. "Oh you." She stood on her toes and picked at his crazy, maddeningly uncontrollable black hair, which was apparently a trademark Potter hairstyle. She slid her hands down to his chest and adjusted a small blue and black swirling pin on the left chest of the suit he wore underneath. He checked to see that she too had her own pin. "Did we forget anything?"

Harry shook his head and took her hands out of his hair, leading her out of the home he inherited from his late godfather. They walked out of the small black fence before the house, a fixture Harry had installed at the prompting of his benefactor, and spun on his heel, taking with him his best friend.


The Winter Solstice Party, hosted in and around the Uzumaki mansion, was considered to be a global affair.

Anyone who was anyone made it a point to come to the party, whether they were in USA, France or Egypt, they flew in to attend the momentous occasion.

The mansion that was to accommodate such a massive crowd of people was situated on a large stretch of land purchased by the Head of the Most Ancient and Noble House years before. The house on the outside was undisputedly big, yes, but it was even bigger on the inside, which was almost unfathomable even with magic.

The party started at midday, as it did for years, and people milled about the house, surveying the subtle yet blaringly obvious magnitude of wealth of the Uzumaki house. The mansion was built with dark red bricks and black obsidian bricks. It had four floors, of which only two were accessible by the guests and the rest only by close friends of the head of the house. For the sake of their reputation-and their lives-the visitors stayed within their limits and didn't push the hospitality of the deceptively kind Uzumaki house head.

The ballroom was clustered with murmuring guests, sipping fine wine and talking of their own opulence; the party was a chance for alliances to be made and the ultimate goal was to gain the favour of the head of the Uzumaki house.

There was a crack outside the wards of the mansion, hundreds of metres from the building and on a small hill that overlooked the mass of people walking about in the graceful, awe inspiring garden of the Uzumaki house, chatting amiably and appreciating the relative peace and slice of heaven the garden provided. House elves, long since purchased by the Uzumaki Lord, moved about in what could pass off as clean rags styled to look like butler and maid uniforms, holding up trays of drinks and finger sized delights, offering them to the warbling mass of humanity in Lord Uzumaki's garden. No one dared tread into the symphonically arranged flowerbed, opting to better appreciate it by walking about it or through the throng of tress in another side of the garden.

Water nymphs danced in the three crystal clean fountains at the front of the mansion, sparingly clothed by watery, translucent silk robes, entertaining some of the more perverse witches and wizards. Any child that managed to find their way to the fountain was politely guided away by a house elf. Likewise, wood nymphs joined the house elves and served food and drinks to the guests. The dark skinned sprites smiled good-naturedly, unable to properly respond to questions, seeing as they could not speak the human tongue, and stayed as far away from grabby demands by the more outspoken guests.

Harry and Hermione were always at awe when they came to Lord Uzumaki's mansion.

No one in known history was able to command nature itself to serve him and yet the Lord of the Whirlpools did so, not by birth right but by conquest. A feat so impossible the pair had stopped wondering what their lord could not do.

They were easily allowed past the dangerous wards around the house, given the privilege of not having to state their names before they were allowed in. They had heard and seen on many occasions' people trying to forcibly break through the wards. The grisly sight of human flesh, rend, torn and shredded beyond human recognition was always the result. The wards were against regulation, by magical law, as they were too deadly and too powerful; old family magic was still a touchy subject even to that day, yet the matter was raised in the ministry or in the Wizengamot, it would be dropped only a few days later.

A tickled smile spread on the head of departments face. He had personally…convinced a few complainants to drop their case with his lords wards and they had done so when they realized that not only would it be detrimental for their health if they pushed on but also that their entire family history could be wiped out and not even a whimper would come of it.

Lord Uzumaki had many powerful friends that would preferably cut their tongues, snap their wands and willingly submit themselves to a Dementors kiss than allow any sort of discomfort, mild or not, to come about their Lord Uzumaki.

Hell, Hermione had once sent Gildfroy Lockhart to the infirmary for speaking ill of Lord Uzumaki, and she had only been in her second year! Yes, she had gotten a week of detention with her head of house, lost a few points and given a pile of dusters to dust without the help of magic but she regretted nothing. The woman, now all grown up and the Editor in Chief of the Daily Prophet and transfiguration professor in Hogwarts, still held no regret for her actions during her days in Hogwarts. Lord Uzumaki was not someone to be spoken lightly to in Hermione's presence and she had a horrid reputation for defending her lord. Now in secret, of course.

Harry laced his fingers into her own and smiled at her; the woman smiled brightly back and leaned in for a quick peck on his lips.

The wrought iron gate, an extra measure of protection constructed by Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott and Pansy Parkinson, announced their presence in a thundering voice and opened to allow them in.

Not even that far into the crowd of people, making their way into the mansion; they were joined by their long-time friends.

Luna Lovegood, wearing a dreamy smile and a half lidded, relaxed gaze, brought Hermione into a warm hug, doing the same for Harry, after the head of department shook hands with Neville Longbottom, Nymphadora Tonks, Susan Bones, Dean Thomas and Lavender Brown. They all didn't look too bad; Luna had gotten a good paying job as a muggle nursery school teacher, and the job suited her because of her light-sometimes bright-and friendly personality and her impressive patience. She also liked children and she fantasized of having her own one day, with the man of her-and many other witches-dreams. Tonks was still an Auror but had gotten a good salary increase after the war, mainly to compensate her for her efforts and also to provide enough to cater for herself and her daughter. Neville was the professor of Herbology, predictably, but oddly enough he and Susan were courting. He wasn't nearly as unsure of himself now as he was when he was still a child but his flushed cheeks and his sweaty brow made it clear as day that he truly liked the Head of the Bones house. The red haired woman smiled gently when the professor wiggled his hand into hers and playfully pushed Tonks with her other hand when the older witch gagged. Susan had been busy taking care of her sick aunt, Amelia Bones, to take up any permanent job but she had been known to move to and fro Hogwarts working as a substitute Charms Professor for when Flitwick was too swamped with work.

Most former students of the Golden Year always tended to go back to Hogwarts and do their part, part in appreciation for the sense of community the school had instilled in them and more in gratitude that it was in that school that they had met their lord, who was the one that rallied them all together both in times of trouble and peace. Of all the trials they passed, some of which were set by the headmaster himself and others by the long since dead dark wizard, Voldemort, they had a home in Hogwarts.

Dean and Lavender were married with one child, expecting another in the next few months. Dean was the captain of the Hawthorne Hippogriffs, a club created by the Hawthorne house after the downfall of Voldemort. Meanwhile, Lavender chose to be a housewife, despite Hermione's-and a fair chunk of their witch and wizard friends-outrage. Lavender was a Potion mistress that was so outstanding in school that Snape, of all people, had recommended her to work in the Potion Brewers Department of the ministry two whole years before she officially graduated. It was a waste really, in Hermione's opinion, that the only person to provide her any competition in Potions in their year was not utilizing it to better their community.

The brainy witch had come off her one-sided argument with the other witch at the insistence of their Lord Uzumaki.

They made their way into the mansion, making idle conversation and greeting their other friends. They were sparsely clustered around the ballroom, Tonks, Neville, Susan, Lavender and Dean separated one by one to meet up with their other friends, while Harry and Hermione looked about the ballroom.

His toxic green eyes brightened when he saw who he was looking for standing among a laughing crowd of aristocrats and reporters.

Lord Uzumaki stood tall and proud in a formal midnight black robe with light green trimmings, which was open at the front to show that he had on a neat grey suit and white dress shirt underneath with polished black shoes. His red hair spiked about but no one dared speak impolitely of it else they would be brought down by the Lords many friends, but his pale face seemed to have been sculpted perfectly from the finest marble. His sharp purple eyes looked about the people that had been speaking to him, hoping to get his favour, and he laughed on cue, never for a second not looking like one that held power.

His sheer presence commanded respect.

Even for the guests that were in no way friends with him, being before him was akin to rising up the social ladder. People hustled to talk to him in earnest; inviting him to parties they too would be hosting or begging for him to attend an event of one kind or shamelessly advertising their children for the popular man to marry. The man, of course, declined as politely as possible but when the pleading became too much a man that was much paler than Lord Uzumaki stepped before the man and glared at the insistent pest to back down; this man wore a black suit with a red dress shirt underneath, his hair was shockingly white and his eyes were a soul piercing red. A woman that looked similar to the man, albeit shorter and gracefully-immaculately, beautifully-feminine, also stood at Lord Uzumaki's side, as was their duty, and only moved away from the man for the shortest of minutes to maintain order in the party. She wore a dark green dress that flowed to the ground and a simple red and black swirling pin on her left breast, as did her brother, symbolizing their positions as honorary members of the Uzumaki house.

Harry and Hermione shared another smile.

The twins were ever reliable to protect their lord, even if said lord was the most powerful wizard in all of Britain, and arguably the world. They were in Lord Uzumaki's year and also in his house, and Harry tried not to envy that they were Lord Uzumaki's very first friends. The boy-who-lived turned head of department felt much better when he reminded himself that he, Hermione and a handful of others were also honorary members of the Uzumaki house. This honoured status was something that those that had been bestowed with hold dear with all their life and all their power.

It wasn't something their lord gave out so sparingly; they had learnt from the man, studied deeply and loyally served him for years. No one else had been given the honoured titled since Lord Uzumaki left Hogwarts.

Hermione waved and caught the redhead's eyes.

Naruto formerly bored purple eyes lit up in recognition and he beckoned for them to come. A familiar redhead walked into the group around Lord Naruto Uzumaki and the female twin, Jade Blut of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Blut, beamed openly and hugged Ginny, something that came off as a surprise for the onlookers. The two spoke familiarly and Naruto looked away from Harry and Hermione to greet the youngest Weasley; it saddened him that Ginny was the only Weasley that wasn't opposing him or his friends, but rather was deeply loyal to him for what he had done for her when they were in Hogwarts.

Jade and Ginny asked to be excused, that since Ginny had been away for months to play in the International Quiddich League they had a lot of catching up to do with their other friends. Naruto told them that they were free to go but to make sure not to be late of the meeting later that night. It sounded ominous but the guests wisely didn't point it out. He extended the option of leave to the male Blut twin, Rubin, but the man declined, saying that he wished to stay with his lord, though he later did have to leave to privately speak with Tonks.

They were courting.

Naruto found it adorable.

Rubin had been the one that mainly helped Tonks overcome the trauma of Remus assaulting her and dying before he could take responsibility for the baby.

He chuckled at their buzzing whispers as they left his side.

Naruto looked over the crowd of chattering sycophants and noticed that Harry and Hermione had been accosted by another redhead. Naruto didn't explicitly prevent anyone from coming to his party, the condition being that they do not cause any trouble, but it was certainly the first time a Weasley had been in attendance of his yearly winter solstice parties since the past fifteen years. He watched on, hoping to see something entertaining.

Ron grinned at his former best friends and Harry tried to smile too, coming off more as a pained wince, and Hermione gave her own humoured version of an encompassing smile. "How's it going, guys?"

"Good, good," Harry answered, slapping Ron's upper arm genially. "Honestly didn't expect you to come, mate."

Ron waved flippantly. "Wanted to check out what all the fuss has been about. Mom wasn't happy when she heard I was coming here, tried to sic Percy on me too."

Hermione hummed. "Ah, Really? That sounds a bit extreme."

The redhead nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah. He thought I was under compulsion." He chuckled, a bit too forced in Harry's opinion. "Prissy's been mad ever since he got demoted at work. Speaking of which," He fixed Harry with a hard look and asked. "Why did you demote Percy, Harry?"

Harry promptly answered. "I wasn't the one that personally demoted him but we did find out he has been taking orders from Fudge and Scrimagoer for months now. If it were up to me, I'd sack him."

Ron spat. "I thought we were friends, Harry-"

Harry motioned at himself and Hermione, then at Ron. "We are friends, not Percy. I barely know the guy."

"He's family, Harry. Just like you were part of our family before you got all cozy with the Lord of all Snakes." His snide words didn't go down well with the prodigiously smart witch, who stepped closer to Ron, not intimidated by the redhead's height.

Hermione's eyes narrowed and she bit out with a serene smile. "Watch it, Weasley."

Ron took an involuntary step back, before he surged back, ready to snap back at his unafraid former female friend, until Harry got between him and his best friend-slash girlfriend-and said. "We haven't talked to you in years, Ron. You haven't answered our letters and you're never in the mood to even see us when we come by The Burrow. It can't be a coincidence you're here."

Ron's ears glowed pink and he breathed out heavily, saying as coolly as possible. "Like I said, I'm here to see what the panic is all about." He looked around, visibly uninterested and said with a shrug. "I'm not impressed."

Harry sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. None of the guests were paying any particular attention at them and he vaguely noticed that his lord was intently watching them. "Ron." He drew out the Weasley's name.

"Fine." Ron huffed. His eyes sparked with mischief and he teasingly jabbed Harry's arm, saying. "I was wondering if my buddy, the Head of DMLE, could give me a job."

Hermione scoffed, hiding her light laugh behind her hand.

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Aren't you the goalkeeper for that Quiddich team you like so much?"

"The Chudley Cannons." Ron reminded the powerful wizard with a terse frown, then smiled again. "It isn't paying as much as I hoped it would."

The black haired Head of the Potter and Black houses pointed out. "You've been with them for six years, right?"

"I'm aware of that."

"What position are you applying for?"

"Applying? I was thinking you let me in and we think of what I can do later." Harry raised a not-so-impressed eyebrow and Ron coughed into his fist. "Auror."

Hermione scoffed again, her cheeks red and her eyes glazing over with tears as she tried not to laugh. Harry gave her a strong stare and the woman wiped her eyes and comported herself once again, wearing her welcoming smile.

"How are your OWLs and NEWTs?" Harry asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"Not so good, mate. Thought I was going to retire a goalkeeper." Meaning, he didn't focus on his studies because he thought he won't need the results. It was getting harder and harder for Hermione not to give an unladylike guffaw.

The black haired man winced. "I'm…sorry, Ron. My Aurors are the best of the best and only the best of the best are allowed in." he saw the rage mounting on Ron's face and quickly said. "Maybe if you apply for a TOAD and score at least an Excellent, then I can squeeze you in for a refresher and training course." Of course, now that Harry was the Head of the DMLE and he was restructuring the ministry and all its departments, he only allowed the best tier of Aurors to remain and be employed. After only a month, the Aurors were now an exclusive force of over a hundred or so wizards, splashed with pureblood, halfblood and muggleborn that were of peak mental condition and slightly above average physical condition; the point was to have smart Aurors, not necessarily Aurors with brute strength and little reasoning. The regiment to qualify to be a full Auror was now four weeks of rigorous training-on spellwork, magical aptitude and physical training-of which those that passed would be grouped into pairs under a mentor. When their mentor deemed them ready, the pairs would work together, in tandem, for as long as they lived.

A month in and Harry, with the help of his friends, purged so much systematic corruption and inefficiency from the ministry it wasn't even funny.

Ron opened his mouth, probably to make a scene, but Harry stepped aside and directed his attention to the ever amused witch at his side. "I think Hermione should have something for you to do in the Daily Prophet."

The woman silently cursed the secret smirk on her boyfriend's face. She cleared her throat and said. "Only if you're up for two years of apprenticeship. Normally it's supposed to be six months of being a journalists apprentice but your school results are…less than appealing."

"I didn't say I want to be a journalist. I said I want to be an Auror." Ron said resolutely.

"You heard my conditions. If you can't take it then maybe being a goalkeeper would better suit you."

"But were friends, Harry!" he yelled, causing some eyes to train onto them. "Best friends!"

This time Harry was the one that scoffed. "Ron, mate, we haven't been best friends since our third year, when you weren't there when I needed you the most. Hermione was there, Lord Naruto was there, hell Malfoy was a better friend than you and all he did was stop being a prat and gave me my space. Dementors were coming after my soul and all you could think of was accusing me of being the dark lord incarnate. I want to help you, Ron, I really do. Despite all the 'help' you've given me, I genuinely don't want to see you crash and burn but you need to make the effort too."

"Just give me the damn job, Harry. That's all I'm asking-" he stopped when a firm, pale white hand was dropped onto his shoulder. His head swivelled to bite off the culprits head and sputtered when his eyes clashed with the unforgivable red orbs of Rubin Blut, the elder vampire twin.

"Is something wrong, Mr Weasley?" he was clearly not happy to have to part ways with Tonks and he showed it by gingerly raising an eyebrow and slightly cocking his head to the side.

Ron ripped his shoulder out of the vampires grip, spitting. "What's it to you, Blood?"

Though it was widely known that Blut was German for Blood, Rubin didn't quite like Ron's tone. "You are making a scene, Mr Weasley. I'd like to ask you to leave; else you will be forcefully ejected from the premises."

"I'll go when I'm good and ready, bloody bat." Rubin took a quick step up to Ron, his eyes hard and bubbling with stifled annoyance but a sharp flash of light popped behind Ron and the male vampire caught Ron's unconscious form, slinging him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He nodded his appreciation to the one that sent the stupefy that knocked out the red haired goalie. Blaise Zabini nodded back.

He turned to Naruto and bowed as deeply as he could with the dead weight on his shoulder. "I apologize for the disturbance, Lord Uzumaki."

"It's alright. Make sure he gets home safely." All hoped for Ron's sake that those words didn't have a deathly double meaning. Harry and Hermione bustled to Lord Uzumaki, both to apologize and to personally greet him. The pale redhead smiled amiably and casually patted Harry's shoulder. "That's the Ron I remember."

Lord Naruto Uzumaki had been in his third year when Harry and the rest of the Golden Year entered Hogwarts. Ron had been particularly outspoken on how much he didn't trust the ominously silent and calculating figure of Naruto, despite the Uzumaki never doing anything bad to Gryffindor, or any house for that matter. At that time, the house of lions respected Naruto, very much so, but Ron had been able to create a small band of misfits that made it a point to make the lives of Slytherin just a bit harder. The then heir to the House of Uzumaki extended an olive branch to the Weasley and Ron willingly chose not to take it.

Naruto didn't want to say that he was against Ron, for at that time he had better things to do than antagonize a boy two years younger than him, but Ron was certainly a mild annoyance.

Harry was brought out of his daze by a sharp jab to his ribs. "Ah, yes, he hasn't changed much, has he?" the crowd of sycophants was dispersed by a now returned Jade and Ginny, and was replaced by a growing crowd of people Naruto considered his friends and allies. They mumbled their agreement to the black haired wizard's statement.

Naruto laughed slightly, his eyes closed.

Hours flew by and the guests, reluctantly, trickled out of the mansion, apparating away in droves as it neared midnight, the closing time for the party.

Only those close to Lord Uzumaki remained.

They slowly surged out of the ballroom and marched into a corridor. The floor moved on its own and carried the group down a flight of spiral staircases into a tunnel lit by candles and floating Blue bell flames. At the end of the tunnel was a giant room with a ceiling so high it couldn't be seen. There was a long table in the middle with chairs neatly arranged on either side, and on the table were empty silver plates, with corresponding forks, spoons and knives, with elegant candleholders lining the middle of the table, giving the room a warm yet formal atmosphere. The people bustled in and took their respective seats in order of their rank in the group.

No one dared sit in the magnificent seat at the head of the table.

The Society Hidden in the Whirlpool.

Loyal followers of Lord Naruto Uzumaki.

Founded as far back as Naruto's third year, it mostly comprised of former Hogwarts students but other members came from other countries from all walks of life and all specializations. A great majority of them held important offices in their respective governments and societies while the others were equally important, having a large say in the proceedings of the government.

They spoke in low rumbles among themselves, conversing in quiet tones with other members of the elite secret society. They all suddenly paused when Rubin rushed into the room, returning from a small errand Naruto had sent him on a few minutes ago. He carried with him a few pouches made out of tanned Moleskin; they suspected what was inside the pouch-money-and what it was for but they all found it odd that the money wasn't brought in early-and more discreetly-as if the need for the money was unexpected while in reality the use for the money was for a yearly event that took place after their Winter Solstice Meeting. They went back to their idle chatter when the man took his seat left of the throne at the head of the table, sending his apologies for being late to the rest of the table. Next to rush in was Jade, who also went out on an errand for Lord Uzumaki. In her right hand was a broomstick, a Shooting star XVI, and in her left was recognizably and owl cage with a thin black material both blocking view into the cage and preventing much sound from coming out. They could only hear the muffling sounds of whoever was in the cage. The woman tiredly slumped into her place on the right side of the throne, placing the cage onto the ground to her left, close to the throne at the head of the table, and shrunk her broomstick, storing it in her sleeve. She took off her flight cloak and a house elf ambled towards her, collecting it with muttered acknowledgement.

Luna leaned close to her friend, blinking owlishly down at the covered cage all the way on the other side of the white haired woman, then at the widely smirking vampire. "What's that?"

"Our master will be the one to tell us." Luna pouted and sat back in her seat, her whirlpool badge gleaming on her glimmering bright orange and grey dress. Malfoy, sitting opposite from her on the left side of the table and also wearing his own honorary Uzumaki badge, scowled and said.

"Is it why our lord has been so secretive lately?"

"Yes. He has been looking for the little creature in this cage for years now."

Hermione, sitting to Draco's left, supplied. "Our lord once asked me to further, a more detailed research Tom Riddle's life. Maybe that has to do with this…" she motioned to the grumbling cage with an unsure finger. "Whatever it is."

Harry, opposite his girlfriend and the last to have an honorary Uzumaki badge, shook his head. "Remember he said he wants to know if anymore of Voldemort's followers remain to be…killed."

"Oh…we'll find out soon enough, I guess." Hermione said.

The others on the table were not as privileged to wear the whirlpool pin but they were no less members of the great secret society.

Silence swept through the room as Lord Uzumaki walked in.

Power oozed off him in waves, captivating those sitting at the table. They all rose as one at his entrance and dipped forward slightly. He moved as if he floated over the ground, taking his place on his throne and sitting down with a relaxed sigh.

He leaned back into his throne, watching them stand with a bow. With a flick of his wrist, they silently took their seats. Naruto stared at them all with an impassive expression, filling the room with tension, until he cracked a smile. An audible sigh of relief went through the table of friends and they visibly relaxed, grateful that their master wasn't angry.

"Welcome again, friends." He said in an honest voice. "Another successful year has passed, of which I am glad. I appreciate all of your hard work and your contributions to this great society and your tireless work to bring back life to our formerly…bleak world. The war took much from us. Families…friends…relatives…loved ones and even places we love…We still feel the effects and we still suffer the pain, as if it is a phantom that refuses to be exorcized. But the point of our gathering is not to spit and moan about what we have lost but to celebrate what we have gained!"

There were several shouts of agreement up and down the table, members turning and nodding to his words.

Naruto opened his arms and went on. "If not for this society of great friends…there would have been chaos, disorder and disunity in the world; civil wars, pestilence and rampant crime, not to talk of the toll of our last war on the environment. If we had not banded together, we never would have stood a chance against Voldemort and his Death Eaters." At the mention of his name, several members narrowed their eyes, some hissed lowly. "Our enemies, all…our enemies," he said, emphasizing that not only was magical Britain involved but also the global magical community, the leaders of which were assembled on either side of the table. "Will fall, whether all at once or one after the other, and we shall dance on their graves. Their deaths will not be recorded in significant history, their names will no longer hold sway, their little clubs will no longer have influence. We shall tear down their homes, their places of hiding…and we shall burn their legacy from every mind…every soul. No child should ever be made to live through war or hunger or…death…ever, ever again…" they listened raptly, captivated by his firm, authoritative words. The listeners leaned in, as if in hopes of absorbing some of his charisma and power. The lord leaned closer too, holding out his clenched fist and slamming it down onto the solid oak table, whispering. "We shall whittle down their will to live and their ability to hope." His voice increased. "We shall build monuments of our own glory on places they hold near and dear. Their tombstones will be used as bricks to pave the way for a greater, glorious future!"

"Yes, Lord Uzumaki!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, My Lord!"

"Of course, without a doubt, Great Sir!"

"They will all perish, Master Naruto!"

Echoes of approval rang through the room and the leader of the society sat back with a controlled smile.

This year was the most they had ever accomplished and he was proud of their work.

All in his name.

In that room, all that had a say in the world assembled and Naruto led them all, without question and without opposition; extreme decisions passed through him before they were assented and members of the secret society acted with him always in their minds, always in their considerations. Anything Lord Naruto did not approve of or support was thrown out without regard or hesitation.

Essentially, Lord Uzumaki Naruto, last Uzumaki and Head of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Uzumaki, controlled the world from the background.

A silent puppetmaster.

An echo of the legacy of the Uzumaki house.

As far back as recallable history, there was always a group of red haired, purple eyed people standing in the background, directing the world under the shade of secrecy. They died out, leaving Naruto all alone, but the boy, after years of hardship and toiling, finally regained the legacy of his dead house.

His six honorary Uzumaki were his enforcers.

The rest members of the secret society were no less loyal to their master.

Daresay Naruto was not just the most magically powerful on the planet but also the most politically powerful on the planet.

Family was the core virtue of the Uzumaki house-not magic or chakra-and these people before him, numbered up in their dozens, were Naruto's family.

The Uzumaki dark wizard whipped out his wand and pointed it upwards with his left hand. The rest on the table followed suit, pointing their wands to the shadowy ceiling with their own left hands and all but Naruto chanted.

"Laudate Dominium Esse in Vorticis!"

As they roared, the back of their left hands softly glowed and a bright blue spiral formed; the member tattoo for their hidden society. Charmed to never be seen by any non-member, the blue swirl was the only means of identifying another member; shake hands with their right hand and subtly flash the back of their left hands. Multi-coloured sparks and light streamed from the tips of their wand, some billowed harmless fire into the air and some conjured innocuous lightning to rumble through the sky, or in Luna's case, bubbles flew from her wand and joined the mixture in the sky.

"Vivat Dominus Terrae!"

The room warbled and shifted. The walls fell back and the tiled floor seeped away like water, replaced by short grass and a great view of the sparkling lake at the backyard of the Uzumaki mansion. The pale moon shone down on them and, ever so gradually, bright torches illuminated their surroundings, bathing them and the world around them with light. Their conjured sparks, fire and bubbles merged together in the air and flew up into the sky.

The stars shifted, forming a whirlpool spiral in the sky, glittering and twinkling down on them.

Naruto brought down his hand and gently dropped his wand onto the table, beside his plate, and his followers did so as well.

"Before we begin our yearly feast, a few of us want to make special announcements." He motioned to Harry and Hermione and they both stood up.

Harry cleared his throat and spoke. "Erm, yes. Thank you, Lord Uzumaki, for the honour of being in this great society and for the chance to make this announcement." The others waited expectantly for him to speak. "Hermione and I…are getting married!"

"Whoop, whoop!" Luna hooted, pumping her fist into the air.

A round of cheers drifted around the table; a few members stood up and clapped the man on his back, congratulating both of the happy couple. Hermione's face burned a worrying shade of red as women gave her helpful pointers on how to properly satisfy a man in the bedroom, not knowing that she had long since lost her purity since her seventh year.

One man whispered, quite loudly, to a few members that Harry was one "Lucky bastard."

Not that Naruto was surprised that his two protégés were going to get hitched; he could see it as soon as they met in the Great Hall in Hogwarts, but he was pleasantly stunned that Harry had finally gathered up the courage to ask Hermione to marry him…or was it the other way around…?

As if reading the question in his mind, Harry faced his leader and clarified. "I asked her to marry me."

Naruto smiled. "Ah…ok. Well, congratulations. You both have my blessing." A round of applause rippled through the table once again at Naruto's personal approval.

"The wedding will be in four months." Hermione informed them. She then lowered her head in a polite bow and spoke to her master. "Will…you be able to attend…My Lord Naruto?" Harry also turned to his leader, expectant.

The redhead scoffed. "Of course I'll attend. I won't miss it even if death itself calls my name."

"Perish the thought, Lord Naruto." Hermione said resolutely. She realized what she had said and blushed. "Thank you, sir."

"Thank you, sir." Harry murmured as well and retook his seat, beaming at his soon-to-be wife from across the table.

Naruto nodded to Daphne and Draco, and the married couple rose, bowing slightly to their leader before they spoke. "Honoured members of the Whirlpool Society, Most Gracious Leader," Draco began and Daphne smiled beauteously, not much caring for her reputation as the Ice Queen. "We are expecting a child."

"Hurrah!" A yell sounded from the end of the table and the table cheered for the happy couple. People once again patted the soon to be proud father on his shoulder and congratulated the expectant mother profusely. Astoria Greengrass, Daphne's younger sister, led the table in raining confetti over the bubbling couple.

"Congratulations, Draco, Daphne." Naruto said over the din of merriment, making them lower their ovation. "I am sure you will bear a wonderful heir and a most worthy successor to your wise intellect."

"Thank you, my lord." They said in unison and sat back down.

Astoria excitedly shot out of her seat and bowed deeply to Naruto, straightened up and saying. "I've finally been able to get my Law degree!"

"Here, here!"

Most of the members knew how hard it was for the younger Greengrass to enter magical law school, not to talk of attaining her degree. She had been rejected by numerous law schools on grounds that her OWL and NEWT results were unsatisfactory, yet she was the top three in her year, bearing one of the best results since Hermione Granger. She had finally been allowed into a humble law school in France, the very same one Gabrielle Delacour was attending and only because Naruto and the Delacour family had pulled some strings.

Astoria bowed in gratitude to her benefactor and also to Fleur and Gabrielle, seated a bit close to the middle of the table. "Three law firms are asking me to work with them. I'm not sure which one to choose; they all sound so good."

Naruto waved for her to calm down. "There's no need to panic. Just…decide what's best and don't hesitate to ask for help. You have a family in us, Astoria."

"Thank you, my lord. Thank you." She whispered earnestly and sat down.

Ginny was the last to stand up. She followed protocol by bowing first to their leader and then addressing the table. "I've now officially divorced Michael and I'm being transferred from the Hungarian Hurricanes to the Killer Kitsune." Naruto's eyes lit up in recognition of his home country's Quiddich team. He wasn't really one for playing or keeping up with the sport but he saw Ginny's delight, so he clapped as well. The members celebrated for her in rancorous applause and cheers, unafraid of being heard by the muggle town miles from the Uzumaki mansion; the privacy wards aided to keep their gathering a secret. The red haired girl sat down, beaming.

"Congratulations on your move and on your divorce, Ginny." The girl nodded in appreciation. "With all the announcements made, we can now commence with the feast."

Food popped out of thin air, lining the middle of the long table. An assortment of dishes and delicacies, carefully prepared by the house elves of the Uzumaki house. They all dug into their food, making shiftless chatter as they ate, under the heavenly glow of the whirlpool constellation.

When dinner (or is it breakfast?) was finished and all were more or less stuffed with food, the cage was placed atop the table, some metres in front of the Lord of the Whirlpool Society, resized back to normal and revealed.

Lord Voldemort sneered at the people on the table and his eyes dilated red when he finally noticed Naruto sitting at the head of the table. He made to yell profanities but was stopped when his mouth was vanished.

"I found this old snake hiding in haunting a small muggle town a few miles from the Malfoy mansion about…" he pursed his lips and looked up to remember the day. "About…four years after my graduation, when we were all sure Luna and I had killed him. Apparently, he's been hiding since his downfall." Naruto said, fingering the tip of his fifteen inch wand, and humming with a smile wiggling at the corner of his lips.

"How did you find him, Lord Naruto?"

"Artemis Crowley," he said, referring to a woman in her early twenties down the table close to the middle. She and her twin sister were purebloods and among the first Lord Naruto had taken under his wing at a time their incestuous parents were more concerned with frolicking in their perversion. She graduated from Hogwarts and immediately got her dream job as a Ministry Obliviator. "Was responding to a call from a young wizard that performed accidental magic in their grocery shop. Routine work, right, Artemis?" the woman nodded. "Then she was attacked by a non-magic-a muggle-that had been possessed by this stubborn snake. His aim was to steal her wand and find any surviving Death Eater. To his credit, he didn't hold back…but, as you can all see, he was less than successful."

Laughter bubbled all around.

"I find it remarkable that Lord Voldemort was able to, yet again, avoid death and become, not just a ghost, but a spirit. One that can take the form of not only a person but possess one of low power, enchant and destroy like a common poltergeist." Naruto slowly shook his head in exasperation. "Artemis placed a trace on this slimy reptile before he could acknowledge his loss and flee, then she came to me to inform me. I sent Jade and Rubin to contain Voldemort's spirit; it took them a few months to make suitable runes to trap this slippery creature but here he is."

Spirits were hard entities to contain, that much was known, but they were also entities that could only come about when a wizard of great power, like Voldemort, died and forwent the option of becoming a painting. Because of the amount of magical power Voldemort had, he became a spirit that could influence the tangible and intangible world, making it all the more harder to defend against him and track him, for he could weave through reality unnoticed.

Jade was a known Alchemist and Rubin, an Arithmetic genius, and even with their combined intellect, Voldemort had posed more than a problem for them to contain. Then there was the added work Naruto had given them to properly ward his estate to prevent the late snake from escaping and warding the interior of his house from said dead reptile, confining him to the large forest at the back of the mansion. That had taken them years to accomplish. Naruto flicked his wand, making the dead dark wizard's mouth reappear.

"Insolent welp, thieving mudblood!" Voldemort's spirit roared in outrage, screaming at all. His bloody gaze fell on the impassive face of Draco Malfoy, remembering him to be the spawn of Lucius Malfoy. He then saw Parkinson's daughter and Bulstrode's daughter and Nott's son and Zabini's son and several more children of people that had once vowed to die for him. Betrayal ripped through the snake-like mans visage and he screamed. "BLOOD TRAITORS! ALL OF YOU! I CURSE YOU ALL FOR THIS BETRAYAL! MUDBLOODS! SCUM! FILTH! BACKSTABBERS! I WILL RISE AGAIN AND I WILL RAIN HELLFIRE ON ALL OF Y-"

"That's enough of that." Naruto grunted, lightly tapping his wand on the table, a line of purple light cracked through the table at lightning speed and zapped Voldemort, dazing him and vanishing his mouth again. "Your voice is grating, Voldemort. Nothing of you remains on this world, well…except for your spirit…but besides that, nothing. No Death Eaters, no followers, no loyalists and certainly No. Fear. Your aura of terror is gone, old man."

He stood up and said in a strong voice.

"If you do not feel it, I do; I feel shame for you Voldemort." Naruto spat venomously, his eyes narrowed and his purple orbs alight with deadly fire. "Not only do you fear death so much you tried to replicate Orochimaru of the Sannin's Mind Transfer and divided your soul into your Horcruxes to preserve your life but you also anchored your damnable spirit to the earth." The redhead sighed. "This is what remains of the once feared, once reviled…Lord Voldemort." Only a few flinched when the spirit grabbed the bars of the metal cage and mutely wailed, pulling as hard as he could to bend open the gates so he could possess the current most powerful wizard.

Naruto's next words caused murmured excitement to go around the table.

"You will be used for sport."

Rubin retrieved his wand and jabbed the cage with it. The door whizzed open and, as soon as the dead snake lunged through, an emerald collar flashed onto his neck and he harmlessly passed through Naruto. The Dark Wizard Naruto lifted his wand and pointed the tip at Voldemort, another shot of lightning slammed into the wizard, throwing him back with a pained expression. The bolt, still connected to the spirit, dragged the man back and smashed him into the table.

"I apologize for the inconvenience, my friends, but I shall be cancelling this year's Wizarding Duel Tournament." The purple lightning crackled and lifted the winded spirit up by his collar, off his feet. Harry was, for like the thousandth time, mystified by the power his master held, and, glancing at his fiancée, so was she. They all watched as their master transfigured the spirit of Lord Voldemort into a misty white squirrel. "This year, I will hold a special event in place of the tournament called…Tommy Hunting."

The man's purple eyes glinted and Harry felt a small, unintentional smile inch onto his face.

"He cannot touch you but every and all spells can indeed touch him, thanks to Jade and Rubin. Though I ask that Unforgivable Curses not be used simply because the fun would end too abruptly once they are cast." He sat back on his throne and looked over everyone. "I will only allow five hunters."

Harry was the first to rise.

Somewhere in the complex and deranged mind of Lord Voldemort, he felt…dread at the look the Man-Who-Survived sent him.

There was going to be hell that night.

Authors note

Leave a review on your thoughts and also let me know if you want to read how Naruto became the leader of his very own global secret society. He doesn't hold any important political office or any important job but he does have authority over anyone that does.

Also, the language they were chanting is Latin. It felt oddly fitting to use it.

Stay safe, wherever you are, and I will see you when I see you.
