Stone of Dreams

Inuyasha x Naruto Crossover

Chapter 1: History of the West

Pairing: Kagome x Kakashi

Summary: It was supposed to be a simple mission but the strange ninja who could control the weather, Team 7 found themselves struggling to find shelter. Things were boding very badly for the Konohagakure ninja until they came across a limestone cave and find a statue of a woman appearing to be frozen in time in the midst of battle between herself and what looked like demons depicted in older scrolls.

Kagome winced slightly as one of Naraku's tentacles grazed her arm. She felt the cut burn as blood slowly poured out of her arm.

She almost smirked at the thought he was aiming for her stomach and missed. She didn't allow herself to get distracted however.

She was far from the fifteen year old girl who had first fallen into the Bone Eater's Well.

Five years had passed since then. And Kagome was quite proud to say she had grown into herself.

Shield of Perfection

Woman of Hell

Hunter of the West

The Shikon Miko was no longer the only name both humans and demons knew her as.

She had separated from Inuyasha. The pain of watching him fawn over the dead Kikyo too much for her. She and Shippo had taken off and it was not much longer after that did Sango and Miroku take their leave as well leaving Inuyasha to travel with Kikyo.

At first he had put up a bit of a fuss but when confronted with the others, he grudgingly agreed they'd cover more land this way for the shards and it was dropped.

She and her kit had traveled for a bit coming across a land which ninja inhabited. While she was not interested in most of their ways she did come across one elder ninja who, despite his age, was fast, more so than she at the time and in exchange for her healing and cooking capabilities, the man trained her in the art of kenjutsu and fuinjutsu.

The yellow monstrosity that was once her school backpack had been burned shortly after the well stopped working for her. Along with painful memories it was heavy and if she was being completely transparent, a neon sign to paint her a target in the warring states era. Perhaps even more so than her old school uniform had been.

Her hair was braided now in a high ponytail reaching the middle of her back when placed up and tickling her backside when let down. It was a bit of a nuisance but despite how well she was trained in the sword now she did not trust herself to cut some off herself. If nothing else Shippo still enjoyed braiding it when they were doing nothing else to take his mind off of other things.

She now wore the traditional miko garbs, no longer bothered by her old insecurities of being compared to Kikyo, while the younger woman held no love for the walking corpse she did not disdain her for her love of Inuyasha any longer. Her outfit was completed by armor Sango gifted her about a year ago when their paths crossed again one day after a very intense battle against a group of panther demons.

Her Kyujutsu was rumored to be unsurpassed by any miko or samurai. Kazama-sensei did not approve of the art preferring his sword and other smaller weapons, but conceded to his student using them considering her miko status. It wasn't a smart weapon for a ninja she could understand but samurai and even civilians could look at someone who wielded a bow and would know they were a skilled warrior. Not many having the patience or the will to dedicate themselves to the art.

"No where to run, miko. Hand over the jewel and you can have your place next to me." Naraku sneered looking her over.

Kagome felt the hairs on her arm stand up and was gone in a blink of an eye as one of the hanyo's tentacles wrapped around empty air where her neck had once been.

"The only place you deserve is hell, Naraku. And I'll be the one to send you there!" her voice was at a normal volume when she spoke but her eyes glowed that familiar pink color at the monster's audacity.

Naraku narrowed his eyes at the twenty year old never breaking contact with her as he sent one of his tentacles after Miroku and Sango. She was sure Inuyasha and Kikyo along with Sesshomaru wouldn't be too far behind if he got to the monk or demon slayer.

Kagome's eyes glowed pink once more and with her ninja speed tackled the half demon to the ground the same time his tentacle disintegrated from the barrier she erected around her friends.

"Let's finish this where it started miko."

And Kagome's world turned black for just a few moments before she and the half demon were alone inside Midoriko's cave.

'Summon the jewel, my child.'

Kagome was shocked at the voice that spoke to her and time seemed to slow as the limestone figures frozen in time once more began to move.

Naraku took that moment to send a tentacle her way and being so distracted by Midoriko and the demons returning to life once more he hit his target.

She felt the miasma entering her system through the wound on her shoulder. She pushed past the pain and seeing Midoriko once more purifying the dragon demons who attacked so long ago she focused on her reiki.

She did not notice as she focused on her powers the pink surrounding her body, healing her injuries and purifying the tentacle which caused her the pain in the first place.

Her aura was bright turning white in color and Naraku started screaming as the jewel shards he possessed glowed with the same light.

'You my child are the jewel. You haven't been whole for a long time, Kagome. It is time to fix that.'

With the ancient miko encouraging her, Kagome opened her eyes ignoring the bright light that encompassed everything in the cave now. She lifted her hand and like a lighthouse calling sailors home, the jewel soared to her outstretched hand.

Naraku and the demons purified in the process, Kagome relaxed her shoulders as much as she could and watched the woman walk to her.

'You've done well child. I will help you to put the jewel back where it came from. It's the least I can do considering we created it so long ago.'

"I'm not Kikyo's reincarnation. I'm yours." Kagome whispered in awe. She was shocked when the spectral woman touched her hand which held the now completed Shikon no Tama. And with a flash of light the jewel and Midoriko were gone.

'Thank you, child. You must rest now.'

Rest sounded good to her and Kagome closed her eyes before she attempted to unsheathe her blades and bow. Her movements stilled and she could no longer hear Midoriko's voice, or anyone's for that matter. As limestone slowly covered her body to become one with the strange cave.

'Rest, Kagome. Your time in this era is over but you will be needed again soon.'

AN: The barrier surrounding Midoriko's cave was only added into the anime, the manga never had that feature.

AN 2: Fuma Kotoro in some records his original name was Kazama. He was the leader of the ninja Fuma clan during the sengoku jidai. I won't get into too much detail of the folklore and legends but if you're interested in things like that I'd definitely suggest looking him up.

AN 3: This was more of a prologue than an actual chapter future chapters will likely be 7+ pages compared to the 3 this was. There will be flashbacks explaining Kagome's training and the "break-up" of the taichi.