A/N: Hey Y'all! This idea just popped into my head and I just NEEDED to write it down! Please forgive me ahead of time for my horrible writing, I only started yesterday (literally, I'm not even kidding) and am still not used to writing yet!(we all gotta start somewhere ya know!!)

Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist, or Ed would have killed me by now ;)

WARNING: Rated T for a reason. Gore and language is here, I understand that some people have a sore spot for this kind of thing, so if you do, you might not want to read some of the chapters in this story


Dammit! Ed thought Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Why now? When everyone needs me? WHY'D I HAVE TO GET IMPALED BY A FREAKING RUSTY METAL POLE!!!

My vision started to get blurry and I knew I was losing blood fast. Where'd that pole even come from? I know the place collapsed because of Kimbley, but why'd the pole have to impale me to stick to the ground!! I thought.

My thoughts were interrupted as I coughed up blood, instantly invisible against the growing pool around me.

Then I got an idea.

"I'll use my life force as a stone to close the wound!" I said to myself. The two chimeras were nowhere to be found. "I'll have to do it myself. It may take a few years of my life, but that's better than bleeding out!"

I clapped my hands and tapped the blood covered ground around me, and then a stone fist grabbed the bloodied iron pole and pulled it out of me.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, something I haven't done since automail surgery, but I somehow still managed to clap my hands and place them where the pole was seconds before. It was a success!! My organs where successfully repaired and I wasn't bleeding anymore.

But I still need medical attention, I've lost way too much blood. "HELP MEEE!!!" I yelled with the very last of the strength I had, and closed my eyes slowly, thinking someone, somewhere heard me.

They'll find me here in less than thirty minutes! I'll be OK if I am found in thirty minutes, maybe even forty five! I'll definitely live! Ed thought. With that comfort, he shut his eyes, not being able to keep them open anymore.

Little did he know, he would not be found for three hours after he shut his eyes. No one would ever see those golden orbs again.

A/N: Before anything else, I know this chapter is short(Like Edward Short). I am going to try to update at least one more time tonight/tomorrow morning. Please review and share your ideas, thoughts, and writing tips, because once again, I'm new to writing FanFiction and am VERY far from perfect! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!!!
