It had been five years since Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps had gotten married. In that time they had raised a child. Nick's parents handed the tailoring shop down to him as they got a nice small house in the country, within driving distance of Bunnyburrow. It turns out Johnathon and Stuart were quick to get along. With this Nick moved into his old parent's house with his new family, his wife Judy and their daughter Viola.

The sound of an alarm clock filled the room as Nick and Judy shot up, Judy stretched her arms as Nick looked at his wife smiling, telling her the one thing he did not miss from being on the force were the early hours. The grey doe got out of bed and told him that she was gonna take a shower before leaving for work as Nick smiled.

"Have a good day at work honey?" Nick said, turning back over to sleep. The sounds of Judy getting ready, Nick laid back in bed closing his eyes as he drifted back to sleep. I would be another three hours before he had to get up and Nick planned on using that time.

Eventually, Nick got up, checking his clock as he went about his morning routine Nick reached over for his watch, putting it on as he adjusted his suit and tie. Nick walked to the child bedroom which used to be as a kid, now plastered with stickers, gently creaking the door open.

"Training, don't fail me now," Nick said sneaking in the room to the lump in the sheets. Nick began tapping his fingers on the bundled lump

"Rise and Shine," Nick said tapping the child underneath as she grumbled, turning on her side as Nick continued the motion with his fingers as his paw was gently swatted at by a half-asleep child. Nick placed his hands on the covers, quickly pulling them off as the bunny underneath jumped up surprised.

"Wake Up" Nick called out as the 5-year-old Viola sprang out of the bed, wearing a pair of pajamas as he tossed the cover back on the bed as Viola was finally awake, as she finished yawning as Nick looked at her.

"Come on sweetie let's get you in the bath then I'll make some breakfast, Wildeberry pancakes with powdered sugar," Nick said as Viola had already rushed to the bathroom, throwing her Pajamas behind her, which the shirt landed on Nick's snout as he pulled it off.

"Wonder if I was like that as a kid," Nick thought Picking up Viola's pants as he proceeded to set them on her bed, heading to the bathroom. Nick turned the handle filling the bathtub up the water as he reached for a bottle of Bubble Bath.

"You know, this was the same stuff Grandpa bought for me when I was your age," Nick said squirting a dab in the water as it turned a shade of green filling with bubbles as Viola stepped into the warm water. Nick reached for a brush on a stick and helped Viola in scrubbing herself, suds coating the red-furred rabbit.

Nick remembered how Judy initially agreed to help bathe Viola but with her early hours she was able to find a loophole, being at work by the time Viola got up but Nick wasn't even mad as he continued scrubbing the girl's fur with the brush, pulling the lever to drain the sud filled water.

"Okay Sweetie, stand up," Nick said as she did so and Nick turned the shower on, rushing down as the suds slid off Viola's body as she held herself, complaining the shower water was always cold as Nick wrapped a towel around Viola.

"Go back to your room and get dressed, I'll get started on Breakfast," Nick said as Viola headed back to her room. Nick headed downstairs to the kitchen, flicking the lights on heading into the pantry, pulling out the stuff to get started on the pancakes.

Nick prepared the batter, placing an assortment of crushed berries in the bowl, stirring which spread the juices around through the batter. Nick used the rubber spoon to place a glob on the hot skillet, sprinkling a few berries into the soft cake as it cooked.

Nick continued this method as he eventually had two stacks, turning off the stove Nick placed the dish in the sink, sprinkling sugar on the piles as he waited for Viola, reaching to the counter, pouring a mug of coffee for himself. Eventually, Viola came down wearing a white dress and a purple bow on her left ear as she sat down.

"I did not know if you wanted Milk or Juice so I thought I'd wait," Nick said as Viola said she wanted a glass of juice as Nick nodded getting up and walking to the fridge, pulling it open and reaching for the jug of orange juice as her opened the cabinet to get a glass Violia perked up.

"Daddy, Can I have that chocolate bar in the cabinet?" Viola asked as Nick looked at the bar of chocolate pressed against the side of the cabinet.

"No Sweetie, That Chocolate bar belongs to Mommy, I can't give it to you, I'll buy you one after school okay," Nick said as Viola finished her pancakes, setting the dish in the sink as she drank the juice in her glass. Nick checked his watch.

"Okay, It's time to go," Nick said, instructing Viola to get her backpack as she did so. The two left the house, heading to Nick's car as Viola got in the back, Nick opening the door for her as she waddled in the car, Nick walking around and getting in.

"You buckled in?" Nick asked as Viola nodded, pointing to the seat belt around her lap which was tightened, Nick started the car as he proceeded to drive the young rabbit to school. The trip was uneventful as Nick looked at Viola, asking if she wanted him to turn on the radio to which she nodded.

Nick messed with the radio, eventually stopping at a station the two agreed on. Nick stopped at a red light Viola looked at Nick, resting her paws in her lap.

"Daddy, can we go to the park, after school" Viola asked as Nick checked his watch saying he could not make a promise but he would try to take her if they had enough time. Viola pulled out an old Gamekit that Nick gave her for a birthday last year, flicking the switch on as the sounds of 8-bit graphics filled the car.

"What are you playing?" Nick asked curiously as to what game she was playing, considering the sounds were different than any of the Gamekit cartridges he gave her as Viola chuckled.

"Space Shooters, one of my friends for school let me borrow it" Viola explained, her thumbs still on the old plastic handheld as Nick stopped at a small building.

"Pawside Preschool, this is where you get off sweetie, I'll see you after school, have fun and stay out of trouble," Nick said as Viola smiled, getting out of the car, waving to her father who drove off. Viola turned the game off, placing it in her pocket before heading inside the Preschool.

Viola entered her classroom which was still being set up as her teacher, a young Deer named Miss Lewis was writing on the marker board as she saw the small rabbit walking in, turning to her and smiling.

"Oh, good morning Viola, have a good week?" Miss Lewis asked as Viola smiled, saying she was glad it was Friday as Lewis smiled asking Viola to put her stuff in her cabinet as she nodded, walking to an array of cupboards with name tags and hooks as Viola placed her stuff in.

"Miss Lewis, Can I be excused to the potty real quick?" Viola asked as Miss Lewis asked as she checked the clock, reminding her that class has not started yet as she nodded.

"I Like to go before the other kids come in, I can't go if someone else is in there. Can I still have a pass, in case class starts?" Viola asked as Lewis handed her a plastic ruler that read 'Potty Pass' which made it clear that it was as a pass to use the restroom. Miss Lewis smiled, asking her to try to back before she got started, but there was no rush.

Viola left for the bathroom, entering the room as she preferred to go before class. Viola walked down the small hall coming to the bathrooms. Viola entered and locked the door to the stall she was in. She found the trick of going before the other kids came in so she could have the bathroom to herself as she left out a sigh of relief, enjoying the quiet atmosphere as she did her business. After washing her hands she returned to the classroom where the other kids were coming in. Viola took her seat at a child's desk with her name written on a card taped to the corner.