When I first started middle school I had found a rosary in the nearby park.

There was nothing particularly outstanding about it other than the fact that it was silver and looked old and a bit damaged. No gleaming gemstones or elaborate engravings. Just a silver cross with gray accent in the indentation.

Naturally I hid it away at home to clean it, preparing it to face the outside world one day.


"So have you decided which school you're gonna apply to?" He asked.

"Not really, I was just going to apply to the same one as you." I tell him. "If I'm to be honest, you'd be a hopelessly clueless freshman without me to help you."

"If we're going to be honest with ourselves then I'm going to say you only want me around for the straight man routine."

"Yep." I say not even batting an eye. "I can't think of anyone who can claim to be as normal and average as you, and still be my partner."

A silence went on for a couple seconds before he sighed. "That's not the point, I didn't get accepted into any of the High schools we applied to."

Which would explain his mildly depressing attitude but not the exhaustion I hear in his voice. Sure I expected a bit of sadness from him, but not so much that none of his optimism shines through. So that begs the question, "So what are you going to do now? Are you going to just drop out for a bit to work and study? Or did something else happen?"

"More like something seriously questionable happened. I didn't say I didn't get into a high school, I said the ones we applied to had rejected me." He said, shuffling around some papers on his desk. "Dad managed to get me into a private school, scholarship included. I know the name is a bit weird, but it's called Youkai Academy."

"A scholarship to a private school? And with a name like that? Other than the name, what's the catch here? I've got the application for it too, and I'm trying to read into it online but so far nothing's cropped up about it."

"I know right! This is just way too suspicious, but the benefits were enough to convince my parents. What's worse is that he picked it up from some shambling drunk priest! They're actually dancing in the background, while I have to sign the papers." He sighed pretty heavily, practically giving up on anything else.

"I can only pray that nobody catches onto the fact that you essentially stole this from some perspective student."

"It's this or I get evicted being forced to live on the streets. I'm pretty sure half the things they threatened me with aren't technically legal either since I'm a dependent minor."

Talk about an ultimatum, and the worst one for a law abiding citizen like Tsukune. "Well as much as it sucks we might as well go for it." I conceded, prepping myself for more fine print scanning. "I'll make sure to look at the details and let you know of anything weird being in the contracts. I got your back and maybe I might join you to see what this place is all about."

"Thanks, really. I'm glad somebody knows how weird and suspicious all of this is."

"Yeah, yeah it's not much trouble for me anyway so I thought might as well help you out. Talk to you later Tsukune."

"Later." With that click letting me know he hung up I put the phone back in the receiver I immerse myself in the many papers for the many academies, finding the thick folder belonging to Tsukune's odd choice of school.

Looking at the introductory brochure, it's quite... festive. In a Day of the Dead kind of way, or maybe Halloween. Dead trees with brown and orange leaves surrounding them, tombstones with cracks that scream it's old age, and a very European looking school. A bit of a contrast but considering the photo was taken in October it might just be that time of year for them.

Going into detail though it's

a private institute dedicated to preparing students for the outside world...

values many cultures around the world and freedom of expression within certain limitations.

There's also a copy of the student handbook to review rules and such. Reading through it all, they practically wash off all responsibility from the staff, at least in terms of ensuring student safety.

Students are encouraged to find a means of self defense but should not resort to lethal means of self defense.

The nurse's office is there to aid in case of injuries, with health facilities that work as well as a hospital, though every case does not have to be treated as a matter of life or death.

I don't think having a miracle nurse office should be a selling point for your school but at least safety isn't completely ignored.

The bus to the school will be arriving at detailed locations within the manilla folder once the application has been submitted.

Youkai Academy has never declined an application (Which explains why Tsukune's parents are so excited for him to apply here.)

...and only the most heinous of crimes at the school result in expulsion/arrest.

All of this is super shady. But it's as Tsukune said, he doesn't really have much of a choice. Not that I had much of one either, considering my current circumstances and overwhelming need to move out of my dad's shadow...

Might as well sign the devil's contract with him.

Tsukune Aono - 0

Waiting at the bus stop is too nerve wracking for me. I know I haven't even arrived at the school yet but I won't be leaving campus until an extended break. It's going to be the longest I've been away from home with little contact with my parents, and to top it all off I'm going to a possibly dangerous school with only a bit of pepper spray and a taser for self defense.

My (self-proclaimed) partner-in-crime managed to call me back telling me about the school saying all of it checks out except for some of the safety regulations which my parents paid special attention to. Since they've never declined a student application that means that literally any kind of student can apply there, which opens the doors for the more dangerous of delinquents. This actually convinced my parents to let me carry a weapon for self-defense or even come home if things got too dangerous for me.

I almost missed the bus worrying about all the things that could happen.

"Hop onboard kid," said the bus driver. "Your friend has been waiting."

Seeing the glowing eerie eyes hidden underneath the shadow of his driver's cap makes me want to go home despite all the consequences. Still I'm not at the school, no one's actually attacked me, and going back to say "Hey the bus driver's eyes were glowing and he speaks in an ominous tone, so I decided to come back" doesn't sound good no matter how you phrase it. I'm sure they at least want me to make through the first day, maybe even just the first class.

I try not to hesitate stepping onto the bus with suitcase and school bag in hand. Sitting in the back of the bus, to my surprise, is the friend the bus driver mentioned.

Said best friend looked up at me giving me his signature smirk, "Yo, Tsukune. I've been waiting."

Thank you busdriver-san, although you are super creepy, I can tell you were just trying to be nice. Though you probably shouldn't listen to 1st year students and their over-the-top and dramatic requests to see their friends. You gave me a bad first impression of being a serial kidnapper or something.

"Y-yo." I give him a small wave my self before taking a seat opposite of him. And the bus took off.

"So... are you ready?"

If I'm going to be perfectly honest, no. Everything about this screams horror movie scenario, or the beginning of some criminal investigation show. And I'm the stereotyped American white girl. Hopefully not with the best friend who's willing to sacrifice me for his own freedom.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I give that chuckle that let's him know I'm totally lying. Not that I was trying very hard to mask the fact that I was lying. I'm pretty sure anyone could tell without trying.

"Well it's a new school with virtually no friends. I know how difficult it can be for you to make friends sometimes. But with enough positivity, perseverance, and creativity, you can find your place with any group."

Who is this guy my mom? "Don't just switch gears like that you nearly gave me a heart attack. Next time you want me to talk to you, you shouldn't force other people to say such dramatic and scary things."

I don't know whether or not he perfected his poker face. The thing about guys like this one right next to me is that you can never really tell when they're lying. Just when you think about to find his tell he switches it up. His lying face becomes true and his truth becomes the lie all along.

He blinked slowly as if he was acting confused. "I have no idea what you're talking about Tsukune."

I could hear the bus driver chuckling evilly in the front as we enter a dark tunnel.

Maybe I shouldn't have gotten on the bus at all.


Scientific studies have explained away a lot of phenomena. Aurora borealis, brinicles, and whirlpools. There's also evidence to back it up and you can occasionally replicate some of it with a bit of effort and a few materials.

So how does one replicate the once fictitious Red Sea that Moses once parted?

One could argue that "It could've been photoshopped by the photographer." Or "That was the artist's interpretation of the sea." Both are definite possibilities when looking at the images on the pamphlet.

But that does not explain the image my eyes are showing.

"Hey Tsukune?"


"Do you see the giant red and possibly bloody sea?"

"So it wasn't just me having a fear induced hallucination. We're looking at a red sea."

"I guess we are, unless we're drugged and I'm dreaming up all this."


A moment of silence passed between us before I decided to move towards the school on my own.

"H-hey, wait up!" Tsukune cried out, as I walked into the dead forest leading to the school. "Don't leave me here man, I swear there is something wrong with this place."

"Of course, we both knew something was up when applying before even looking at the paperwork." I hop over the dead branch that crawled its way onto the path. "A place called 'Youkai Academy' with a blood red ocean, free boarding, a dead forest. The reason we're here is because of a lack of options."

"Ah, yeah..." he sighed. "Wait... you have a 'lack of options'? The guy with the recommendations and scholarships sent to your mailbox throughout the school year?"

A full moment of silence passed by us before I decided to cut that awkward moment with the perfect excuse.


"Be serious here," he said weakly jabbing at my arm. "What made you decide tha-"

A sound of chains was echoing through the forest, Tsukune had frozen still while I remained unaware of the coming danger... actually I was trying my very hardest to act like everything was normal despite Tsukune's apparent fear of everything. After all it would be best to ignore the chill of death crawling up my back.

"Get out of the waaay!"

It was quite interesting, apparently Tsukune took on the first impact of a bike tire when it's rider lost control of the bike after a nasty bump in the ground. They tumbled away with maybe a few bumps and a cut to show for it. I took a metal frame of a bicycle to the back of my unaware head and landed on a misplaced tombstone. Why the hell do they have these hazardous things? People die when they are killed you know.

A normal intellectual would be conked out, period. They don't have the physical capabilities to walk outside, much less leave their room. As for a strapping young man with good looks and the brains like me? I got a nasty cut from the edge of the tombstone.

And it fucking hurt. Hopefully it doesn't scar too badly. If it does I can always adjust my bangs so that it stays hidden.

"Son of a bitch." I said through clenched teeth and a massive headache. But seriously I need to focus on literally anything other than the possibility of brain damage.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

No, I'm not okay, my head was bleeding dripping onto the surprisingly warm ground staining the ground black, or was it red?

Emerald eyes, framed by pink hair, furrowed deep in concern. Her wide eyes and pale skin gave off a doll-like innocence...

...as she faced Tsukune whom had a bit of dirt and a small cut on his cheek.

'You ignorant fucking bitch.' I thought in bitter jealousy.

I want to get this out right now. I do not hate Tsukune. I DO hate the amount of crap I deal with when in close proximity of him. Anything bad that happens to him happen to me thrice fold. It's like a monkey's paw except associating with my best friend becomes the drawback. I'm pretty sure those two were in their own little world as I reached for the first aid materials in my duffel bag. I make sure to carry some for emergencies like this. They leaned towards each other for a passionate and out of nowhere kiss, as I applied some alcohol around my cut. And just when I was about to wrap up with some gauze...

Tsukune is screaming Bloody Mary like he hasn't gotten out of puberty and running around like a headless chicken. I'm actually quite serious about that. He hasn't gotten out of the awkward stages of puberty and he is actually hopping around holding his neck as if he were bitten by a zombie.

As the good friend I am I grabbed him by the sleeve (after I finished applying my band-aids of course) and told him to stop screaming. It involved the words: "Tsukune, please shut the fuck up. I landed on a tombstone after being hit by the metal frame of a bike, while you were off in lala land. Please tell me your amazing excuse as to how you can run around being so inconsiderate of your injured friend."

So I may have been a little bit peeved with him. I'm pretty sure it's the headache. And justified. Barely even noticeable.

"I-I didn't... It was... oh, your head!" And pink haired girl was in front of me faster than my best friend. "It's a sad day when a stranger shows more care than your best friend."

"Yeah sorry about that, I'd be more concerned if I wasn't bitten." His voice reaching octaves higher than it should have. He really should shut that up before I give him a first class ticket to the infirmary.

"I didn't mean to, I just... well I was a bit anemic I smelled your blood…"

"Alright, whatever... I need to get to myself cleaned up anyway." I'd really rather not stay in the vicinity of someone prone to causing injury and I don't think but I'll choose to ignore it. The less I think about the things going horribly wrong the less likely I am to worry about "Let's pick up our stuff and be on our way."

I wondered at the time, why I didn't see Tsukune try to catch up. At least not until I saw them again.

Tsukune Aono - 1

Beginning of the year assembly is usually the same, it wasn't much different other than another creepy guy with glowing eyes donning a priest's outfit. His whole 'try not to die' spiel hinted at the fact that he was in fact the headmaster, something he confirmed at the end of his speech.

It really makes me wonder if this is the same guy who dropped the application near my dad's feet. If it is, what was the headmaster doing wandering the streets with an application in hands like that while drunk? Does he personally go to students houses to deliver applications? Had I actually stolen some student's application and now they're out on the streets like I would have been?

I continued asking myself these questions until I realized not a lot of people were left in the gymnasium other than the occassional sleeping student. Though how they slept through death threats really makes you wonder what kind of life they've lived up until now.

The board by the entrance to the gym had the classroom assignments with mine being 1-B. I didn't get too much time to memorize the layout of the school, probably because I spaced out, so I went straight to class. Just as the bell rang our (supposed) teacher and I arrived at the same time, her taking her place at the podium, while I was in the back corner near the window.

From what I've seen so far the school has been... mostly normal. I won't lie and say that it's been completely normal, but aside from the odd instances of not normal it's just like any other school. It was a school that would serve it's purpose as a springboard into the workforce. It was a school meant to serve a specific purpose.

A school founded upon the idea of reforming and integrating into the human society...

...whilst condoning the killing humans if they are found on school grounds to maintain the secrecy of youkai and magic.

I was terrified but I was absolutely pissed at whoever decided, 'let's ruin this guy's life by sending him to youkai school even though he gave human responses.'

But I especially blame my parents for sending me to this hellhole. If anyone finds out what I really am, I'm gonna die and only one other person can tell the world what actually happened if he even manages to escape. My parents can't even legally sue or avenge me in anyway since, according to my sources (not legally registered attorney and have no law degree) everything is really solid so whatever case they do make is going to be cheap, flimsy, and not even worth the effort of trying since it won't get the school shut down.

Worse, if they do manage to succeed, it might release all these possibly unstable individuals into society.

What the actual fuck did I sign us up for?

But with the arrival of Moka I felt like things would be a little bit better. She's a vampire but still she was quite friendly. Maybe things won't be so bad...


This us one of the few times I've decided not to blame Tsukune for these circumstances. We had read more than a little bit of the fine print, but when it said Youkai so many times we eventually tuned it out, not realizing they were referring to the name of the school, it actually meant an actual youkai species. Even if we did pay attention to the detail there's no way we would have believed it. This is the age of information-technology. We can't simply point at a thing and say something fantastical for people to believe us.

My face was composed as it ever was. Tsukune however, looked whiter than the human body should have any right to be. The guy next to him actually looked directly at him and gave him 'the look'. I'm sure we've all been given the look at one point but I never expected Tsukune to get the look from another guy.

Kudos to you Tsukki, for getting a guy's attention instead of a girl's.

I had already had my freakout in the surprisingly clean bathroom. Some other guys also freaked out a bit as well, exposing a bit of their inhuman nature. Erratic breaths and splashes of water were common there and my freak out wouldn't be anymore different than the other people there besides having uncanny control when it came to my human form.

Tsukune however did not get that chance, and it showed.

This school is a deathtrap I had realized sitting in the gym on those uncomfortable metal chairs. Although the school promotes peace and cooperation I could tell that if we were discovered neither me or Tsukune will have peace, and No one would be willing to cooperate with us to help escape death.

But just when the teacher was asking for questions, our most beloved pink haired girl came rushing through the door.

"Sorry I'm late! I had to take care of something with the Headmaster."

"Well then," the teacher or as she would like to be known as Ms. Nekonome. "Why don't you introduce yourself then." She said in a voice a bit heavier in weight.

Hardly anyone took notice of her sarcasm because said girl waltzed forward and gave a small bow. "My name is Akashiya Moka. I hope we can all get along."

After a polite bow she had a smile that reflected her naive and innocent nature. It's pure in a place with very questionable intentions. Every hotblooded male roared in approval cheering on the cute girl to 'make friends' with them as you can feel the lust roll off of them. Their smiles confirming their intentions.

I really hope we don't have succubi for classmates, otherwise we're boned more than the succubi in question would be.

Being orientation day, first years finish their only class of the day, being given the rest of the day to explore campus at their own leisure. Some students like myself had already explored the main building, while others like Tsukune and the strawberry-blonde vampire Moka. I found the whole concept ridiculous, it's pink and supposedly the strongest person among the first years. There's no way this puffball of cuteness is anywhere near the strongest creature.

"Don't these look great, Tsukune?!" Moka cheered, pulling Tsukune by the arm from room to room, from building to building.

"Yes it does Moka." He would repeat with every burst of enthusiasm she had, careful not to offend the girl whom had him in her grasp. "It looks like it has a lot of history."

Old buildings covered in vines with chipped paint, and a few ridiculously large spider webs that cover the stone bricks. I'm sure there are actual cracks in the building that may or may not be considered a safety hazard. Moka considered these old buildings 'great'. Which had me questioning her mental faculties even more than when I first met her. How I wished I could back to the times I thought she was a weird chuuni.

How Tsukune could continue acting on his puppy love, with intentions clear in his eyes is a wonder to me. That's not to say she's a bad person or anything it's just she seems... dopey.

"Tsukune," I call out knocking him out of whatever daze he was in. "I'm going to be heading to the library to see what kind of books they have, I'll catch up with you later.

"Ah, um." He turned to Moka as if asking permission to say bye. "Ok then see you later."

And off they went to continue their own lovey dovey tour. I had bigger concerns than Tsukune's romantic life. This is a school with info about the supernatural.

The library had an extensive list of books, and there were a couple upperclassmen in here doing their own study groups and whatnot. My first topic of research would be Vampires, so its likely that what I would be looking for would be closer to the back.

Finding a sizable book was easy, one with information I would be looking for even easier. A book titled [SS - A Monster Classes, Chimeras to Vampires]. Which leads me to wonder how many classes of "Monster" there were. Was it based on a strength system? Versatility? Important questions but I need to know about the monster that Moka claims to be.

Vampires are a monster that thrive in the darkness using stealth, charm, and wit to consume blood of the living. In olden times...

It's late and I can't stay in the library to sleep. I'd end up drooling all over the books before I'd actually finish reading this one book, and I'd be getting a school ID the next day, which would also be used as a Library card, so I can check out the book instead of staying in the library where I'm likely to be interrupted by some random student who might be too nosy for my own good.

So I head back mostly satisfied with today's read. I'd read up on vampires as much as I could before the library closed so tomorrow I'll be on lookout for Moka and the definitive signs for her being a vampire.

As I prep for bed, I realized I hadn't checked in with Tsukune or his parents to let them know that everything is okay over here (lie). That nothing too terrible has happened today other than Tsukune's immediate ostracization for having a cute girl attached to him on the first day.

"I wonder if he's doing alright." I mumble aloud. Although the students here are mostly normal, they tend to be a bit more... overemotional. Letting out their true forms the moment something raises their blood pressure even a little bit. He could get in trouble simply by existing near Moka. Then again she's a vampire, one of the most powerful of youkai races. Not like the eastern variant I'd assume but the one with Romanian origins.

Hopefully he'll be fine I thought to myself as I laid underneath the very comfortable blanket closing my eyes...



Before my body could properly shut down an loud, quick rapping at the door managed to prevent me from getting my beauty sleep.

The only one who would have a reason to know where I sleep is Tsukune.


Tsukune Aono - 1.5

"I'm leaving."

"Go to bed Tsukune. It's too late for you to be going anywhere." He said getting ready to close the door in my face

"I take back anything I said after my first impressions of the school. This place is terrifying and I am likely going to die the longer I stay here." It's true, he has to know it is. There's no way for us to even think about trying to stay here, we'll be discovered and killed faster than anyone can figure out just how wrong everything really was.

He sighed, lazily scratching at his stomach. "Come in, don't mind the move in mess."

There was no real mess, just a few open suitcases off to the side. Gesturing me to sit down at the table he gave another heavy sigh. "Okay now that I'm more comfortable, talk."

Is this guy for real? "We are not supposed to be here, a school of youkai, by youkai, for youkai. We're just humans, both in way over our heads."

"Why are you expositing for the reader?"

"Take this seriously man. We're kinda in this together. This isn't the time for you to be mouthing off about random tropes you found on the internet." Seriously... this guy.

"It's going to be fine Tsukune. There's not too much to really worry about. You're only panicking because you're not with Moka. That's all." he said eyes drifting off as he slouches over a bit.

"That's. All. That's all? We could die at any moment and all you can say is "You miss Moka, that's all"?"

It managed to snap him back to attention but not for very long. "I expected you to panic hours ago Tsukune. The fact that you're here now means you didn't particularly care until she wasn't with you. You'll be fine as long as someone's willing to protect you."

He's not getting it. "You're not getting it! There's no reason for us to stay! Nothing here for us to accomplish! It's do or die depending on if whether we stay or go." I'm shaking him now, forcing him awake and to pay attention to the possibility that we are might die here.

"It's do or die no matter what you do." he calmly tells me suppressing a yawn. "Nothing is going to change if you leave."


"Stop screaming" he says finally come back to full awareness, paying full attention to the conversation. "Let's walk through this scenario, and think this through carefully. You went to Youkai Academy and left on the second day. Why is that? A human won't be able to put the pieces together. But any youkai with two brain cells will figure it out. You're weak. You've always been weak, they assume, and they're going to investigate why and how that is."

"What does that matter? All I have to do is get home, cram for the next school year, and never think about this place or what I've seen ever again."

"What they find is going to be completely average humans with average lives and an average income. A mistake that they let in the system. One that they have to eliminate." He said freezing me in place. "You could bank on the chance that no student anywhere will ever be curious about what happened to "Moka's Boyfriend" and run, living a relatively carefree life. Or you could stay and build connections with the students to ensure your safety."

"This is insane. Everything you're saying is insane."

"Alright since you don't believe men lets put it this way." He said pulling out some paper and a pencil detailing his idea. "Most schools don't exactly let anybody in at random. Background checks are a must to ensure the school doesn't accidentally trip landmines, trigger allergies, or get involved in a scandal right?"

"Wait what are you-?"

"Right, so this-" he then drew a box with a clock and wrote school on it. "is going to be an average school. With regular background checks, looking for stuff that's pretty obvious to see. This is going to be our current school" he said drawing a box with a bat wing design writing youkai on it. "Since everything about this place is secret we can assume that they'll be doing deeper background checks, possibly through illegal channels. So anyone who definitely doesn't belong is dealt with as quickly as possible."

The lines that connected to our school to the average one made some sense. It's still a school, but these other lines and implications he's making. "W-what do you mean 'dealt with'?"

"Who knows, but with a 100% acceptance rate there's no way anyone who's applied wasn't already checked out beforehand. In other words, we've been scouted way before we've applied. This wasn't an accident. Somebody wants us here."


Despite the way I dropped that bombshell on Tsukune I was just as, if not more terrified than him since I don't have much in the way of a safety net. No powerful vampire friend to help me out if things go south, and no real social skills to speak of in the first place that'll help me make a friend like that or even a good weapon to fend them off. I can only bank off Tsukune's security and even THAT is a bit questionable. Her flaky and ditzy personality is in complete contrast to the vampires I read about, so her ability to help Tsukune is even more in question.

I could have gone to bed rested without thinking too hard on it, but I just HAD to ignore Tsukune all day, then he came banging on my door bringing all our shared insecurities with him.

At least I can wave away the bags of drowsiness as nerves for school. I'm also comforted by the fact that Tsukune's in pretty much the same state as me.

"TSUKUUUUUUNEEEEEEEE!" Though with the way he suddenly perked up you could barely tell that he stayed up just as late as me. I know he was certainly more secure in his dreams than I was.

"Moka." He breathed out the listless vibe from his skin, now practically glowing with health. Honestly looking at him makes me feel worse than I already did. I liked it better when we shared misery. The glares and unmasked malice that bystanders had both alleviated my anger and unnerved me.

I'd rather not see my best friend die. No matter how much I say I want him to swan dive off the cliffs for amusement.

But seeing Moka suck blood and run after her cheerful good morning wave was enough to put a smile back on my face. Seeing Tsukune's energy drained body afterwards is a nice bonus.

"So when is the wedding?" I smirk.

"Screw you dude. It's not like that." Pulling him up to form is expected as I laugh at his romantic mishaps is to be expected.

What I did not expect was my arm getting thrown in the complete opposite direction dislocating it, maybe even shattering some bones.

It took all my self control not to scream or cry out in pain.

No one bothered trying to help me or Tsukune out, so we dragged ourselves to the infirmary to get patched up.

The nurse was kind enough to set all my arm back into place and giving me a splint before tending to Tsukune. For him though she took her time, going through X-Rays scanning them for possible damage before letting him rest in bed allowing the damaged muscle to heal itself with a bit of 'magical' ointment to help after Moka drained him of blood.

"He was the one who threatened me you know." Tsukune said suddenly.

Being sent out hours after class had started, I'm almost sure they were going to be ending soon we sort of just skipped the rest entirely.


"Komiya Saizou. He's in our class."

"Oh. That guy. What a complete asshole." I chuckle humorlessly.

He didn't find the jab funny either. "He's also the reason I planned on leaving. He mentioned something like this happening. I thought that if Moka were with me, I'd be safe. Especially with what you were telling me the other day."

I did try to reassure him that he would be fine. That as long as he had Moka around him, he'd be perfectly safe around the A or even S class vampire. But the moment she's run off he's in the infirmary because someone got a little jealous of him for being with the school Madonna. Even worse is that she took blood and ran off like everything is alright.

"Even against the chance that I might die, I'm still going to leave." And I wouldn't blame him. This is a serious danger to not only his health but also his life. This could have crippled or killed him. It was a bit selfish of me to want to keep him here with me but I was afraid.

"I understand. You going to be leaving tomorrow?"

"I've already got my bags packed. I've just been hoping that today would've helped me make my decision. Are you coming with me?"

I shook my head. I couldn't go back, the trade off for me leaving is much worse for me than Tsukune. My future is on the line and it's much less guaranteed than Tsukune's if I leave.

On an intellectual level it was a perfectly viable move. If something goes wrong, he could just pick up his bag and go.

But still the idea of him leaving without telling me would've hurt a bit.

"Well, I'll see you later... hopefully."

"See you later Tsukune."

He reluctantly turns to leave, but once again Moka's interference sends him to a complete stop. I can see the wheels in his mind turning trying to convince him to stay here. Logic is a cruel mistress though, and no cute girl is going to win over his survival instincts. I could hear the argument from here. She became more and more fervent about him staying and he withdrew further and further away into himself.

I didn't hear the words that he said that caused Moka to go into angry denial, but he enunciated well enough for me to understand what he just said.

"I'm a human." he said. Completely throwing his secret out in the open. Possibly even mine, if people remember that we came as a package. A leak of the highest order if I'm going to be staying here. Quickly scanning the area, ignoring Moka's loud and denials that could attract attention from the wrong types of crowd, and I saw that guy again. Right there hiding poorly behind a tree near the edge of the woods.

"We are so fucked if this gets around."

Tsukune had run back to his dorm, most likely to grab his things. Leaving Moka behind pacing around for a bit before noticing I had seen it all.

I am so fucked.

6,513 words

(A/N): I finally got off my behind to reboot this. Made a lot of midgame changes so I thought it best to put this under a new name and hopefully it'll go better than the first time.

I also created a pay me off so that monetary obligations force me to write more often. I do monthly updates on progress there too. Pester me with money at: pa tre on / PatrickRoxas