So here we go again, with another new story. Hope you all enjoy this.

Full Summary: Edward moves back to Seattle after working under his father's shadow for five years. Wanting to make a name for himself, he uses his mother's surname to establish himself. What happens when his father, and a friend call in a favor, and need him to first help a struggling restaurant. Will he want to when the owner let it fall to pieces while she vacationed and what other secrets will unfold along the way?

The beautiful banner for this story was made by the talented HeartforTwilight.

The team that helps keep us readable are: EdwardsFirstKiss, AWayWithWords, Mjimenez0428, and LaPumuckl. As always these fine ladies help keep us readable, but we accept blame for all mistakes as our own.

Also there will be terms and sayings used in this story, that will fit the story due to certain characters living arrangements. There will be UK English terms used, when applicable, even though this is set in the USA. The terms will all be defined for those who don't know what they are or mean. Please don't waste our time or yours to tell us that things aren't said like this in the states. As Kasi, aka TeamAllTwilight (AndTAT) is part of our writing team and from the USA, and Nikky, aka WeeKitty is from Scotland, the terms and sayings used will be from Scotland, so therefore we have this covered. With that said, keep in mind neither of us claim to be perfect, but try our best to put out a quality story, with decent grammar, and use several people to edit us, so we try and for a free story that should be sufficient.

We plan to post a chapter each Wednesday, and we are starting with a bank of over almost eight chapters. This story is writing fast and we are both super into it, so hopefully that means it will finish fast on our side. Once it does, we will post more frequently.

*Please note that there will be edited chapters to abide with the terms of service here at FFN, when those chapters have edits, we will post on that chapter that it is edited, so if you want to read the full unrated version of that particular chapter you may. Yes this story will have at least one juicy lemon in it, as it is already written, but the descriptiveness will not post here, however, it will post at FicPad, and Stars for those who want to read the erotica part of the story.*

Caledonia - Chapter 1

Edward POV

I take my shades off as I walk into the real estate agency. "Mr. Masen," Tanya the receptionist says with a flirtatious smile. "Aro is just wrapping up his meeting. I guess that means I'm the lucky one, because I'll get to be the one to entertain you for now." She gives me a coy smile, and moves so her barely covered breasts are on display.

I grin back at her letting my eyes run over her body, and fuck what a body she has. Tanya is over forty, around five-foot-ten and slender. Her breasts are a decent size, appear to be real, and are surprisingly perky for her age. Her blonde hair flows down, hitting the tops of her breasts, drawing the eye more to them. Her skin is flawless and pale. Trailing my eyes back to hers I notice the vivid color of hers, sparkling with lust. Her eyes are one of her greatest assets; the ocean blue color is quite intriguing.

"And how are you going to entertain me?" I ask her in a husky voice making her swallow and lick her lips.

I don't have a big head or anything, but I know that I am a good looking guy. I have just turned thirty and stand at six-foot-three. I work out four times a week, and make sure that I eat healthy to keep myself in shape and toned. But most women say it's my green eyes and wild penny-colored hair that makes me look as if I have just had sex. There's something about freshly fucked hair that makes women wet with want.

"Oh, I have a few ideas," she whispers as she leans forward to me.

"Anthony," Aro says loudly.

I wink at Tanya and then turn to look at him.

"If you'd like to come in," he says.

"See you later, Tanya," I say looking back at her.

She gives me a sexy smile and a nod of her head.

I follow Aro into his office.

"You've only been back a month, Edward," Aro says using my first name this time.

I tilt my head at him making him snort while shaking his head.

"Maybe you should think of settling down, starting a family now that you've hit the big three-oh," Aro chuckles.

I shake my head at him. "I'm not ready to be a one woman man. Besides, I am too sexy for just one woman, and it would be unfair on the rest of the female population who need some loving."

Aro sighs shaking his head. "Let's just move on; what can I help you with? You're happy with your new house, no?"

"The house is great," I tell him, truly happy with the house he was able to secure for me last month. "But I've been thinking that I have helped enough restaurants; I would like my own. I miss cooking."

Aro again tilts his head; he's starting to remind me of a dog. "Your father could set you up with one of his?"

I groan shaking my head at him. "I want to do this on my own. It'll be my work—not the Cullen name—people will come for. For that reason I want everything under the Masen name." I tell him, also hoping to explain why I booked this meeting and the one for my home under my mother's maiden name.

Aro nods with a look of understanding. "You want out from under your father's shadow, am I right?"

"Yes, you've got it. Now, are there any places that come to mind?"

He hums and rubs his face. "There is one place that comes to mind instantly. It is currently still open, but only just. It belonged to an older woman who passed away six months ago leaving it to a granddaughter, Isabella. Isabella's father took control of it a few years back as his mother-in-law was too sick, and his daughter was in still in Europe having left eight years ago. As far as I know, she hasn't been back, not even for the funeral. Sadly, the business has been slowly going south. I don't think it'll be open much longer. If the girl wants to make any money from it, then she should pull out soon. As far as I am aware, there are not many ... if any people interested in it right now."

I hum and nod at him. "What is the restaurant called?"

"Renney's Soul."

I just look at him in wonder. "Elizabeth MacLeod's old place?" I ask.

He nods at me but I can't seem to take my eyes off of him.

"It can't be; that was the one restaurant in this town that seemed to always be fully booked. Hell, it was my go to place when I needed a break. It always made my bad day better."

"I know. You weren't the only one, but it's not making money any longer."

I rub my face. "Okay, I am in. If you can see if this girl is willing to sell, tell her Anthony Masen is interested. Make sure all the paperwork is under that name, too," I say in a tone to make it clear that I don't want anyone apart from him using or even knowing that I am a Cullen. I have legally filed so that I am able to use that name, so I know that there will be no legal dispute in using it.

Aro nods. "I have already called Miss Swan a few times; when we spoke last week, she said she was going to look into what I had said."

I give Aro a nod and stand as does he. He offers me his hand and I take it.

"Keep me posted," I tell him as I shake his hand.

"Will do," he replies.

Walking out of his office I go directly to Tanya's desk.

"Are you free tonight?"

Tanya giggles a little. "I can be for you."

"I'll pick you up here, at six."

She bites her lip, making me hum internally. She's being coy and acting almost as if she is a teenager and not the forty-eight-year-old woman she is.

"See you at six." I give her a smile and slide my shades on before walking out.

I get in my car and drive the short distance to Renney's Soul. I take off my glasses and walk in. Right away, I feel as if I want to run back out. It's dirty and grungy looking; this is not up to Elizabeth's standards.

"Hey, are you just going to stand there?" A harsh voice asks and I turn seeing a woman that looks as if she should be working at Hooters looking at me. "Can you speak English?" she carries on rudely.

"Jessica!" another voice calls sharply behind her.

"What, Pixie? I am the host, you're meant to be at the bar."

The small woman rolls her eyes and looks at me, "Mr. Cullen," she says with a shaky voice, I'll show you to your table."

I frown a little, unsure at how she knows my name.

I nod and follow the woman knowing that I just have to move on. I look around and feel dirty just from being here.

"Did Carlisle send you?" The small woman asks making me look at her.

This must be the reason how she knows my name.

"Please tell me that he did?" she almost begs.

"Why would my father send me here?" I ask and the woman's face falls.

"I asked him for help," she says weakly.

"You own this place?" I ask.

"What? No, but I love this place; it belongs to my friend who also loves it."

"Where is your friend?" I ask wondering if the girl's friend is still in Europe.

"She's out of town."

I chuckle shaking my head. "If she loved this place she would be here. Now, can I see a menu?"

The woman gulps but nods at me. It takes her a few minutes to come back. "I'm Alice, and I'll be your server today," she says handing me the menu.

The menu is a joke, it looks like a short book, and I scroll through it quickly. "Twenty pages, are you kidding me?"

Alice shakes her head at me.

"What would you recommend?" I ask her.

"Nothing," she replies.

I just look at her with a raised brow.

I hand her back the menu. "I'll have the kitchen special."

She again gulps, but walks away. I pull out my cell and take some photos of the interior.

A few minutes later, she is back again.

"Can I get you a drink?" Alice asks sounding a little snappy.

"Make me a drink from the bar, anything with Vodka please."

She walks away and I watch her as she moves around the bar. I frown as she walks back to me holding my drink in a plastic disposable glass.

"Don't you have actual bar glasses?"

"They're dirty," Alice whispers, then again walks away.

I sigh and rub my forehead in wonder, how it's possible this place has gone so downhill.

After waiting for almost an hour my lunch finally arrives at my table. Before even tasting it I know I have made a mistake. You can see the grease running out off the food. This is not a home cooked plate of soul food, but a heart attack waiting to happen.

I take a small bite and spit it back out right away. It tastes off. It is undercooked and tastes almost as if it was just thrown into the microwave.

I wave my hand to get Alice back over.

"Could you let the chef know that this is revolting? It's undercooked, tastes as if it's days old, and has been heated in the microwave."

Alice just nods her head. "I'm pretty sure that is a very correct guess, and more than likely what happened."

Her frank answer and nonchalant attitude make me stare at her. I push down the desire to yell at her, and remind myself that she is a waitress and not the chef or owner of this place. Clearly, she knows the restaurant needs help from her earlier comment about contacting my father, so this is not on her.

"You're charging people twenty-seven dollars for this?" I ask pointing to the meal cost on the bill. "Clearly, someone is out of their damn mind, that slop was not worth twenty-seven cents, and I would not give it to a starving homeless person. It was unworthy of anything but the garbage can."

"If you don't like the prices, then don't come in here," a harsh voice hisses and I turn seeing Charlie Swan.

"Well, well, well, if it's not Cullen's only son."

"Mr. Swan," I say as polite as I am able to muster. This is not easy, because the fact is I can't stand this fucker. He's an arrogant, self-centered prick, and that's his better qualities. Then there is the fact that my father and Charlie have had a few run ins. I am not sure what they have been about ... just that my father was beyond angry at him. My main reason for disliking him is that he just happens to be the sperm donor of one of my friends from culinary school.

Jasper is a great guy. He's friendly, smart, and caring. His mother passed away and he traced his father down and found out he was no other than Charlie Swan. When he went to see Charlie, he more or less slammed the door in his face because he didn't want to hurt his spoiled daughter. From what I was told, it seems to be true according to what Aro said ... his daughter took the news badly and fled when she found out she wasn't her father's only child. I can understand her a little; after all, she had just found out that she had a half-brother. But to just up and leave the country? She has never come back, not even when her grandmother was ill, or to attend her funeral. To just leave this place to fall apart is what I can't understand.

"You should leave before I throw you out!" Charlie states.

I just hum, and throw down a five. "That's me being generous," I tell him as I walk away.

"Take your fucking money, and get out," he says throwing the five dollars back at me. "You're barred from this establishment, don't come back here again."

When I get outside, I look at the restaurant. There is no saving this place, not when no one cares about it. I take a few photos with my cell to go with the ones I took inside, and head home. I turn on my laptop and start to make a list of the changes that will need to done when I buy the place.


At ten minutes after six, I pull up outside of the real estate agency to see Tanya standing there.

I lean over pushing the door open. "Sorry," I say gaining her attention. She just smiles at me as she gets in.

I start to drive heading for one of my father's restaurants nearby.

"Esme's Steakhouse," Tanya hums sounding impressed. "Don't you have to book this place a month in advance?"

"I have connections," I reply to her simply. "Shall we?"

Tanya nods with a smile and I get out of my car. We walk in to be greeted by Rose my big sister.

"Hey?" she says with a smile that falls when she sees Tanya.

"Table for two?" She asks tight lipped.


Rose walks us to our table. "Your server will be right out." She lets me help Tanya with her chair, and then leans in. "I would like a word later," the tone she uses tells me that she will not let this drop.

I sigh but nod at her.

"Is she an ex?" Tanya asks making me frown.

I look to where Rose is standing and glaring at our table and chuckle as it comes to me that Rose and I are similar to a degree but look completely different. Rose is six foot tall, has green eyes and silver blonde hair. She is strikingly beautiful, just like our paternal grandmother. I on the other hand seem to take my looks from my mother's side.

"No, she's not my ex," I reply as I turn looking back at Tanya.

She doesn't seem to believe me, but I refuse to tell her who Rose is as I don't want her to know my last name is Cullen. So I just let her think I'm lying.

"Hum, I'm not sure if I completely believe you, but I'll move on, since you are here with me. How is your home coming along? Did you find someone to get the work you wanted done?"

"I have; it's almost finished in fact. Hopefully I will be able to move in at some point next week."

"Oh that sounds wonderful, maybe on our next date you can show me what you have done with the place."

I don't have time to answer her as our waitress comes to the table and takes our order. I keep the smile on my face as Tanya orders a salad, and not opting for what I would classify as real food. I order my favorite meal and the waitress walks away.

"I just need to nip to the little girl's room, and powder my nose," Tanya says and walks away swinging her hips. I wait until she has entered the restroom, before walking over to Rose.

I stand with my arms crossed looking at Rose who is just clicking her tongue.

"Can you for once get yourself a younger girl?" She asks.

I snort, loving the fact she doesn't beat around the bush.

"She's only ten years older than me."

"Ten years older, please. Well, maybe that is the age of her implants."

"Fine, she's forty-eight," I hiss to Rose, "Is her age the only thing you are upset with?"

"No," she hisses back, "You're thirty now, Edward. When are you going to stop going on these cheap dates, fucking older women, and then leaving them?"

"Not any time soon. I still have to build my business, and my reputation on my own."

Rose laughs sarcastically. "Well, dear brother, what reputation you have is not one anyone should want."

I roll my eyes at her. "You know that I am talking about my reputation as an executive chef."

"You already have a great reputation in the cooking industry," she hisses back at me.

"Not under Anthony Masen," I say lowly.

Rose just looks at me. "Edward, you are a good chef, people don't think that just because of dad—"

I shrug a little cutting her off. "I want to prove that I am good enough to make it on my own, and not just to my peers but to myself."

"You know that you can do that with a woman at your side? Maybe even find one who will help you, not be the flavor of the day, used up whore."

"And who´s to say that Tanya will not be that woman?"

"The fact that this is the tenth time she's been here this month, and each time has been with a different man." Rose says quirking an eyebrow.

I again shrug, not going to get pissed off just because Tanya is doing what I am doing.

"So, who says I am not the right man?"

Rose just holds up her hand. "Just double wrap it when it comes to her. Moving on, Dad and Jasper want to talk to you."

"Do you know why?"

"I think they are going to cash in on one of those favors you owe them and have yet to pay back."

"Shit," I hiss knowing this will not be good, not if they are not really asking me, but planning on the whole 'you owe us' routine.

I give her a nod. "I better get back to my table; she thinks you are an ex of mine," I chuckle, making Rose pull a face as she looks at me.

"Like, I would touch an unclean dick like yours."

"I love you, too, Rose," I tell her before walking back to my table, and see that Tanya is already there and staring at me.

"Sorry about that," I say as I take my seat.

"Is everything okay?"

I nod at her giving her a grin. "Everything is fine." I swallow and give her a smile. "Why don't you tell me a little about yourself, you know hobbies, what you do outside of your work life."

"I enjoy good food, you know being wined and dined," she says with a chuckle. "I spend most of my spare time, getting tan, having my nails done, and being pampered. It takes a lot of work to look as good as I do."

She gives me a quizzical look. "What is that you do for a living?"

I smirk a little, "I'm a food critic," I tell her, only giving her a small part of one of my jobs.

"Wow, is that why we were able to get a table here so easily? That would be great. 'Get me a table or I'll close this place down'," she stops for a second or two to chuckle at her own joke. "What places should I stay away from?" she asks, eyes sparkling.

I give her a forced smile. "I take my job as a food critic very seriously. If you want to know what I think of any restaurant then you can read the reports on my monthly blog."

Before she can ask another question her meal is placed in front of her.

"Here is your meal, Ma'am."

I raise my eyebrow as I look at Rose, this not a part of her job.

"Darling," she stops and then giggles as she winks at me. She touches my arm softly letting it linger there.

"Rose," I hiss.

"Oh, I do love that harsh voice of yours," she smirks at me. "I am done for the day, see you tonight," she blows me a kiss and walks away.

"She's just fucking with you," I quickly say to Tanya who looks shocked. "Honestly, she is."

"If you say so."

"I do, now why don't we eat."

Tanya and I chat as we eat and I find despite her having a top of the art body, she's shallow, self-centered and has a simple mind. I knew within the first ten minutes of chatting this would be our only date.

At the end of the meal, I pay and walk out of the restaurant with her.

"Hey, Edward," I hear yelled from behind me.

I look around to see Jasper running towards me.

"Tanya, let me talk to him, and I'll be right back."

Tanya looks at me confused, so I hand her the keys to my car.

"I'll only be a few minutes."

She gives me a nod, before walking to my car and getting in.

"Hey, Jasper," I say as I slap his head. "You should know by now it's Anthony."

Jasper holds up his hands in surrender. "Sorry, but can you meet me at your parents' home in an hour?"

I sigh but agree. "Let me drop her off, and I'll go straight there."

"You have an hour, man."

I chuckle shaking my head. "Nah, it's alright, there will be no action with this one."

I walk away from him and slide into my car giving Tanya another smile. "Sorry about that he's an old friend."

"Why did he call you Edward?" she asks as I start to drive.

"Nickname," I quickly answer.

She just looks at me like she knows I am lying.

"You see, my grandfather is also named Anthony so some of the family on that side calls me Edward so as not to confuse who they are talking to. Anyway, that is how my buddy met me. He needs some help so I am sorry but I need to cut our date short."

She nods and I ask for her address.

"How about we meet up tomorrow, we can pick up where we left off tonight?"

I shake my head at her. "Sorry, Tanya, I am going to be busy for the next few months, but I'll call you."

Tanya seems to just smile. She knows I am shutting this down, before it can go anywhere but she seems to be taking it well.

"See you around, Anthony," she says getting out of the car.

I give her a wave and wait for her to enter her apartment complex before driving away.

When I arrive at my parent's house, I walk in seeing that Jasper is already there. I also see Rose and her husband Emmett are here.

"Okay, so what's going on?" I ask and everyone looks at Jasper.

"It's my girlfriend; she needs some help and has asked Carlisle and me. We can't because we're trying to get the new steak house up and running, so we thought as you are at a loose end you could help out."

I rub my face already knowing where this is going. "Give it to me straight," I hiss with a snappy tone hating that they don't think I have anything to do myself.

"Alice, she works at Renney's Soul—"

I cut him off by laughing. "The pixie looking chick is your girl?"

Jasper just looks at me, disapprovingly as he carries on. "Her childhood friend owns Renney's Soul—"

I hold my hand up cutting him off again. "That place is a dump; there is no way to save it."

"Come on, can't you try, Isabella is coming back."

I shake my head at him. "I was there this afternoon; it's on its way out."

"Edward, I am not saying that you must do this but think it over for me." I groan when my mother Esme uses her sad face as she speaks.

"Okay, fine, I'll think over, but when someone doesn't care about their business, it shows."

"She does care!" Jasper says and I look at him. "I'm sure of it; Alice wouldn't have asked if she didn't."

I motion for him to leave the room with me, and we walk a little out of the room.

I frown a little as I look at him. "Does Alice know you're connected to the Swan's?"

He shakes his head. "Didn't see the point in saying anything, but please, Edward, not just for Alice but for Isabella, too, even if she doesn't want me as a part of her life, she's my sister."

"Fine, I'll start on Monday at nine a.m., but you had better tell Alice that Isabella better be willing to work her ass off."

Jasper smiles broadly at me. "I will," he swallows. "I am making her dinner at my home tomorrow night; why don't you join us, and meet Alice?"

I groan. "Jasper, I met her today," I say with a toothy smile.

"Not as a person who works at a place you hated, but as your friend's girlfriend."

I groan again and nod before I walk back into the living room.

"I'll help, but this is the last time," I tell them all making my mom smile.

"You're such a good son," she says making me roll my eyes at her.

"And dinner tomorrow?" Jasper adds in sitting back down.

"We'll be there," Rose says with a smug smile.

"Isn't Emmett working?" I ask knowing that he's normally at Esme's Steak House on busy nights.

"He's allowed a night off," Rose snaps at me.

"Yes, but tomorrow is Friday."

"He can have the day off. Keith is doing well, and has to take the reins; in a few months anyway when Emmett and Rose are off on vacation," my father, Carlisle, tells me as if he is talking to someone who is too simple in the head to comprehend basic language.

I hold my hand up. "I was only asking."

"Now that's all over with, what is my youngest child planning on doing with his life now that he's come back home?" Esme asks me with a warm smile.

"Well, I'm looking to open my own restaurant, but I am doing it under Anthony Masen."

"Why?" Carlisle asks sounding upset but continues. "You know that the restaurant will do better right off the bat if they know that you are my son."

I swallow and nod at him. "Yes, but I want it to go well, because my menu is great, and I have one of the best looking restaurants. I want people to want my place because I am a fantastic chef, and my ability is what brings people to my place not my last name."

"People know that you are good, you've proven that by saving restaurants over the last five years," my father argues.

"But, if he has to feel and believe that he can do it without the family name, Dad, I for one understand. I get it all the time: Why are you a hostess and not in the kitchen cooking? Oh, my meal was not that great; could you go in the kitchen and show them how it's done. We love you, Dad, and are so proud and grateful for what we have, because of how great of a chef you are, but we need to prove that we can and will be who we are on our own," Rose says softly to my dad.

I watch as he sighs looking right at me. "I am here if you need me."

I snort a little.

"Edward, you have the ability to be better than me; maybe the change of name will show you just how great you are, and push you to be the chef that you can and should be."

I only give him a small nod.

I turn to my mom. "How is the hospital?" I ask.

"Busy, we have a few residents that I am working with."

My father may be a great chef, but my mother, she is my hero. She is a great doctor, surgeon in fact and has saved many lives, in her career. When I was younger, I would vacillate between wanting to be a doctor like her, or be a chef like my father. I volunteered at the hospital when I first went to college. I was only nineteen when one of the patients I visited with died. I was there when the time of death was called and I knew then and there medicine wasn't for me. After that I put all my focus on the love of my life, all things revolving around owning a restaurant.

I spend the next hour catching up with my family before I head back to the hotel that I have been staying at while my house is being remodeled.

A/N: So we met Edward. What are your thoughts? What do you think so far? Please be sure to read all the info above, as it gives important information about this story and our posting schedule.
On a side note we hope you are all safe and healthy. Thank you for reading.