Here's the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Please read and review love Hermione xxx

There were a few moments of high tenseness in the air before it finally cracked and she burst into tears. He was about to say something but couldn't because she got there first. "Jamie I love you so very much but I have no choice! Father made me give up Samuel or my name. I had to do it. I will not suffer the extreme stigma of being nameless. I marry Leon in a few weeks. I'm so sorry sweetheart. I'll always love you!" she said shocked as he gasped loudly.

"Well it would seem your father has been talking with Lord Potter because I too have to get married in a few weeks. I am marrying Dolores Umbridge of all people. If I don't I too am out of the family and you just know I won't do anything without my name. I'll always love you so much my flower but Dolores does have bigger boobs. I'm just saying. I've not slept with her yet of course so she could be ridiculous in bed who knows!" he said as he continued to trash the place in rage. He finally calmed down when most of the house was destroyed and he had all of his clothing with him. He kissed Violet once and with eyes full of tears and regret he left heading for his new home which now housed Dolores. He entered and decided that he would need to discuss a few things with her.

"Come here Dolores we need to talk. I am an extremely tolerant man but there are two things I will not tolerate and they are pink and yellow. Yes you did hear me right. If you must wear pink at all times do so but do not ever and I mean ever put anything pink in our home. I will allow you your office to do that in ok?" he asked sounding exhausted before he'd even begun. She blinked in shock at that. How could someone ever hate pink?

"I can understand yellow. I hate that myself too but why on earth pink? It's my favourite colour but I will respect your wishes. Only my work clothes and office will be pink. When we're here at home I will red, gold, green, blues and of course silvers and such!" she said removing her pink silk dressing gown she'd been wearing to reveal Gryffindor coloured silk lingerie which barely covered her vagina or boobs. He was hard in a flash as she laughed at him.

"Wow I've never seen one this size. I'll put it to you this way I neither have nor want children. I don't care about your previous children either. You may do with them what you like. I'm on a special five year contraceptive brew which I took just last year so I essentially have four years left. You know what that means?" she asked him as he looked unable to answer.

"Wha…" he managed to mumble out being so mesmerised by her boobs.

"You can come inside me!" she whispered into his ear before licking it and giggling as she pushed him down onto their new bed and proceeded to ride him to oblivion. It had been one of his most explosive nights yet. He'd never gone five times in one night. He was thoroughly exhausted the next day and had to phone in sick as did she because she couldn't keep her hands off him. For now he was being kept suitably busy so he wasn't messing with everyone else. Elsewhere Jim was seriously thinking about his sexual orientation. He decided to try something and asked his elf to bring him a photo of a few naked women. He wanted to see what would happen if he did. He received the photos in the bathroom where he was currently sitting on the toilet thinking things over. He finally received the photos. One of the women was flat chested with a large bum. The other one had a huge natural chest and a small bum. There was one with natural large boobs and a large bum and finally one with small everything.

He really liked the one which had large everything and blushed as he hardened upon seeing her. He could just imagine sharing this kind of woman with another man who he would also share and blushed his head off touching himself to orgasm and quickly cleaning himself up. He knew what he needed to do next. He had decided who would be his wife. These things were always decided very early for Lords and Ladies. He went into a side office near where he was and warded it so people would walk on by and not bother him for a while. He didn't think like Harry did although he should have. He sent a contract out to Amelia Bones for her to review for Susan and she was at work when it reached her. She hadn't heard of the change in Lords and went over to James Potter smacking him so hard across the face that her own manacle fell out at the same time.

"Just what the fuck do you think you're doing? I will not approve this madness you ass hat!" she snapped shoving the contract at him as he heeled himself and chuckled.

"Didn't you hear I'm no longer Lord Potter? I guess not. I didn't wish to advertise it so no that's not from me but my so called son Jim! He and I are not on speaking terms as he is currently making me marry Dolores Umbridge but such is life!" he said as he forgave her and she returned to her office and floo called to speak with Susan who brought into an abandoned office to chat with her aunt and was shocked to see her there at all.

"Auntie is everything alright?" she asked in concern.

"Yes. Lord Potter wishes to marry you but it is not who you are thinking because I made that mistake too. It's James Potter junior who is your year at school now. What should I say to him? The contract was very fair indeed. Everything is split down the middle and equally and you can have children as and when you like in the future. There is one issue we need to discuss however. In the contract he has stated that at some point in the future he may decide he wants to add another man to the relationship but will only choose one you consent to. What should I tell him?" she asked Susan who was currently processing everything.

She was still thinking a few moments later when her aunt coughed to alert her to the fact that she was still there.

"I am sorry auntie. I forgot myself for a moment I didn't mean to. Yes you can let him know I will go ahead with it or should I do that? I don't know how this thing works really!" she asked as Amelia laughed.

"Yes I'd say so. You can tell him personally and I will respond affirmatively in writing. Have a great afternoon. I love you Susie. Don't forget I'm always a call or message away if you need me. I love you Susie!" she said as Susan shed a quiet tear.

"Thank you auntie Amy. I love you too!" she said as the call was ended. She got up and dusted off her robes before heading to find Jim. She was shocked about the whole other man thing but he did say he'd include her in the process and was entirely fair about it. She could ask for nothing more then that. Lord Cyrus Greengrass was at his desk when he received the notice from Lord Harry Black. He was very surprised indeed when he learned that he'd spoken to Daphne first. He was initially very angry about that. It wasn't how things were done in their world but when he read the letter explaining why he'd done it he realised there might be more sense to it then he'd originally thought. He signed to say it was ok and sent it back. Now came to the task of little Astoria. Lucius Malfoy wanted her to marry his Draco but he wasn't sure about it. He'd ask her how she felt about it soon. For now he retired to bed telling his exceptionally excited wife the news. She had been planning Daphne's wedding in her head since she'd been old enough and was so excited. They would marry only when Daphne said she was ready as that was a clause in their contract which he appreciated greatly. Celia didn't though as it meant that Daphne could take her time and she wanted to enjoy planning that wedding now. She'd just have to wait. What a day it had been.