Authors Note:

Like many fans of any story, I always imagine being a part of the Star Wars and Harry Potter universes and this is my way of making myself a part of both of them in the same story. So the main character in this is pretty much based off me, but changed in a way to fit the story. And he is probably cooler.

For those of you who understand what I mean by this, this story will be following the Legends timeline of the Star Wars universe, however it takes a lot of inspiration from Cannon later in the story. Also you may find that in some places, I have slightly changed some of the plot lines of the two stories to fit my own ideas and characters.

For the people who know me in real life, this is a way of showing you what is usually going on in my head most of the time which is quite difficult to do.

Anyway, those were just a few points I wanted to talk about before you read this, so with all that in mind, enjoy!

Chapter One: Ok let's get the introduction over and done with

For as long as they can remember, or at least from a suitable age, Jedi younglings and brothers Magnus and Cadell Lloyd have done nothing but study combat. Besides the other stuff they study during their training of course. Mainly politics and using the force. But during their free time, well yeah, I just said it.

A lot of this has included studying the history of galactic warfare, dating all the way back to 200,000 BBY. They would spend hours in the Jedi Archives (basically the temple library, a very big one), studying the key tactics and strategies of all different factions and leaders through all those years in all the battles they took part in. Ok maybe not all of them, just the key ones, the ones that made a difference in whatever conflict it was. They would look at what went well, what went badly, what could have happened in alternative outcomes, and also think about how they would have done it had they been in charge. By doing all this, although they haven't realised this yet, they have become very good strategists.

Besides looking at history, they have been training heavily in one of the key practices of a Jedi; Lightsaber combat. It's kind of a bonus that this is done in class anyway because, well, it's just really fun.

The brothers live in the Jedi temple on Coruscant which is the headquarters of the Jedi Order (mainly because Coruscant is the capital of the Galactic Republic - if anyone refers to the Jedi temple, this is usually the one they mean). Despite what you might think, growing up as a Jedi is very limiting. As a youngling you are mainly restricted to whichever temple you grow up in.

This means training is limited to the spaces provided within the temple. That is either the classrooms where you are taught, or the holographic training area which simulates realistic battle scenarios using the projectors. This gives a better feel of what you may be faced with and it simulates other enemies.

There are a few different things Magnus and Cadell practice. As they can practice lightsaber combat with their fellow younglings, the two brothers use the holographic training room mainly for practicing fighting multiple enemies who usually have blasters. This is to prepare for situations in which the peacekeeping part doesn't go to plan and people start drawing weapons. Jedi are meant to avoid this the best they can. It's also good for dealing with pirates and smugglers who prefer to attack rather than co-operate.

When in the normal classrooms Magnus and Cadell use the Marksman-H Training remote, which is a kind of floating ball that shoots blaster bolts. A Jedi must use their lightsaber to either block these bolts by putting their lightsaber in the way, or if you are very skilled, you can swing your lightsaber into it in a way that causes it to rebound in another direction, and you have to try to hit a target. You can even try to hit the remote itself. This helps improve a Jedi's force sense abilities to predict incoming blaster fire, even more so when you use a blinding helmet, which covers your eyes. For safety reasons the training remote is usually kept on sting.

However, the main thing Magnus and Cadell focus on is lightsaber duelling, which is, for the majority of younglings, the most fun thing you get to do. Being able to block and attack with such precision, skill and speed is extremely satisfying and it does help when facing any enemies, even ones without lightsabers (which is most of the time).

Now, there is one problem with a Jedi focusing so much time on all of this, especially the battle strategy part; Jedi aren't warriors, or military leaders, and while it is important to train in lightsaber combat, the Jedi code states that it is only to be used for peacekeeping and defence, not war. And sadly both Magnus and Cadell, and Jedi Master Mavra Zane who is their instructor have come to realise that all of this has led the two brothers to actually wanting the chance to put all of this to use, including their knowledge in battle strategy. As in, if they had the chance to lead an army into battle, they would.

What's worse is that there is a growing threat in the galaxy that is looking more and more likely to give them that chance; the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS) or their more commonly used name, the Separatist Alliance, led by Count Dooku – a former Jedi Master. This movement is made up of thousands of star systems that wish to leave the Republic because they have become fed up with its corruption, political turmoil and bankruptcy which has led to increased taxation. They have been gaining more and more popularity over the last few years, and they have been pushing for independence, which the Republic has denied, leading to increasing tension between the two factions and a growing possibility of war.

Because of this the Republic senate has been planning a vote for a Military Creation Act. Magnus and Cadell both know that should this act be successful, they would both want to lead whatever army is created from it.

That is why, one evening as they are once again, practicing lightsaber duelling, they are approached by none other than Grand Master Yoda, and their current teacher Mavra Zane, to discuss what could be one of the most important changes in both their lives.

Authors Note:

Thanks so much for getting to the end of this chapter. I know it took a while, I just wanted to get some things out the way before I started.

Any reviews are welcome, either positive or negative (or both if you want).

Also I've uploaded the first four chapters all in one go to give you something to start off with. After that I'll be releasing them one at a time.

Thanks again for reading and I'll hopefully see you in the next chapter.